17 research outputs found

    Structural testing techniques for the selective revalidation of software

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    The research in this thesis addresses the subject of regression testing. Emphasis is placed on developing a technique for selective revalidation which can be used during software maintenance to analyse and retest only those parts of the program affected by changes. In response to proposed program modifications, the technique assists the maintenance programmer in assessing the extent of the program alterations, in selecting a representative set of test cases to rerun, and in identifying any test cases in the test suite which are no longer required because of the program changes. The proposed technique involves the application of code analysis techniques and operations research. Code analysis techniques are described which derive information about the structure of a program and are used to determine the impact of any modifications on the existing program code. Methods adopted from operations research are then used to select an optimal set of regression tests and to identify any redundant test cases. These methods enable software, which has been validated using a variety of structural testing techniques, to be retested. The development of a prototype tool suite, which can be used to realise the technique for selective revalidation, is described. In particular, the interface between the prototype and existing regression testing tools is discussed. Moreover, the effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated by means of a case study and the results are compared with traditional regression testing strategies and other selective revalidation techniques described in this thesis


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    In this study, the researchers described the level of teachers’ efficacy and their instructional practices. The significant relationship between teachers’ efficacy and their instructional practices was also analyzed. This study utilized descriptive-correlational methods using a survey questionnaire as the primary tool of data collection. The researcher used the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and the Instructional Practices Survey to gauge the participants’ responses. The study was participated by 126 elementary school teachers of Baliguian District. It was revealed that the high level of teachers’ efficacy showed a significant effect on their instructional practices. Therefore, the teachers’ belief about their capacity to maximize student engagement, employ effective teaching strategies, and demonstrate proactive classroom management techniques all contribute to their ability to fulfill their roles in planning, teaching, and assessing learning effectively. The findings proved that a high level of teachers’ efficacy would lead to an advanced level of their instructional practices. Recommendations for practice and future research were also discussed

    Overlap-based approaches for metagenomics read binning

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    reservedLa metagenomica è una disciplina che consente di studiare la comunità microbica di un dato ambiente. Il sequenziamento di un metagenoma risulta in un insieme di stringhe, dette read, ciascuna rappresentante una parte del genoma di una delle specie presenti nel campione. In bioinformatica, il problema del binning metagenomico consiste nel clustering di tali read in gruppi in modo che ciascuno rappresenti una specie. In questa tesi, verranno confrontate metodologie e prestazioni di due algoritmi di binning metagenomico basati su overlap di read: OGRE e Metaprob2

    Object that Dream

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    A study of the nesting behavior of the Goshawk.

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    http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/52673/1/1106.pdfDescription of 1106.pdf : Access restricted to on-site users at the U-M Biological Station

    Exploration of bio-inspired synthetic polymer in graphene derivative (rGO) synthesis

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    Graphene and its derivatives have various uses. Reduced graphite oxide (rGO), a derivative of graphene, has a ton of applications, where it is used in biological applications, energy storage, and many more. Using rGO in this way requires large-scale production, and the traditional way of chemically reducing GO is by using a cheap reducing reagent such as Hydrazine. Hydrazine is a very efficient reducing agent in this case, but it is highly toxic. Using such a reagent limits the uses of rGO in the bio-medical field due to the reagent\u27s toxicity, so a greener alternative is highly sought. Recently, we developed a chemical synthesis pathway for reducing GO using a bioinspired synthetic polymer (Silk-inspired polymer)

    Adaptaciones para los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales de la sección de aprendizaje de tareas

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    Seminario para la elaboración de materiales curriculares para a-lumnos con necesidades educativas especiales cuyos objetivos son: elaborar mate-riales de contenidos funcionales y significativos dentro de las áreas de matemá-ticas, lenguaje y habilidades sociales, adaptar el material utilizado en las au-las ordinarias y facilitar el tránsito a la vida adulta de los jóvenes con nece-sidades educativas especiales. Partiendo de las programaciones de aula, se seleccionan y organizan unos contenidos funcionales. Se elaboran materiales para trabajar dichos contenidos intentando que los temas coincidan con los trabajados en el aula. Se plantea una autovaloración del trabajo realizado, centrándose en las dificultades encotradas y haciendo una prospección de futuro. El material elaborado está pendiente de publicación.Gobierno Vasco. Departamento de Educación, Univer- sidades e InvestigaciónPaís VascoES

    Two ways of looking at Prigogine and Defay's equation

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    In the search for understanding of several types of abnormal thermodynamic behaviour in the vicinity of critical lines of binary liquid mixtures, we have revisited an apparently forgotten relationship between the pressure dependence of the critical temperature and the second derivatives with respect to the composition of the volumetric and enthalpic properties of the mixture. We refer to an equation originally developed in the fifties by Prigogine and Defay and soon afterwards analysed by others. Under some restrictive assumptions, the T-p slope of the critical locus can simply be inferred from the ratio between v(E) and h(E). The interest and usefulness of this approximate relation is self-evident. Values for any one of the three properties involved, (dT/dp)(c), v(E) or h(E), can be assessed based on the availability of the other two. Moreover, the amplitude of the divergence of thermodynamic response functions to criticality are intimately associated with the slope of the critical locus. A link between critical behaviour and solution excess properties is thus established. For instance, double critical points tend to occur if one of the excess properties changes its sign as the temperature or pressure is varied. In this work, we have started a detailed study of the practical limits of validity of the approximate relation. Five binary liquid mixtures were tested, all of them sharing a UCST/LCSP-type of phase transition. Although, from a theoretical perspective, the original second-derivatives approach should perform better, in practice, the direct ratio of the excess properties constitutes a superior strategy for obtaining (dT/dp)(c) values. The underlying reasons for this are discussed in detail. The T-p critical slope is normally found to play a secondary role in assessing the critical amplitudes of diverging thermodynamic functions