1,486 research outputs found

    Ozone and haze pollution weakens net primary productivity in China

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    Atmospheric pollutants have both beneficial and detrimental effects on carbon uptake by land ecosystems. Surface ozone (O3) damages leaf photosynthesis by oxidizing plant cells, while aerosols promote carbon uptake by increasing diffuse radiation and exert additional influences through concomitant perturbations to meteorology and hydrology. China is currently the world’s largest emitter of both carbon dioxide and short-lived air pollutants. The land ecosystems of China are estimated to provide a carbon sink, but it remains unclear whether air pollution acts to inhibit or promote carbon uptake. Here, we employ Earth system modeling and multiple measurement datasets to assess the separate and combined effects of anthropogenic O3 and aerosol pollution on net primary productivity (NPP) in China. In the present day, O3 reduces annual NPP by 0.6 Pg C (14 %) with a range from 0.4 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 0.8 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). In contrast, aerosol direct effects increase NPP by 0.2 Pg C (5 %) through the combination of diffuse radiation fertilization, reduced canopy temperatures, and reduced evaporation leading to higher soil moisture. Consequently, the net effects of O3 and aerosols decrease NPP by 0.4 Pg C (9 %) with a range from 0.2 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 0.6 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). However, precipitation inhibition from combined aerosol direct and indirect effects reduces annual NPP by 0.2 Pg C (4 %), leading to a net air pollution suppression of 0.8 Pg C (16 %) with a range from 0.6 Pg C (low O3 sensitivity) to 1.0 Pg C (high O3 sensitivity). Our results reveal strong dampening effects of air pollution on the land carbon uptake in China today. Following the current legislation emission scenario, this suppression will be further increased by the year 2030, mainly due to a continuing increase in surface O3. However, the maximum technically feasible reduction scenario could drastically relieve the current level of NPP damage by 70 % in 2030, offering protection of this critical ecosystem service and the mitigation of long-term global warming

    The two faces of nanomaterials: A quantification of hormesis in algae and plants

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    The rapid progress in nanotechnology has dramatically promoted the application of engineered nanomaterials in numerous sectors. The wide application of nanomaterials and the potential accumulation in the environment sparked interest in studying the effects of nanomaterials on algae and plants. Hormesis is a dose response phenomenon characterized by a biphasic dose response with a low dose stimulation and a high dose inhibition. This paper quantifies for the first time nanomaterial-induced hormesis in algae and plants. Five hundred hormetic concentration-response relationships were mined from the published literature. The median maximum stimulatory response (MAX) was 123%, and commonly below 200%, of control response. It was also lower in algae than in plants, and occurred commonly at concentrations <100 mg L−1. The no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) to MAX ratio was 2.4 for algae and 1.7 for plants, and the two distributions differed significantly. Ag nanoparticles induced higher MAX than TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles. The MAX varied upon nanomaterial application methods, growth stage of application (seed versus vegetative), type of endpoint and time window. While nanomaterial size did not affect significantly the MAX, sizes ≤50 nm appeared to have lower NOAEL:MAX ratio than sizes ≥100 nm, suggesting higher risks from incorrect application. The mechanisms underlying nanomaterial-induced hormetic concentration responses are discussed. This paper provides a strong foundation for enhancing research protocols of studies on nanomaterial effects on algae and plants as well as for incorporating hormesis into the risk assessment practices. Keywords: Agricultural sustainability, Environmental pollution, Hormesis, Nanoparticles, Preconditioning, Primin

    Investigations on the Antifungal Effect of Nerol against Aspergillus flavus

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    The antifungal efficacy of nerol (NEL) has been proved against Aspergillus flavus by using in vitro and in vivo tests. The mycelial growth of A. flavus was completely inhibited at concentrations of 0.8 μL/mL and 0.1 μL/mL NEL in the air at contact and vapor conditions, respectively. The NEL also had an evident inhibitory effect on spore germination in A. flavus along with NEL concentration as well as time-dependent kinetic inhibition. The NEL presented noticeable inhibition on dry mycelium weight and synthesis of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) by A. flavus, totally restraining AFB1 production at 0.6 μL/mL. In real food system, the efficacy of the NEL on resistance to decay development in cherry tomatoes was investigated in vivo by exposing inoculated and control fruit groups to NEL vapor at different concentration. NEL vapors at 0.1 μL/mL air concentration significantly reduced artificially contaminated A. flavus and a broad spectrum of fungal microbiota. Results obtained from presented study showed that the NEL had a great antifungal activity and could be considered as a benefit and safe tool to control food spoilage

    Ozone and plants

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    The International Conference on Ozone and Plants was held on May 18-21, 2014, in Beijing, China, hosted by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (http://english.rcees.cas.cn/), on behalf of the IUFRO Research Group 7.01.00 “Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems” (http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/ division-7/70000/70100) and the ICP Vegetation (http:// icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk). A special session was organised by the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (http://htap.org) of the UNECE Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention (http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap). The conference gathered more than 110 scientists from 17 countries to share the state of the art of ozone research and discuss scientific gaps in the understanding of the interaction between ozone and plants. The 2nd International Conference on Ozone and Plants is scheduled for 2017

    Economic losses due to ozone impacts on human health, forest productivity and crop yield across China

