867 research outputs found

    Touchscreen-based cognitive tasks reveal age-related impairment in a primate aging model, the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus)

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    Mouse lemurs are suggested to represent promising novel non-human primate models for aging research. However, standardized and cross-taxa cognitive testing methods are still lacking. Touchscreen-based testing procedures have proven high stimulus control and reliability in humans and rodents. The aim of this study was to adapt these procedures to mouse lemurs, thereby exploring the effect of age. We measured appetitive learning and cognitive flexibility of two age groups by applying pairwise visual discrimination (PD) and reversal learning (PDR) tasks. On average, mouse lemurs needed 24 days of training before starting with the PD task. Individual performances in PD and PDR tasks correlate significantly, suggesting that individual learning performance is unrelated to the respective task. Compared to the young, aged mouse lemurs showed impairments in both PD and PDR tasks. They needed significantly more trials to reach the task criteria. A much higher inter-individual variation in old than in young adults was revealed. Furthermore, in the PDR task, we found a significantly higher perseverance in aged compared to young adults, indicating an age-related deficit in cognitive flexibility. This study presents the first touchscreen-based data on the cognitive skills and age-related dysfunction in mouse lemurs and provides a unique basis to study mechanisms of inter-individual variation. It furthermore opens exciting perspectives for comparative approaches in aging, personality, and evolutionary research

    Portrait of success: A situational analysis case study of students challenged by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    This study examined factors that encouraged and supported academic success for students diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Students with ADHD are often not academically successful and do not graduate from high school, due in large measure to ADHD symptoms of (a) impulsive and reckless behaviors, (b) alienation from significant others including peers, and (c) disorganization. Students in this study overcame symptoms of ADHD and were academically successful. The situational analysis case study design for this research utilized both qualitative methods (interview, observation, and record review) and quantitative instrumentation. Five students with ADHD comprised the case study sample. Data from student, parent, teacher, and counselor interviews and instrumentation were triangulated to reach the findings. The results indicated that all students in the study had been at-risk for academic failure based on their impulsiveness and social alienation and yet all were successful in high school. Students attributed their school success to (a) their own developing internal locus of control, (b) the emergence of coping skills and strategies, (c) consistent involvement and support by their parents which included the entire family\u27s ability to adjust to and manage stress, and (d) the positive influence of at lease one caring teacher. The influence of the school counselor was not perceived by the students to be significant

    Entwicklung und Anwendung eines hochsensitiven Nachweissystems von Prion-Proteinen in Spüllösungen nach Instrumentenkontamination

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    Die variante Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (vCJD) ist eine degenerative, tödlich verlaufende Hirnerkrankung. Als Auslöser und Erreger der vCJD werden infektiöse Prionproteine (PrPSc) angesehen. Da über die Infektionsdosis sehr wenig bekannt ist, muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass bereits geringste PrP-Mengen eine CJD auslösen können. Daher bedarf es hochsensitiver Nachweisverfahren. Mit Hilfe einer neu entwickelten Immuno-PCR wurde das Signal des Immunokomplexes im Vergleich zur ELISA-Technik unter identischen Bedingungen um das vierzigfache verstärkt. Dafür wurde an den Immunkomplex ein DNA-Fragment gekoppelt, welches in einer Polymerasekettenreaktion amplifiziert, im Gel visualisiert und durch Densitometrie quantifiziert wurde. Als Anwendung der Immuno-PCR unter hygienischen Aspekten wurden artifiziell kontaminierte Instrumente gereinigt und der Einfluss der Temperatur, des Lösungsmittels und der Trocknungszeit analysiert

    Einfluss von abendlicher Computerspielnutzung auf Parameter der Alertness und des Schlafs bei Jugendlichen

