1,971 research outputs found

    Symposium Keynote Address: An Economist\u27s Perspective

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    The Managerial Transformation of Italian Co-operative Enterprises 1946-2010

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    The Italian co-operative enterprises have prospered in the last thirty years in various sectors. In this essay we analyze the role played by managerilization in allowing Italian co-ops to compete nationally and internationally with capitalist enterprises. On the basis of a substantial set of company histories and managers interviews, we have built a three generations model of co-ops managers, which shows the changes that have allowed co-ops to become fully equipped with managerial skills. The strong leadership of umbrella organizations, the inner careers of most managers and legislation have been instrumental in avoiding demutualization, the killer of co-ops in many other countries.

    Bien comĂșn, derecho social y ciencias sociales

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    Stefano Zamagni, CatedrĂĄtico de EconomĂ­a PolĂ­tica de la Universidad de Bolonia. Bien comĂșn, Derecho Social y Ciencias Sociales. Conferencia en la Universidad de MĂĄlaga el 4 de noviembre de 2014. Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech. Stefano Zamagni, profesor de EconomĂ­a PolĂ­tica en la Universidad de Bolonia y en la John Hopkins University, es uno de los principales exponentes de la corriente de pensamiento conocida como economĂ­a civil. Ha publicado en español el libro “Por una economĂ­a del bien comĂșn” (Ed. Ciudad Nueva, 2012). Los doce capĂ­tulos que forman este libro, que se corresponden con otros tantos trabajos elaborados a lo largo de los Ășltimos años por el autor, explican por quĂ© el concepto de bien comĂșn ha ido desapareciendo del lenguaje econĂłmico y su puesto ha sido ocupado por otros conceptos como bien pĂșblico, bien privado o bien total, provocando cierta confusiĂłn conceptual. Se habla de bien comĂșn cuando cada uno realiza su interĂ©s junto al de los demĂĄs y no sin contar con los demĂĄs, como ocurre con el bien pĂșblico, o en contra de los demĂĄs, como ocurre con el bien privado. Recuperar la idea de bien comĂșn supone recuperar la relacionalidad en economĂ­a, dando protagonismo a principios como el de reciprocidad, abandonados en la fase capitalista de la economĂ­a de mercado. Una propuesta valiente para construir un nuevo modelo econĂłmico que considere el interĂ©s general, que valore la idea de comunidad y que persiga el bien de la sociedad. Llevada al terreno polĂ­tico, la propuesta se transforma en una vigorosa apuesta por la democracia deliberativa. Un libro, en definitiva, para pensar e idear en lo concreto un futuro distinto, mĂĄs inclusivo y mĂĄs digno del ser humano.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tec

    Politikai gazdasågtan és civil gazdasåg: két gazdasågi paradigma kritikai értékelése

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    A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen 2014. november 12-Ă©n, a GazdasĂĄg Ă©s Erkölcs cĂ­mƱ konferenciĂĄn tartott angol nyelvƱ elƑadĂĄs leirata. (Political economy and civil economy: a critical assessment of two economic paradigms

    Economia e filosofia

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    The present essay addresses the question of whether or not economics can usefully progress without establishing a special link with philosophy. It aims to provide an overview for a broad audience of working economists and to suggest possibilities for research to those with specific interests in the foundations of economic discourse. After the introductory and motivational remarks of sections 1 and 2, section 3 deals with the crisis of the neopositivist research programme and its impact on economic epistemology. Section 4 presents the main reasons accounting for the recent revival of the political dimension in economic research. Section 5 is concerned with the moral relevance and presuppositions of economic processes and outcomes and addresses the problems faced in making value assertions a part of the critical discourse of economics. Few general considerations conclude the paper

    A century of change: trends in the composition in the italian labour force, 1881-1981

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    Bevölkerungsbefragungen und Industriestatistiken in Italien weisen erhebliche MĂ€ngel auf, wenn man sie mit Fragestellungen aus einem anderen Bezugsfeld konfrontiert. Der Grund liegt darin, daß sie nicht auf historische Vergleichbarkeit hin angelegt sind. Andererseits sind manchmal auch die VerĂ€nderungen, die beschrieben werden, so radikal, daß alle BemĂŒhungen um eine Homogenisierung von DatensĂ€tzen nur in der Frustration enden können. Im vorliegenden Papier werden die wichtigsten GrĂŒnde fĂŒr Diskrepanzen zwischen den verschiedenen Stichproben und Befragungen diskutiert und es wird nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, die Daten vergleichbar zu machen. Außerdem wird versucht, den fĂŒr die Dateninterpretation notwendigen Informationsstand zu verbessern. (pka)'Population and industrial censuses in Italy suffer from remarkable shortcomings when a diacronic view is superimposed upon them, because on the one hand they are not divided to respond to requirements of comparability through time and on the other hand the changes they depict are sometimes so radical to frustrate efforts aiming at an homogenization of data. The purpose of this paper is 1) to discuss the most important causes of discrepancy among the various censuses and to formulate ways of adjusting data to eliminate such causes and 2) to gain and comment important insights which can help to interprete the results.' (author's abstract

    Portare AldilĂ ? Erik Peterson e la critica della teologia politica di C. Schmitt

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    In his essay, the author analyses Erik Peterson’s early work, more closely The Monotheism as Political Problem, to try to understand more accurately his critic to Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology. This entails also a reconsideration of Peterson’s Theological Tractates (recently published in english by Michael J. Hollerich): their solid and acknowledged philological and historical grounding did not impede a strong stance towards their times (i.e. the mid-30s in Germany), and shows the use of tools nonetheless – such as that of Übertragung (transfer) – which are relevant within the current debate on Political Theology

    La economĂ­a civil: un nuevo enfoque del mercado en la edad de la cuarta revoluciĂłn industrial

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    After explaining the reasons why we must urgently reexamine the foundations of the market economy, the article goes on to illustrate the main differences between the civil market and capitalist market models. It then answers the question of why, in the last quarter of a century, the concept of the civil economy has reemerged as a topic of public debate and scientific research. In particular, it highlights the reasons why the fourth industrial revolution postulates a civil market if the risks involved with the advancement of transhumanism are to be avoided. The article ends with an invitation to transcend the contradictions of the culture of libertarian individualism.DespuĂ©s de aclarar las razones por las cuales es urgente repensar las bases de la economĂ­a de mercado, el artĂ­culo continĂșa para ilustrar las principales diferencias entre el modelo del mercado civil y el modelo del mercado capitalista. A continuaciĂłn, se responde a la pregunta de por quĂ© en el Ășltimo cuarto de siglo la perspectiva del discurso de la economĂ­a civil estĂĄ resurgiendo en el debate pĂșblico, asĂ­ como en la investigaciĂłn cientĂ­fica. Se presta especial atenciĂłn a resaltar las razones por las cuales la cuarta revoluciĂłn industrial debe desarrollarse desde un mercado civil si se quieren evitar los riesgos asociados con el avance del transhumanismo. El artĂ­culo termina con una invitaciĂłn a superar las aporĂ­as de la cultura del individualismo libertario
