38 research outputs found

    Bioindicatori per Valutare la Qualità dei Suoli di Alcuni Parchi della Città di Roma

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    Il presente studio è stato effettuato alfine di stimare parte della qualità ambientale in alcuni parchi della città di Roma. Per tale indagine sono stati utilizzati muschi, suoli superficiali raccolti nei parchi di Villa Borghese, Villa Ada e Villa Doria Pamphili. Queste aree sono state scelte perché adiacenti a strade ad alto traffico veicolare. Complessivamente sono state approntate 11 stazioni di prelievo. Sono state valutate le concentrazioni di metalli pesanti quali Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Pt e Rh in suoli e muschi, i valori ottenuti hanno permesso di osservare l¿andamento spaziale e identificare l¿origine delle ricadute degli elementi. In aggiunta su un campione composito di suolo per ogni "villa" è stata stimata la concentrazione di IPA, PCBs e Organoclorurati. Per una indagine più approfondita sono stati altresì utilizzati indicatori microbiologici, biochimici e molecolari della qualità del suolo al fine di valutare l¿effetto delle deposizioni al suolo di inquinanti presenti nell¿aria nei confronti della popolazione microbica e dei cicli biogeochimici. L¿insieme dei dati ottenuti ha permesso di valutare parte dello stato di salute dei tre parchi romani; l¿indagine andrebbe allargata sia agli altri parchi romani sia ai parchi di altre città italiane ed estere utilizzando la stessa metodica per una comparazione dei risultati e per conoscere la qualità dei parchi cittadini al fine di una corretta gestione. Parole chiave: parchi, muschi, suoli, batteri, metalli pesanti, IPA, PCBsJRC.H.7-Land management and natural hazard

    A Three Year Study on 14 VOCs at One Site in Rome: Levels, Seasonal Variations, Indoor/Outdoor Ratio and Temporal Trends

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    Fourteen volatile organic compounds (VOCs)—twelve hydrocarbons and two organochlorine compounds—were monitored both outdoors and indoors for three years at one site in Rome. Results showed that 118 out of 168 indoor seasonal mean values were higher than the corresponding outdoor concentrations. The most relevant source of outdoor hydrocarbons was automotive exhaust emissions. Due to the enforcement of various measures to protect health and the environment, outdoor levels of monoaromatic hydrocarbons decreased about ten fold over 15 years, and aliphatic hydrocarbons also decreased. With the decrease in these outdoor concentrations, indoor air sources are likely to be more relevant for indoor air exposures. Winter outdoor values for monoaromatic hydrocarbons were generally markedly higher than the summer ones. The gradual replacement of the current fleet of circulating cars with new cars complying with EURO 5 standards, further reducing hydrocarbon emissions, may possibly lead to an increase in the observed indoor/outdoor ratios. It is indeed more difficult to remove indoor sources, some of which are still unknown

    Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers

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    Scientists have warned decision-makers about the severe consequences of the global environmental crisis since the 1970s. Yet ecological degradation continues and little has been done to address climate change. We investigated early-career conservation researchers' (ECR) perspectives on, and prioritization of, actions furthering sustainability. We conducted a survey (n = 67) and an interactive workshop (n = 35) for ECR attendees of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (2018). Building on these data and discussions, we identified ongoing and forthcoming advances in conservation science. These include increased transdisciplinarity, science communication, advocacy in conservation, and adoption of a transformation-oriented social-ecological systems approach to research. The respondents and participants had diverse perspectives on how to achieve sustainability. Reformist actions were emphasized as paving the way for more radical changes in the economic system and societal values linked to the environment and inequality. Our findings suggest that achieving sustainability requires a strategy that (1) incorporates the multiplicity of people's views, (2) places a greater value on nature, and (3) encourages systemic transformation across political, social, educational, and economic realms on multiple levels. We introduce a framework for ECRs to inspire their research and practice within conservation science to achieve real change in protecting biological diversity

