71 research outputs found

    Experimental study of chemotherapy related leukocytopenia treated by various peroal leucocyte increasing drugs

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    Background: Clinically, the patients with significant WBC decrease are mostly administered G-CSF, this kind of drugs is expensive and adverse reactions are often seen. In contrast, oral leucocyte increasing drug has small adverse reactions, can be used for longer time and can improve the continuity and stability of treatment. The experimental study based on study of mouse was to evaluate the effects of treatment and chemotherapy of related leukocytopenia by five kinds of commonly used peroal leucocyte increasing drugs.Materials and Methods: We prepared mice chemotherapy related leukocytopenia model by cyclophosphamide intraperitoneal injection, the positive control drug is G-CSF, respectively fill five kinds of peroal Leucocyte increasing drugs (Qijiao Shengbai Capsule, Weixuening Granule, Compound Zaofan Pill, Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets) in the stomach, the experimental group was divided into normal control group (group A), model group (group B), positive control group (Group rhG-CSF, group C) and treatment groups (group D-H), and treatment groups were divided into Qijiao Shengbai Capsule group (group D), Weixuening Granule group (group E), Compound Zaofan Pill group (group F), Berbamine Tablet group (group G) and Leucogen Tablet group (group H). Calculate the death rate, blood routine and important visceral organ index in each group..Results: The death rate of mice in each group has no significant difference (P>0.05). WBC of B, D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group A (P<0.05 or P<0.01). WBC of C, G and H groups was significantly higher than those of group B (P<0.01). WBC of D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group C (P<0.01). WBC of G and H groups was significantly higher than that of D and F groups (P<0.01), WBC of group H is significantly higher than that of group E (P<0.05). RBC of group F, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.05 or P<0.01). HB of group H is significantly higher than that of group A (P<0.01). HB of C, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group B (P average <0.01). HB of D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group C (P<0.05 or P<0.01). HB of G and H groups was significantly higher than that of D, E and F groups (P average <0.01). PLT of group H was significantly higher than that of group B (P average <0.05). PLT of F, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.01). Lung index of group G was significantly higher than that of D, E, F and H groups (P<0.01). Liver index of group H is significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.05). Thymus index of G and H groups is significantly higher than that of group F (P<0.05 or P<0.01).Conclusions: Among all drugs of rising WBC, G-CSF owns strongest effect. In oral drug groups, WBC rising effect of Leucogen Tablets is best, RBC, HB and PLT improvement effect of Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets is best. In addition, Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets respectively caused significant increase of lung and liver index, what indicates that, the two drugs may be accompanied by relevant viscera damage. At the same time, the two drugs also  increased thymus index, which indirectly indicates that, the immunity and regulation abilities of Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets are stronger. The spleen index of Qijiao Shengbai Capsule group was significantly higher than that of Berbamine Tablet and Leucogen Tablet groups, what indicates that, the immunity and regulation abilities of Qijiao Shengbai Capsule may be stronger in oral drug group.Keywords: leucocyte increasing drugs; chemotherapy; leukocytopenia; mous

    DyTed: Disentangled Representation Learning for Discrete-time Dynamic Graph

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    Unsupervised representation learning for dynamic graphs has attracted a lot of research attention in recent years. Compared with static graph, the dynamic graph is a comprehensive embodiment of both the intrinsic stable characteristics of nodes and the time-related dynamic preference. However, existing methods generally mix these two types of information into a single representation space, which may lead to poor explanation, less robustness, and a limited ability when applied to different downstream tasks. To solve the above problems, in this paper, we propose a novel disenTangled representation learning framework for discrete-time Dynamic graphs, namely DyTed. We specially design a temporal-clips contrastive learning task together with a structure contrastive learning to effectively identify the time-invariant and time-varying representations respectively. To further enhance the disentanglement of these two types of representation, we propose a disentanglement-aware discriminator under an adversarial learning framework from the perspective of information theory. Extensive experiments on Tencent and five commonly used public datasets demonstrate that DyTed, as a general framework that can be applied to existing methods, achieves state-of-the-art performance on various downstream tasks, as well as be more robust against noise

