289 research outputs found

    Assessement on the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of the antisense oligodeoxynucleotide To Icam-L In Acute renal failure.

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    Ischaemia-reperfusion injury refers to injury that occurs in cells or tissues when the particular tissue region/organ is subjected to a prolonged period of oxygen deprivation (ischaemia), followed by immediate reoxygenation (reperfusion). It has been well documented that prolonged ischaemia is capable of causing cell swelling, vasoconstriction and rapid tissue necrosis (Thadani et.al., 1996)

    Contribution of India to Arabic Literature.

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    Management of hyperkalemia in the acutely ill patient.

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    PURPOSE:To review the mechanisms of action, expected efficacy and side effects of strategies to control hyperkalemia in acutely ill patients. METHODS:We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for relevant papers published in English between Jan 1, 1938, and July 1, 2018, in accordance with the PRISMA Statement using the following terms: "hyperkalemia," "intensive care," "acute kidney injury," "acute kidney failure," "hyperkalemia treatment," "renal replacement therapy," "dialysis," "sodium bicarbonate," "emergency," "acute." Reports from within the past 10 years were selected preferentially, together with highly relevant older publications. RESULTS:Hyperkalemia is a potentially life-threatening electrolyte abnormality and may cause cardiac electrophysiological disturbances in the acutely ill patient. Frequently used therapies for hyperkalemia may, however, also be associated with morbidity. Therapeutics may include the simultaneous administration of insulin and glucose (associated with frequent dysglycemic complications), β-2 agonists (associated with potential cardiac ischemia and arrhythmias), hypertonic sodium bicarbonate infusion in the acidotic patient (representing a large hypertonic sodium load) and renal replacement therapy (effective but invasive). Potassium-lowering drugs can cause rapid decrease in serum potassium level leading to cardiac hyperexcitability and rhythm disorders. CONCLUSIONS:Treatment of hyperkalemia should not only focus on the ability of specific therapies to lower serum potassium level but also on their potential side effects. Tailoring treatment to the patient condition and situation may limit the risks

    Analisa Konsep Desain Interior Y.B. Mangunwijaya pada Wisma Kuwera

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini, yaitu (1) Bagaimana desain interior pada Wisma Kuwera? (2) Bagaimana konsep yang digunakan oleh Y.B. Mangunwijaya dalam mendesain Wisma Kuwera? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dari penelitian mencakup semua ruang yang ada dalam Wisma Kuwera. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan literature. Teknis analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa dengan teori, teori yang digunakan adalah teori analisa desain interior dari John. F. Pile dan “Pendekatan Konseptual dalam Proses Perancangan Interior” yang ditulis oleh Adi Santoso. Dari analisis ini dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal: (1) Bentuk, Furniture, sirkulasi, pencahayaan dan sistem akustik didasarkan pada aspek fungsional baik sebagai ruang sosial, rumah maupun kantor. Material didominasi oleh material lokal dengan ketahanan, struktur, pertimbangan kaselamtan yang baik, ditambah dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Ekspresi Visual yang terbentuk menggambarkan suasana dan karatek tropis, lokal dengan sentuhan modern. (2) Konsep yang digunakan Y.B. Mangunwijaya pada desain interior Wisma Kuwera adalah rumah tropis, yang mengadopsi rumah panggung dan unsur kelokan, konsep rumah tumbuh, dan konsep fungsional, ekspresif dan Ekperimental

    Pengembangan melea bionik media leaflet bioentrepreneurship hidroponik) guna memotivasi generasi milenial dalam menghadapi keterbatasan lahan di Kota Semarang

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    Hidroponik berbasis Bioentrepreneursip merupakan salah satu upaya memanfaatkan limbah sampah menjadi nilai guna yang tinggi salah satunya pemanfaatan limbah plastik sebagai media tanam hidroponik. Media leaflet merupakan salah satu media yang berbentuk selembaran kertas yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan ide atau gagasan secara sederhana dan ringkas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan desain Media Leafleat Bioenterpreunership Hidroponik sebagai pendukung keterampilan dan pemberdayaan generasi Milenial di Kota Semarang.Pengembangan “MeLea Bionik” menggunakan metode Research and Development yang menggunakan lima alur ADDIE yaitu : Analysis, Desaign, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Semarang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 106 0rang dengan rentang usia 20-40 tahun secara random sampling. Hasil keseluruhan analisis data uji validitas yang dilakukan kepada Dosen Ahli memperoleh persentase sebanyak 80%, termasuk kategori layak Dosen Ahli Materi mendapatkan persentase sebanyak 85% termasuk kategori layak dan uji Kelayakan berdasarkan responden 86% termasuk kategori layak

    Peran Santri Dalam Perputaran Perekonomian Pondok Pesantren Raden Rahmad Sunan Ampel Jember

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    As the main community within the scope of Islamic boarding schools. the role of the santri, who daily seek religious knowledge, is still needed for the sustainability of the institutional economy to meet future needs. By forming an entrepreneurship program that facilitates students, they will learn directly in the world of business by selling food products. it is also wrong to support the needs of the institution in the future. the purpose of conducting this research is to find out what efforts are made on the role of santri in the economic cycle of Islamic boarding schools. This study uses qualitative research methods with an ethnographic approach. and the theoretical basis used as an analytical knife is the structural-functional theory put forward by Talcot Parson. data collection using interviews, observation and documentatio

    Porcupine burrow distribution in relation to soil types in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Although porcupines are reported to be relatively widespread in forests and cultivated areas in Malaysia, there is no published information on their roost site preferences. The objective of this study was to determine if porcupines (Hystrix brachyuraand Hystrix crassispinis) select particular soil types in which to construct burrows in Sarawak. Seven porcupine burrow locations in the Bintulu-Miri area of Sarawak with a total of 30 burrow holes were located. The burrow locations were marked using the Global Positioning System and overlaid with maps of the soil series in Sarawak to determine the relationship between the burrow location, soil type and soil series. The porcupines were found to inhabit areas where the soils were from the Merit/Bekenu soil series. Merit soil series show an increased clay content with moderate to well drained soil, while the Bekenu soil series is defined as well drained with good permeability. The results suggest that the porcupines prefer soils that are relatively easy to excavate but at the same time provide burrow stability. This suggests that the soil profile of the landscape can be used to predict the probability of the presence of porcupines in the area

    Depauperate avifauna in tropical peat swamp forests following logging and conversion to oil palm agriculture: evidence from mist-netting data

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    Increased demand for oil palms has led to a massive expansion of logging and conversion of peat swamp forests in Southeast Asia. Although palm oil is a primary driver of economic growth, the unsustainable expansion of the oil palm industry has led to the widespread degradation of peat swamp forests. Birds have been studied to determine their responses to landscape changes in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF). We captured 1045 birds from 72 species of the NSPSF and 168 individual birds from 13 species in oil palm plantations using mist-netting. Our results show that peat swamp forest supports more bird species than the oil palm areas. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling revealed that both vegetation types had an influence on bird species composition. SIMPER analysis also showed that the percentage of the assemblage similarity within the oil palm areas was 51.30 %, while it was 31.32 % in the peat swamp. We found that the populations of frugivores, insectivores, and omnivores were significantly higher in the peat swamp forest, whereas there was no significant difference in the granivores between the two sites. To conserve peat swamp forests, stakeholders should implement habitat restoration, maintain landscape connectivity, and retain a forest area network