368 research outputs found

    Reducing Mental Health Stigma in The Army

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    Prediction of amikacin dose requirements in neutropenic patients with haematological disease

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    This study reports on the use of an easily applied Bayesian forecasting programme (OPT; Clyde-soft) to predict amikacin dose requirements in 10 patients with haematological disease and neutropenic fever. OPT-determined dose adjustment achieved therapeutic drug levels for 80% of the peak and 94% of the trough measurements

    The role of regolith adsorption in the transition from early to late Mars climate

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    Researchers reexamined radiative transfer models of early Mars that were advanced to show the existance of a greenhouse effect. These models were reexamined with regard to the effect that regolith adsorption may have had. It is argued that while the precipitation of carbonates has probably been an important process during Mars history, the rates at which this process could have taken place under early Mars conditions would have dropped sharply once liquid water was fairly scarce. Furthermore, conditions under which liquid water was available may have involved efficient recycling of carbonate so that steady state conditions rather than irreversible CO2 removal prevailed. In contrast, the growth of regolith surface area demands corresponding and predictable CO2 removal from the atmosphere-cap system and is fully capable of terminating any enhanced temperature regime on early Mars in the absence of any other effects

    Is regolith absorbtion the explanation for the transition from early to present Mars climate

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    Experimental data is presented for CO2 adsorption on palagonites (now thought to provide the most acceptable spectral match to Mars weathering products). When corrected for great differences in specific surface area, the adsorptive behavior exhibited by palogonites, nontronite, and basalt with respect to CO2 can be (approx.) described by the same generic equation. Using this relationship normalized to a Mars soil surface area, and the dependence of subsurface temperatures on latitude and depth, the current inventory of regolith absorbed CO2 was estimated

    Simultaneous laboratory measurements of CO2 and H2O adsorption on palagonite: Implications for the Martian climate and volatile reservoir

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    We are measuring the simultaneous adsorption of H2O and CO2 on palagonite materials in order to improve the formulation of climate models for Mars. We report on the initial co-adsorption data. Models of the Martian climate and volatile inventory indicate that the regolith serves as one of the primary reservoirs of outgassed volatiles and that it exchanges H2O and CO2 with the atmosphere in response to changes in insolation associated with astronomical cycles. Physical adsorbate must exist on the surfaces of the cold particulates that constitute the regolith, and the size of that reservoir can be assessed through laboratory measurements of adsorption on terrestrial analogs. Many studies of the independent adsorption of H2O and CO2 on Mars analog were made and appear in the literature. Empirical expressions that relate the adsorptive coverage of each gas to the temperature of the soil and partial pressure have been derived based on the laboratory data. Numerical models incorporate these adsorption isotherms into climatic models, which predict how the adsorptive coverage of the regolith and hence, the pressure of each gas in the atmosphere will vary as the planet moves through its orbit. These models suggest that the regolith holds several tens to hundreds of millibars of CO2 and that during periods of high obliquity warming of the high-latitude regolith will result in desorption of the CO2, and a consequent increase in atmospheric pressure. At lower obliquities, the caps cool and the equator warms forcing the desorption of several tens of millibars of CO2, which is trapped into quasipermanent CO2 caps

    The water cycle and regolith-atmosphere interaction at Gale crater, Mars

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    We perform mesoscale simulations of the water cycle in a region around Gale crater, including the diffusion of water vapour in and out of the regolith, and compare our results with measurements from the REMS instrument on board the Curiosity rover. Simulations are performed at three times of year, and show that diffusion in and out of the regolith and adsorption/desorption needs to be taken into account in order to match the diurnal variation of relative humidity measured by REMS. During the evening and night, local downslope flows transport water vapour down the walls of Gale crater. When including regolith-atmosphere interaction, the amount of vapour reaching the crater floor is reduced (by factors of 2–3 depending on season) due to vapour diffusing into the regolith along the crater walls. The transport of vapour into Gale crater is also affected by the regional katabatic flow over the dichotomy boundary, with the largest flux of vapour into the regolith initially occurring on the northern crater wall, and moving to the southern wall by early morning. Upslope winds during the day transport vapour desorbing and mixing out of the regolith up crater walls, where it can then be transported a few hundred metres into the atmosphere at convergence boundaries. Regolith-atmosphere interaction limits the formation of surface ice by reducing water vapour abundances in the lower atmosphere, though in some seasons ice can still form in the early morning on eastern crater walls. Subsurface ice amounts are small in all seasons, with ice only existing in the upper few millimetres of regolith during the night. The results at Gale crater are representative of the behaviour at other craters in the mesoscale domain

