11 research outputs found

    Arnošt Kolman’s Critique of Mathematical Fetishism

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    Arnošt Kolman (1892–1979) was a Czech mathematician, philosopher and Communist official. In this paper, we would like to look at Kolman’s arguments against logical positivism which revolve around the notion of the fetishization of mathematics. Kolman derives his notion of fetishism from Marx’s conception of commodity fetishism. Kolman is aiming to show the fact that an entity (system, structure, logical construction) acquires besides its real existence another formal existence. Fetishism means the fantastic detachment of the physical characteristics of real things or phenomena from these things. We identify Kolman’s two main arguments against logical positivism. In the first argument, Kolman applied Lenin’s arguments against Mach’s empiricism-criticism onto Russell’s neutral monism, i.e. mathematical fetishism is internally related to political conservativism. Kolman’s second main argument is that logical and mathematical fetishes are epistemologically deprived of any historical and dynamic dimension. In the final parts of our paper we place Kolman’s thinking into the context of his time, and furthermore we identify some tenets of mathematical fetishism appearing in Alain Badiou’s mathematical ontology today

    The issue of implementation of Continuous descent approach and impact on airspace capacity

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na postup přiblížení k letišti technikou continuous descent approach a vliv postupu na kapacitu vzdušného prostoru. První část práce je věnována teoretickému popisu postupu a zhodnocení současné situace zavádění continuous descent approach na evropských letištích. Dopad na kapacitu vzdušného prostoru je demonstrován podrobnou analýzou aplikace postupu v prostředí letiště Praha – Ruzyně. Cílem analýzy je definování kritických oblastí, které musí být před trvalým zavedením postupu vyřešeny. V dalších kapitolách jsou představena možná řešení konfliktních míst v nynějších provozních podmínkách a po zavedení konceptu 4D trajektorie. Poslední část je zaměřena na aplikaci continuous descent approach na letišti Praha – Ruzyně po vybudování paralelní vzletové a přistávací dráhy.This master’s thesis is focused on the continuous descent approach procedure and its impact on the airspace capacity. The first part is devoted to the theoretical description of the procedure and the assessment of the current situation in implementation of continuous descent approach at the European airports. The impact on the airspace capacity is demonstrated by a detailed analysis of the procedure application at Praha – Ruzyně airport. The aim of the analysis is to define critical areas that have to be solved before permanent application of the procedure. In the following chapters there are presented possible solutions of conflict spots in the current operational environment and in the future after implementation of 4D trajectory concept as well. The last part is focused on the application of continuous descent approach at Praha – Ruzyně airport after the construction of a parallel runway.

    On a small mother tongue as a barrier to intercultural policies: the czech language

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    The essay will discuss the influence of a small language on intercultural policies in the Czech Republic. The Czech language as the only official language in the Czech Republic can definitely be ranked among small European languages since it numbers only over 11 million native speakers. There is no doubt that the fact must affect the way of thinking of the majority of Czech society. From any intercultural policy�s point of view, the impact on the society might be considered as adverse. It will be argued that the Czech society might face an uphill struggle to become international more significantly than other societies that are historically connected with different cultures across the world. The language, needless to say, plays a key role here. Despite the fact, the Czech society has after all an advantage of all similarly small language groups, i.e. nearly everyone is motivated to become multilingual

    The General Novitiate Question within the Dominican Province of Bohemia in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century. A Case Study on a Matter in the Background of the Thirty Years’ War

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    The account deals with the novitiate(s) of the Dominican province of Bohemia in the fi rst half of the 17th century. It was the time when no novitiate existed and when the highest superiors at Rome, as well as the King of Bohemia were thinking of possibilities where and how to establish a novitiate or novitiates within the Bohemian province

    History of the Bohemian Dominican Province in the Early New Age 1435-1790

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    Cílem předkládané studie by ostatně měly být dějiny dominikánské provincie, tedy nikoli dějiny jejích jednotlivých konventů. Taková práce by si vyžádala celý tým odborníků, kteří by museli projít prakticky celou archivní soustavu České republiky, Slezska, Saska, Rakouska a Bavorska, stejně jako vatikánské archivy. Z tohoto důvodu nepodávám dějiny nesčíslných majetkoprávních sporů, které jednotlivé konventy po celé mnou sledované období vedly s městy, světskými i církevními osobami a které se leckdy vlekly celá desetiletí, a nezřídka končívaly bez vítěze. Ani stavební úpravy dominikánských konventů nestojí v popředí mého zájmu. Kdo by měl o tento předmět zájem, může se dostatečně poučit v dnes již klasických příručkách.21 Stranou jsem také musel nechat umění, ať už výtvarné nebo hudební a s ním související liturgii. Z nepřímých zpráv se sice dovídáme i o některých osobnostech české provincie, které byly činné na tom či onom poli umění, ale žádných podrobnějších zpráv jsem nenalezl. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This paper attempts to review the history of the Bohemian Dominican Province, specifically the history and impact of the Dominican Order on the life in the Lands of the Czech Crown at this time. There is a period of decline in prestige of the Order in the 15th and 16"' centuries but it is followed by a period of rebirth of its intellectual potency in the 17th century. The convents of the Dominican Order, as well as many of other Orders, were dissolved by the emperor Joseph II in the 1780s. I also pay close attention to the relationship between the Dominican Order and the Jesuits during the 17th and 18th centuries. The importance of this study for more detailed future research of the history of the Dominican Order is indisputable. I know of no other work dealing with this problem. I use mainly primary sources. The characteristic type of documents is Order chronicles, official documents and some historical works written by the members of the Order in the 17th and 18th century. Many of the documents are filed in the National Archive of the Czech State (Is1 department) and in the General Archive of the Dominican Order in Rome (Italy). Many of them have been unknown up to this time. In conclusion of this introduction I would like sum up that this paper has an ambition to reopen a new research and study of the...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    History of the Bohemian Dominican Province in the Early New Age 1435-1790

