179 research outputs found

    Röntgenografisch onderzoek van eenige alkali-osmiamaten

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    Iglesia de L'Arche, en Amsterdam

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    There is an ample circulation zone inside the church, leading to various parts of it, of which the presbitry constitutes a single space, at the same level as the rest of the church. Between the church and the common hall there is a moveable partition, which enables this hall to be utilised separately or jointly with the church. The external shape of the building reflects its inner arrangement.Desde una amplia área de circulación creada en el interior, se accede a los diversos locales y a la iglesia, en la que el presbiterio forma un espacio único al mismo nivel que el resto de la iglesia; entre ésta y la sala comunitaria existe una compartimentación móvil, que permite utilizarlas separadamente, o bien unirlas. La «forma exterior» del edificio refleja la composición interior

    Konversi Termal Kayu Ketapang (Terminalia Catappa) Menjadi Bio-oil dengan Teknologi Pirolisis Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Lempung

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    This research aims to produce bio-oil from ketapang (Terminalia catappa) as an alternative fuel. Variables studied the effect of the weight ratio of the catalyst Ni / clay to the biomass, the influence of the metal impregnation Nickel (Ni) on clay and characterization of physical and chemical properties of bio-oil produced. Pyrolysis process carried out at a temperature of 320°C, silinap 500 ml, 50 grams of biomass with + 100-200 mesh sieve size, variations in the catalyst Ni / clay to the biomass of 3%, 6% and 9% by weight and the variation of Ni metal Impregnation against Clay at 0% , 1%, 2%, 3%. The results was analyzed by using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS) and showed the largest yield of bio-oil on the use of catalyst Ni/clay 6% by weight of the metal content of 3% at 71,1%. The physical properties characterization of bio-oil were obtained 0.79 g/ml for density, 2.1982 cSt for viscosity , 68.193 mg NaOH/g sample for acidity and 54oC for flash point. For the chemical properties characterization of bio-oil were obtained some dominant chemical components such as acetic acid , 2-propanone , glycidol, and 1-Hydroxy-3-sulpho-6-aminonapthalene

    Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission from the high-redshift intergalactic medium

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    We combine a high-resolution hydro-simulation of the LambdaCDM cosmology with two radiative transfer schemes (for continuum and line radiation) to predict the properties, spectra and spatial distribution of fluorescent Ly-alpha emission at z~3. We focus on line radiation produced by recombinations in the dense intergalactic medium ionized by UV photons. In particular, we consider both a uniform background and the case where gas clouds are illuminated by a nearby quasar. We find that the emission from optically thick regions is substantially less than predicted from the widely used static, plane-parallel model. The effects induced by a realistic velocity field and by the complex geometric structure of the emitting regions are discussed in detail. We make predictions for the expected brightness and size distributions of the fluorescent sources.Our results account for recent null detections and can be used to plan new observational campaigns both in the field (to measure the intensity of the diffuse UV background) and in the proximity of bright quasars (to understand the origin of high colum-density absorbers).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Spin Temperature of Warm Interstellar H I

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    Collisional excitation of the 21cm HI hyperfine transition is not strong enough to thermalize it in warm neutral (``intercloud'') interstellar gas, which we show by simultaneously solving the equations of ionization and collisional equilibrium under typical conditions. Coupling of the 21cm excitation temperature and local gas motions may be established by the Ly-alpha radiation field, but only if strong Galactic Ly-alpha radiation permeates the gas in question. The Ly-alpha radiation tends to impart to the gas its own characteristic temperature, which is determined by the range of gas motions that occur on the spatial scale of the Ly-alpha scattering. In general, the calculation of H I spin temperatures is a more difficult and interesting problem than might have been expected, as is any interpretation of H I spin temperature measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for A&

    The Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stellar Population in the Small Magellanic Cloud: The Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

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    We present a study on the central stars (CSs) of Planetary Nebulae (PNe) observed in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument on-board the HST. The stellar magnitudes have been measured using broad-band photometry, and Zanstra analysis of the nebulae provided the stellar temperatures. From the location of the CSs on the HR diagram, and by comparing the observed CSs with current models of stellar evolution, we infer the CSs masses. We examine closely the possibility of light contamination in the bandpass from an unrecognized stellar companion, and we establish strong constraints on the existence and nature of any binary companion. We find an average mass of 0.63 Msun, which is similar to the mass obtained for a sample of CSs in the LMC (0.65 Msun). However, the SMC and LMC CS mass distributions differ slightly, the SMC sample lacking an intermediate-mass stellar population (0.65 to 0.75 Msun). We discuss the significance and possible reasons for the difference between the two mass distributions. In particular, we consider the differences in the star formation history between the clouds and the mass-loss rate dependence on metallicity.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. To be published in ApJ (October 20

    An XMM-Newton view of Planetary Nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The X-ray luminous central star of SMP SMC 22

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    During an X-ray survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud, carried out with the XMM-Newton satellite, we detected significant soft X-ray emission from the central star of the high-excitation planetary nebula SMP SMC 22. Its very soft spectrum is well fit with a non local thermodynamical equilibrium model atmosphere composed of H, He, C, N, and O, with abundances equal to those inferred from studies of its nebular lines. The derived effective temperature of 1.5x10^5 K is in good agreement with that found from the optical/UV data. The unabsorbed flux in the 0.1-0.5 keV range is about 3x10^{-11} erg cm^-2 s^-1, corresponding to a luminosity of 1.2x10^37 erg/s at the distance of 60 kpc. We also searched for X-ray emission from a large number of SMC planetary nebulae, confirming the previous detection of SMP SMC 25 with a luminosity of (0.2-6)x10^35 erg/s (0.1-1 keV). For the remaining objects that were not detected, we derived flux upper limits corresponding to luminosity values from several tens to hundreds times smaller than that of SMP SMC 22. The exceptionally high X-ray luminosity of SMP SMC 22 is probably due to the high mass of its central star, quickly evolving toward the white dwarf's cooling branch, and to a small intrinsic absorption in the nebula itself.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic