103 research outputs found
Zakres działań kuratorów sądowych realizowanych w ramach nadzorów jako samoistnych środków wychowawczych nad nieletnimi w świetle przepisów prawnych
Przestępczość i demoralizacja nieletnich budzi niepokój społeczny wielu środowisk. Prawnym i czynnościowym remedium na to zjawisko jest instytucja kuratora sądowego. W ostatnim czasie w polskim prawie wprowadzono nowe regulacje postępowania wobec nieletnich. Celem artykułu jest opis zakresu działań kuratorów sądowych wobec nieletnich w świetle obowiązujących przepisów prawnych. Przedstawiono statystyczny obraz demoralizacji i przestępczości nieletnich oraz zakres działań kuratorów. Posłużono się metodą analizy literatury i przepisów prawnych (desk research), oraz analizą danych statystycznych. Okazało się, że skala przestępczości nieletnich ma tendencję malejącą, a zadania kuratorów sądowych charakter komplementarny
Tandem mass spectrometry is an analytical technique widely used in proteomics for the high-throughput characterization of proteins in biological samples. Modern in-depth proteomic studies require the collection of even millions of mass spectra representing short protein fragments (peptides). In order to identify the peptides, the measured spectra are most often scored against a database of amino acid sequences of known proteins. Due to the volume of input data and the sizes of proteomic databases, this is a resource-intensive task, which requires an efficient and scalable computational strategy. Here, we present SparkMS, an algorithm for peptide and protein identification from mass spectrometry data explicitly designed to work in a distributed computational environment. To achieve the required performance and scalability, we use Apache Spark, a modern framework that is becoming increasingly popular not only in the field of “big data” analysis but also in bioinformatics. This paper describes the algorithm in detail and demonstrates its performance on a large proteomic dataset. Experimental results indicate that SparkMS scales with the number of worker nodes and the increasing complexity of the search task. Furthermore, it exhibits a protein identification efficiency comparable to X!Tandem, a widely-used proteomic search engine
Public knowledge on influenza and influenza vaccines
Introduction and purpose. Influenza is the most common infectious disease reported in Poland. It is caused by a virus, which is transmitted through respiratory droplets. Vaccines are prime and most effective way to prevent the disease and its complications, but only 4,15 Polish people are vaccinated against influenza, which ranks Poland on one of the last places in Europe.Material and method. The aim of the study was evaluation of public knowledge about influenza and influenza vaccines.Results. The majority of respondents have basic knowledge about influenza, still most of them (almost 70%) have never been vaccinated against the flu. The main reason of that situation is their confidence about their good health and lack of necessity to get a vaccine. 92% of people points fever as the main symptom of influenza. Some people confuse symptoms of the flu with those of a cold of Covid-19 infection. More than 23% of people does not believe in the efficiency of the vaccine. Lack of sufficient knowledge about that issue is mentioned by 15% of the respondents. Polish people describe their knowledge in the middle of the 5-point scale, while most of them never learned about it.Conclusions. Still too few people in Poland decide to take a vaccine against influenza especially in age group below 65 years old. Reliable education should be of great importance for everyone, especially teachers and healthcare workers. Covid-19 had an impact on the number of people who decided to get the vaccine in 2020
Branża KEP – barometr polskiej gospodarki
Branża przesyłek KEP jest wrażliwa na zmiany zachodzące w polskiej i światowej gospodarce. Jednocześnie dynamiczny rozwój operatorów ekspresowych wywarł pozytywny wpływ na rozwój polskich przedsiębiorstw. Wyniki przeprowadzonych w KNoP przez Zespół Katedry Logistyki badań operatorów ekspresowych potwierdziły, że branża ta wykazuje zarówno cechy barometru, jak i lokomotywy polskiej gospodarki
Evaluation of the In vitro cytotoxic activity of caffeic acid derivatives and liposomal formulation against pancreatic cancer cell lines
Pancreatic cancer belongs to the most aggressive group of cancers, with very poor prognosis. Therefore, there is an important need to find more potent drugs that could deliver an improved therapeutic approach. In the current study we searched for selective and effective caffeic acid derivatives. For this purpose, we analyzed twelve compounds and evaluated their in vitro cytotoxic activity against two human pancreatic cancer cell lines, along with a control, normal fibroblast cell line, by the classic MTT assay. Six out of twelve tested caffeic acid derivatives showed a desirable effect. To improve the therapeutic efficacy of such active compounds, we developed a formulation where caffeic acid derivative (7) was encapsulated into liposomes composed of soybean phosphatidylcholine and DSPE-PEG2000. Subsequently, we analyzed the properties of this formulation in terms of basic physical parameters (such as size, zeta potential, stability at 4 °C and morphology), hemolytic and cytotoxic activity and cellular uptake. Overall, the liposomal formulation was found to be stable, non-hemolytic and had activity against pancreatic cancer cells (IC50 19.44 µM and 24.3 µM, towards AsPC1 and BxPC3 cells, respectively) with less toxicity against normal fibroblasts. This could represent a promising alternative to currently available treatment options
Czy logistyka może rewitalizować miasto?
