94 research outputs found

    The Melanesian Spearhead Group in terms of Indonesia’s interest

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    This qualitative study aims to encompass Indonesia’s interest in seeking to join the MSG (Melanesian Spearhead Group). An in-depth interview was carried out with the Director of Directorate General of Asia, Pacific, and Africa under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia aiming to obtain valid data supported by literature reviews. The findings indicate that Indonesia’s attempts to join the MSG or Melanesian intergovernmental organizations basically aim to maintain domestic stability which, in this context, refers to closing down separatist movements that still exist in Indonesia, such as the FPM (Free Papua Movement), that explicitly receive international support from Melanesian countries sharing the same racial background. In an effort to preserve the country’s sovereignty, Indonesia, in the era of President Joko Widodo, strives to join the MSG to prevent the Melanesian intergovernmental organization from supporting such separatist groups, which from Indonesia’s perspective could disrupt the unity of the Republic of Indonesia

    Kepentingan Nasional Kiribati Dalam Memutuskan Hubungan Diplomatik Dengan Taiwan dan Beralih Ke China

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    Penelitian ini meneliti faktor penentu yang terjadi antara Negara Kiribati dengan Negara Taiwan hingga terjadinya pemutusan hubungan diplomatik kedua Negara ini, hubungan diplomatik antara Kiribati dengan Taiwan sudah terjalin sejak lama. Mengingat kedua Negara tidak pernah terjadi kesalahpahaman, penelitian ini menggunakan konsep kepentingan nasional dan konsep kerjasama untuk melihat dinamika yang terjadi Negara Kiribati dengan Negara Taiwan, penulis juga menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjabarkan pada penelitian kali ini, hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu hadirnya Negara china di Kiribati dengan bantuan ekonomi yang masif dan juga arah pemerintahan Kiribati yang kini pro China membuat terjadinya pemutusan hubungan diplomatik secara sepihak oleh Negara Kiribati

    Bureaucratic Foreign Policy Model in Handling Humanitarian Conflict in Myanmar: Comparison between Sosilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo

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    The humanitarian conflict in Myanmar, which has garnered worldwide attention due to its human rights violations and the resulting displacement of Rohingya people to neighbouring countries, including Indonesia. The conflict spanned two leadership periods: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Joko Widodo (Jokowi). However, there were notable differences in the foreign policies pursued by both leaders. The research aims to find out the differences in bureaucratic models between SBY and Jokowi that influenced their respective foreign policy approaches. The theoretical frameworks employed in this research include Graham T. Allison's theory of foreign policy formulation, the concept of bureaucracy put forth by Parkinson, and the notion of patrimonial bureaucracy. A descriptive qualitative approach was adopted for this research, utilizing a literature study method that drew from journals, articles, and other relevant sources. Data analysis was conducted in a descriptive and correlational manner to elucidate and explain the relationship between bureaucratic models and foreign policy decisions. The findings revealed disparities in the foreign policies pursued by Indonesia during the SBY and Jokowi administrations regarding the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar. These differences can be attributed, in part, to the variances in bureaucratic models adopted by the two leaders. SBY's leadership was characterized by a Parkinsonian bureaucracy, resulting in an outward-focused foreign policy approach. Conversely, Jokowi's leadership reflected a patrimonial bureaucracy, which tended to prioritize domestic concerns. However, it is important to note that bureaucratic models alone cannot serve as the sole basis for formulating foreign policy, as numerous other factors also exert influence

    Implementasi Pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia Dalam Penerapan Deportasi Orang Asing di Wilayah Kerja Kantor Imigrasi Kelas III Non TPI Pamekasan

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    Artikel ini dibuat untuk mengetahui tentang pelaksanaan Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian oleh Kantor Imigrasi Kelas III Pamekasan berupa deportasi sesuai dengan peraturan hukum dan prinsip HAM. Deportasi adalah suatu tindakan memaksa Orang Asing untuk meninggalkan wilayah Indonesia. Walaupun dengan tindakan paksaan, namun prosedur deportasi harus disesuaikan dengan peraturan dan tidak boleh melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam penelitian ini. Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada pelaksanaan Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian (TAK) telah dilakukan dengan tidak menciderai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan tetap mengutamakan aturan, didasarkan pada Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2011 Tentang Keimigrasian dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 39 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia

    Analisis Peranan Indonesia dalam Pemberian Bantuan Kemanusiaan Terhadap Etnis Rohingya di Era Jokowi

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    The Rohingya ethnicity is one of the most sensitive ethnic groups in the world due to the violence that this ethnic group received in their own territory, and in the end, people from this ethnic group became stateless as a result of policies issued by the Myanmar government. Indonesia as one of the countries that upholds and elevates the value of Human Rights as well as being a leader in Southeast Asia, under Jokowi's leadership, Indonesia is trying to show its participation in efforts to resolve this long-standing conflict with various efforts that prioritize humanity and peace such as by how to issue foreign policy with diplomacy, as well as the allocation of foreign aid with a focus on kindness that is mostly given to people of that ethnicity. This then raises the question of how the role given by the Indonesian government in the Jokowi era through the many humanitarian assistance provided by Indonesia to these ethnic groups. A qualitative descriptive method was chosen to explain this research using data collection techniques through literature review and using an approach to the concept of foreign policy and aid as well as the theory of aid allocation. The results of this study itself show that there was a significant contribution made by Indonesia in responding to the conflict.Etnis Rohingya merupakan salah satu etnis paling sensitif di dunia diakibatkan oleh kekerasan yang didapatkan oleh etnis tersebut di wilayahnya sendiri, bahkan pada akhirnya orang-orang dari etnis ini menjadi stateless akibat dari kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Myanmmmar. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang menjunjung tinggi serta mengangkat nilai Hak Asasi Manusia sekaligus menjadi pemimpin di Asia Tenggara, di bawah kepemimpinan Jokowi, Indonesia berusaha untuk menunjukan keikutsertaanya dalam upaya penyelesaian konflik yang telah berlangsung lama ini dengan berbagai upaya yang mengedepankan kemanusiaan dan perdamaian seperti dengan cara mengeluarkan kebijakan luar negeri dengan diplomasi, serta alokasi bantuan luar negeri dengan fokus kemusiaan yang banyak diberikan kepada orang-orang dari etnis tersebut. Hal tersebut kemudian memunculkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana peranan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah Indonesia di era Jokowi dengan melalui banyaknya bantuan kemusiaan yang diberikan oleh Indonesia kepada etnis tersebut. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dipilih untuk menjelaskan penelitian ini dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian pustaka serta menggunakan pendekatan pada konsep kebijakan dan bantuan luar negeri serta teori alokasi bantuan. Hasil dari penelitian ini sendiri menunjukan adanya significant contribution yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia dalam menanggapi konflik tersebut

    Analisis Kebijakan Luar Negeri Vanuatu Dalam Mendukung ULMWP Untuk Memisahkan Diri Dari Indonesia

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    Vanuatu as one of the countries in the South Pacific Region has become a country that seems very diligent in criticizing Indonesia in international forums relating to the issue of violations of human rights in Papua. This was seen from 1982 when Vanuatu did not yet have diplomatic relations with Indonesia and then continued in 2014 when Vanuatu Prime Minister Moana Carcasses Katokai Kalosil at the 25th UN Human Rights Summit, delivered a speech urging the international community to support the independence of the Papuan people. This article argues that what was done by Vanuatu was inseparable from Vanuatu's domestical politic which the majority supported Papuan independence so that to frame the argument this article would use Graham T Allison's Organizational Process approach and adaptive model of foreign policy from Rosena