    Towards visible-wavelength passively mode-locked lasers in all-fibre format

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    锁模皮秒/飞秒光纤激光器具有小型化、光束质量好、稳定性佳、低成本且免维护等优点,然而,目前被动锁模光纤激光器工作波段仍主要局限在近红外1-2 μm光谱区域,在可见光波段(380-760 nm)却几乎未有进展。如何实现可见光被动锁模光纤激光器,直接产生小型化、低成本且高性能的可见光超快激光,是一直困扰超快激光研究领域的一个难题。罗正钱教授课题组通过数值求解金兹伯格-朗道方程,发现耗散孤子谐振机制利于可见光波段超大色散光纤腔被动锁模脉冲的稳定建立。基于数值模拟的结果,该研究成果是在可见光范围内向小型化超快光纤激光器迈出的重要一步。将为可见光超快光纤激光在精密光谱学、生物医学、显微成像、光通信、科学研究等领域的应用奠定基础,具有很好的研究潜力和应用价值。厦门大学为该论文的第一署名单位,电子科学与技术学院博士研究生邹金海为论文第一作者,罗正钱教授为论文通讯作者。Mode-locked fibre lasers (MLFLs) are fundamental building blocks of many photonic systems used in industrial, scientific and biomedical applications. To date, 1–2 μm MLFLs have been well developed; however, passively mode-locked fibre lasers in the visible region (380–760 nm) have never been reported. Here, we address this challenge by demonstrating an all-fibre visible-wavelength passively mode-locked picosecond laser at 635 nm. The 635 nm mode-locked laser with an all-fibre figure-eight cavity uses a Pr/Yb codoped ZBLAN fibre as the visible gain medium and a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror as the mode-locking element. First, we theoretically predict and analyse the formation and evolution of 635 nm mode-locked pulses in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime by solving the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Then, we experimentally demonstrate the stable generation of 635 nm DSR mode-locked pulses with a pulse duration as short as ~96 ps, a radio-frequency signal-to-noise ratio of 67 dB and a narrow spectral bandwidth of 1 nm) and modulated optical spectrum. This work represents an important step towards miniaturized ultrafast fibre lasers in the visible spectral region.This work was supported by the Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91750115), Equipment Pre-research Project of Equipment Development Department of Central Military Commission (61404140112), and Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province for Distinguished Young Scientists (2017J06016).Prof. Zhengqian Luo acknowledges the Program for Young Top Notch Talents of Fujian Province and the Program for Nanqiang Young Top Notch Talents of Xiamen University.该研究受到国家自然科学基金、福建省杰出青年基金、福建省特支‘双百’青年拔尖人才项目以及厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才项目的支持

    Effective inhibition of HCMV UL49 gene expression and viral replication by oligonucleotide external guide sequences and RNase P

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    Abstract Background Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that typically causes asymptomatic infections in healthy individuals but may lead to serious complications in newborns and immunodeficient individuals. The emergence of drug-resistant strains of HCMV has posed a need for the development of new drugs and treatment strategies. Antisense molecules are promising gene-targeting agents for specific regulation of gene expression. External guide sequences (EGSs) are oligonucleotides that consist of a sequence complementary to a target mRNA and recruit intracellular RNase P for specific degradation of the target RNA. The UL49-deletion BAC of HCMV was significantly defective in growth in human foreskin fibroblasts. Therefore, UL49 gene may serve as a potential target for novel drug development to combat HCMV infection. In this study, DNA-based EGS molecules were synthesized to target the UL49 mRNA of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Results By cleavage activity assessing in vitro, the EGS aimed to the cleavage site 324 nt downstream from the translational initiation codon of UL49 mRNA (i.e. EGS324) was confirmed be efficient to direct human RNase P to cleave the target mRNA sequence. When EGS324 was exogenously administered into HCMV-infected human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs), a significant reduction of ~76% in the mRNA and ~80% in the protein expression of UL49 gene, comparing with the cells transfected with control EGSs. Furthermore, a reduction of about 330-fold in HCMV growth were observed in HCMV-infected HFFs treated with the EGS. Conclusions These results indicated that UL49 gene was essential for replication of HCMV. Moreover, our study provides evidence that exogenous administration of a DNA-based EGS can be used as a potential therapeutic approach for inhibiting gene expression and replication of a human virus.</p

    Constructing quantum dots@flake g-C3N4 isotype heterojunctions for enhanced visible-light-driven NADH regeneration and enzymatic hydrogenation

