103 research outputs found

    Influence of intrafamilial abuse in children's change of values towards their parents

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    The socialization that parents and society exercise on children instills in them a set of values towards parents. Some of these values are not lying, feeling affection for the parents, and wanting to have contact with them. In this work, we attempt to determine whether these values change in the face of intrafamilial abuse. To that end, an incidental sample was used, consisting of 2730 minors aged between 6 to 18 years, who had never suffered abuse. They were asked to put themselves in the place of the main character of a story. The story varied depending on the conditions to be studied: observation and direct suffering or account of the abuse by another, type of abuse (physical or psychological), who perpetrated the abuse (custodian or non-custodial), and who received it (the other custodian or the minor). The results show that, as a rule, children lie to conceal both parents' abusive behavior; they love their parents and want to have contact with them, even in the presence of abuse. Notwithstanding that in the presence of abuse by one of their parents, children still love them and want to have contact with both parents, a significant number of children, however, stop loving them or want to have contact with the abusive parent. These results undermine what is defended by theories like PAS with no scientific evidence, and underline the need to use scientific procedures to test the reliability of minors’ testimony based on the idea that children tell the truth.Die von Eltern und Gesellschaft initiierten Sozialisationsprozesse erziehen Kindern eine Reihe von Werten im Umgang mit ihren Eltern an. Einige dieser Werte sind beispielsweise: nicht zu lĂŒgen, eine Zuneigung zu den Eltern zu verspĂŒren und Kontakt zu ihnen haben zu wollen. In dieser wissenschaftlichen Arbeit wird versucht zu untersuchen, ob sich diese Werte bei innerfamilialem Missbrauch verĂ€ndern. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Stichprobe von 2730 MinderjĂ€hrigen im Alter zwischen 6 und 18 Jahren, die noch nie missbraucht wurden, herangezogen. Sie wurden gebeten, sich in die Hauptfigur einer Geschichte hineinzuversetzen. Die Geschichte variierte je nach den zu untersuchenden Bedingungen: Beobachtung und direktes Erleiden oder ErzĂ€hlung des Missbrauchs durch andere, Art des Missbrauchs (physisch oder psychisch), wer den Missbrauch begangen hat (erziehungsberechtigter oder nicht erziehungsberechtigter Elternteil) und wer dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt war (der andere Elternteil oder das Kind). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Kinder in der Regel lĂŒgen, wenn es darum geht das missbrĂ€uchliche Verhalten von einem der beiden Elternteile zu verbergen. Sie lieben ihre Eltern und möchten Kontakt zu ihnen haben, selbst im Falle von Missbrauch. Ungeachtet dessen, das einige Kinder bei Misshandlung durch einen ihrer Elternteile, beide Eltern immer noch lieben und Kontakt zu ihnen haben wollen, hört eine signifikante Anzahl von Kinder auf, den missbrauchenden Elternteil zu lieben oder Kontakt zu ihm haben zu wollen. Diese Ergebnisse falsifizieren, was von Theorien wie PAS ohne wissenschaftliche Beweise behauptet wird und unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit der Verwendung wissenschaftlicher Verfahren, die auf der Idee fußen, dass Kinder die Wahrheit sagen, zur zuverlĂ€ssigen Untersuchung der Zeugenaussagen von Kindern

    New Benzotriozole Phthalocyanine Nickel(II) Photostabilizer for Low Density Polyethylene

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    Benzotiozole Phthalocyanine Nickel(II) has been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and FT-IR techniques. This new compound imposes three bathways to stablize low density polyethylene (LDPE) due to nature of its complex structure.The prepared complex contains four benzotrizoles which absorb U.V. light while Nickel(II) derivative destroye hydrogen peroxides and scavenge free radicals. The experimental investigation carried out on Benzotriozole phthalocyanine Nickel(II) shows that this complex has excellent photostabilizer for LDPE compared with commercial antioxidants. Keywords: Photostabilizer, Phthalocyanine Nickel(II) derivatives, LDP