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    Background: Playing computer games before bedtime is a common behavior, especially among adolescents. Excessive computer game use can be associated with somatic complaints, attention deficits, and family interaction problems. However, there is little knowledge about the effects of computer games on subsequent sleep. Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of playing a computer game in the evening on the alertness and sleep of adolescents. Materials and methods: Twenty-five healthy adolescents (mean age 15 years, f = 20, m = 5) from one school class were included in this pilot study. In a randomized crossover design on two consecutive days, either a jump-and-run computer game or reading a youth magazine was performed for 2 h in the evening. Before and after each intervention, mood (ASTS) and drowsiness (KSS) were assessed by questionnaires and parameters of tonic alertness were measured by the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). Subsequently, sleep was measured by polysomnography (PSG). Results: Two hours of computer gaming in the evening resulted in reduced alertness levels immediately thereafter: the PVT parameter response time (RT) increased from 272.0 +/- 30.5 ms to 305.2 +/- 41.3 ms (p < 0.01) while it remained unchanged under the reading condition the other evening. In comparison to reading, using computer games in the evening led to an increased amount of light sleep (N1 + N2: 48.9 +/- 9.1%-TST vs. 44.6 +/- 9.8%-TST, p < 0.05) and a reduced amount of deep sleep (N3: 36.0 +/- 10.0%-TST vs. 39.5 +/- 9.0%-TST, p < 0.05) the following night. Sleep latency and sleep efficiency did not differ between the two conditions. Conclusions: In the group of healthy adolescents examined in this pilot study, using computer games in the evening had immediate negative consequences on alertness and on sleep architecture the subsequent night. Together with frequently insufficient sleeping time on school days in adolescents, these findings cumulatively could have relevance for physiological development. Subsequent trials in different groups of adolescents with a sufficient number of subjects are needed in order to further verify these findings and possibly, to adapt sleep-hygiene behavioral recommendations for these age groups.Hintergrund: Computerspielnutzung vor dem Schlafengehen ist vor allem bei Heranwachsenden ein übliches Verhalten. Die exzessive Nutzung kann mit somatischen Beschwerden, Aufmerksamkeitsdefiziten und familiären Interaktionsproblemen verbunden sein. Es gibt aber nur wenige Erkenntnisse über die Auswirkungen auf den nachfolgenden Schlaf. Fragestellung: Ziel dieser Pilotstudie war es, die Auswirkungen eines Computerspiels am Abend auf die Alertness und den Schlaf von Jugendlichen zu untersuchen. Material und Methoden: Fünfundzwanzig gesunde Jugendliche (mittleres Alter 15 Jahre, w= 20, m= 5) aus einer Schulklasse wurden in diese Pilotstudie eingeschlossen. In einem randomisierten Crossover-Design an zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen wurde jeweils am Abend für 2 h entweder ein Jump-and-Run-Computerspiel durchgeführt oder eine Jugendzeitschrift gelesen. Vor und nach der jeweiligen Intervention wurde mittels Fragebögen die Stimmung (Aktuelle Stimmungsskala, ASTS) und die Schläfrigkeit (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, KSS) erhoben sowie Parameter der tonischen Alertness mittels Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) gemessen. Jeweils im Anschluss wurde der Schlaf mittels Polysomnografie (PSG) untersucht. Ergebnisse: Zweistündiges Computerspielen am Abend führte unmittelbar danach zu einer verringerten Alertness – der PVTParameter Reaktionszeit (RT) erhöhte sich von 272,0± 30,5ms auf 305,2± 41,3ms (p< 0,01) während die RT im gleichen Zeitfenster am anderen Abend unter der Lesebedingung unverändert blieb. Abendliche Computerspielnutzung führte in der darauffolgenden Nacht zu einem erhöhten Leichtschlafanteil (N1+N2: 48,9±9,1%-TST vs. 44,6± 9,8%-TST, p< 0,05) und einem reduzierten Tiefschlafanteil (N3: 36,0± 10,0%-TST vs. 39,5± 9,0%-TST, p< 0,05) gegenüber dem Schlaf nach zweistündigem Lesen. Die Einschlaflatenz und die Schlafeffizienz unterschieden sich zwischen beiden Bedingungen nicht. Diskussion: Bei den in dieser Pilotstudie untersuchten gesunden Jugendlichen wirkten sich abendliche Computerspiele negativ auf die Alertness und die Schlafarchitektur der darauffolgenden Nacht aus. Zusammen mit häufig nicht ausreichenden Schlafzeiten an Schultagen bei Jugendlichen könnten kumulativ diese Befunde entwicklungsphysiologische Relevanz haben. Untersuchungen an Jugendlichen in weiteren Kollektiven mit entsprechender Gruppengröße sind jedoch notwendig, um die Ergebnisse weiter zu verifizieren und ggf. schlafhygienische Verhaltensempfehlungen für diese Altersgruppen entsprechend anzupassen

    Hepatitis B vaccination coverage in Germany: systematic review

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    Background Despite being considered as a low prevalence country for hepatitis B (HBV), some populations in Germany are at higher risk of infection. In the context of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) viral hepatitis elimination goals, a valid epidemiological data base is needed to plan and monitor the national response. Prevention strategies include general and targeted HBV vaccination programmes. Objective The aim of this work was to estimate the HBV vaccination coverage (VC) in the general population (GP) and different population groups in Germany from available evidence and to identify current evidence gaps for future research. Methods We conducted a systematic review on HBV VC in the general population and populations at high risk of HBV exposure or severe infection in Germany. We included eligible publications (01/01/2017 to 06/06/2020) from databases Embase, Pubmed and Livivo, from a previous scoping review (including data published 01/01/2005–17/03/2017), from the national surveillance system and screened the reference lists of all publications at full text level. Risk of bias was assessed using the Hoy et al. tool. Results We included 68 publications of 67 studies and assigned them to one or more suitable population groups. Twenty-one studies contained data among children/adolescents and three among adults from the GP (VC 65.8–90.5% and 22.9–52.1%, respectively), one among travelers (VC 89.0%), 13 among immunocompromised populations (VC 7.8–89.0%), 16 among populations with occupational risk and 16 with non-occupational risk of HBV exposure (VC 63.6–96.5% and 4.4–84.5%, respectively). Conclusion Comprehensive evidence at low risk of bias was identified for children/adolescents. However, 25 years after including HBV in the national immunisation schedule, VC in Germany is still below the 95%-goal defined by WHO. For people at occupational risk of HBV exposure, VC was mostly reported to be over the WHO goal of 80%, but quality of evidence was heterogenous and should be improved. For people at non-occupational risk of HBV exposure, evidence was sparse and of low quality. The low VC highlights the need for future research to plan vaccination programmes targeting these populations.Peer Reviewe

