364 research outputs found


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    The security issues of the information exchange protocol CAN for vehicle electronic control units, the general scheme of attacker’s actions for attack performing against the car is considered, and car safety standards are considered. The methodology of threat modeling is described. Descriptions of practical attacks are collected and the classification of attacks is given. The assessment of threats of practical attacks based upon five criteria is given, the most important of which are driver’s life safety and ability to cope with consequences of the attacker’s actions. Calculated estimates allow one to compare attacks on potential damage and identify the most critical one. Weight coefficients for the threats assessment are provided. The threat modeling methodology for vehicles is applied with results of practical attacks.Keywords: vehicle security, cyberattack, threat, vulnerability, threat modeling, attacks analysis, attacks assessment, assessment of severity and controllability.Чеканін О. Ю., кандидат технічних наук, доцент, Жданова О. Г. Аналіз загроз для електронних компонентів управління автомобіля в мережі CAN / Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Україна, Київ.Метою роботи є аналіз практично виконаних атак на електронні компоненти управління автомобіля та визначення кількісних оцінок для загроз. Методологія моделювання загроз полягала в оцінюванні загроз за п’ятьма параметрами наслідків загрози та в виборі вагових коефіцієнтів для кожного параметру. До параметрів належать безпека водія, експлуатаційні характеристики автомобіля, приватність даних водія, фінансові ризики та керованість ситуації. Найважливишіми параметрами були безпека водія та керованість ситуації. Був зібраний опис здійсненних атак, для кожної з них за обраними параметрами надані оцінки та розрахована загальна оцінка. Отримані результати мають цінність для експертів з інформаційної безпеки та виробників транспортних засобів. Проаналізовані атаки мають широкий діапазон оцінок, що свідчить про значну кількість можливостей для зловмисника, найнебезпечнішими атаками виявилися ті, що впливають на рух автомобіля та здатність водія керувати.Ключові слова: інформаційна безпека автомобіля, кібератака, загроза, вразливість, моделювання загроз, аналіз атак, оцінка атак, оцінка строгості та керованості


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    SUMMARY. The article is devoted to the results of the study of root canals microflora in the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis. Patients were divided into 2 groups: basic and control. Patients of the main group were treated by root canal photo-activated disinfection using povidone-iodine as a chromatophore. Patients in the control group were treated by the standard method. Analysis of microbiological research content of root canals after endodontic treatment and access to drug treatment in all groups showed a huge number of gram-positive microorganisms.РЕЗЮМЕ. У статті представлені результати дослідження мікрофлори кореневих каналів зубів при лікуванні хронічного апікального періодонтиту. Пацієнти були поділені на 2 групи: основну і контрольну. Пацієнтам основної групи проводили лікування кореневих каналів методом фотоактивованої дезінфекції з використанням повідон-йоду в якості хроматофора. Хворі контрольної групи були проліковані за стандартною методикою. Аналіз результатів мікробіологічного дослідження вмісту кореневих каналів після створення ендодонтичного доступу до інструментальної та медикаментозної обробки у всіх групах показав велику різноманітність, кількість ідентифікованих культур припадає на долю грампозитивної мікрофлори.

    Teenagers’ vandalism and the importance of parent-child relationships in addressing it

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    Vandalism in the urban environment is a common phenomenon but is difficult to evaluate. The scale of damage caused by vandalism is rarely analyzed, and therefore a limited number of scientific works are devoted to the phenomenon of vandal behavior and the identification of its causes. While the role of the family in the formation of deviant behavior is indicated by many researchers, the context of vandalism and the issue of family determination remains open. This article studies the parents’ styles of upbringing and their preparation for teenagers’ vandal behavior. By identifying the degree of influence of the family in the formation of such a destructive form of interaction between teenagers’ and the material environment it is possible to identify a group of teenagers who are ready to commit acts of vandalism. An attempt is made to correlate child-parent relations with teenagers’ motivational readiness to commit acts of vandalism. To study the relationship of child-parent relations and teenagers’ vandal behavior, data was collected (using psycho-diagnostic techniques) from 60 teenagers and their parents from complete and incomplete families, the socially well-off and the socially disadvantaged. The results were processed using descriptive statistics, MANOVA and linear regression analysis. It was found that parental upbringing styles play a decisive role in initiating vandalism, while the educational effects of mother and father have their own specific characteristics. The results can be used in the organization of social support for children from socially disadvantaged families in order to prevent vandalism and its radicalization. © 2018, Kazan Federal University. All rights reserved

    Numerical simulation of water and water emulsion droplets evaporation in flames with different temperatures

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    The models of heat and mass transfer and phase transition for “water droplet – flame” system have been developed using non-stationary nonlinear partial differential equations. The system of differential equations was solved by the finite-difference method. The locally one-dimensional method was used to solve the difference analogous of differential equations. One-dimensional differential equations were solved using an implicit four-point difference scheme. Nonlinear equations were solved by the iteration method. The evaporation rates of water droplets (with sizes from 0.05 mm to 5 mm) in the flame zone (at the temperatures from 500 K to 1200 K) were determined. Theoretical analysis established essentially nonlinear (close to exponential) form of dependence of the water droplet evaporation rate on the temperature of the external gas area and the temperature of a droplet surface. In particular, the water droplet evaporation rate varies from 0.25 to 0.29 kg/(m2s), when the temperature of external gas area is about 1100 K. On the other hand, the water droplet evaporation rate does not exceed 0.01 kg/(m2s) when the temperature of external gas area is about 350 K. Besides, it has been found out that droplets warm up at different rates depending on their initial temperature and velocity. As a result, the integral characteristics of droplet evaporation can increase substantially, when droplets move through the external gas area at the same temperature. We performed a similar investigation or droplet streams with droplet concentration 0.001–0.005 m3 in 1 m3 of gas area (typical parameters for modern spray extinguishing systems)


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    The work is devoted to information system for city road maintenance planning. The main component of this system is the vehicle routing problem while servicing the city's transportation network when performing such operations as clearing roads from rubbish, dirt and dust, creating road markings, clearing snow and spreading anti-icing materials. Mathematically, the problem is reduced to a Min-Max Capacitated k-Chinese Postman Problem with Deadline Classes. An additional feature of the considered problem is the consideration of traffic intensity on the roads. The modification of the general algorithm for solving the problem takes into account the characteristic properties of the model. Considered the components of the developed information system for city road maintenance planning which can be used in the future by municipal services when planning routes during performance of certain types of road works.Key words: vehicles routing, road maintenance, MM k-CCPP with DC, planning system, traffic intensity, vehicle capacity

    Ways to improve the process of designing protective clothing for surgeons

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    The article deals with improving ergonomics and barrier efficiency of medical clothing by improving its design process in the context of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The results of the analysis of qualitative characteristics of medical clothing used by surgeons during operations have been presented. In order to create more sophisticated clothing for surgeons, it has been suggested to apply a comprehensive approach to the formation of consumer requirements on a “general to individual” basis at the stage of pre-design studies. The application of the proposed approach in the requirements development to create surgical coats with improved protective properties has been described