    Air pollution and lung function among susceptible adult subjects: a panel study

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse health effects at relatively low levels of ambient air pollution have consistently been reported in the last years. We conducted a time-series panel study of subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and ischemic heart disease (IHD) to evaluate whether daily levels of air pollutants have a measurable impact on the lung function of adult subjects with pre-existing lung or heart diseases. METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with COPD, asthma, or IHD underwent repeated lung function tests by supervised spirometry in two one-month surveys. Daily samples of coarse (PM(10–2.5)) and fine (PM(2.5)) particulate matter were collected by means of dichotomous samplers, and the dust was gravimetrically analyzed. The particulate content of selected metals (cadmium, chrome, iron, nickel, lead, platinum, vanadium, and zinc) was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O(3)), and sulphur dioxide (SO(2)) were obtained from the regional air-quality monitoring network. The relationships between concentrations of air pollutants and lung function parameters were analyzed by generalized estimating equations (GEE) for panel data. RESULTS: Decrements in lung function indices (FVC and/or FEV(1)) associated with increasing concentrations of PM(2.5), NO(2 )and some metals (especially zinc and iron) were observed in COPD cases. Among the asthmatics, NO(2 )was associated with a decrease in FEV(1). No association between average ambient concentrations of any air pollutant and lung function was observed among IHD cases. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the short-term negative impact of exposure to air pollutants on respiratory volume and flow is limited to individuals with already impaired respiratory function. The fine fraction of ambient PM seems responsible for the observed effects among COPD cases, with zinc and iron having a potential role via oxidative stress. The respiratory function of the relatively young and mild asthmatics included in this study seems to worsen when ambient levels of NO(2 )increase

    Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers

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    Scientists have warned decision-makers about the severe consequences of the global environmental crisis since the 1970s. Yet ecological degradation continues and little has been done to address climate change. We investigated early-career conservation researchers' (ECR) perspectives on, and prioritization of, actions furthering sustainability. We conducted a survey (n = 67) and an interactive workshop (n = 35) for ECR attendees of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (2018). Building on these data and discussions, we identified ongoing and forthcoming advances in conservation science. These include increased transdisciplinarity, science communication, advocacy in conservation, and adoption of a transformation-oriented social–ecological systems approach to research. The respondents and participants had diverse perspectives on how to achieve sustainability. Reformist actions were emphasized as paving the way for more radical changes in the economic system and societal values linked to the environment and inequality. Our findings suggest that achieving sustainability requires a strategy that (1) incorporates the multiplicity of people's views, (2) places a greater value on nature, and (3) encourages systemic transformation across political, social, educational, and economic realms on multiple levels. We introduce a framework for ECRs to inspire their research and practice within conservation science to achieve real change in protecting biological diversity.</p

    Beiträge zur Kenntmigs der Microooccencolonien in den Blutgefassen bei septischen Erkrankungen.

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    Ewaluacja polskich programów wsparcia B+R – praktyka i perspektywy

