144 research outputs found

    Skin-like, Soft Patch for Continuous Cognitive Stress Monitoring

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    Presented at Georgia Tech 2023 Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference PosterHere, we present a skin-like, wearable patch microfabricated to seamlessly integrate with the human body and provide high fidelity physiological monitoring in a simple, minimally obtrusive platform. Specifically, this device has been optimized to capture minute chest vibrations produced by the heart’s mechanical beats, referred to as the seismocardiogram (SCG). along with the traditional electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximetry (PPG) signals in a single platform located on the sternum; mathematical tools developed in the study of seismology are then implemented to characterize the heart’s mechanical function and arousal state. In tandem with the PPG and ECG signals, this SCG analysis is used to continuously monitor cognitive stress, which is a notoriously difficult challenge because traditional monitoring signals, like heart rate variability and galvanic skin response are modulated by numerous confounding physiological factors. In contrast, preliminary studies with the soft device demonstrated an r2 correlation with salivary cortisol during controlled stressor activities of 0.81 compared to 0.59 for heart rate variability. Additional clinical testing is being pursued, and should this correlation be proven, this device would represent a substantial improvement in long-duration, continuous stress monitoring in daily life over alternative approaches. This in turn would have wide applications in dementia care, pain assessment, high stress workplace management (e.g., for surgeons and pilots), mental health treatment, and simple wellness

    Gingival conditioning

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    O condicionamento gengival objetiva melhorar o formato do rebordo residual, em altura e espessura, proporcionando espaço e desenho adequado para o perfil de emergência do pôntico que será instalado naquele sítio. A obtenção de um rebordo em arco côncavo e de papilas interdentais possibilita a confecção de Próteses Parciais Fixas estéticas, funcionais e biocompatíveis. Este trabalho apresenta um caso clínico em que foi realizado condicionamento gengival através de procedimento cirúrgico associado à utilização de provisórios, alcançando-se os objetivos estéticos, funcionais e de biocompatibilidade desejados. _______________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEl acondicionamiento gingival tiene por objetivo mejorar la forma del reborde residual, en altura y grosor, proporcionando espacio y conformación adecuados para el perfil de emergência del póntico que se instalará en aquella zona. La obtención de um reborde en arco cóncavo y con papilas interdentales possibilita la confección de Prótesis Parciales Fijas estéticas, funcionales y biocompatibles. Ese trabajo presenta un caso clínico en el que se realizó el acondicionamiento gingival mediante un procedimiento quirúrgico asociado a la utilización de provisorios, lo cual permitió alcanzar los objetivos deseados: estéticos, funcionales y de biocompatibilidad

    Streptococcus mutans adhesion and releasing of metallic ions in dental alloys

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    Abstract Aim: To evaluate the adherence of Streptococcus mutans to the surface of the amalgam and copper/aluminum alloy samples and also evaluate the release of metallic ions. Methods: The prepared medium was changed every 72 h and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Samples were removed from the prepared medium at 15, 30, 48 and 60 days. Results: The result shows that ions released were statistically different among all groups, and so were both biofilm and pits formation and the corrosion induced by the S. mutans in both types of samples. SEM observation of the samples immersed in the prepared medium with S. mutans showed adherence of microorganisms on the whole surface, in all groups. Conclusions: The S. mutans adhere to both amalgam and copper/aluminum alloy causing corrosion of those restorations. S. mutans produced a greater ions release in Cu/Al alloy; in amalgam, the ions release was not influenced by exposure to S. mutans

    Soft Sternal Patch to Detect Sleep Stages and Sleep Apnea

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    Presented at the Georgia Tech Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC), January 27, 2022.The Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) is designed to equip on-campus and online graduate students with tools and knowledge to thrive in an ever-changing job market.Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects over 900 million adults globally, and around eighty percent of cases remain undiagnosed. This critical failure leaves millions of people at an increased risk for serious health complications, like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiac irregularities. Current diagnostic techniques are fundamentally limited by low throughputs, in the case of polysomnography, and high failure rates, in the case of home sleep tests. Here, we report a wireless, fully integrated, soft sternal patch with mechanics optimized to detect the mechanical, electrical, and optical signals that characterize the cardiovascular response to OSA. Analytical and computational studies in mechanics and material interfaces yielded a fully integrated, multi-sensor system capable of capturing ultrafine, low-frequency, sternal vibrations caused by the heart’s motion, cardiac electrical signals, and optical measurements of arterial blood oxygenation from a single location on the sternum, which has not been previously realized. Advanced digital signal processing and machine learning techniques are used to detect apneas and characterize each event’s acute cardiovascular consequences. In trials with symptomatic and control subjects conducted in their homes, the soft device demonstrates excellent ability to detect blood-oxygen saturation, respiratory effort, respiration rate, heart rate, cardiac pre-ejection period and ejection timing, aortic opening mechanics, heart rate variability, and sleep staging, making it the first single patch capable of capturing all the clinically essential metrics for OSA diagnosis recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Finally, these metrics are used to autodetect apneas and hypopneas with 100% sensitivity and 95% precision with symptomatic patients compared to data scored by professionally certified sleep clinicians.NSF Grant ECCS-202546

