16 research outputs found

    Are Ti44-Producing Supernovae Exceptional?

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    According to standard models supernovae produce radioactive 44^{44}Ti, which should be visible in gamma-rays following decay to 44^{44}Ca for a few centuries. 44Tiproductionisbelievedtobethesourceofcosmic^{44}Ti production is believed to be the source of cosmic ^{44}Ca,whoseabundanceiswellestablished.Yet,gammaraytelescopeshavenotseentheexpectedyoungremnantsofcorecollapseevents.TheCa, whose abundance is well established. Yet, gamma-ray telescopes have not seen the expected young remnants of core collapse events. The ^{44}TimeanlifeofTi mean life of \tau \simeq89yandtheGalacticsupernovarateof 89 y and the Galactic supernova rate of \simeq3/100yimply 3/100 y imply \simeqseveraldetectable several detectable ^{44}Ti gamma-ray sources, but only one is clearly seen, the 340-year-old Cas A SNR. Furthermore, supernovae which produce much 44TiareexpectedtooccurprimarilyintheinnerpartoftheGalaxy,whereyoungmassivestarsaremostabundant.BecausetheGalaxyistransparenttogammarays,thisshouldbethedominantlocationofexpectedgammaraysources.YettheCasASNRastheonlyonesourceislocatedfarfromtheinnerGalaxy(atlongitude112degree).Weevaluatethesurprisingabsenceofdetectablesupernovaefromthepastthreecenturies.WediscusswhetherourunderstandingofSNexplosions,their^{44}Ti are expected to occur primarily in the inner part of the Galaxy, where young massive stars are most abundant. Because the Galaxy is transparent to gamma-rays, this should be the dominant location of expected gamma-ray sources. Yet the Cas A SNR as the only one source is located far from the inner Galaxy (at longitude 112 degree). We evaluate the surprising absence of detectable supernovae from the past three centuries. We discuss whether our understanding of SN explosions, their ^{44}Ti yields, their spatial distributions, and statistical arguments can be stretched so that this apparent disagreement may be accommodated within reasonable expectations, or if we have to revise some or all of the above aspects to bring expectations in agreement with the observations. We conclude that either core collapse supernovae have been improbably rare in the Galaxy during the past few centuries, or 44Tiproducingsupernovaeareatypicalsupernovae.Wealsopresentanewargumentbasedon^{44}Ti-producing supernovae are atypical supernovae. We also present a new argument based on ^{44}Ca/Ca/^{40}CaratiosinmainstreamSiCstardustgrainsthatmaycastdoubtonmassiveHecapTypeIsupernovaeasthesourceofmostgalacticCa ratios in mainstream SiC stardust grains that may cast doubt on massive-He-cap Type I supernovae as the source of most galactic ^{44}$Ca.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2006. Correcting the SN type of Tycho in Table B.1. and add its associated reference

    A Guide to Medications Inducing Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Xerostomia, and Subjective Sialorrhea: A Systematic Review Sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI

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    Dust in Supernovae and Supernova Remnants II: Processing and survival

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    Observations have recently shown that supernovae are efficient dust factories, as predicted for a long time by theoretical models. The rapid evolution of their stellar progenitors combined with their efficiency in precipitating refractory elements from the gas phase into dust grains make supernovae the major potential suppliers of dust in the early Universe, where more conventional sources like Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars did not have time to evolve. However, dust yields inferred from observations of young supernovae or derived from models do not reflect the net amount of supernova-condensed dust able to be expelled from the remnants and reach the interstellar medium. The cavity where the dust is formed and initially resides is crossed by the high velocity reverse shock which is generated by the pressure of the circumstellar material shocked by the expanding supernova blast wave. Depending on grain composition and initial size, processing by the reverse shock may lead to substantial dust erosion and even complete destruction. The goal of this review is to present the state of the art about processing and survival of dust inside supernova remnants, in terms of theoretical modelling and comparison to observations

    Clinical Aspects of Detrusor Instability and the Value of Urodynamics

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    Good urodynamic practices : uroflowmetry, filling cystometry, and pressure-flow studies

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    This is the first report of the International Continence Society (ICS) on the development of comprehensive guidelines for Good Urodynamic Practice for the measurement, quality control, and documentation of urodynamic investigations in both clinical and research environments. This report focuses on the most common urodynamics examinations; uroflowmetry, pressure recording during filling cystometry, and combined pressure-flow studies. The basic aspects of good urodynamic practice are discussed and a strategy for urodynamic measurement, equipment set-up and configuration, signal testing, plausibility controls, pattern recognition, and artifact correction are proposed. The problems of data analysis are mentioned only when they are relevant in the judgment of data quality. In general, recommendations are made for one specific technique. This does not imply that this technique is the only one possible. Rather, it means that this technique is well-established, and gives good results when used with the suggested standards of good urodynamic practice