122 research outputs found

    Az öntözővizek minősége a hazai vízkultúrás zöldségtermesztésben

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    A vízkémiai adottságok feltérképezését 323 db dél-alföldi öntözővíz minta elemzése alapozta meg. A nyitott termesztési rendszerek ökológiai értékelése 9 zöldséghajtató üzem tápanyag- és termesztési adatainak felhasználásával történt. A túlfolyó oldatok összetételbeli változásán keresztül a másodlagos felhasználás lehetőségeit kerestük. A dél-alföldi vízforrások vízkultúrás alkalmasságát más-más körülmény határozza meg. Felszíni vizeknél a folyóvízzel fennálló kapcsolat, talajvizeknél a felszíni eredetű szennyezések, rétegvizeknél a hidrogeológiai viszonyok a döntőek. A fő vízkultúrás zöldségnövényekre a dél-alföldi rétegvizekből az eltervezett arányok szerint a tápoldat összeállítható, de a magasabb nátrium- és hidrokarbonát-tartalom következtében a tápoldatok sótartalma megemelkedik. A rétegvizek tápoldatos felhasználásában gondot okoz a mangán- és a vastartalom is. A vizsgált vizek közel ¾ részénél közepes eltömődési kockázattal kell számolni a víz szétosztásánál. Hosszabb távon a rétegvizek korlátozódó felhasználása miatt leginkább a talajvizek jönnek szóba, ezek azonban csak víztisztítással tehetők alkalmassá. Az üzemi kísérletekben a makro- és mezoelemekre az átlagos hasznosulás 30-80 %. Az öntözés befolyásolja a túlfolyás térfogatát és annak sótartalmát, ezért lényegesen kihat a tápanyagok hasznosulási arányára. A vizsgált tápelemek hasznosulási arányai összefüggésbe hozhatók a túlfolyás koncentráció változásával. Azok a tápionok, melyeknek a koncentrációja a túlfolyásban magasabb, alacsonyabb hasznosulási arányt adnak. A tápanyagok hasznosulásában a technológiai elemek szerepe nagyobb, mint a vízkémiai adottságoké. Meghatározásra került egy nyitott rendszerekre ajánlott vízösszetétel, mely még nem korlátozza a jobb hasznosulást. Csak az alföldi beszivárgási területek rétegvizei elégítik ki ezeket a vízkémiai feltételeket. A víztisztító beiktatása nyitott rendszereknél elősegíti a tápanyagok jobb hasznosulását, egyúttal megteremti a zárt rendszerű termesztés vízkémiai feltételeit is. A technológiai részfolyamatokat aszerint kell vizsgálni, hogy nyitott vagy zárt rendszerű a termesztés. Ennek figyelembe vételével fogalmaztam meg javaslataimat és a továbblépés lehetőségeit a közeli jövőre


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    Somatic cell reprogramming has generated enormous interest after the first report by Yamanaka and his coworkers in 2006 on the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from mouse fibroblasts. Here we report the generation of stable iPSCs from mouse fibroblasts by recombinant protein transduction (Klf4, Oct4, Sox2 and c-Myc), a procedure designed to circumvent the risks caused by integration of exogenous sequences in the target cell genome associated with gene delivery systems. The recombinant proteins were fused in frame to the GST tag for affinity purification and to the TAT-NLS polypeptide to facilitate membrane penetration and nuclear localization. We performed the reprogramming procedure on embryonic fibroblasts from inbred (C57BL6) and outbred (ICR) mouse strains. The cells were treated with purified proteins four times, at 48-hour intervals, and cultured on mitomycin C treated MEF (mouse embryonic fibroblast) cells in complete embryonic stem cell medium until colonies formed. The iPSCs generated from the outbred fibroblasts exhibited similar morphology and growth properties to embryonic stem (ESC) cells and were sustained in an undifferentiated state for more than 20 passages. The cells were checked for pluripotency-related markers (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cMyc, Nanog) by immunocytochemistry and by RT-PCR. The protein iPSCs (piPSCs) formed EBs and subsequently differentiated towards all three germ layer lineages. Importantly the piPSCs could incorporate into the blastocyst and led to variable degrees of chimerism in newborn mice. These data show that recombinant purified cell-penetrating proteins are capable of reprogramming mouse embryonic fibroblasts to iPSCs. We also demonstrated that the cells of the generated cell line satisfied all the requirements of bona fide mouse ESC cells: form round colonies with defined boundaries; have a tendency to attach together with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio; express key pluripotency markers; and are capable of in vitro differentiation into ecto-, endo-, and mesoderm, and in vivo chimera formation