    A splicing-dependent transcriptional checkpoint associated with prespliceosome formation

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    There is good evidence for functional interactions between splicing and transcription in eukaryotes, but how and why these processes are coupled remain unknown. Prp5 protein (Prp5p) is an RNA-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) required for prespliceosome formation in yeast. We demonstrate through in vivo RNA labeling that, in addition to a splicing defect, the prp5-1 mutation causes a defect in the transcription of intron-containing genes. We present chromatin immunoprecipitation evidence for a transcriptional elongation defect in which RNA polymerase that is phosphorylated at Ser5 of the largest subunit’s heptad repeat accumulates over introns and that this defect requires Cus2 protein. A similar accumulation of polymerase was observed when prespliceosome formation was blocked by a mutation in U2 snRNA. These results indicate the existence of a transcriptional elongation checkpoint that is associated with prespliceosome formation during cotranscriptional spliceosome assembly. We propose a role for Cus2p as a potential checkpoint factor in transcription


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    Fetal hydrops is a congenital anomaly characterized by excessive accumulation of fluids in the extravascular space of the fetus, being called anasarca when excess fluid occurs in a generalized way, causing edema in the subcutaneous tissue. Thus, an exaggerated increase in the size of the fetus is expected, which may result in obstructive dystocia during birth. Bulldog dogs are more susceptible to this disease due to their brachycephalic characteristics; therefore, care should be redoubled during pregnancy, such as using ultrasound to periodically evaluate the fetuses to preserve the health of both pregnant and fetuses. It is worth noting that this disease usually has a reserved to severe prognosis. This present work reports the birth of a 3-year-old female English Bulldog that was admitted at a veterinary clinic in the city of Ourinhos/SP, with approximately 62 days of gestation, as a result of artificial insemination, being in labor for approximately 5 hours. From the physical and ultrasound examinations, it was observed that two of the six fetuses had generalized edema, had no reflexes, and presented reduced and muffled heartbeats. The patient underwent an emergency cesarean section. The hydropic puppies s died after an attempted treatment. Thus, it is concluded that the use of ultrasound should be prioritized not only for diagnosis, but for monitoring pregnancy evolution and fetuses, allowing the visualization of possible hydropic fetuses and scheduling of the cesarean section, which is the most indicated surgical procedure in the presence of this fetal anomaly.A hidropsia fetal é uma anomalia congênita, caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de fluidos no espaço extravascular do feto, sendo denominada anasarca, quando o excesso de fluidos ocorre de forma generalizada, causando edema no tecido subcutâneo. Dessa forma, o aumento exagerado no tamanho do feto é esperado, podendo resultar em uma distocia obstrutiva, durante o parto. Os cães da raça Buldogue são mais susceptíveis a essa enfermidade, devido às características braquicefálicas; portanto, deve-se redobrar os cuidados durante a gestação, como utilizar a ultrassonografia para avaliar periodicamente os fetos, com o objetivo de preservar a saúde, tanto da gestante, quanto dos fetos. Vale evidenciar que, geralmente, essa enfermidade possui prognóstico de reservado a grave. Este presente trabalho relata o parto de uma cadela de 3 anos de idade, da raça Buldogue Inglês, que deu entrada em uma clínica veterinária, na cidade de Ourinhos/SP, com aproximadamente 62 dias de gestação, fruto de inseminação artificial, estando em trabalho de parto há aproximadamente 5 horas. A partir da realização dos exames físico e ultrassonográfico, foi observado que dois dos seis fetos apresentavam edema generalizado, estavam sem reflexos e com batimentos cardíacos diminuídos e abafados. A paciente foi submetida a cesariana de emergências filhotes hidrópicos vieram a óbito, após tentativa de tratamento. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que a utilização da ultrassonografia deve ser priorizada, não apenas para diagnóstico, mas para acompanhamento da evolução da gestação e dos fetos, permitindo a visibilização de possíveis fetos hidrópicos e o agendamento da cesariana, procedimento cirúrgico mais indicado na presença dessa anomalia fetal

    Intelligent upper-limb exoskeleton using deep learning to predict human intention for sensory-feedback augmentation

