132 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of public buildings subjected to earthquake by finite element modelling

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    Tremors in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia due to Sumatra and Philippine earthquakes have been reported several times. Engineers are concerned of the seismic vulnerability of public buildings due to lack of earthquake consideration in Malaysia’s building design procedure. This study addresses the vulnerability of public buildings in Malaysia subjected to earthquakes from Sumatra and Philippines. A case study has been conducted on low rise to medium rise reinforced concrete buildings, which are mostly categorized as moment resisting frames. The buildings are analyzed using Finite Element Modeling (FEM) under different types of analyses including Free Vibration Analysis (FVA), and Time History Analysis (THA) considering low to medium earthquake intensities. The study indicates that more than 50% of the buildings produced dynamic amplification factors of slightly more than one indicating not much of a dynamic response to the buildings. The performances of the structure are shown by the yield point at beam-column connections where the internal forces at beam elements exceed the design capacity of the beams. In the non-linear analysis, the largest damage index is still under the intermediate level where no structural damage is indicated, but some non-structural damage are expected

    Disease Conditions in Farm and Smallholder Buffaloes of Serdang, Malaysia

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    Analysis of records revealed that there were no significant differences in the number of disease Conditions between buffaloes of the smallholders and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) farm, and between the calves and adult buffaloes of both groups. Significant differences were, however, observed on the type of disease conditions involved. The differences were probably associated with the system of management

    Synthesis and Cytotoxic Activity of Curcumin Analogues

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    Tiga senyawa analog kurkumin (1-3) disintesis melaluireaksi 1-metilpiperidin-4-one dan turunan metoksibenzaldehidapada iradiasi gelombang micro. Natriumhidroksida digunakan sebagai katalis. Struktur kimiadari analog kurkumin tersebut telah ditetapkan berdasarkaninterpretasi data spektroskopi. Semua senyawaanalog dievaluasi efek sitotoksiknya terhadap sel murineleukemia P-388. Senyawa 1-3 menunjukan aktivitassitotoksik yang lemah dengan nilai IC50 berturut-turut6,5; 6,0 dan 18,3 mg/ mL

    Pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas Dan Leverage Terhadap Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012-2015)

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    This type of research is quantitative research. This study entitled "Effect of Profitability Ratio and Leverage to Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Empirical Study On Manufacture Company that Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012 to 2015)". The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Basic Earning Power and Debt to Equity Ratio to Earnings Per Share. The population in this study were 143 companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) during the years 2012-2015. The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling with total sample of 62 manufacture companies. Methods of data collection using documentation against secondary data collecting and recording data from the manufacture company\u27s financial report 2012-2015 and the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of research and analysis by using SPSS 15 for Windows indicate that: (1) Basic Earning Power has significant positive effect on earnings per share, (2) Debt to Equity Ratio hasn\u27t significant effect on earnings per share. The implications of this research is Basic Earning Power can be improved by managing all assets that owned by the company to increase net sales of the company so as to increase the advantages to be gained by shareholders as Earning Per Share. Companies should be able to utilize of debt funds as one of the funds used to support the company operations such as working capital, purchase of assets and etc. So that debt funds can increase of revenue for the company and this increase will have an impact on profit after tax. The Condition causes earnings per share also increased

    Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generators Based on a Novel MPSI Index

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    The Objective: This paper presents a method to identify the optimal location and size of DGs based on the power stability index and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.Materials and methods: First, a novel maximum power stability index (MPSI) is derived from the well-established theorem of maximum power transfer. The MPSI is utilized as an objective function to determine the optimal DG locations. Next, a PSO-based model with randomized load is developed to optimize DG sizing in view of the system’s real power losses.Results and Conclusion: Lastly, a IEEE 30-bus test system is employed in the simulation. The performance of proposed MPSI index are comparable with other voltage stability indices. The DG optimization model considering voltage stability and loss minimization provides better results compared to that obtained using only loss minimization approach

    Experimental infection of goats by Pasteurella multocida B:2

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    An experiment was carried out to determine whether goats can be infected by Pasteurella multocida B:2, the causative agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattle and buffaloes. Thirty-six healthy local goats were divided into four groups consisting of nine goats per group. Goats of groups 1 and 3 were inoculated intranasally with 1ml inoculum containing 109 CFU of live P. multocida B:2. Goats of groups 2 and 4 were not infected, but were exposed to the infected animals by keeping goats of group 2 together with group 1 while group 4 together with group 3. Immediately post-infection, goats in groups 3 and 4 were treated with dexamethasone at the rate of 1mg/kg for three consecutive days. Three goats from each of the four groups were killed on days 7,14 and 21 post-infection. One goat from group 3 died percutely on day 2 post-infection, showing lesions typical ofhaemorrhagic septicaemia. Other two goats from the same group were weak. None of the goats in groups 1, 2 and 4 succumbed to the disease but most exhibited signs of mild respiratory tract infection. Post-mortem examinations revealed that 20 (53 %) goats had mild, acute pneumonia affecting less than 7% of the lung, suggesting that P. multocida B:2 is not a primary pathogen of the respiratory tract. Four (11 %) goats of group 3 had pulmonary oedema and congestion, indicating that dexamethasone enhanced chances of goats being infected by P. multocida B:2. P. multocida was successfully re-isolated from lungs and nasal swabs of goats from all groups, and heart blood of goats from group 3 but not from the lymph nodes and tonsils. The re-isolation of P. multocida B:2 was successfully made for up to 14 days p.i, in groups without dexamethasone but for up to 21 days following dexamethasone treatment. Transmission of P. multocida B:2 to the in-contact goats occurred at a rate of 40%

    Anger mood detection based on face recognition and heartbeat

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    Anger is one of the feeling that showing strong resentment that can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses and at times in public acts of aggression. So, this project has designed to examine the existence of the individual nature of anger using facial expression and heartbeat. The objective of this project is to warn and help people to control their temper. This can prevent the bad effect towards heart rate, blood pressure, levels of adrenaline and noradrenalin and other physical effects. Matlab-Image-processing is used to analyze facial expressions while heartbeat is measured using a heartbeat detector circuit. The Graphic User Interface (GUI) indicates the angry face result while the Liquid Crystal Display states the faster heartbeat when a person is angry

    Selection of classification models from repository of model for water quality dataset

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    This paper proposes a new technique, Model Selection Technique (MST) for selection andranking of models from the repository of models by combining three performance measures(Acc, TPR and TNR). This technique provides weightage to each performance measure to findthe most suitable model from the repository of models. A number of classification modelshave been generated to classify water quality using the most significant features andclassifiers such as J48, JRip and BayesNet. To validate this technique proposed, the waterquality dataset of Kinta River was used in this research. The results demonstrate that theFunction classifier is the optimal model with the most outstanding accuracy of 97.02%, TPR =0.96 and TNR = 0.98. In conclusion, MST is able to find the most relevant model from therepository of models by using weights in classifying the water quality dataset.Keywords: selection of models; water quality; classification model; models repository

    Psychometric Assessment of the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) using the Rasch Model in a Malaysian Polytechnic Students’ Sample

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    The study investigated the psychometric assessment of grit questions in the setting of a technical student using the Rasch model. Random sampling techniques were chosen among 468 polytechnic students. The results showed eight Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) items met the requirements of the Rasch model. These items can measure grit for technical students’ context, but there is ample room for further progress in determining the quality of grit items’ development in different settings. In a nutshell, Grit-S needs to generate more items to cater to people with higher abilities so that they can tested with more complex items. Keywords: grit; psychometric assessment; technical students; Rasch model eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER and cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v8iSI15.508