309 research outputs found

    A method for the inline measurement of milk gel firmness using an optical sensor

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    At present, selection of cutting time during cheesemaking is made based on subjective methods, which has effects on product homogeneity and has prevented complete automation of cheesemaking. In this work, a new method for inline monitoring of curd firmness is presented. The method consisted of developing a model that correlates the backscatter ratio of near infrared light during milk coagulation with the rheological storage modulus. The model was developed through a factorial design with 2 factors: protein concentration (3.4 and 5.1%) and coagulation temperature (30 and 40°C). Each treatment was replicated 3 times; the model was calibrated with the first replicate and validated using the remaining 2 replicates. The coagulation process was simultaneously monitored using an optical sensor and small-amplitude oscillatory rheology. The model was calibrated and successfully validated at the different protein concentrations and coagulation temperatures studied, predicting the evolution of storage modulus during milk coagulation with coefficient of determination values >0.998 and standard error of prediction values <3.4 Pa. The results demonstrated that the proposed method allows inline monitoring of curd firming in cheesemaking and cutting the curd at a proper firmness to each type of cheese

    Developing an optical backscatter method for determining casein micelle particle size in heated milk

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICA plethora of different factors, such as heat treatment, pH, soluble calcium and phosphate concentrations, colloidal calcium phosphate, ionic strength, redox potential, etc., affect functionally of critical milk components such as casein micelles, fat globules and whey proteins. These physicochemical changes induce fat- or protein-protein interactions that would be associated to changes in particle size that might be revealed using light backscatter measurements. We hypothesized that inline, simple, low-cost light backscatter measurements might have the potential to provide functionally related information, representing an interesting opportunity for process control. Casein micelle particle size and near infrared light backscatter spectra were measured in milks heat treated at 80 and 90 °C and pH 6.3, 6.7 and 7.1 in order to obtain prediction models for estimating changes in casein micelle particle size during milk heat treatment. Light intensity was measured over a spectral range of 200-1100 nm using a simple optical backscatter sensor and was implemented into models for particle size predictions as a function of heat treatment temperature and pH. Models which included an exponential factor containing a ratio of two specific wavebands were found to improve R when compared to single wavelength models. The best model exhibited an R of 0.993 and SEP of 2.36 nm. The developed prediction models show promise for in-line monitoring of whey protein denaturation and casein micelle particle size

    Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas: Challenges and New Insights

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    Cystic lesions of the pancreas are a common entity with almost a 25% incidence of the general population. These types of lesions are being increasingly diagnosed partly explained due to the technological advances over the past years. The management and treatment varies per cyst type. However, the most threatening cyst lesions are intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs). These lesions represent nowadays a relatively new clinical entity and in many aspects remain poorly understood. The aim of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive review of the classification, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up strategy

    González Moreno and the Mediterranean in the Archconfraternity of the Blood of Murcia

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    Tras la Guerra Civil y ante necesidad de recuperar el patrimonio religioso perdido, surgen en Murcia varios escultores que optan por un lenguaje novedoso dentro de lo que una expresión tan tradicionalista como la imaginería puede permitir, destacando la figura de Juan González Moreno y sus obras para las cofradías de Semana Santa. En este artículo exponemos dos de sus grandes creaciones de la década de los cincuenta, punto culminante de su carrera, para la antigua Archicofradía de la Sangre de Murcia, teniendo presente las distintas fuentes bibliográficas sobre este particular, así como la documentación encontrada en el archivo de la Archicofradía para un efectivo análisis de la inserción de un dialéctica que, a sus cualidades insertas en el clasicismo, aporta grandes dosis de modernidad.After the Civil War and in the face of the need to recover the lost religious heritage, several sculptors emerged in Murcia who opted for a novel language within what an expression as traditionalist as imagery can allow, highlighting the figure of Juan González Moreno and his works for the brotherhoods of Holy Week. In this article we present two of his great creations from the fifties, the culminating point of his career, for the former Archconfraternity of the Blood of Murcia, bearing in mind the different bibliographic sources on this subject, as well as the documentation found in the archive of the Arch Confraternity for an effective analysis of the insertion of a dialectic that, to its qualities inserted in classicism, contributes large doses of modernity

