61 research outputs found

    Scientometric analysis of Colombian research on bio-inoculants for agricultural production

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    Artículo científicoThe excessive use of synthetic chemical inputs in agricultural production has led to the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. One of the alternatives that arose within the systems of sustainable agriculture was the partial or total replacement of chemicals by biological substances. The analysis of relevant scientific literature has become a tool for assessing the quality of knowledge generation and its impact on the environment. A scientometric analysis was conducted of Colombian research on bio-inoculants from 2009 through 2014 in journals added to the Web of SciencesTM in order to identify the characteristics of the main target crops, the microorganisms used, and the beneficial effects on agriculture. In this work, 34 articles were identified: 24 (71 %) were research on bio-fertilizer development and 10 (29 %) on bio-pesticides. Articles mainly focused on the study of Gram-negative bacilli affecting the area (77 %), while others focused on issues and topics surrounding vegetables (30 %).The analysis of co-occurrence of keywords identified: i. several genera of microorganisms (e.g. Azotobacter sp., Bradyrhizobium sp.) and sustainable agriculture as issues that have a leading role in this scientific field, ii. plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as an emerging issue, iii. biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a subject which has risen in a complementary manner and iv. endophytic bacteria and biodiversity as issues in growth. This study showed that research in Colombia could be targeted on issues such as endophytic bacteria, diversity and productivity

    Efecto, en el corto plazo, de la porcinaza en suelos. Estudio de caso desde diseño de experimentos en algunos municipios de Valle y Antioquia

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    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar en el corto plazo los efectos de la aplicación de la porcinaza como fertilizante en los suelos de algunos municipios de los departamentos de Antioquía y Valle del cauca. Para esto se realizó un diseño experimental usando un análisis factorial paramétrico y un análisis no paramétrico con el test Kruskal - Wallis. El experimento consta de los siguientes tratamientos: SNF (Suelo no fertilizado), SSF1 (Fertilizados con porquinaza 2 meses después de la aplicación), SSF2 (Fertilizados con porquinaza 4 meses después de la aplicación). Se tomaron muestras en seis fincas experimentales, tres en cada uno de los departamentos de análisis. Las muestras se tomaron a dos niveles de profundidad, la primera de 0 a 5 cm y la segunda de 5 a 30 cm. Teniendo un total de 108 réplicas para el experimento. Con la aplicación de la porcinaza como fertilizante se encontraron diferencias significativas en variables como el nitrógeno y el fósforo, pasando de 18,16 (ppm) partes por millón a 29,16 (ppm) a un nivel de profundidad de 0 a 5 cm y de 14.22 (ppm) a 20.02 (ppm) a un nivel de profundidad de 5 a 30 cm en el caso del nitrógeno, mostrando una evidencia de cambio significativo. Para el fósforo se encontró un cambio de 236.06 (ppm) a 314.83 (ppm) a un nivel de profundidad de 0 a 5 cm y de 67.86 (ppm) a 167.58 (ppm) a un nivel de profundidad de 5 a 30 cm. Las variables anteriores se consideran como macro nutrientes que ayudan al crecimiento de las plantas. Se concluye que la fertilización con porcinaza si tiene efectos en las características químicas como físicas del suelo.This work has the objective of analyzing in the short term the effects of the application of the porcinaza as fertilizer in the soils of some municipalities of the departments of Antioquía and Valle del cauca. For this, an experimental design was carried out using a parametric factor analysis and a non-parametric analysis with the Kruskal - Wallis test. The experiment consists of the following treatments: SNF (Unfertilized soil), SSF1 (Fertilized with porquinaza 2 months after application), SSF2 (Fertilized with porquinaza 4 months after application). Samples were taken in six experimental farms, three in each of the analysis departments. The samples were taken at two levels of depth, the first from 0 to 5 cm and the second from 5 to 30 cm. Having a total of 108 replicates for the experiment. With the application of swine as a fertilizer, significant differences were found in variables such as nitrogen and phosphorus, going from 18.16 (ppm) parts per million to 29.16 (ppm) at a depth level of 0 to 5 cm and from 14.22 (ppm) to 20.02 (ppm) at a depth level of 5 to 30 cm in the case of nitrogen, showing evidence of significant change. For phosphorus a change from 236.06 (ppm) to 314.83 (ppm) was found at a depth level of 0 to 5 cm and from 67.86 (ppm) to 167.58 (ppm) at a depth level of 5 to 30 cm. The above variables are considered as macro nutrients that help plant growth. It is concluded that porcine fertilization does have effects on the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil

