5,926 research outputs found

    I resti faunistici provenienti da una fossa della Cultura di Fiorano (Neolitico antico) scavata in località S. Andrea di Cologna Veneta (Verona). Dati preliminari = Animal bone remains from a pit of the Fiorano Culture (Early Neolithic) of S. Andrea di Cologna Veneta (Verona)

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    Le ossa animali oggetto di questo contributo provengono da una grande buca ovoidale della Cultura di Fiorano scavata dal Nucleo Operativo della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto (Dir. Dr. Luciano Salzani) a S. Andrea di Cologna Veneta (Verona). Dal punto di vista funzionale la fossa rimane di ardua interpretazione. Potrebbe trattarsi di un \u201cpozzetto a fossa\u201d utilizzato da ultimo come fossa per rifiuti. Le dimensioni della fossa potrebbero alludere anche alla sostruzione di una casa o ad una fossa connessa ad un\u2019area di lavorazione della selce, vista la considerevole quantit\ue0 di scarti e manufatti rinvenuti. Dalla struttura di S. Andrea provengono 1577 resti faunistici, pi\uf9 o meno frammentari. Solamente per il 23,5% di questi \ue8 stata possibile una determinazione sia anatomica che specifica. Le specie identificate includono il bue, i piccoli ruminanti domestici, il maiale, il cinghiale, il cervo, il capriolo, il cane e il gatto selvatico. Tra le modificazioni antropiche rilevate sulle ossa si devono menzionare le tracce di bruciatura riscontrate sul 16% di esse. Alcuni reperti presentano evidenti segni di taglio dovuti alla scarnificazione e alla macellazione degli animali da parte dell\u2019uomo, mentre altri mostrano dei segni di rosicature. Sono presenti anche diafisi lavorate per ottenere manufatti. Da notare la presenza di un cranio di cane che potrebbe essere interpretato in senso votivo.This study presents the results of the analysis of the animal remains from a large Early Neolithic oval pit excavated by the Nucleo Operativo of the Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto at S. Andrea di Cologna Veneta (Verona). The use of this pit is still unclear. It was probably a \u201cpozzetto a fossa\u201d last used as a rubbish pit. The size of the pit may also indicate a house subtraction or a connection with a flint working area considering the high number of waste material and artefacts found. 1,577 animal remains were recovered. Only 23.5% of the remains were identified to species level. Cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, wild boar, red deer, roe deer, dogs and cat were present. The results indicate that 16% of the remains were burnt. Several fragments show cut and chop marks indicating a de-fleshing process, others show gnawing marks. Diaphyses used for the production of objects have also been found. Finally, of particular interest is a dog skull which might be linked to a ritual context

    Einfluss des Anbausystems auf Ertrag und Gesundheit von Winterweizen

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    In a long-term trial in central Switzerland, yield and health of winter wheat was examined under organic, extensive and intensive management. In the organic cropping system, soil was ploughed and fertilised with cattle dung. In the extensive system, soil was cultivated ploughless and dung was supplemented by mineral fertiliser. Herbicides were used, but no growth regulators or fungicides. In the intensive system, soil was ploughed and manure was based on cattle dung and mineral fertiliser with 20 % more nitrogen than in the extensive system. For plant protection, herbicides, growth regulators and fungicides were used. In the period from 2004 to 2007, average winter wheat yields of the intensive and the extensive crop management system exceeded those of the organic production by 21.3 % and 5.5 % respectively. This was probably due to the higher level of fertilisation and plant protection. In 2007, a year with frequent rain during the summer, the infestation of grains with Microdochium nivale and Fusarium graminearum was lowest in the organic wheat. In consequence, its germination capacity was higher and the deoxynivalenol content was lower compared with the other systems. The increased grain infestation with F. graminearum and the higher deoxynivalenol content of wheat grains in the extensive system can be explained by the ploughless tillage, with straw from the previous maize crop remaining on the soil surface

    Clinical Accuracy of Splintless Maxillary Positioning with Aid of CAD/CAM Fabricated Surgical Cutting Guides and Titanium Plates

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    New digital technologies are improving the accuracy of orthognathic surgery. One of the new approaches transfers the surgical plan into real surgery without using an occlusal splint. This pilot study aims to validate the splintless approach to orthognathic surgery on a series of cases. Five patients were enrolled. Surgeries were planned using a digital surgical simulation method thanks to three-dimensional images. The splintless surgical approach was planned for maxillary reposition. This consisted of cutting guides and three-dimensionally (3D) printed custom titanium plates. These two were created using the computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technique and were used intraoperatively to guide the osteotomy and repositioning of the bony segments without the use of the surgical splint. The difference between the planned surgery and the real final position was analyzed thanks to superimposition techniques and landmark analysis. Statistical tests were performed to detect significant differences. No difference was found in any of the landmarks. Midline landmarks differed from the planned position by 0.34 mm. Higher variability was found in the posterior landmark. These findings suggest that a splintless approach is useful in transferring the surgical plan without using an occlusal splint