    Estrés e inestabilidad laboral en un equipo de ventas

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    Una de las tareas más desafiantes para una empresa lo constituye el proceso de ventas. Parte de este proceso incluye cumplir con las metas y exigencias que la empresa requiere. Este proceso de venta conlleva a eventos que generan estrés y malestar en el equipo de trabajo, percibido por la inestabilidad laboral, propia de la dinámica actual del mercado. Se busca describir el nivel de estrés e inestabilidad laboral que presenta la muestra, que es no probabilística, de tipo intencional, y está conformada por 11 sujetos adultos varones, que trabajan como vendedores de planes de ahorro de vehículos de un concesionario, para poder obtener algunas sugerencias y por consiguiente optimizar el rendimiento y la productividad de los vendedores. En pro de estos objetivos se seleccionan los siguientes instrumentos de medición: Cuestionario de Estrés Laboral (Job Stress Survey; JSS) de Spielberger C. D Y Vagg P. R (2010) y el Inventario de Malestar Percibido en la Inestabilidad Laboral (IMPIL) de Leibovich de Figueroa N. y Schufer M. (2006). La investigación es de tipo cuantitativa, el estudio a realizar es de tipo descriptivo y el diseño que se va a aplicar es no experimental y, a su vez, transeccional descriptivo. Se concluye que aunque el equipo de ventas presenta cierto nivel de estrés, el mismo no es significativo, por el contrario, los vendedores presentan un alto nivel de malestar debido a la inestabilidad laboral.The Selling process represents one of the most challenging tasks for a company. Part of this process, includes carry out with the objectives and demands that the company requires. This selling process leads to several events that generate stress and some sense of unease, perceived by the job instability typical of the current market dynamic. It will be tried to describe the level of stress and job instability that shows the sample, which is not probabilistic of intentionally type and it is Constituted by 11 adult males, who work as salesmen in the car’s credits area of a dealership, in order to get a few suggestions and as a result optimize the salesmen’s performance and productivity. In order to achieve these objectives different scales were selected: the job stress survey (JSS) by the authors Spielberg C. D and Vagg P. R. and the perceived unease in the job instability inventory (IMPIL) by the authors Leibovich de Figueroa N. and Schufer M. (2006). The research is quantitative in type, the study is descriptive and the applied design is non-experimental and descriptive trans-sectional at the same time. In conclusion, although the selling team presents certain level of stress, this is not significant; on the other hand, the salesmen present a high level of unease due to the job instability.Fil: Zambudio, Andrea Natali

    La impagable pero no reconocida labor de la Junta Delegada de Incautación, Protección y Salvamento del Tesoro Artístico de Murcia. El caso concreto del patrimonio escultórico.

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    [ES] Con el inicio de la Guerra Civil tras el golpe de estado protagonizado por una parte del ejército comandada por el General Franco el día 18 de julio de 1936, el patrimonio histórico-artístico, fundamentalmente el religioso, sufre las iras y el intervencionismo de los comités sindicales y revolucionarios. En principio, el gobierno de la República pierde el control de la situación y ello se traduce en graves pérdidas patrimoniales, si bien, tras el otoño de 1936 y el progresivo establecimiento por el territorio bajo su mando de las distintas Juntas Delegadas de Incautación, Protección y Salvamento del Tesoro Artístico, la salvaguarda de los distintos elementos muebles e inmuebles se va haciendo realidad. En este artículo estudiamos este proceso en lo que respecta al caso de la Región de Murcia, teniendo presente la encomiable labor de un artista: Juan González Moreno.[EN] With the start of the Civil War after the coup d’état led by a part of the army commanded by General Franco on July 18, 1936, the historical-artistic heritage, fundamentally the religious, suffered the wrath and interventionism of the committees trade unions and revolutionaries. In principle, the government of the Republic loses control of the situation and this translates into serious patrimonial losses, although, after the autumn of 1936 and the progressive establishment by the territory under its command of the different Delegated Boards of Seizure, Protection and Salvage of the Artistic Treasure, the safeguarding of the different movable and immovable elements is becoming a reality. In this article we study this process in relation to the case of the Region of Murcia, bearing in mind the commendable work of an artist: Juan González Moreno

    “Tejes la muerte, el canto”: palimpsestos homéricos en Ida Vitale

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    Estudiamos cómo Ida Vitale ha recibido a Homero en su obra. Para ello, a través de la imagen del palimpsesto, descubrimos cómo este referente se transparenta una y otra vez, y recorremos a través de los textos los diferentes caminos en los que se demuestra su relevancia, que abarcan desde la visión de Penélope hasta el acercamiento por la sonoridad o el humor, pasando por una tradición indirecta a través de la pintura. La multiplicidad de textos que demuestran la profundidad de la asimilación y las posibilidades de la misma y la falta de acercamientos previos a este tema justifican nuestra aportación