    Effects of an iodine-containing prenatal multiple micronutrient on maternal and infant iodine status and thyroid function:a randomised trial in The Gambia

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    Background: Iodine supplementation is recommended to pregnant women in iodine-deficient populations, but the impact in moderate iodine deficiency is uncertain. We assessed the effect of an iodine-containing prenatal multiple micronutrient (MMN) supplement in a rural Gambian population at risk of moderate iodine deficiency. Materials and Methods: This study uses data and samples collected as a part of the randomized controlled trial Early Nutrition and Immune Development (ENID; ISRCTN49285450) conducted in Keneba, The Gambia. Pregnant women (<20 weeks gestation) were randomized to either a daily supplement of MMNs containing 300 μg of iodine or an iron and folic acid (FeFol) supplement. Randomization was double blinded (participants and investigators). The coprimary outcomes were maternal urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and serum thyroglobulin (Tg), assessed at baseline and at 30 weeks' gestation. Secondary outcomes were maternal serum thyrotropin (TSH), total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4) (assessed at baseline and at 30 weeks' gestation), breast milk iodine concentration (BMIC) (assessed at 8, 12, and 24 weeks postpartum), infant serum Tg (assessed at birth [cord], 12, and 24 weeks postpartum), and serum TSH (assessed at birth [cord]). The effect of supplementation was evaluated using mixed effects models. Results: A total of 875 pregnant women were enrolled between April 2010 and February 2015. In this secondary analysis, we included women from the MMN (n = 219) and FeFol (n = 219) arm of the ENID trial. At baseline, median (interquartile range or IQR) maternal UIC and Tg was 51 μg/L (33–82) and 22 μg/L (12–39), respectively, indicating moderate iodine deficiency. Maternal MMN supplement increased maternal UIC (p < 0.001), decreased maternal Tg (p < 0.001), and cord blood Tg (p < 0.001) compared with FeFol. Maternal thyroid function tests (TSH, TT3, TT4, and TT3/TT4 ratio) and BMIC did not differ according to maternal supplement group over the course of the study. Median (IQR) BMIC, maternal UIC, and infant Tg in the MMN group were 51 μg/L (35–72), 39 μg/L (25–64), and 87 μg/L (59–127), respectively, at 12 weeks postpartum, and did not differ between supplement groups. Conclusions: Supplementing moderately iodine-deficient women during pregnancy improved maternal iodine status and reduced Tg concentration. However, the effects were not attained postpartum and maternal and infant iodine nutrition remained inadequate during the first six months after birth. Consideration should be given to ensuring adequate maternal status through pregnancy and lactation in populations with moderate deficiency

    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy investigation in the right human hippocampus following spinal cord injury.

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    OBJECTIVE Preclinical studies have shown that cognitive impairments following spinal cord injury (SCI), such as impaired spatial memory, are linked to inflammation, neurodegeneration, and reduced neurogenesis in the right hippocampus. This cross-sectional study aims to characterize metabolic and macrostructural changes in the right hippocampus and their association to cognitive function in traumatic SCI patients. METHODS Within this cross-sectional study, cognitive function was assessed in 28 chronic traumatic SCI patients and 18 age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy controls by a visuospatial and verbal memory test. A magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and structural MRI protocol was performed in the right hippocampus of both groups to quantify metabolic concentrations and hippocampal volume, respectively. Group comparisons investigated changes between SCI patients and healthy controls and correlation analyses investigated their relationship to memory performance. RESULTS Memory performance was similar in SCI patients and healthy controls. The quality of the recorded MR spectra was excellent in comparison to the best-practice reports for the hippocampus. Metabolite concentrations and volume of the hippocampus measured based on MRS and MRI were not different between two groups. Memory performance in SCI patients and healthy controls was not correlated with metabolic or structural measures. CONCLUSION This study suggests that the hippocampus may not be pathologically affected at a functional, metabolic, and macrostructural level in chronic SCI. This points toward the absence of significant and clinically relevant trauma-induced neurodegeneration in the hippocampus
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