129 research outputs found

    Convex Multi-Choice Cooperative Games and their Monotonic Allocation Schemes

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    This paper focuses on new characterizations of convex multi-choice games using the notions of exactness and superadditivity. Further- more, (level-increase) monotonic allocation schemes (limas) on the class of convex multi-choice games are introduced and studied. It turns out that each element of the Weber set of such a game is ex- tendable to a limas, and the (total) Shapley value for multi-choice games generates a limas for each convex multi-choice game.Multi-choice games;Convex games;Marginal games;Weber set;Monotonic allocation schemes.

    Cooperation by Asymmetric Agents in a Joint Project

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    The object of study is cooperation in joint projects, where agents may have different desired sophistication levels for the project, and where some of the agents may have low budgets.In this context questions concerning the optimal realizable sophistication level and the distribution of the related costs among the participants are tackled.A related cooperative game, the enterprise game, and a non-cooperative game, the contribution game, are both helpful.It turns out that there is an interesting relation between the core of the convex enterprise game and the set of strong Nash equilibria of the contribution game.Special attention is paid to a rule inspired by the airport landing fee literature.For this rule the project is split up in a sequence of subprojects where the involved participants pay amounts which are, roughly speaking, equal, but not more than their budgets allow.The resulting payoff distribution turns out to be a core element of the related contribution game.game theory;projects

    An Algorithm for the Nucleolus of Airport Profit Problems

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    Airport profit games are a generalization of airport cost games as well as of bankruptcy games.In this paper we present a simple algorithm to compute the nucleolus of airport profit games.In addition we prove that there exists an unique consistent allocation rule in airport profit problems, and it coincides with the nucleolus of the associated TU game.algorithm;airports;profit;allocation;games

    Convex Multi-Choice Cooperative Games and their Monotonic Allocation Schemes

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    This paper focuses on new characterizations of convex multi-choice games using the notions of exactness and superadditivity. Further- more, (level-increase) monotonic allocation schemes (limas) on the class of convex multi-choice games are introduced and studied. It turns out that each element of the Weber set of such a game is ex- tendable to a limas, and the (total) Shapley value for multi-choice games generates a limas for each convex multi-choice game

    Characterizations of a Multi-Choice Value

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    A multi-choice game is a generalization of a cooperative game in which each player has several activity levels.This note provides several characterizations of the extended Shapley value as proposed by Derks and Peters (1993).Three characterizations are based on balanced contributions properties, inspired by Myerson (1980).

    Bargaining with Independence of Higher or Irrelevant Claims

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    This paper studies independence of higher claims and independence of irrelevant claims on the domain of bargaining problems with claims. Independence of higher claims requires that the payoff of an agent does not depend on the higher claim of another agent. Independence of irrelevant claims states that the payoffs should not change when the claims decrease but remain higher than the payoffs. Interestingly, in conjunction with standard axioms from bargaining theory, these properties characterize a new constrained Nash solution, a constrained Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, and a constrained Kalai solution

    An Algorithm for the Nucleolus of Airport Profit Problems

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    Cooperation by Asymmetric Agents in a Joint Project

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    The object of study is cooperation in joint projects, where agents may have different desired sophistication levels for the project, and where some of the agents may have low budgets.In this context questions concerning the optimal realizable sophistication level and the distribution of the related costs among the participants are tackled.A related cooperative game, the enterprise game, and a non-cooperative game, the contribution game, are both helpful.It turns out that there is an interesting relation between the core of the convex enterprise game and the set of strong Nash equilibria of the contribution game.Special attention is paid to a rule inspired by the airport landing fee literature.For this rule the project is split up in a sequence of subprojects where the involved participants pay amounts which are, roughly speaking, equal, but not more than their budgets allow.The resulting payoff distribution turns out to be a core element of the related contribution game

    Characterizations of the Egalitarian Solution for Convex Games

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    The egalitarian solution for TU-games as introduced by Dutta and Ray [3] is studied. Two characterizations of the restriction of this solution to the class of convex games are given, using weak variants of the reduced game properties of Hart and Mas-Colell [6] and Davis and Maschler [5]. The other properties are a stability property, inspired by Selten [8], and a property restricting maximum payoffs. Further, a dual egalitarian solution is introduced and it is proved that for a convex game the egalitarian allocation is equal to the dual egalitarian allocation for its dual concave game.
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