    Mariano Benlliure Gil, the exponent of modernity in Malaga processional imagery after the destruction of May 1931

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    La caída del régimen monárquico y el advenimiento de la II República en 1931 no conllevó la paz social tan deseada en España, acrecentándose el enfrentamiento entre dos facciones diametralmente opuestas en su ideario: el nacionalcatolicismo y el anticlericalismo. Los terribles sucesos del mes de mayo de ese año provocaron la destrucción patrimonial más brutal hasta esa fecha, siendo Málaga una de las ciudades más afectadas. Las cofradías de Semana Santa se vieron en la necesidad de reponer todo sus enseres perdidos y ahí entra en juego la figura del escultor Mariano Benlliure Gil, que con sus obras del Nazareno del Paso y el Cristo de la Expiración configura un novedoso lenguaje en la imaginería religiosa del sur peninsular.The fall of the monarchical regime and the advent of the Second Republic in 1931 did not bring about the much desired social peace in Spain, increasing the confrontation between two factions diametrically opposed in their ideology: National Catholicism and anticlericalism. The terrible events of the month of May of that year caused the most brutal des-truction of heritage to that date, with Malaga being one of the most affected cities. The brotherhoods of Holy Week saw the need to replace all their lost belongings and that is where the figure of the sculptor Mariano Benlliure Gil comes into play, who with his works of the Nazarene of the step and the Christ of the Expiration configures a new language in imagery religious of the peninsular south

    Comunicação integrada na Embrapa: um estudo acerca de sua implantação

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    Assim como não se pode conceber comunicação sem integração e sem um planejamento estratégico, não se pode pensar em implantação de mudanças na área sem levar em conta as pessoas envolvidas no processo a ser modificado. A literatura que trata a respeito desse assunto é vasta e envolve muito mais que as técnicas e práticas de comunicação. O tema tem ganhado relevância em áreas como administração, psicologia, gestão de pessoas, dentre outras. Como enfrentar o desafio de uma mudança organizacional? Qual o papel dos gerentes de todos os níveis e como comprometer as equipes com os resultados institucionais? Como envolver áreas e departamentos da organização para desenvolverem um trabalho integrado? Esta é a abordagem pretendida por esta monografia, que contém depoimentos das pessoas envolvidas na mudança do papel de uma assessoria de comunicação social para uma secretaria de comunicação. Novas atribuições vieram com a mudança e somaram-se àquelas tradicionalmente executadas pela equipe, que se viu tendo que assumir nova postura e ainda mostrar a todos os públicos da organização a importância das mudanças e o que elas significam do ponto de vista estratégico para a organização como um todo. O que dizem os pesquisadores sobre esse importante tema? Qual o sentimento dos gerentes que estão promovendo mudanças que incluem um jeito novo de trabalhar? Como estão reagindo as equipes? Que contribuições esta monografia pode deixar à organização? Essas questões são tratadas em quatro capítulos escritos depois de uma extensa pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o que pensam os pesquisadores; o que diz a história da comunicação da Embrapa (história contada nas publicações escritas e editadas por aqueles que fizeram e continuam fazendo a história da organização; e entrevistas presenciais e feitas por meio eletrônico com os profissionais que fazem a comunicação na empresa em questão

    José Capuz: el vanguardismo en la escultura religiosa de Cartagena anterior a la Guerra Civil

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    Con el crecimiento exponencial de las procesiones de Semana Santa en la ciudad de Cartagena durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, dado el apoyo recibido por la creciente burguesía minera, la Cofradía más antigua de la ciudad, la de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, vulgo Marrajos, recibe el impulso necesario para la renovación de su patrimonio escultórico. Para realizar esta ingente labor, contactan con José Capuz Mamano a fin de unificar su estética y dotar de un carácter único a sus desfiles de Viernes Santo. Esta circunstancia se expone en este texto, estudiando las imágenes de talla completa llevadas a efecto por este artífice antes de la Guerra Civil, pues suponen la ruptura con lo pretérito, teniendo presente las distintas fuentes bibliográficas sobre dicha temática, así como la documentación encontrada en el archivo de la Cofradía para un efectivo análisis de la inserción de un lenguaje artístico revolucionario dentro de unas manifestaciones tan sumamente tradicionales