    Pećnjaci Garić grada

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    Funding: This work was supported by the EU Horizon 2020 project, Team-Play (https://www.teamplay-h2020.eu), grant number 779882, and UK EPSRC Discovery, grant number EP/P020631/1.Energy, Time and Security (ETS) properties of programs are becoming increasingly prioritised by developers, especially where applications are running on ETS sensitive systems, such as embedded devices or the Internet of Things. Moreover, developers currently lack tools and language properties to allow them to reason about ETS. In this paper, we introduce a new contract specification frame-work, called Drive, which allows a developer to reason about ETS or other non-functional properties of their programs as first-class properties of the language. Furthermore, we introduce a contract specification language, allowing developers to reason about these first-class ETS properties by expressing contracts that are proved correct by an underlying formal type system. Finally, we show our contract framework over a number of representable examples, demonstrating provable worst-case ETS properties.Postprin

    Merkel cell carcinoma: a population-based study on mortality and the association with other cancers

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    Few population-based epidemiological data are available on Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), a rare lethal non-melanoma skin cancer. We analysed multiple-cause-of-death records to describe MCC mortality and trends and the association with other primary cancers. We reviewed all 6,713,059 death certificates in Italy (1995-2006) to identify those mentioning MCC. We evaluated the association with other primary cancers by calculating the ratio of observed to expected deaths, using a standardized mortality ratio (SMR)-like analysis. We also evaluated the geographic distribution of deaths. We identified 351 death certificates with the mention of MCC. The age-adjusted mortality was 0.031/100,000, with a significant trend of increase and a slight north-south gradient. There was a significant deficit for solid cancers (SMR = 0.15) and a non-significant excess for lymphohematopoietic malignancies (SMR = 1.62). There were significant excesses for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (SMR = 4.07) and Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (SMR = 27.2) and a non-significant excess for chronic myeloid leukemia (SMR = 5.12). The increase in MCC mortality reflects the incidence trend in the literature. The association with chronic lymphocytic leukemia confirms the importance of immunologic factors in MCC. Regarding Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, an association with MCC has never been reported

    Retrospective French nationwide survey of childhood aggressive vascular anomalies of bone, 1988-2009

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To document the epidemiological, clinical, histological and radiological characteristics of aggressive vascular abnormalities of bone in children.</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>Correspondents of the French Society of Childhood Malignancies were asked to notify all cases of aggressive vascular abnormalities of bone diagnosed between January 1988 and September 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>21 cases were identified; 62% of the patients were boys. No familial cases were observed, and the disease appeared to be sporadic. Mean age at diagnosis was 8.0 years [0.8-16.9 years]. Median follow-up was 3 years [0.3-17 years]. The main presenting signs were bone fracture (n = 4) and respiratory distress (n = 7), but more indolent onset was observed in 8 cases. Lung involvement, with lymphangiectasies and pleural effusion, was the most frequent form of extraosseous involvement (10/21). Bisphosphonates, alpha interferon and radiotherapy were used as potentially curative treatments. High-dose radiotherapy appeared to be effective on pleural effusion but caused major late sequelae, whereas antiangiogenic drugs like alpha interferon and zoledrenate have had a limited impact on the course of pulmonary complications. The impact of bisphosphonates and alpha interferon on bone lesions was also difficult to assess, owing to insufficient follow-up in most cases, but it was occasionally positive. Six deaths were observed and the overall 10-year mortality rate was about 30%. The prognosis depended mainly on pulmonary and spinal complications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Aggressive vascular abnormalities of bone are extremely rare in childhood but are lifethreatening. The impact of anti-angiogenic drugs on pulmonary complications seems to be limited, but they may improve bone lesions.</p

    Safety and tolerance of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection in systemic lupus erythematosus: results from the COVAD study