    Myocardial, Valvular, and Vascular Structural and Functional Properties in Acromegaly

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    Acromegaly is an uncommon systematic endocrine disease caused by the hypersecretion of human growth hormone and, consequently, of insulin-like growth factor-1 during adulthood. Acromegaly could cause a typical cardiomyopathy characterized by left ventricular hypertrophy associated with diastolic dysfunction, which later could progress to systolic dysfunction. Moreover, some valvular and vascular abnormalities are also associated with acromegaly. This present review aims to summarize available information regarding acromegaly-associated abnormalities in myocardial, valvular, and vascular structural and functional properties and their relationship to disease activity and treatment options

    Modelling climate effects on Hungarian winter wheat and maize yields

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    Hungarian cereal production is situated in the zone of Europe which is most vulnerable to the effects of changes in climatic conditions. The objectives of this paper are to present the calibration and validation of the 4M crop simulation model using farm-level observed representative values, and to estimate the potential yields of winter wheat and maize production for the next three decades. Analysing the differences between the estimated and observed yields, we identified as key influencing factors the heterogeneity of technologies and of land quality. A trend of slightly decreasing yields is projected for the next three decades for both cereals. The precise impact of environmental change on crop yields will depend on which climate scenario occurs

    Assessing the microbial communities inhabiting drinking water networks and nitrifying enrichments with special respect on nitrifying microorganisms

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    This study provides a comprehensive microbiological survey of three drinking water networks applying different water treatment processes. Variability of microbial communities was assessed by cultivation-based [nitrifying, denitrifying most probable number (MPN) heterotrophic plate count] and sequence-aided terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. The effect of microbial community composition on nitrifying MPN values was revealed. The non-treated well water samples showed remarkable differences to their corresponding distribution systems regarding low plate count, nitrifying MPN, and the composition of microbial communities, which increased and changed, respectively, in distribution systems. Environmental factors, such as pH, total inorganic nitrogen content (ammonium and nitrite concentration), and chlorine dioxide treatment had effect on microbial community compositions. The revealed heterogeneous nitrifying population achieved remarkable nitrification, which occurred at low ammonium concentration (14–51 μM) and slightly alkaline pH 7.7–7.9 in chlorine dioxide disinfected water networks. No change was observed in nitrification-generated nitrate concentration, although nitrate-reducing (and denitrifying) bacteria were present with low MPN and characterized by sequence-aided T-RFLP. The community structures of water samples partially changed in nitrifying enrichments and had influence on the generated nitrifying, especially nitrite-oxidizing MPN regarding the facilitated growth of nitrate-reducing bacteria and even methanogenic archaea beside ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria

    Establishment of a rabbit induced pluripotent stem cell (RbiPSC) line using lentiviral delivery of human pluripotency factors

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    Rabbit Embryonic Fibroblast (RbEF) cells (from Hycole hybrid rabbit foetus) were reprogrammed by lentiviral delivery of a self-silencing hOKSM polycistronic vector. The pluripotency of the newly generated RbiPSC was verified by the expression of pluripotency-associated markers and by in vitro spontaneous differentiation towards the 3 germ layers. Furthermore, the spontaneous differentiation potential of the iPSC was also tested in vivo by teratoma assay. The iPSC line showed normal karyotype. The advantages of using RbiPSC are the easy access to primary material and the possibility to study the efficacy and safety of the iPSC-based therapies on a non-rodent animal model