    Análisis prospectivo de los bioinsumos agrícolas en Colombia: una consulta a expertos

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    Título en ingles: Prospective analysis of agricultural bioinoculants in Colombia: an expert consultationLa productividad y sostenibilidad de la agricultura en Colombia pueden ser influidas positivamente a través del aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad para la producción de bioinsumos. Fueron analizados a mediano y largo plazo, los posibles escenarios futuros generados por las regulaciones que intervienen en el avance tecnológico de los bioinsumos, a través de la aplicación de una encuesta Delphi, con la participación de 23 expertos, teniendo en cuenta las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible. Sobre la base de este estudio, se encontró que el 65% de los expertos consideran que el impacto de la innovación o el desarrollo tecnológico del uso de bioinsumos en la producción agrícola, tiene un alto impacto económico con un nivel de concordancia significativo (≥0.05). Adicionalmente, el 65% seleccionó como el mejor escenario, en el cual se den condiciones que promuevan mayor desarrollo, acceso y aplicación de los bioinsumos, de tal forma que se incremente el ritmo de incorporación de la tecnología por parte de los productores. En conclusión, más allá del nivel de desarrollo tecnológico, es necesario revisar los procesos legislativos para la comercialización de los bioinsumos, fue evidente que el éxito futuro de la industria de la producción de productos biológicos dependerá de la gestión de empresas innovadoras, la eficiente comercialización de los mismos, la educación y transferencia a los productores y el progreso de la investigación.Productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Colombia can be influenced positively through the use of biodiversity for the production of bioinoculants. They were analyzed in the medium and long term, the future scenarios generated by the regulations involved in the technological advancement of bio-products through the application of a Delphi survey, with the participation of 23 experts in bio-products, taking into account the three dimensions sustainable development. Based on this study, it was found that 65% of the experts believe that the impact of innovation and technological development of the use of bio- products in agricultural production, has a high economic impact with a significant level of agreement (≥0.05). Additionally, 65% selected as the best scenario, in which conditions that promote greater development, access and application of bio-products, so that the rate of adoption of technology is increased by the producers to make. In conclusion, beyond the level of technological development is necessary to revise the legislative process for the marketing of bio-products, it was clear that the future success of the industry in the production of biological products depend on the management of innovative enterprises, efficient marketing thereof, education and transfer to producers and the progress of the investigation.Key words: Delphi method, plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB), organic farming, sustainable development

    Bioinoculants industry for agricultural use in Colombia

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    Artículo científicoBio-products are primarily produced by using plant growthpromoting bacteria. This group of microorganisms is composed of different genera with the capability to stimulate plant growth increasing their productivity and promoting bio-control. The use of such microorganisms in Colombian agriculture has been highlighted to generate significant changes in production systems. The industry of bio-products was characterized using three parameters: i. records of bioproducts at the Colombian Agricultural Institute -ICA, ii. the patents recorded at the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce -SIC and iii. the Accession request to the genetic resources tool at the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development - MADS, within 2004-2011. One hundred eleven records of bio inoculants were found in Colombia, destined mainly to ornamental crops (24.7%), vegetables (16.3%), and cereals (13.2%). At patent level thirteen ones were identified, nine found in the International Patent Classification IPC - recognized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. The access to the database of MADS genetic resource allowed to identify 16 applications. Only one microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis was registered at all the assessed institutions. It was concluded that the development of bio-products in Colombia is only emerging in the encouragement research of the use of the microbial biodiversity, as well as the processes regarding patent register of production processes

