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    1927 research outputs found

    Karel ČERNÝ – Petr SVOBODNÝ (eds.), Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české: Tematická řada-Lékařství, Praha, Paseka 2023, 694 s. ISBN 978-80-7637-331-0.

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    Úvod: Nomogram SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation system) je jedním z nejpoužívanějších skórovacích systémů pro českou populaci. Tento systém identifikuje možný vznik fatální kardiovaskulární příhody v následujících 10 letech či ve věku 60 let, tak je možné odhalit i asymptomatické mladé jedince v nízkém kardiovaskulárním riziku, ovšem s nezdravým životním stylem, který může v budoucnu zapříčinit vznik vysokého kardiovaskulárního rizika. Cíl: Cílem studie bylo stanovit procentuální kardiovaskulární riziko u pacientů hospitalizovaných na interním oddělení (n = 64, 44 % žen; 56 % mužů), kteří byli hospitalizováni od 1. 4. – 1. 11. 2023. Metodika: Vstupní kritéria pro zařazení do studie: hospitalizace od 1. 4. – 1. 11. 2023; podepsání písemného informovaného souhlasu; neprodělané kardiovaskulární onemocnění; nediagnostikovaný diabetes mellitus I. a II. typu či nediagnostikované renální selhání. Data byla získána osobním rozhovorem (věk, abúzus kouření), poté byl změřen systolický krevní tlak. Následně byla odebrána venózní krev, ze které se stanovila hladina celkového cholesterolu (mmol/l). Všechny tyto údaje byly následně porovnány s Nomogramem SCORE pro vysoce rizikové země. Výsledky: Z výsledků vyplývá, že více jak 57 % respondentů bylo bez rizika vzniku fatální kardiovaskulární příhody, 18,8 % ve středním riziku a ve vysokém riziku 23,5 %. Závěr: Průměrné riziko vzniku kardiovaskulární příhody v následujících 10 letech či ve věku 60 let se u většiny pacientů pohybovalo v nízkém intervalu (0-2 %), ovšem pro stanovení přesných rizikových faktorů je nutné pokračovat ve výzkumu a rozšířit vzorek pacientů.Introduction: The SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation system) is one of the most widely used scoring systems for the Czech population. This system identifies possible fatal cardiovascular events in the next 10 years or at the age of 60 years, therefore it is possible to detect asymptomatic young individuals at low cardiovascular risk but with an unhealthy lifestyle, which may shift to high cardiovascular risk. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of cardiovascular risk in patients admitted to an internal medicine ward (n = 64, 44% female; 56% male) from April 1 - November 1, 2023. Methods: Inclusion criteria for inclusion in the study: hospitalization from April 1 - November 1, 2023; signed written informed consent; untreated cardiovascular disease; undiagnosed type I and II diabetes mellitus or undiagnosed renal failure. Data were obtained by personal interview (age, smoking abstinence), after which systolic blood pressure was measured. Subsequently, venous blood was drawn and total cholesterol (mmol/l) was determined. All these data were then compared with the SCORE nomogram for high-risk countries. Results: The results showed that more than 57 % of the respondents were at no risk of fatal cardiovascular events, 18,8 % were at intermediate risk and 23,5 % were at high risk. Conclusion: The average risk of developing a cardiovascular event in the next 10 years or at the age of 60 years was in the low range (0-2 %) for most patients, but further research and a larger sample of patients are needed to determine the exact risk factor