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    The authors thank the financial support from National Natural Science Funds of China (21406163, 91534126, 21621004), Tianjin Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology (15JCQNJC10000), Open Funding Project of the National Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering (2015KF-03), and the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (B06006). X.W. also acknowledges financial support from The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (70265) and The Royal Society (RG150001 and IE150611).Peer reviewedPostprin


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    Background: Clinically, the patients with significant WBC decrease are mostly administered G-CSF, this kind of drugs is expensive and adverse reactions are often seen. In contrast, oral leucocyte increasing drug has small adverse reactions, can be used for longer time and can improve the continuity and stability of treatment. The experimental study based on study of mouse was to evaluate the effects of treatment and chemotherapy of related leukocytopenia by five kinds of commonly used peroal leucocyte increasing drugs. Materials and Methods: We prepared mice chemotherapy related leukocytopenia model by cyclophosphamide intraperitoneal injection, the positive control drug is G-CSF, respectively fill five kinds of peroal Leucocyte increasing drugs (Qijiao Shengbai Capsule, Weixuening Granule, Compound Zaofan Pill, Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets) in the stomach, the experimental group was divided into normal control group (group A), model group (group B), positive control group (Group rhG-CSF, group C) and treatment groups (group D-H), and treatment groups were divided into Qijiao Shengbai Capsule group (group D), Weixuening Granule group (group E), Compound Zaofan Pill group (group F), Berbamine Tablet group (group G) and Leucogen Tablet group (group H). Calculate the death rate, blood routine and important visceral organ index in each group.. Results: The death rate of mice in each group has no significant difference (P>0.05). WBC of B, D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group A (

    Furan-containing double tetraoxa[7]helicene and its radical cation

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    An unprecedented furan-based double oxa[7]helicene 1 was achieved, featuring a stable twisted conformation with π-overlap at both helical ends. The excellent conformational stability allowed for optical resolution of 1, which provided a pair of enantiomers exhibiting pronounced mirror-imaged circular dichroism and circularly polarized luminescence activity. The radical cation of 1 was obtained by chemical oxidation as evidenced by UV-Vis-NIR absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and in situ spectroelectrochemistry. The present work is the starting point for the investigation of open-shell oxahelicenes

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Calamondin (Citrus microcarpa) from Hainan

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    Some physicochemical characteristics of calamondin (Citrus microcarpa) from Hainan were determined in this study. The mean length, width, and thickness of calamondin were (2.763±0.262), (2.721±0.189), and (2.684±0.201) cm, respectively. The average values for geometric mean diameter, sphericity, fruit shape index, mass, surface area, volume, true density, bulk density and porosity were (2.721±0.196) cm, (98.79±5.149)%, (101.64±7.609)%, (11.18±2.149) g, (23.36±3.362) cm2, (11.16±2.115) cm3, (1.00±0.060) g/cm3, 0.44 g/cm3, and (56.40±0.027)%, respectively. The mean edible part, juice rate, and soluble solids were (85.77±3.53), (48.36±4.20), and (7.86±0.09)%, respectively. The total flavonoids, pectin, limonin, reducing sugar and volatile oil contents of the peel were 1.00, 7.14, 0.51, 5.98, and 4.25%, respectively. The total flavonoids, pectin, limonin and reducing sugar contents of the pulp were 0.02, 5.04, 0.03 and 4.56%, respectively. The total flavonoids, total acid, reducing sugar and vitamin E contents of the juice were 0.11, 6.74, 0.37%, and 1.68 mg/kg, respectively, while the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and D in the juice was very low. The seeds had limonin, reducing sugar and oil contents of 0.46, 1.39, and 30.46%, respectively. The vitamin B2, B3, B6 and E contents of the fruit residue were 44.83, 19.31, 17.55, and 15.72 mg/kg, respectively. The amino acid profile of the residue included aspartic acid, glutamate, cystine, serine, glycine, histidine, arginine, threonine, alanine, proline, tyrosine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and lysine, with respective contents of 4.42, 1.81, 2.10, 0.78, 0.59, 0.20, 0.72, 0.16 0.67, 3.65 0.50, 0.67 0.59, 1.00, 0.76, 0.57 and 0.91 g/kg