189 research outputs found
Sustainable Development and Regenerative Sustainability in the Legal Urban Framework of the Republic of North Macedonia – Challenge or Utopia
We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see the land as a community to which we belong we may begin to use it with love and respect- is a deep thinking of Aldo Leopold. This promotes a regenerative shift in the sustainability concept, no longer only considering resources and energy, but also significant human-centric attributes and a space. This paper presents the context in which urban planners can contribute to raising the values of sustainability, attitudes and behavior in future regenerative societies, while critically analyzing 20 years of continuous profound change in the urban legal framework in our country. Finally, the task of our role in the emerging integrative humanities’ planning is outlined with education promoted as a essential driver in moving from sustainability to regenerative paradigms with the support of adequate legal framework
Implementation of e-Urbanization in the Legal Framework of the Republic of North Macedonia
The previous government found that e-business of public institutions, especially in the implementation of laws directly related to urban planning, investment and construction of buildings includes 4 key laws: Law on Construction Land, Law on Construction of Buildings, Law on Spatial and Urban Planning, Law on Cadastre and real estate. These are the foundations on which software solutions have been made for the implementation of legal proceedings in these areas. All this has led to being country ranked 10th out of 190 countries in the world on the Doing Business list in 2019. This system enables an efficient, transparent and unified way of acting of all competent bodies and entities according to the most modern standards, in the shortest possible time based on the submitted document-request. After those years of application of this system, this paper deals with a critical analysis of the current implementation and recording of possible weaknesse
Ten Commandments - Basic Christian Ethical Norms
Let's unite - the Orthodox faith and the evangelical morality with everyday thoughts, desires and hopes of people, it means to help them meet the most demanding ethical issues of contemporary times. Regardless of pluralism and contradiction of existence in society of understanding and belief, faith will be understood and real applicatied only when man will acknowledge and deeply felt confidence in the power of God's Revelation. Human thought and human speech can not be stronger than God's Word. And if that truth becomes undeniable to many people, it means that beauty and conviction of God's Word is plunging from that which today we called "human factor"
A Laboratory Experience in Analysis of Seized Medicines in the Republic of Macedonia
A counterfeit medicine is defined as a medicinal product which is manufactured by an illegal manufacturer or deliberately mislabeled with respect to identity of registered product. Once they enter the market, those medicines could pose a serious public health risk in a way that they do not deliver the desired effect and/or their use could lead to unexpected adverse effects, such as: anaphylaxis or developing resistance to the medicinal product. Therefore, fighting the entrance of counterfeit medicines in the country presents a significant national issue and requires a well-organized health system as well as market surveillance regulation. The Department for Medicines Quality Control at the Institute for Public Health of the Republic of Macedonia was actively involved in combating counterfeit drugs. In the period from 2007 – 2013, fourteen samples seized from the Customs of Macedonia were submitted to the Bureau of Medicines (Ministry of Health) to be analyzed in the Department for Medicines Quality Control. The identification and determination of the content of active substances was successfully achieved using laboratory methods from the registration documentation provided by the manufacturers of the licensed finished medicinal products or the internal HPLC methods validated previously and intended for control of the potentially counterfeit products. The most of the seized medicines were in pharmaceutical form of tablet (85.8 %), labeled as “Viagra”, “Cialis” or “Levitra”, and only 7.1 % were undeclared. The 14.2 % of samples were false labeled for the active compound. Regarding to the composition of the seized samples, the results showed that the most frequently identified active substances were those for treatment of erectile dysfunction: sildenafil citrate (50.5 %), tadalafil (21.4 %) and vardenafil hydrochloride trihydrate (7.2 %). The most of the analyzed products contained the active substance (64.3 %) outside the acceptable 95 % to 105 % margin of deviation from the declared value. The assay results for sildenafil citrate in the seized tablets were in range 52.1 % - 70.6 % from the declared content. These deviations verified the suspicion of counterfeit. However, for definite confirmation, more discriminating analytical techniques are needed, such as the near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and/or mass spectrometry (MS). Additionally, the limited resource of reference standards in national quality control laboratories requires more extensive collaboration with international organizations