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    Úvod: Článek pojednává o tříměsíční aplikaci nízko i vysokovýkonného laseru za účelem léčby tinnnitu, jakožto civilizační choroby. Jedná se o pilotní studii, zaměřenou na zjištění efektivity možné léčby tinnitu v rámci fyzioterapeutických postupů. Metodologie: Design studie se opírá o experimentální longitudinální prospektivní pilotní studii s cílem ověřit účinnost nízko a vysokovýkonné laserterapie u pacientů trpících somatosenzorickým typem tinnitu. Dvě skupiny probandů (á 9) byly podrobeny vyšetření neurologem, ORL lékařem, fyzioterapeutem a dále byly testovány pomocí dotazníku TSCHQ a THI. Z dotazníkového šetření byla sledována především kvalita života, kvalita sluchu, vnímání hlasitosti tinnitu, úzkost z tinnitu. Po dobu 3 měsíců byl všem probandům aplikován laser, jedné skupině HILT, druhé LPL, a to v jasně popsaných polohách a parametrech použitých přístrojů. Studie byla sepsána v souladu s checklisem CONSORT. Výsledky: Porovnání průměrných hodnot dotazníkových šetření pomocí THI i TSCHQ dotazníků před a po intervenci poukazují na pozitivní efekt léčby tinnitu jak pomocí HILT, tak LPL, i přes značnou limitaci práce, kterou je nízký počet probandů. Závěr: Te-rapeutický přínos HILT i LPL je patrný, avšak spíše hodnotitelný jako terapeutický trend. Statistická analýza poukazuje na pozitivní vliv LPL na zlepšení sluchu a na snížení subjektivně vnímané hlasitosti tinnitu při použití HILT. LPL vliv na snížení vnímané hlasitosti tinnitu neprokázal.Indroduction: This article reports on a three-month application of low- and high-power laser for the treatment of tinnitus as a disease of civilization. It is a pilot study aimed at determining the effectiveness of a possible treatment for tinnitus within physiotherapy procedures. Methodology: The study design is based on an experimental longitudinal prospective pilot study to test the efficacy of low and high power laser therapy in patients suffering from somatosensory type tinnitus. Two groups of probands (á 9) were examined by a neurologist, an ENT physician, a physiotherapist and were further tested using the TSCHQ and THI questionnaire. From the questionnaire survey, quality of life, quality of hearing, perception of tinnitus loudness, tinnitus anxiety were mainly studied. Over a period of 3 months, all probands were treated with laser, one group with HILT, the other with LPL, in clearly described positions and parameters of the devices used. This study complied with the CONSORT checklist. Results: Comparison of the mean values of the THI and TSCHQ questionnaires before and after the intervention indicate a positive effect of tinnitus treatment with both HILT and LPL, despite the considerable limitation of the work, which is the small number of probands. Conclusion: The therapeutic benefit of both HILT and LPL is evident, but rather assessable as a therapeutic trend. Statistical analysis shows a positive effect of LPL on hearing improvement and on the reduction of subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness when using HILT. LPL did not show an effect on the reduction of perceived tinnitus loudness


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    Aim: To identify and describe the experience of a selected sample of nurses with aggressive behaviour by patients and their family members. To describe what nurses rate as the most common causes of aggression and what strategies nurses most commonly use to manage it. To determine whether there is a statistically significant association between the incidence of aggressive behaviour and length of practice in the selected sample of nurses. Methods: This study included a group of nurses from a selected healthcare facility, totalling 67 nurses. A self-constructed questionnaire was used. The data were processed in STATISTICA 12 software using descriptive statistics and Spearman\u27s correlation coefficient. This study complied with the EQUATOR (STROBE) checklist. Results: More than 70% of the nurses in our study had experienced aggressive behaviour by a patient. Nurses are most often exposed to verbal aggression, especially swearing and insults. Less frequently, they encounter physical assault. Most often, it is the patients who are aggressive; patients’ families or visitors are rarely aggressive. To manage aggressive behaviour, nurses most often use calm, assertive communication. In the selected sample of nurses, there was no significant association between the incidence of aggressive behaviour and length of nursing experience. Conclusions: Our results show that most of the nurses in the selected sample have negative experiences with aggressive behaviour. Knowledge of assertive communication can significantly contribute to minimising conflicts associated with aggressive behaviours in patients. The research conducted may serve as a basis for further research.Aim: To identify and describe the experience of a selected sample of nurses with aggressive behaviour by patients and their family members. To describe what nurses rate as the most common causes of aggression and what strategies nurses most commonly use to manage it. To determine whether there is a statistically significant association between the incidence of aggressive behaviour and length of practice in the selected sample of nurses. Methods: This study included a group of nurses from a selected healthcare facility, totalling 67 nurses. A self-constructed questionnaire was used. The data were processed in STATISTICA 12 software using descriptive statistics and Spearman\u27s correlation coefficient. This study complied with the EQUATOR (STROBE) checklist. Results: More than 70% of the nurses in our study had experienced aggressive behaviour by a patient. Nurses are most often exposed to verbal aggression, especially swearing and insults. Less frequently, they encounter physical assault. Most often, it is the patients who are aggressive; patients’ families or visitors are rarely aggressive. To manage aggressive behaviour, nurses most often use calm, assertive communication. In the selected sample of nurses, there was no significant association between the incidence of aggressive behaviour and length of nursing experience. Conclusions: Our results show that most of the nurses in the selected sample have negative experiences with aggressive behaviour. Knowledge of assertive communication can significantly contribute to minimising conflicts associated with aggressive behaviours in patients. The research conducted may serve as a basis for further research