    Aspectos tributarios para los contratos de obra pública en Colombia

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    Análisis sobre la estructura tributaria colombiana frente a los contratos de obra pública, de cara al impuesto sobre la renta, IVA y los tributos territoriales del orden departamental y municipal.Analysis of the Colombian tax structure against public works contracts, with a view to the income tax, IVA and the territorial taxes of the departmental and municipal order.Especialista en Derecho TributarioEspecializació

    Prevalencia de Salmonella spp., en ganglios mesentéricos de porcinos en plantas de beneficio Colombianas

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    Objective. Objective was to determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp., in pigs mesenteric ganglion, from different regions of Colombia. Materials and Methods. A stratified sampling by proportional fixation was carried out at benefit plants of each of the 13 participating departments, whose pork production volume is representative at national level. Sampling was performed during five months, for a total of 457 samples analyzed. Salmonella spp., identification was performed by the MDS Molecular System, later isolates were confirmed in Maldi-TOF MS. Antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was determined using the B1016-180 panel and statistical analysis was performed in Whonet 2016, some of the multi-resistant isolates were them serotyped by Kauffman-White method. Results. National prevalence was 28.2%, with the presence of S. typhimurium, S. Agama, S. London, S. Agona, S. Haifa and S. 1,4,12: i: -. Resistance to antibiotics frequently used in human (23.6% Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole, 2.7% Cefotaxime (CTX), 11.8% Ampicillin (AMP) and 1.8% Ciprofloxacin) was found. Conclusion. The prevalence of Salmonella in mesenteric ganglia was 28.2%, being the Huila region the one with the highest prevalence, recovering atypical serotypes such as S. London and S. Haifa.Objetivo. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia de Salmonella spp., en ganglios mesentéricos de porcinos, provenientes de diferentes regiones de Colombia. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un muestreo estratificado por fijación proporcional en plantas de beneficio, de cada uno de los 13 departamentos participantes, cuyo volumen de producción de carne de cerdo es representativo a nivel nacional. El muestreo se realizó durante cinco meses, para un total de 457 muestras analizadas. La identificación de Salmonella spp., se realizó mediante el Sistema Molecular MDS, luego los aislamientos fueron confirmados por Maldi-TOF MS. Se determinó la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de los aislamientos usando el panel B1016-180 y el análisis estadístico se realizó en Whonet 2016, posteriormente algunos de los aisalmientos multi-resistentes fueron serotipificados por el método de Kauffman-White. Resultados. La prevalencia nacional fue 28.2%, con presencia de los serotipos S. Typhimurium, S. Agama, S. London, S. Agona, S. Haifa y S. 1,4,12: i : --. Se encontró resistencia a antibióticos de uso frecuente en humanos (23.6% Trimetoprim/Sulfametoxazol, 2.7% Cefotaxime (CTX), 11.8% Ampicilina (AMP) y 1.8% Ciprofloxacina). Conclusión. La prevalencia de Salmonella en ganglios mesénticos fue del 28.2%, siendo la región del Huila la que más aportó, se recuperaron serotipos atípicos como S. London y S. Haif

    Síndrome de agotamiento en profesionales de la salud posterior al primer año de pandemia por COVID-19

