199 research outputs found

    Thallium toxicity due to audultered infusion with thallium sulfate in eight members belonging to the same family nucleus: Autopsy findings and ICP-MS analysis (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) in a triple homicide

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    The banning of the heavy metal thallium (Tl) in many Countries, because of its toxicity, led to a remarkable reduction of the number of cases of poisoning both accidental and homicidal forcing us to better study the pharmacokinetics of this poison using new technologies. The Authors, in this work, are reporting the case of a collective thallium toxicosis caused by voluntary adulteration of an infusion with thallium sulfate, occurred in 8 members of the same familial nucleus; the administration of Prussian Blu resulted to be ineffective for 3 of these members that died at a later time. The most peculiar aspects of this rare manner of poisoning are discussed; the analytical procedures used, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) in particular, resulted to be fundamental in the forensic diagnosis process of acute poisoning cause by thallium

    The Italian document: decisions for intensive care when there is an imbalance between care needs and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: In early 2020, the Italian Society of Anesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) published clinical ethics recommendations for the allocation of intensive care during COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Later the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) invited SIAARTI and the Italian Society of Legal and Insurance Medicine to prepare a draft document for the definition of triage criteria for intensive care during the emergency, to be implemented in case of complete saturation of care resources. Methods: Following formal methods, including two Delphi rounds, a multidisciplinary group with expertise in intensive care, legal medicine and law developed 12 statements addressing: (1) principles and responsibilities; (2) triage; (3) previously expressed wishes; (4) reassessment and shifting to palliative care; (5) collegiality and transparency of decisions. The draft of the statements, with their explanatory comments, underwent a public consultation opened to Italian scientific or technical-professional societies and other stakeholders (i.e., associations of citizens, patients and caregivers; religious communities; industry; public institutions; universities and research institutes). Individual healthcare providers, lay people, or other associations could address their comments by e-mail. Results: Eight stakeholders (including scientific societies, ethics organizations, and a religious community), and 8 individuals (including medical experts, ethicists and an association) participated to the public consultation. The stakeholders’ agreement with statements was on average very high (ranging from 4.1 to 4.9, on a scale from 1—full disagreement to 5—full agreement). The 4 statements concerning triage stated that in case of saturation of care resources, the intensive care triage had to be oriented to ensuring life-sustaining treatments to as many patients as possible who could benefit from them. The decision should follow full assessment of each patient, taking into account comorbidities, previous functional status and frailty, current clinical condition, likely impact of intensive treatment, and the patient's wishes. Age should be considered as part of the global assessment of the patient. Conclusions: Lacking national guidelines, the document is the reference standard for healthcare professionals in case of imbalance between care needs and available resources during a COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, and a point of reference for the medico-legal assessment in cases of dispute

    Adding a statin to a combination of ACE inhibitor and ARB normalizes proteinuria in experimental diabetes, which translates into full renoprotection

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    The capacity of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors to delay progression of diabetic nephropathy depends on the time at which therapy is started. A multimodal intervention is required to afford renoprotection in overt diabetic nephropathy. Here we assessed the effects of maximal RAS inhibition by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor plus angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker (ARB) in combination with statin in rats with overt diabetic nephropathy. Uninephrectomized rats made diabetic by streptozotocin were orally treated from 4 (when proteinuria and renal lesions had developed) to 8 mo with vehicle, lisinopril plus candesartan, lisinopril plus candesartan plus rosuvastatin, or rosuvastatin alone. Systolic blood pressure increased in diabetic rats and was significantly lowered by combined therapies. Dual RAS blockade significantly reduced proteinuria compared with vehicle. Addition of statin further lowered proteinuria to control levels. Glomerulosclerosis was ameliorated by RAS inhibitors or statin, and regression was achieved by the addition of statin. Loss of podocytes of diabetic rats was limited by ACE inhibitor plus ARB while normalized by the three drugs. Defective nephrin expression of diabetes was increased by dual RAS blockade or statin and restored by the triple therapy. Tubular damage, interstitial inflammation, and expression of the fibrotic markers transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 and phosphorylated Smad 2/3 in tubuli were significantly reduced by the triple regimen. These data suggest a strategy to target proteinuria to try to achieve regression of renal disease in diabetic patients who do not fully benefit from RAS inhibition alone

    Ground-Based Ultraviolet-Radiation Measurements during Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere

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    We report the first measurements obtained by a network of UV-B detectors established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the Austral spring 1993 is presented

    Ground-based ultraviolet-radiation measurements during springtime in the Southern hemisphere

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    We report the first measurements obtained by a network of UV-B detectors established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the Austral spring 1993 is presented. The destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer is generally considered one of the most serious environmental problems. It has been recently published that during October 1998 the ozone hole has been the deepest ever recorded. Reduction of the stratospheric ozone layer was un ambiguously detected about two decades ago in the Antarctic continent. Since then it has been systematically monitored by different means (satellite, balloon soundings and ground station observations. One of the most serious content reduction is the increase of biologically effective ultraviolet doses, particularly the so-called ultraviolet B radiation (280-320 nm) received at the Earth surface, with multiple possible hazards for living species. Despite these consequences, ground stations to check the UV Sun radiation are not very numerous, particularly outside the circumpolar area in the Southern Hemisphere. With the aim of studying whether the ozone depletion over the Antarctic area has extended further, and whether the possibility that UV radiation increase may begin to affect inhabited regions, a network of UVB detectors has been established through Argentina and Chile, at locations covering latitudes extending from 53°S to 18° S. Here we report the first measurements obtained by this network providing evidence that UVB increases are detected at these latitudes during the last Austral spring.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Chemokine expression in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury is most profound during the reparative phase