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    The age and stroke-associated decline in musculoskeletal strength degrades the ability to perform daily human tasks using the upper extremities. Although there are a few examples of exoskeletons, they need manual operations due to the absence of sensor feedback and no intention prediction of movements. Here, we introduce an intelligent upper-limb exoskeleton system that uses cloud-based deep learning to predict human intention for strength augmentation. The embedded soft wearable sensors provide sensory feedback by collecting real-time muscle signals, which are simultaneously computed to determine the user's intended movement. The cloud-based deep-learning predicts four upper-limb joint motions with an average accuracy of 96.2% at a 200-250 millisecond response rate, suggesting that the exoskeleton operates just by human intention. In addition, an array of soft pneumatics assists the intended movements by providing 897 newton of force and 78.7 millimeter of displacement at maximum. Collectively, the intent-driven exoskeleton can augment human strength by 5.15 times on average compared to the unassisted exoskeleton. This report demonstrates an exoskeleton robot that augments the upper-limb joint movements by human intention based on a machine-learning cloud computing and sensory feedback.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, Submitted for possible publicatio

    Ocorrência de Botulismo em cão – relato de caso: Dog Botulism - case report

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    O botulismo canino possui com etiologia o Clostridium botulinum produtor das neurotoxinas botulínicas, que promove o quadro de neuroparalisia em função do bloqueio da acetilcolina na junção neuromuscular, resultando na tetraparesia flácida. O diagnóstico definitivo é firmado pela detecção da toxina no soro sanguíneo com inoculação em camundongos. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência do botulismo em um cão. Para isso, um canino, macho, sem raça definida (SRD), três meses de idade, pesando 5,4kg chegou para atendimento clínico apresentando tetraparesia flácida com progressão de 24 horas. O seu tutor relatou que o mesmo possui hábitos de ingerir carcaças de frangos em decomposição ou excretos de frangos. Ao exame físico foi constatada os seguintes parâmetros clínicos; 38.6°C de temperatura, 144 de frequência cardíaca, 24 de frequência respiratória, dois segundos de perfusão tecidual e ausência de desidratação. Contudo, constatou-se a presença da tetraparesia flácida com ausência dos reflexos de retirada, panículo e propriocepção em membros posteriores e anteriores. Exames complementares foram realizados visando descartar lesões medulares em região cervical e toracolombar. Os exames laboratoriais demostraram eritrocitose e discreta trombocitopenia. A terapia suporte foi instituída a base de fluidoterapia intravenosa, analgesia, antibioticoterapia, fisioterapia e complexos vitamínicos diariamente, com a evolução progressiva do paciente em 10 dias com retorno de forma progressiva os reflexos dos membros e sua permanência em estação, com posterior locomoção. Assim, em função da história e evolução clínica do paciente, pode-se fechar o diagnóstico em botulismo canino por Clostridium botulinum

    Sala de espera: um momento para se contar estórias

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     The social and existential circumstances of the individual are considered essential for promoting health. This involves a range of continuous and comprehensive care activities that need to be optimized, treating the patient as an organism that is dynamic, complex, and rich in unique characteristics. Several approaches have been proposed to this end, highlighting collective methods that can even use casual environments such as waiting rooms. This project concerns the formation of teams to undertake storytelling to cancer patients and their companions waiting for medical attention at the Oncology Therapy Center at the Santa Casa de Misericordia hospital in Araçatuba/SP. The aim of this work was to provide a pleasanter environment in the waiting room, minimizing anxiety and offering opportunities for reflection and expression, based on the principles of improving quality of life and promoting health.Actualmente, operamos en un contexto de apreciación de las dimensiones sociales y existenciales de los individuos, en el acto de promoción de la salud. Esta acción es entendida como una red de incesante atención integral, que debe ser mejorada para entender el  paciente como un conjunto dinámico, complejo y rico en particularidades. Dentro de este contexto sobresalen varios métodos con énfasis en proporcionar oportunidades para las obras colectivas incluso ambientes casuales como las salas de espera. Al observar este contexto, este proyecto propone la formación de equipos para trabajar en el arte de contar historias a pacientes con cáncer y sus acompañantes que aguardaban por el servicio en el Centro de Terapia de Oncología de la Santa Casa de Misericordia Araçatuba / SP (Brasil). El propósito de la realización de este trabajo es el de promover un ambiente más agradable en la sala de espera, minimizando la ansiedad, proporcionando momentos de reflexión y expresiones, con base en los pilares de la mejora de la calidad de vida y promover la salud. Na atualidade, estamos inseridos em um contexto de valorização das dimensões sociais e existenciais dos indivíduos, no ato de promover saúde. Esta ação é entendida como uma rede de cuidados incessantes, ampla, que deve ser aperfeiçoada para abranger o paciente como um organismo dinâmico, complexo e rico em peculiaridades. Dentro desse contexto projetam-se diversos métodos com destaque para trabalhos coletivos oportunizando até mesmo ambientes casuais como salas de espera. Observando-se este contexto, este projeto propõe formação de equipes para atuarem na arte de contar histórias para pacientes oncológicos e seus acompanhantes que aguardavam atendimento no Centro de Terapia Oncológica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Araçatuba/SP. O intuito da realização desse trabalho é promover um ambiente mais agradável na sala de espera, minimizando ansiedade, proporcionando reflexão e momentos para expressões, baseados nos pilares de melhoria da qualidade de vida e promoção da saúde