Евалуација на (1,3)--d-гликан есеј во дијагноза на инвазивни инфекции со Аspergillus
Invasive fungal infections caused by Aspergillus are a significant problem in immunocompromised and critically ill patients and associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is still a big clinical and diagnostic challenge. Conventional methods are not sensitive enough, and therefore, there is a need for rapid, more sensitive methods for early diagnosis of invasive fungal infections with Aspergillus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance, sensitivity and specificity of serological panfungal (1,3)-b-D-glucan marker compared to conventional method for diagnosis of invasive fungal infections with Aspergillus. Material and methods: Specimens of 125 patients divided into 4 groups (group I - immune deficiency, group II - prolonged ICU stay, group III - chronic aspergillosis, group IV - cystic fibrosis), classified according to clinical diagnosis and EORTC/MSG criteria, were analyzed at the Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology, with conventional and serological methods, during a period of two years. Results: A total of 71 isolates of Aspergillus were confirmed in this study. Four isolates were recovered from bloodculture of patients with primary immune deficiency. With BAL culture, Aspergillus was detected in the group of chronic aspergillosis (63.33%), followed by the groups of cystic fibrosis (56.67%), primary immune deficiency (51.43%), and the group with prolonged ICU stay (43.33%). Sensitivity and specificity of BAL culture were: 64.29% and 100%, 59.09% and 100%, 54.55% and 12.5%, 100% and 54.17%, in I, II, III and IV group, respectively. In 79.1% (53/67) from positive BAL cultures in all groups, A. fumigatus was confirmed, of which, 32.1% (17/53) in group III, followed by group I – 26.42% (14/53) and group IV – 26.42% (14/53), and 15.1% (8/53) in group II. Other species confirmed in BAL were A. flavus 16.42% (11/67) and A.terreus 4.48% (3/67). Sensitivity and specificity of the serological panfungal (1,3)-b-D-glucan (BDG) marker were: 64.71% and 85.71%, 50% and 87.5%, 36.36% and 50%, in groups I, II and III, respectively. No positive findings of the panfungal (1,3)-b-D-glucan (BDG) marker were found in the group with cystic fibrosis. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study have demonstrated that a positive (1,3)-b-D-glucan assay highlights the value of this test as a diagnostic adjunct in the serodiagnosis of invasive fungal infections with Aspergillus, and along with the results from conventional mycological investigation, helped in reaching a timely antifungal treatment with a favorable clinical outcome.
Инвазивните фунгални инфекции со Aspergillus претставуваат сериозен проблем кај имунокомпромитираните лица и критично болните лица, и се асоцирани со зголемен морбидитет и морталитет. Рана дијагноза на инвазивната аспергилоза е сѐ уште голем клинички и дијагностички предизвик. Конвенционалните методи не се доволно сензитивни, и заради тоа, се наметнува потреба за брзи и посензитивни методи за рана дијагноза на инвазивни фунгални инфекции со Aspergillus. Целта на оваа студија беше да се евалуира дијагностичкиот перформанс, сензитивноста и специфичноста на серолошкиот панфунгален маркер (1,3)-b-D-гликан споредено со конвенционалниот метод за дијагноза на инвазивните фунгални инфекции со Aspergillus. Материјал и методи: Примероци од 125 пациенти, поделени во 4 групи (група I - имун дефицит, група II - пролонгиран престој во ЕИЛ, група III - хронична аспергилоза, група IV - цистична фиброза), и класифицирани според клиничката дијагноза и EORTC/MSG критериумите, беа анализирани на Институтот за микробиологија и паразитологија, со конвенционални и серолошки методи, во тек на две-годишен период. Резултати: Вкупно 71 изолат на Aspergillus беа потврдени во оваа студија. Четири изолати беа докажани во хемокултура, кај пациенти со примарен имун дефицит. Со култура на БАЛ, Aspergillus најчесто беше детектиран во групата на хронична аспергилоза (63,33%), по што следуваа групите со цистична фиброза (56,67%), примарен имун дефицит (51,43%), и групата лица со пролонгиран престој во единиците за интензивно лекување (43,33%). Сензитивноста и специфичноста на културите на БАЛ беа: 64,29% и 100%, 59,09% и 100%, 54,55% и 12,5%, 100% и 54,17%, во I, II, III и IV група, соодветно. Во 79,1% (53/67) од позитивните култури на БАЛ во сите групи, беше докажан A.fumigatus, од кои, 32,1% (17/53) од група III, потоа 26,42 % (14/53) од група I и 26,42% (14/53) од група IV, како и 15,1% (8/53) од група II. Други специеси потврдени во БАЛ беа A.flavus 16,42% (11/67) и A.terreus 4,48% (3/67). Сензитивноста и специфичноста на серолошкиот панфунгален (1,3)-b-D-гликан (BDG) маркер беа: 64,71% и 85,71%, 50% и 87,5%, 36,36% и 50%, во групите I, II и III, соодветно. Не беа детектирани позитивни наоди од панфунгалниот (1,3)-b-D-гликан (BDG) маркер во групата со цистична фиброза. Заклучок: Резултатите од оваа студија покажаа дека позитивен наод на (1,3)-b-D-гликан ја истакнува вредноста на овој тест како дијагностичко надополнување во серодијагнозата на инвазивните фунгални инфекции со Aspergillus, и заедно со резултатите од конвенционалните миколошки испитувања, помагаат во навремена примена на антифунгална терапија, и постигнување поволен клинички исход.