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    China's economic growth has significantly increased emissions of tropospheric ozone (O3) precursors, resulting in increased regional O3 pollution. We analyzed data from >1400 monitoring stations and estimated the exposure of population and vegetation (crops and forests) to O3 pollution across China in 2015. Based on WHO metrics for human health protection, the current O3 level leads to +0.9% premature mortality (59,844 additional cases a year) with 96% of populated areas showing O3–induced premature death. For vegetation, O3 reduces annual forest tree biomass growth by 11–13% and yield of rice and wheat by 8% and 6%, respectively, relative to conditions below the respective AOT40 critical levels (CL). These CLs are exceeded over 98%, 75% and 83% of the areas of forests, rice and wheat, respectively. Using O3 exposure–response functions, we evaluated the costs of O3-induced losses in rice (7.5 billion US),wheat(11.1billionUS), wheat (11.1 billion US) and forest production (52.2 billion US)andSOMO35basedmorbidityforrespiratorydiseases(690.9billionUS) and SOMO35–based morbidity for respiratory diseases (690.9 billion US) and non–accidental mortality (7.5 billion US$), i.e. a total O3-related cost representing 7% of the China Gross Domestic Product in 2015. Keywords: Surface ozone, Human health, Wheat, Rice, Forests, Crops, Risk assessment, Impacts, Economic valuatio

    Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: A threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity

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    Elevated tropospheric ozone concentrations induce adverse effects in plants. We reviewed how ozone affects (i) the composition and diversity of plant communities by affecting key physiological traits; (ii) foliar chemistry and the emission of volatiles, thereby affecting plant-plant competition, plant-insect interactions, and the composition of insect communities; and (iii) plant-soil-microbe interactions and the composition of soil communities by disrupting plant litterfall and altering root exudation, soil enzymatic activities, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. The community composition of soil microbes is consequently changed, and alpha diversity is often reduced. The effects depend on the environment and vary across space and time. We suggest that Atlantic islands in the Northern Hemisphere, the Mediterranean Basin, equatorial Africa, Ethiopia, the Indian coastline, the Himalayan region, southern Asia, and Japan have high endemic richness at high ozone risk by 2100

    Addressing China's grand challenge of achieving food security while ensuring environmental sustainability

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    China’s increasingly urbanized and wealthy population is driving a growing and changing demand for food, which might not be met without significant increase in agricultural productivity and sustainable use of natural resources. Given the past relationship between lack of access to affordable food and political instability, food security has to be given a high priority on national political agendas in the context of globalization. The drive for increased food production has had a significant impact on the environment, and the deterioration in ecosystem quality due to historic and current levels of pollution will potentially compromise the food production system in China. We discuss the grand challenges of not only producing more food but also producing it sustainably and without environmental degradation. In addressing these challenges, food production should be considered as part of an environmental system (soil, air, water, and biodiversity) and not independent from it. It is imperative that new ways of meeting the demand for food are developed while safeguarding the natural resources upon which food production is based. We present a holistic approach to both science and policy to ensure future food security while embracing the ambition of achieving environmental sustainability in China. It is a unique opportunity for China to be a role model as a new global player, especially for other emerging economies

    Effects of elevated ozone on physiological, anatomical and ultrastructural characteristics of four common urban tree species in China

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    Fast urbanization has led to ozone (O3) being the main pollutant in summer in most of China. To assess future ground-level O3 effects on the service of urban greening species and clarify the underlying mechanism of O3 damage, four common urban greening species, Ailanthus altissima (AA), Fraxinus chinensis(FC), Platanus orientalis (PO) and Robinia pseudoacacia (RP) were exposed to non-filtered air (NF) and to elevated O3 (E-O3) in open-top chambers. E-O3 induced visible injury in all species as well as microscopic alterations such as collapse of the palisade parenchyma cells, callose accumulation, or chloroplast and mitochondrial accelerated senescence. E-O3 significantly reduced light-saturated CO2 assimilation (Asat),the maximum activity of Rubisco (Vcmax), the maximum electron transport rate (Jmax), and fluorescence parameters such as the quantum yield of noncyclic electron transport (&#65533;PSII), and the quenching of photochemical efficiency of PSII (qP). It also increased total antioxidant capacity, phenolics and ascorbate contents. No significant interaction between O3and species was found in photosynthetic performance and antioxidant systems, suggesting that the four species selected were sensitive to O3. Of all four species,AA was the most sensitive species due to a combination of earlier injury onset, anatomical features, lower antioxidant responses and higher stomatal conductance. The sensitivity of tree species to O3 is a factor to be considered for urban greening. Ozone may affect important urban forest ecosystem services by reducing CO2 assimilationThis study has been funded by the Hundred Talents Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences and State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology. Collaboration between RCEES and Fundacion CEAM has been possible thanks to project AMIS (Fate and Impact of Atmospheric Pollutants, PIRSES-GA-2011-295132), and by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorships for Senior International Scientists (grant number: 2013T2Z0009). VC also acknowledges the support of PROMETEOII/2014/038 project (Generalitat Valenciana, G.V.), and FGB and JRA that of PROMETEOII2013/021 (G.V.), and CGL2012-40058-C02-01/02 (MINECO). We thank Mr. Yulong Zhang for the experimental management.Gao, F.; Calatayud Lorente, V.; García-Breijo, F.; Reig Armiñana, J.; Feng, Z. (2016). Effects of elevated ozone on physiological, anatomical and ultrastructural characteristics of four common urban tree species in China. Ecological Indicators. 67:367-379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.012S3673796