Coraz większe problemy dla rozwoju miast stwarzają negatywne konsekwencje procesów urbanizacyjnych. Dlatego też potrzebne stają się działania dotyczące rewitalizacji i rozwoju miast, i obszarów z nimi związanych, dzięki czemu następowałoby przywrócenie korzystnych warunków do zamieszkania i podejmowania inwestycji sektora prywatnego. Czy logistyka, a zwłaszcza inwestycje w obiekty zlokalizowane wokół wielkich miast, pomagają rewitalizować i rozwijać małe oraz średnie miejscowości? Z badań przeprowadzonych przez zespół Katedry Logistyki SGH wynika, że szansę na rewitalizację i zrównoważony rozwój poprzez logistykę mają przede wszystkim małe i średnie miejscowości, które są położone wokół wielkich miast i powiązane z krajową infrastrukturą drogową. W artykule zostały omówione wyniki badań, które przeprowadzono w województwie mazowieckim, oraz rekomendacje dla innych miast Polski
The role of artificial intelligence in cancer diagnostics - a review
Introduction and purposeArtificial intelligence (AI) is more advanced than ever and finds more and more new applications. Attempts are being made to use computer data analysis in medicine. The aim of this study is to summarize the knowledge on the use of AI in the diagnosis of breast, prostate, skin and colorectal cancer with particular emphasis on the applications and effectiveness of AI in making diagnoses. A brief description of the state of knowledgeThe most frequently used form of artificial intelligence in diagnostics are algorithms that analyze databases and recognize patterns. They can capture the features of samples characteristic of tumors, such as abnormal cells in the biopsy material or the alarming size and color of the skin lesion. Additionally, AI is capable of analyzing magnetic resonance images, radiographs, and other standardized test results. In most cases, AI is more effective than clinicians, sometimes as effective as they are, and almost never less effective. As a rule, the most accurate and adequate diagnosis can be obtained by joining the forces of AI and medical specialists. Working with learning algorithms requires the use of very extensive data sets. Every effort should be made to protect sensitive information from patients' medical history. ConclusionsThe results of research on the effectiveness of AI in cancer diagnostics are very promising. Further research and development of information technology systems may positively affect the quality and effectiveness of tumor diagnostics
Single-cell genomics reveal low recombination frequencies in freshwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade
Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka K, Viklund J, Zhao W, et al. Single-cell genomics reveal low recombination frequencies in freshwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade. Genome biology. 2013;14(11): R130.BACKGROUND: The SAR11 group of Alphaproteobacteria is highly abundant in the oceans. It contains a recently diverged freshwater clade, which offers the opportunity to compare adaptations to salt- and freshwaters in a monophyletic bacterial group. However, there are no cultivated members of the freshwater SAR11 group and no genomes have been sequenced yet. RESULTS: We isolated ten single SAR11 cells from three freshwater lakes and sequenced and assembled their genomes. A phylogeny based on 57 proteins indicates that the cells are organized into distinct microclusters. We show that the freshwater genomes have evolved primarily by the accumulation of nucleotide substitutions and that they have among the lowest ratio of recombination to mutation estimated for bacteria. In contrast, members of the marine SAR11 clade have one of the highest ratios. Additional metagenome reads from six lakes confirm low recombination frequencies for the genome overall and reveal lake-specific variations in microcluster abundances. We identify hypervariable regions with gene contents broadly similar to those in the hypervariable regions of the marine isolates, containing genes putatively coding for cell surface molecules. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that recombination rates differ dramatically in phylogenetic sister groups of the SAR11 clade adapted to freshwater and marine ecosystems. The results suggest that the transition from marine to freshwater systems has purged diversity and resulted in reduced opportunities for recombination with divergent members of the clade. The low recombination frequencies of the LD12 clade resemble the low genetic divergence of host-restricted pathogens that have recently shifted to a new host
The Different Function of Single Phosphorylation Sites of Drosophila melanogaster Lamin Dm and Lamin C
Lamins' functions are regulated by phosphorylation at specific sites but our understanding of the role of such modifications is practically limited to the function of cdc 2 (cdk1) kinase sites in depolymerization of the nuclear lamina during mitosis. In our study we used Drosophila lamin Dm (B-type) to examine the function of particular phosphorylation sites using pseudophosphorylated mutants mimicking single phosphorylation at experimentally confirmed in vivo phosphosites (S25E, S45E, T435E, S595E). We also analyzed lamin C (A-type) and its mutant S37E representing the N-terminal cdc2 (mitotic) site as well as lamin Dm R64H mutant as a control, non-polymerizing lamin. In the polymerization assay we could observe different effects of N-terminal cdc2 site pseudophosphorylation on A- and B-type lamins: lamin Dm S45E mutant was insoluble, in contrast to lamin C S37E. Lamin Dm T435E (C-terminal cdc2 site) and R64H were soluble in vitro. We also confirmed that none of the single phosphorylation site modifications affected the chromatin binding of lamin Dm, in contrast to the lamin C N-terminal cdc2 site. In vivo, all lamin Dm mutants were incorporated efficiently into the nuclear lamina in transfected Drosophila S2 and HeLa cells, although significant amounts of S45E and T435E were also located in cytoplasm. When farnesylation incompetent mutants were expressed in HeLa cells, lamin Dm T435E was cytoplasmic and showed higher mobility in FRAP assay
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