    A Coupled Soil-Atmosphere Model of H2O2 on Mars

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    The Viking Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer failed to detect organic compounds on Mars, and both the Viking Labeled Release and the Viking Gas Exchange experiments indicated a reactive soil surface. These results have led to the widespread belief that there are oxidants in the martian soil. Since H2O2 is produced by photochemical processes in the atmosphere of Mars, and has been shown in the laboratory to reproduce closely the Viking LR results, it is a likely candidate for a martian soil oxidant. Here, we report on the results of a coupled soil/atmosphere transport model for H202 on Mars. Upon diffusing into the soil, its concentration is determined by the extent to which it is adsorbed and by the rate at which it is catalytically destroyed. An analytical model for calculating the distribution of H202 in the martian atmosphere and soil is developed. The concentration of H202 in the soil is shown to go to zero at a finite depth, a consequence of the nonlinear soil diffusion equation. The model is parameterized in terms of an unknown quantity, the lifetime of H202 against heterogeneous catalytic destruction in the soil. Calculated concentrations are compared with a H202 concentration of 30 nmoles/cu cm, inferred from the Viking Labeled Release experiment. A significant result of this model is that for a wide range of H202 lifetimes (up to 105 years), the extinction depth was found to be less than 3 m. The maximum possible concentration in the top 4 cm is calculated to be approx. 240 nmoles/cu cm, achieved with lifetimes of greater than 1000 years. Concentrations higher than 30 nmoles/cu cm require lifetimes of greater than 4.3 terrestrial years. For a wide range of H202 lifetimes, it was found that the atmospheric concentration is only weakly coupled with soil loss processes. Losses to the soil become significant only when lifetimes are less than a few hours. If there are depths below which H202 is not transported, it is plausible that organic compounds, protected from an oxidizing environment, may still exist. They would have been deposited by meteors, or be the organic remains of past life

    Implications of the differing roles of the beta 1 and beta 3 transmembrane and cytosplasmic domains for integrin function

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    Integrins are transmembrane receptors composed of alpha and beta subunits. Although most integrins contain beta 1, canonical activation mechanisms are based on studies of the platelet integrin, allb beta 3. Its inactive conformation is characterized by the association of the alpha llb transmembrane and cytosolic domain (TM/CT) with a tilted beta 3 TM/CT that leads to activation when disrupted. We show significant structural differences between beta 1 and beta 3 TM/CT in bicelles. Moreover, the 'snorkeling' lysine at the TM/CT interface of beta subunits, previously proposed to regulate alpha llb beta 3 activation by ion pairing with nearby lipids, plays opposite roles in beta 1 and beta 3 integrin function and in neither case is responsible for TM tilt. A range of affinities from almost no interaction to the relatively high avidity that characterizes alpha llb beta 3 is seen between various alpha subunits and beta 1 TM/CTs. The alpha llb beta 3-based canonical model for the roles of the TM/CT in integrin activation and function clearly does not extend to all mammalian integrins

    Mars Atmospheric Oxidant Sensor (MAOS): An In-Situ Heterogeneous Chemistry Analysis

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    We describe a chemometric array sensor, the Mars Atmospheric Oxidant Sensor (MAOS, pronounced "mouse '') that is designed measure the oxidation rate of thin films on the martian surface. We select films that are sensitive to particular types of oxidants, that represent key elements in the martian soil, or that emulate prebiotic materials. Concern that naturally arising martian oxidants may have destroyed evidence of ancient life on Mars was raised by the Viking mission in the 1970's. The possibility that oxidants may limit the viability of biologica1 habitats is particularly timely in light of recent suggestions of contemporary flowing water on Mars. By controlling the temperature of the films, as well as their exposure to dust and ultraviolet light, MAOS will discriminate among leading hypotheses for oxidant production. MAOS weighs 55 grams, fits in a 6 x 7 x 2 cm envelope, and uses 250 mW power. Much of the enabling technology was developed for the MOx experiment, lost on the Russian Mars '96 mission

    Deep space 2: The Mars Microprobe Mission

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    The Mars Microprobe Mission will be the second of the New Millennium Program's technology development missions to planetary bodies. The mission consists of two penetrators that weigh 2.4 kg each and are being carried as a piggyback payload on the Mars Polar Lander cruise ring. The spacecraft arrive at Mars on December 3, 1999. The two identical penetrators will impact the surface at similar to 190 m/s and penetrate up to 0.6 m. They will land within 1 to 10 km of each other and similar to 50 km from the Polar Lander on the south polar layered terrain. The primary objective of the mission is to demonstrate technologies that will enable future science missions and, in particular, network science missions. A secondary goal is to acquire science data. A subsurface evolved water experiment and a thermal conductivity experiment will estimate the water content and thermal properties of the regolith. The atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature will be derived using descent deceleration data. Impact accelerometer data will be used to determine the depth of penetration, the hardness of the regolith, and the presence or absence of 1.0 cm scale layers