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    Objective To determine COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse events (AEs) in the seven-day post-vaccination period in patients with SLE vs autoimmune rheumatic diseases (AIRDs), non-rheumatic autoimmune diseases (nrAIDs), and healthy controls (HC). Methods Data were captured through the COVID-19 Vaccination in Autoimmune Diseases (COVAD) questionnaire (March–December 2021). Multivariable regression models accounted for age, gender, ethnicity, vaccine type and background treatment. Results Among 9462 complete respondents, 583 (6.2%) were SLE patients (mean age: 40.1 years; 94.5% females; 40.5% Asian; 42.9% Pfizer-recipients). Minor AEs were reported by 83.0% of SLE patients, major by 2.6%, hospitalization by 0.2%. AE and hospitalization frequencies were similar between patients with active and inactive SLE. Rashes were more frequent in SLE patients vs HC (OR; 95% CI: 1.2; 1.0, 1.5), chills less frequent in SLE vs AIRDs (0.6; 0.4, 0.8) and nrAIDs (0.5; 0.3, 0.8), and fatigue less frequent in SLE vs nrAIDs (0.6; 0.4, 0.9). Pfizer-recipients reported higher overall AE (2.2; 1.1, 4.2) and injection site pain (2.9; 1.6, 5.0) frequencies than recipients of other vaccines, Oxford/AstraZeneca-recipients more body ache, fever, chills (OR: 2.5, 3.0), Moderna-recipients more body ache, fever, chills, rashes (OR: 2.6, 4.3). Hospitalization frequencies were similar across vaccine types. AE frequencies were similar across treatment groups, although chills were less frequent in antimalarial users vs non-users (0.5; 0.3, 0.9). Conclusion While COVID-19 vaccination-related AEs were reported by four-fifths of SLE patients, those were mostly minor and comparable to AEs reported by healthy individuals, providing reassurance regarding COVID-19 vaccination safety in SLE

    Global disparities in the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: results from an international online survey study

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    Objectives: We aimed to explore current practice and interregional differences in the treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs). We triangulated these observations considering countries’ gross national income (GNI), disease subtypes, and symptoms using patient-reported information. Methods: A cross-sectional ancillary analysis of the ‘COVID-19 vaccination in auto-immune disease’ (COVAD) e-survey containing demographic characteristics, IIM subtypes (DM, PM, IBM, anti-synthetase syndrome [ASSD], immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy [IMNM], overlap myopathies [OM]), current symptoms (surrogate for organ involvement) and treatments (corticosteroids [CS], immunomodulators [IM], i.e. antimalarials, immunosuppressants [IS], IVIG, biologic treatments and targeted-synthetic small molecules). Treatments were presented descriptively according to continents, GNI, IIM and organ involvement, and associated factors were analysed using multivariable binary logistic regressions. Results: Of 18 851 respondents from 94 countries, 1418 with IIM were analysed (age 61 years, 62.5% females). DM (32.4%), IBM (24.5%) and OM (15.8%) were the most common subtypes. Treatment categories included IS (49.4%), CS (38.5%), IM (13.8%) and IVIG (9.4%). Notably, treatments varied across regions, GNI categories (IS mostly used in higher-middle income, IM in lower-middle income, IVIG and biologics largely limited to high-income countries), IIM subtypes (IS and CS associated with ASSD, IM with OM and DM, IVIG with IMNM, and biologic treatments with OM and ASSD) and disease manifestations (IS and CS with dyspnoea). Most inter-regional treatment disparities persisted after multivariable analysis. Conclusion: We identified marked regional treatment disparities in a global cohort of IIM. These observations highlight the need for international consensus-driven management guidelines considering patient-centred care and available resources

    COVAD survey 2 long-term outcomes: unmet need and protocol

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    Vaccine hesitancy is considered a major barrier to achieving herd immunity against COVID-19. While multiple alternative and synergistic approaches including heterologous vaccination, booster doses, and antiviral drugs have been developed, equitable vaccine uptake remains the foremost strategy to manage pandemic. Although none of the currently approved vaccines are live-attenuated, several reports of disease flares, waning protection, and acute-onset syndromes have emerged as short-term adverse events after vaccination. Hence, scientific literature falls short when discussing potential long-term effects in vulnerable cohorts. The COVAD-2 survey follows on from the baseline COVAD-1 survey with the aim to collect patient-reported data on the long-term safety and tolerability of COVID-19 vaccines in immune modulation. The e-survey has been extensively pilot-tested and validated with translations into multiple languages. Anticipated results will help improve vaccination efforts and reduce the imminent risks of COVID-19 infection, especially in understudied vulnerable groups