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    This paper attempts to review the history of the Bohemian Dominican Province, specifically the history and impact of the Dominican Order on the life in the Lands of the Czech Crown at this time. There is a period of decline in prestige of the Order in the 15th and 16"' centuries but it is followed by a period of rebirth of its intellectual potency in the 17th century. The convents of the Dominican Order, as well as many of other Orders, were dissolved by the emperor Joseph II in the 1780s. I also pay close attention to the relationship between the Dominican Order and the Jesuits during the 17th and 18th centuries. The importance of this study for more detailed future research of the history of the Dominican Order is indisputable. I know of no other work dealing with this problem. I use mainly primary sources. The characteristic type of documents is Order chronicles, official documents and some historical works written by the members of the Order in the 17th and 18th century. Many of the documents are filed in the National Archive of the Czech State (Is1 department) and in the General Archive of the Dominican Order in Rome (Italy). Many of them have been unknown up to this time. In conclusion of this introduction I would like sum up that this paper has an ambition to reopen a new research and study of the..

    Pope Alexander VII (1655–1667) and Diocese in Hradec Králové

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    This work deals with Pope Alexander VII, whose original name was Fabio Chigi (pontificate 1655–1667) and his relation to the Bohemian Lands, especially his role in the establishment of the diocese in Hradec Králové in 1664. In this way, it is an attempt to point out a different view of Czech affairs, i.e. Rome's view. The work draws on archive documents located in the National Archive in Prague, in the State's Regional Archive in Zámrsk, the Secret Archive of the Vatican as well as any editions and literature available. Pope Alexander VII was an experienced diplomat with ties both to Germany and Bohemia, which also had an impact upon the matters concerning the establishment of the Diocese in Hradec Králové. As an Apostolic Nuncio in Cologne and a special papal emissary in Münster he participated in the negotiations of the Peace of Westphalia (1648) and other related treaties and had already established contacts in the Bohemian Lands. The circles of his friends included mainly Bernard Ignaz of Martinitz and Juan Caramuel of Lobkowitz; however, he also kept in touch with Cardinal Harrach, the Archbishop of Prague, or the Capuchin Valerian Magni. All of these figures as well as some others influenced Chigi and kept him informed about the political situation in Bohemia. These messages, sent not only through official channels, informed the Pope about the religious and political problems related to the establishment of new dioceses in Bohemia

    History of the Bohemian Dominican Province in the Early New Age 1435-1790

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    This paper attempts to review the history of the Bohemian Dominican Province, specifically the history and impact of the Dominican Order on the life in the Lands of the Czech Crown at this time. There is a period of decline in prestige of the Order in the 15th and 16"' centuries but it is followed by a period of rebirth of its intellectual potency in the 17th century. The convents of the Dominican Order, as well as many of other Orders, were dissolved by the emperor Joseph II in the 1780s. I also pay close attention to the relationship between the Dominican Order and the Jesuits during the 17th and 18th centuries. The importance of this study for more detailed future research of the history of the Dominican Order is indisputable. I know of no other work dealing with this problem. I use mainly primary sources. The characteristic type of documents is Order chronicles, official documents and some historical works written by the members of the Order in the 17th and 18th century. Many of the documents are filed in the National Archive of the Czech State (Is1 department) and in the General Archive of the Dominican Order in Rome (Italy). Many of them have been unknown up to this time. In conclusion of this introduction I would like sum up that this paper has an ambition to reopen a new research and study of the..

    Utilization of cone-beam CT for offline evaluation of target volume coverage during prostate image-guided radiotherapy based on bony anatomy alignment

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    AimTo assess target volume coverage during prostate image-guided radiotherapy based on bony anatomy alignment and to assess possibility of safety margin reduction.BackgroundImplementation of IGRT should influence safety margins. Utilization of cone-beam CT provides current 3D anatomic information directly in irradiation position. Such information enables reconstruction of the actual dose distribution.Materials and methodsSeventeen prostate patients were treated with daily bony anatomy image-guidance. Cone-beam CT (CBCT) scans were acquired once a week immediately after bony anatomy alignment. After the prostate, seminal vesicles, rectum and bladder were contoured, the delivered dose distribution was reconstructed. Target dose coverage was evaluated by the proportion of the CTV encompassed by the 95% isodose. Original plans employed a 1[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]cm safety margin. Alternative plans assuming a smaller 7[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm margin between CTV and PTV were evaluated in the same way. Rectal and bladder volumes were compared with the initial ones. Rectal and bladder volumes irradiated with doses higher than 75[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy, 70[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy, 60[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy, 50[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy and 40[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]Gy were analyzed.ResultsIn 12% of reconstructed plans the prostate coverage was not sufficient. The prostate underdosage was observed in 5 patients. Coverage of seminal vesicles was not satisfactory in 3% of plans. Most of the target underdosage corresponded to excessive rectal or bladder filling. Evaluation of alternative plans assuming a smaller 7[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm margin revealed 22% and 11% of plans where prostate and seminal vesicles coverage, respectively, was compromised. These were distributed over 8 and 7 patients, respectively.ConclusionSufficient dose coverage of target volumes was not achieved for all patients. Reducing of safety margin is not acceptable. Initial rectal and bladder volumes cannot be considered representative for subsequent treatment