Template-controlled piezoactivity of ZnO thin films grown via a bioinspired approach
Biomaterials are used as model systems for the deposition of functional inorganic materials under mild reaction conditions where organic templates direct the deposition process. In this study, this principle was adapted for the formation of piezoelectric ZnO thin films. The influence of two different organic templates (namely, a carboxylate-terminated self-assembled monolayer and a sulfonate-terminated polyelectrolyte multilayer) on the deposition and therefore on the piezoelectric performance was investigated. While the low negative charge of the COOH-SAM is not able to support oriented attachment of the particles, the strongly negatively charged sulfonated polyelectrolyte leads to texturing of the ZnO film. This texture enables a piezoelectric performance of the material which was measured by piezoresponse force microscopy. This study shows that it is possible to tune the piezoelectric properties of ZnO by applying templates with different functionalities
In this paper, concept of the strong Finite Element Method (FEM)formulation is explained first. A brief review of strong basis functions that are used forquasi-static analysis of transmission lines with piecewise homogeneous anisotropicmedium is presented next. As numerical examples, effective relative permittivities ofsquare coaxial lines with two anisotropic layers or one isotropic and one anisotropiclayer are calculated by using the Galerkin variant of the strong FEM formulation. It isshown that in the case of the half-filled line, effective relative permittivity is practicallyequal to the value obtained by a simple formula
Essential Elements as a Distinguishing Factor between Mycorrhizal Potentials of Two Cohabiting Truffle Species in Riparian Forest Habitat in Serbia
True truffles (Tuber sp.) that establish ectomycorrhizal symbiosis (ECM) with trees in the Mediterranean and temporal regions have species specific abilities to assimilate soil born elements. Suitable habitats are usually inhabited by few truffle species, while distinguishing their symbiotic potentials appeared very difficult. Two species that commonly inhabit riparian forests in Serbia are the most prized one, Tuber magnatumPico (Piedmont white truffle) and not so highly valued Tuber brumaleVitt. In order to assess potential differences between their assimilation and accumulation abilities, the differences between contents of elements that may be the subjects of the symbiotic trade between the host plant and fungi were evaluated in accumulation target (ascocarps) and their source (the soil). Essential (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, S, and Zn) and essential trace elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Se) in truffles and soil samples were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Their concentrations (mg/kg) in ascocarps were in the range from 1.364 +/- 0.591 (Cr) to 10760.862 +/- 16.058 (K), while in soil ranged from 23.035 +/- 0.010 (Cr) to 20809.300 +/- 122.934 (Fe). Element accumulation potential (bioaccumulation factor) was calculated in the system truffle/soil. The statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences, while the possible differentiation between symbiotic potentials of two mycelia in the defined soil conditions was discussed
The aim of the investigation was to assess the level of soil fertility and repair measures in order to enhance the productivity of fruit production in a traditional fruit growing area. (Municipality of Topola, Serbia). The following tests were performed: mechanical composition, physical and chemical properties of soil, total adsorbed base cation, capacity of adsorbed base cation, degree of base saturation, different types of soil acidity, contents of carbon, humus, total nitrogen, easily accessible forms of P2O5 and K2O. Results obtained have shown that soils from all studied sites are of “heavy” mechanical texture with 75,40-84,90% of physical clay. High capacity of cation adsorption, low to medium hydrolytic acidity and high to almost complete saturation of adsorbed bases, has been measured. In compliance with previous analyses, it has been assessed that soils are neutral and of low acid chemical reaction, with low carbon and medium humus content and total nitrogen. Easily accessible content of P2O5 and K2O varies depending on the food quantity on individual parcels with low to medium accessibility to parcels with no fruit plantations. Based on the parameters analysed, the tested soils demand repair of mechanical properties, which will facilitate greater nutrient uptake
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