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de agotamiento profesional en personal sanitario, posterior al primer año de pandemia por Covid-19 Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, con muestra de 355 trabajadores de IPS de la ciudad de Cartagena. Se empleó un cuestionario de dos secciones: Aspectos sociodemográficos y laborales (16 ítems) y Maslach Burnout Inventory que determina el síndrome de Burnout a través de las dimensiones de agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal (22 ítems). Se utilizó un análisis descriptivo mediante frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. El principio ético estuvo regido por la resolución 8430 de 1993 y el Código de Helsinki. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino 78,6%, con formación de pregrado 69,9% y más de 10 años de experiencia laboral 25,6%, laboran en IPS de nivel terciario 41,4%, distribuidos en las áreas de urgencias 22,3%, consulta externa 18%, UCI 15,2%, hospitalización 11% y cirugía 5,9%; en contacto con pacientes positivos para SARS-CoV-2 74,6% y que han padecido COVID-19 11,8%. La dimensión de agotamiento obtuvo un puntaje leve 55,2%, igual la despersonalización con 51,5%, mientras que la realización personal fue severa 62,5%. El Burnout global fue severo 62,5%, moderado 35.5% y leve 5%. Conclusión: Fue posible determinar que durante la pandemia de COVID-19 el nivel de agotamiento laboral de un grupo de profesionales sanitario fue severo, afectando la salud de los profesionales y su desempeño frente a la atención prestada, lo que sugiere la realización de intervenciones para promover, restaurar y mantener la salud física y mental de los trabajadores de la salud en tiempos de pandemia.Objective: To determine the level of professional burnout in healthcare personnel after the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a sample of 355 IPS workers in the city of Cartagena. A questionnaire with 2 sections was used: Sociodemographic and labor aspects (16 items) and Maslach Burnout Inventory that determines Burnout syndrome through the dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal fulfillment (22 items). A descriptive analysis using absolute frequencies and percentages was used. The ethical principle was governed by resolution 8430 of 1993 and the Helsinki Code. Results: The predominant sex was female 78.6%, with undergraduate education 69.9% and more than 10 years of work experience 25.6%, working in tertiary level IPS 41.4%, distributed in the areas of emergency 22.3%, outpatient 18%, ICU 15.2%, hospitalization 11% and surgery 5.9%; in contact with patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 74.6% and who have suffered COVID-19 11.8%. The burnout dimension scored mild 55.2%, as did depersonalization with 51.5%, while personal accomplishment was severe 62.5%. Overall burnout was severe 62.5%, moderate 35.5% and mild 5%. Conclusion: It was possible to determine that during the COVID-19 pandemic the level of burnout of a group of health professionals was severe, affecting the health of the professionals and their performance in relation to the care provided, suggesting the implementation of interventions to promote, restore and maintain the physical and mental health of health workers in times of pandemic

    Informe final : 5b. Justificación, diseño y conceptualización de las herramientas de manejo del paisaje complementarias (de reconversión productiva) para cada ventana y costos - Ventanas Rurales

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    El rol del diseño y conceptualización de las HMP de reconversión productiva para la conservación del patrimonio natural en las ventanas rurales de la cuenca río Tunjuelo implica la minimización de los impactos de los ciclos y metodologías de producción agropecuarias de acuerdo con las necesidades socio-ecológicas de las comunidades.Bogotá D.C.Gestión Territorial de la Biodiversida

    Efficacy of naloxegol on symptoms and quality of life related to opioid-induced constipation in patients with cancer: a 3-month follow-up analysis

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    Objectives: Opioid-induced constipation (OIC) can affect up to 63% of all patients with cancer. The objectives of this study were to assess quality of life as well as efficacy and safety of naloxegol, in patients with cancer with OIC. Methods: An observational study was made of a cohort of patients with cancer and with OIC exhibiting an inadequate response to laxatives and treated with naloxegol. The sample consisted of adult outpatients with a Karnofsky performance status score ≥50. The Patient Assessment of Constipation Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAC-QOL) and the Patient Assessment of Constipation Symptoms (PAC-SYM) were applied for 3 months. Results: A total of 126 patients (58.2% males) with a mean age of 61.3 years (range 34-89) were included. Clinically relevant improvements (>0.5 points) were recorded in the PAC-QOL and PAC-SYM questionnaires (p<0.0001) from 15 days of treatment. The number of days a week with complete spontaneous bowel movements increased significantly (p<0.0001) from 2.4 to 4.6 on day 15, 4.7 after 1 month and 5 after 3 months. Pain control significantly improved (p<0.0001) during follow-up. A total of 13.5% of the patients (17/126) presented some gastrointestinal adverse reaction, mostly of mild (62.5%) or moderate intensity (25%). Conclusions: Clinically relevant improvements in OIC-related quality of life, number of bowel movements and constipation-related symptoms were recorded as early as after 15 days of treatment with naloxegol in patients with cancer and OIC, with a good safety profile