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    Chemokines are important players in the migration of leukocytes to sites of injury and are also involved in angiogenesis, development and wound healing. In this study, we performed microarray analyses to identify chemokines that play a role during the inflammatory and repair phase after renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury and investigated the temporal relationship between chemokine expression, leukocyte accumulation and renal damage/repair. C57Bl/6 mice were subjected to unilateral ischemia for 45 min and sacrificed 3 h, 1 day and 7 days after reperfusion. From ischemic and contralateral kidney, RNA was isolated and hybridized to a microarray. Microarray results were validated with quantitative real-time reverse transcription–PCR (QRT–PCR) on RNA from an independent experiment. (Immuno)histochemical analyses were performed to determine renal damage/repair and influx of leukocytes. Twenty out of 114 genes were up-regulated at one or more reperfusion periods. All these genes were up-regulated 7 days after I/R. Up-regulated genes included CC chemokines MCP-1 and TARC, CXC chemokines KC and MIP-2α, chemokine receptors Ccr1 and Cx3cr1 and related genes like matrix metalloproteinases. Microarray data of 1 and 7 days were confirmed for 17 up-regulated genes by QRT–PCR. (Immuno)histochemical analysis showed that the inflammatory and repair phase after renal I/R injury take place after, respectively, 1 and 7 days. Interestingly, chemokine expression was highest during the repair phase. In addition, expression profiles showed a biphasic expression of all up-regulated CXC chemokines coinciding with the early inflammatory and late repair phase. In conclusion, we propose that temporal expression of chemokines is a crucial factor in the regulation of renal I/R injury and repair

    A Molecular Signature of Proteinuria in Glomerulonephritis

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    Proteinuria is the most important predictor of outcome in glomerulonephritis and experimental data suggest that the tubular cell response to proteinuria is an important determinant of progressive fibrosis in the kidney. However, it is unclear whether proteinuria is a marker of disease severity or has a direct effect on tubular cells in the kidneys of patients with glomerulonephritis. Accordingly we studied an in vitro model of proteinuria, and identified 231 “albumin-regulated genes” differentially expressed by primary human kidney tubular epithelial cells exposed to albumin. We translated these findings to human disease by studying mRNA levels of these genes in the tubulo-interstitial compartment of kidney biopsies from patients with IgA nephropathy using microarrays. Biopsies from patients with IgAN (n = 25) could be distinguished from those of control subjects (n = 6) based solely upon the expression of these 231 “albumin-regulated genes.” The expression of an 11-transcript subset related to the degree of proteinuria, and this 11-mRNA subset was also sufficient to distinguish biopsies of subjects with IgAN from control biopsies. We tested if these findings could be extrapolated to other proteinuric diseases beyond IgAN and found that all forms of primary glomerulonephritis (n = 33) can be distinguished from controls (n = 21) based solely on the expression levels of these 11 genes derived from our in vitro proteinuria model. Pathway analysis suggests common regulatory elements shared by these 11 transcripts. In conclusion, we have identified an albumin-regulated 11-gene signature shared between all forms of primary glomerulonephritis. Our findings support the hypothesis that albuminuria may directly promote injury in the tubulo-interstitial compartment of the kidney in patients with glomerulonephritis

    Medico-legal assessment of personal damage in older people: report from a multidisciplinary consensus conference

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    Ageing of the global population represents a challenge for national healthcare systems and healthcare professionals, including medico-legal experts, who assess personal damage in an increasing number of older people. Personal damage evaluation in older people is complex, and the scarcity of evidence is hindering the development of formal guidelines on the subject. The main objectives of the first multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Medico-Legal Assessment of Personal Damage in Older People were to increase knowledge on the subject and establish standard procedures in this field. The conference, organized according to the guidelines issued by the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS), was held in Bologna (Italy) on June 8, 2019 with the support of national scientific societies, professional organizations, and stakeholders. The Scientific Technical Committee prepared 16 questions on 4 thematic areas: (1) differences in injury outcomes in older people compared to younger people and their relevance in personal damage assessment; (2) pre-existing status reconstruction and evaluation; (3) medico-legal examination procedures; (4) multidimensional assessment and scales. The Scientific Secretariat reviewed relevant literature and documents, rated their quality, and summarized evidence. During conference plenary public sessions, 4 pairs of experts reported on each thematic area. After the last session, a multidisciplinary Jury Panel (15 members) drafted the consensus statements. The present report describes Conference methods and results, including a summary of evidence supporting each statement, and areas requiring further investigation. The methodological recommendations issued during the Conference may be useful in several contexts of damage assessment, or to other medico-legal evaluation fields