    A High Luminosity e+e- Collider to study the Higgs Boson

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    A strong candidate for the Standard Model Scalar boson, H(126), has been discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. In order to study this fundamental particle with unprecedented precision, and to perform precision tests of the closure of the Standard Model, we investigate the possibilities offered by An e+e- storage ring collider. We use a design inspired by the B-factories, taking into account the performance achieved at LEP2, and imposing a synchrotron radiation power limit of 100 MW. At the most relevant centre-of-mass energy of 240 GeV, near-constant luminosities of 10^34 cm^{-2}s^{-1} are possible in up to four collision points for a ring of 27km circumference. The achievable luminosity increases with the bending radius, and for 80km circumference, a luminosity of 5 10^34 cm^{-2}s^{-1} in four collision points appears feasible. Beamstrahlung becomes relevant at these high luminosities, leading to a design requirement of large momentum acceptance both in the accelerating system and in the optics. The larger machine could reach the top quark threshold, would yield luminosities per interaction point of 10^36 cm^{-2}s^{-1} at the Z pole (91 GeV) and 2 10^35 cm^{-2}s^{-1} at the W pair production threshold (80 GeV per beam). The energy spread is reduced in the larger ring with respect to what is was at LEP, giving confidence that beam polarization for energy calibration purposes should be available up to the W pair threshold. The capabilities in term of physics performance are outlined.Comment: Submitted to the European Strategy Preparatory Group 01-04-2013 new version as re-submitted to PRSTA

    ATP-sensitive cation-channel in wheat (triticum durum Desf.): Identification and characterization of a plant mitochondrial channel by patch-clamp

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    Indirect evidence points to the presence of K + channels in plant mitochondria. In the present study, we report the results of the first patch clamp experiments on plant mitochondria. Single-channel recordings in 150 mM potassium gluconate have allowed the biophysical characterization of a channel with a conductance of 150 pS in the inner mitochondrial membrane of mitoplasts obtained from wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The channel displayed sharp voltage sensitivity, permeability to potassium and cation selectivity. ATP in the mM concentration range completely abolished the activity. We discuss the possible molecular identity of the channel and its possible role in the defence mechanisms against oxidative stress in plants

    Semantics of the Painted Image in Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Tod des Tizian

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    Form theories in Hofmannstahl’s aesthetic program aim at a reciprocal empowerment of life and art. Titian’s last painting in Tod des Tizian (1892) has to express a concept of unity and totality of all living things. Most disciples are not able to understand this, as they can’t get free of the model of existence of the aesthete, who rejects life, perceiving it as abandoned to chaos and disorder, but is incapable of replacing it with any other form because he exalts art as an object of mere idolatry, as a pure and simple instrument of defence from the pitfalls of life

    Generalized Boltzmann Equation for Lattice Gas Automata

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    In this paper, for the first time a theory is formulated that predicts velocity and spatial correlations between occupation numbers that occur in lattice gas automata violating semi-detailed balance. Starting from a coupled BBGKY hierarchy for the nn-particle distribution functions, cluster expansion techniques are used to derive approximate kinetic equations. In zeroth approximation the standard nonlinear Boltzmann equation is obtained; the next approximation yields the ring kinetic equation, similar to that for hard sphere systems, describing the time evolution of pair correlations. As a quantitative test we calculate equal time correlation functions in equilibrium for two models that violate semi-detailed balance. One is a model of interacting random walkers on a line, the other one is a two-dimensional fluid type model on a triangular lattice. The numerical predictions agree very well with computer simulations.Comment: 31 pages LaTeX, 12 uuencoded tar-compressed Encapsulated PostScript figures (`psfig' macro), hardcopies available on request, 78kb + 52k

    Zooarchaeological evidence of functional and social differentiation in northern Italy between the Neolithic and Bronze ages

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    Many sites dating from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age have been investigated in northern Italy and have provided important zooarchaeological data. These sites are mostly settlements, but also places of worship and necropoli. While there are few zooarchaeological studies for the north-western part of Italy, the north-east and the Po Valley have been better investigated. Particularly important are the pile-dwellings and the Terramare sites of the Po Valley as they have a long chronological span, the animal bone assemblages are large and, therefore, highly statistically reliable, and have been excavated relatively recently. There is evidence of functional and social differentiation in the Bronze Age which coincided with the evolution of more complex societies. The most common type of functional differentiation began when human communities started to settle and is visible in the zooarchaeological record. Until the end of the Copper Age, animal bone assemblages are characterized by the presence of both domestic animals and a relatively important proportion of wild animals. In the early Bronze Age, domestic animals dominated, if not entirely, the assemblages, and a growing interest in secondary products is evident. From the Middle Bronze Age, the foundation of semi-permanent settlements multiplied in the Alpine area, in the internal areas (secondary valleys and areas far from the main watercourses) and at medium-high altitudes. This was coupled with the seasonal occupation of sites at a high altitude, used for the practice of vertical transhumance (alpine pasture). This phenomenon implies the existence of a settlement hierarchy and, therefore, of forms of social stratification within the framework of the settlement system. Unfortunately, the few zooarchaeological studies of sites located in the Emilia Apennines do not currently allow us to confirm the existence of such links between the mountain sites and those on the plain. Nevertheless, other evidence, such as the introduction of the horse, which is attested from the late Early Bronze Age onwards, can be interpreted as proof of social differentiation; the horse was, in fact, considered a status symbol of the emerging warrior elite. Very few animal burials, dated to the period studied, show the link between animal species (such as dog, cattle, deer) and cultural practices, although a number of examples of such a relationship are provided by the terramare necropoli. In conclusion, in light of current knowledge, it seems that zooarchaeology cannot confirm the existence of important forms of social stratification. This does not mean that they cannot necessarily be postulated: the complex use of territory and the evidently communal nature of funerary and cult ceremonies (which often involved animals) that characterize the Bronze Age make it difficult to exclude the existence of such stratification
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