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    The National Centre for Research and Development (NCRD) is the implementing agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The main task of the NCRD is the management and execution of strategic research and development programmes, which lead directly to the development of innovativeness. The NCRD is obligated by law to conduct a systematic evaluation of its strategic research and development programmes and other tasks of the Centre, including an assessment of their impact on the development of science and economy. The article refers to case studies of two evaluations conducted by the NCRD and presents problems and challenges connected with measuring the effectiveness and innovation of tested programmes. Properly designed Impact evaluation should provide an answer to basic questions: Does public intervention work? and Why? The answer for the first question can be found by using counterfactual methods, which seek to identify the net effects or impacts of interventions. This is known as Counterfactual Impact Evaluations (CIEs), and it is based on comparison of results to estimate what would have occurred otherwise.Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBR) jest agencją wykonawczą Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Głównym zadaniem NCBR jest zarządzanie i realizacja strategicznych programów badawczych, które przyczyniają się do wzrostu poziomu innowacyjności polskiej gospodarki. Ustawa o NCBR obliguje Centrum do prowadzenia systematycznej ewaluacji strategicznych programów badawczo-rozwojowych oraz innych zadań Centrum, w tym do oceny ich wpływu na rozwój nauki i gospodarki. Poniższy artykuł odnosi się do stadium przypadku dwóch badań ewaluacyjnych przeprowadzonych przez NCBR oraz podejmuje kwestie problemów i wyzwaniach związanych z pomiarem efektywności i innowacyjności badanych programów. Właściwie zaprojektowana ewaluacja wpływu powinna udzielić odpowiedzi na podstawowe pytania, czy interwencja publiczna odniosła zamierzony skutek? i dlaczego? Odpowiedź na pierwsze pytanie można określić za pomocą metod kontrfaktycznych, dzięki którym można oszacować efekty interwencji netto lub w wymiarze ich wpływu. Ewaluacja wpływu oparta na metodach kontrfaktycznych polega na porównaniu faktycznych wyników interwencji oraz szacunków efektów działań przeprowadzonych w sposób alternatywny

    Reactivity of urban environments towards legislative actions. The case of Roma (Italy)

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    The investigation of sediment chronostratigraphy was performed in order to reconstruct heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn) and major elements (Fe, Al and Mn) fluxes in a heavy traffic site located in Roma (Italy). This city represents an ideal situation from a geochemical point of view (outcropping rocks are enriched rocks in terms of heavy metals content) where anthropic emissions are exclusively associated to traffic and heating systems. The impact of biological activity and soil erosion on sedimentation process were investigated in one urban lake, where the sedimentation model was defined using radiometric determinations (137Cs and unsupported 210Pb). Fluxes calculations and isotopic composition of lead were performed in order to enhance the metal distribution through the collected core. Statistical analysis allowed discriminating elements in two main groups: traffic related metals and urban aero-disperse elements. Indexes, which can estimate the elemental affinity to the urban dust, were calculated for metal source definition. Lake sediments recorded the fall of Pb air content that occurred after leaded gasoline phasing out and after about 10 years the total amount of Pb decreased of about 90%

    The residual effect of fertilizer in soil: Can crop rotation practices combat soil fertility loss and increase crop yield?

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    The depletion of soil nutrients is a global problem with a tendency to increase under climate change leading to degraded soils and decreasing crop yields. Various initiatives aim at the restoration of soils and the ecosystem services they provide. Studies investigating the effects of fertilizer application on soils have found positive long-term effects on soil nutrient content and crop yield even in the season after the fertilizer application. The utilization of this so called fertilizer residual effect has been suggested as a possible solution to prevent decreasing soil fertility. This study investigates the residual effects of NPK fertilizer on the fertility of agricultural soil in the Sudanian Savannah of the Republic of Benin in West Africa. Smallholder farmers in the study area commonly practice crop rotations and apply NPK fertilizer for the cultivation of cotton. Many of those farmers have claimed to benefit from fertilizer application in terms of higher crop yields in subsequent seasons even without the application of further fertilizer. In this study soil samples were taken and analyzed for soil nutrient content and smallholder farmers of associated agricultural fields were interviewed to understand farmer’s motivations to adopt the agricultural practice of crop rotation. The collected data was combined with spatial information derived from satellite imagery and compared to farmer interview responses. The results provide information on crop rotation cycles, soil N, P and K content and farmer’s motivation for 120 agricultural fields in Dassari, Benin. Data shows no significant correlation between year of fertilizer application, soil nutrient content or crop cycle used for rotation. This study therefore contradicts the hypothesis of the positive effect of residual fertilizer on crop yield and questions the application of chemical fertilizer for sustainable ecosystem restoration. Results of this study can be used by projects in development cooperation to train smallholder farmers in more sustainable agricultural practices to restore soil fertility and increase crop yield in order to strengthen food security and fight land degradation in the West African Sudanian Savanna belt and get closer to achieving SDG2 and SDG15.peerReviewe