    Concubinage and Free Love

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       The paper deals with the concepts of “concubinage” and “free love”, especially in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. It outlines the motivations of who resorted to this way of cohabitation and why and how society coped with this family model. Particular attention is paid to the anarcho-goddess who chose the concept of free love out of conviction

    Social Rebellions in France in the 1630s in Historiography

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    In this article different rebellions against the policy of Cardinal Richelieu in the 1630s in France are presented. Each of them has been analysed in terms of its causes and participants. In addition, attention was paid to their connection with the Thirty Years’ War. The main focus was placed on Gaston d’Orléans’ revolt, the Cascaveoux Revolt, and the Revolt of the va-nu-pieds. The rebellions are presented as stages of the development of absolutism


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    Článek se věnuje stanovení piktogramů na základě rozdělení nákladních vzducholodí dle nosného plynu a možnosti nakládky a vykládky nákladu. Nosný plyn je dělen na základní dva plyny, které jsou helium a vodík. Dalším rozdělením je přeprava nákladu uvnitř či vně trupu vzducholodi. Které je následně rozděluje dle možností nakládky a vykládky. Závěrem jsou přiřazeny piktogramy k jednotlivým výrobcům dle jejich deklarace jakožto příklad přiřazení.The article discusses the categorisation of pictograms based on the type of carrier gas and the method of loading and unloading cargo in airships. The two primary carrier gases are helium and hydrogen. Cargo can be carried inside or outside the airship\u27s hull, with further subdivisions based on loading and unloading capabilities. Finally, pictograms are assigned to each manufacturer based on their declaration as an example assignmen

    “Black Mary”? Mary Countess Coudenhove-Taaffe’s charity work during the First World War

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       The subject of this case study is an analysis of the charitable activities of Mary Countess Coudenhove, née Taaffe, during World War I. From her position as the wife of the Governor of Bohemia, she entered the public sphere as a protector of charitable events, a supporter of institutions caring for wounded soldiers and orphaned children (especially war orphans), an initiator of her own charitable projects, and an intercessor for third parties, in addition to working as a nurse in one of Prague’s Red Cross reserve hospitals. The scope and reach of her charitable activities, which were partly official, were exceptional in many respects. During World War I, she was undoubtedly one of the best-known personalities of Prague’s charitable society. In her public activities she acted as a supporter of the Habsburg dynasty and in the eyes of society she was regarded, like her husband, as one of the symbols of the monarchy and its elites. The Countess was forced to face hostile attacks, and shortly after the declaration of an independent Czechoslovakia she was interned with her husband and sister and accused of stealing Red Cross property. These accusations were never proved

    Correspondence of the Bishops of Olomouc with the serf towns through the example of the Hukvaldy and Keleč manors

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       This article deals with the communication between the bishops of Olomouc Stanislav Thurzo, Jan Dubravius, and Marek Khuen and the bishop’s towns located in the Hukvaldy and Kelč manors. The correspondence was recorded on sheets written down in the chancery of the Bishop of Olomouc which were copied and compiled into the episcopal record book. The article is primarily based on working with this type of source.   &nbsp


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