672 research outputs found

    Local extinctions of birds in forest fragments in the Santa Elena region, Central Andes, Colombia

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    Los registros históricos de la avifauna de la región de Santa Elena (Andes centrales colombianos), realizados entre 1879 y 1952, fueron comparados con los de las aves presentes actualmente en tres fragmentos remanentes de bosque de 41, 129 y 136 ha. De las 132 especies presentes originalmente solo se conservan 64 en los tres fragmentos. En los tres fragmentos han desaparecido el 78%, el 66% y el 63% de sus especies. Las especies con alta especificidad de hábitat, con peso corporal de 51–100 g, las que se alimentan en el estrato arbóreo y las que lo hacen en troncos tendieron a presentar una proporción de extinción mayor a lo esperado. Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la proporción de especies extintas observada y esperada para ninguna de las categorías (gremio trófico, estrato de alimentación, tamaño corporal y especificidad de hábitat), lo que indica que todos los grupos presentaron la misma vulnerabilidad a la extinción. El peso promedio de las aves extintas fue similar al de las aves aún presentes en los tres fragmentos. Las especies de las familias Grallaridae, Cotingidae, Thraupidae, Trogonidae y de la subfamilia Dendrocolaptinae fueron las más afectadas. Se discute por qué las características ecológicas evaluadas pueden no estar relacionadas con la extinción local de aves en estos fragmentos de bosque.We compared historic records from 1879 until 1952 of birds of Santa Elena region (Colombian central Andes) with those from a recent survey in three forest fragments of 41, 129 and 136 ha. Only 64 out of the 132 original species still remain in the three fragments; 78%, 66% and 63% of the original species have disappeared from the fragments. Species with high habitat specificity, those with body mass of 51–100 g, those which forage in the arboreal stratum, and those which forage on trunks showed a tendency to suffer more extinctions than expected. However, there were no statistical differences between observed and expected proportions of extinctions in any of the categories (trophic guild, foraging stratum, body mass and habitat specificity), indicating that all the bird groups presented the same vulnerability to extinction. Mean body mass of extinct birds was similar to that of the birds still remaining in the fragments. Species from the families Grallaridae, Cotingidae, Thraupidae, Trogonidae and from the subfamily Dendrocolaptinae were the most affected. We discuss why the evaluated ecological features could not be related with local extinction of bird species in these forest fragments

    A Mainly Circum-Mediterranean Origin for West Eurasian and North African mtDNAs in Puerto Rico with Strong Contributions from the Canary Islands and West Africa

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    Maternal lineages of West Eurasian and North African origin account for 11.5% of total mitochondrial ancestry in Puerto Rico. Historical sources suggest that this ancestry arrived mostly from European migrations that took place during the four centuries of the Spanish colonization of Puerto Rico. This study analyzed 101 mitochondrial control region sequences and diagnostic coding region variants from a sample set randomly and systematically selected using a census-based sampling frame to be representative of the Puerto Rican population, with the goal of defining West Eurasian-North African maternal clades and estimating their possible geographical origin. Median-joining haplotype networks were constructed using HVR-I and –II sequences from various reference populations in search of shared haplotypes. A posterior probability analysis was performed to estimate the percentage of possible origins across wide geographic regions for the entire sample set and for the most common haplogroups on the island. Principal component analyses were conducted to place the Puerto Rican mtDNA set within the variation present amongst all reference populations. Our study shows that up to 38% of West Eurasian and North African mitochondrial ancestry in Puerto Rico most likely migrated from the Canary Islands. However, most of those haplotypes had previously migrated to the Canary Islands from elsewhere, and there are substantial contributions from various populations across the circum-Mediterranean region and from West African populations related to the modern Wolof and Serer peoples from Senegal and the nomad Fulani who extend up to Cameroon. In conclusion, the West Eurasian mitochondrial ancestry in Puerto Ricans is geographically diverse. However, haplotype diversity seems to be low and frequencies have been shaped by population bottlenecks, migration waves, and random genetic drift. Consequently, approximately 47% of mtDNAs of West Eurasian and North African ancestry in Puerto Rico probably arrived early in its colonial history

    The effect of sodium fluorescein angiography on erythrocyte properties

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    © 1998 – IOS Press. All rights reservedSodium fluorescein angiography is a widely used routine ophthalmological diagnostic procedure which enables the study of chorioretinal microcirculation and consists of the injection of sodium fluorescein into the systemic bloodstream. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether or not fluorescein interferes with erythrocyte properties during the angiographic procedure. In a group of 37 patients, 26 with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DM) with and without retinopathy, and 11 without diabetes mellitus (non-DM) although affected by other ophthalmological diseases, all undergoing routine angiography, blood samples were drawn before (T0) and 30 min (T30) after fluorescein injection. The erythrocyte aggregation index (EAI), membrane lipid fluidity and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity were determined in both groups. After fluorescein injection there was no statistical change in EAI and erythrocyte membrane fluidity in either group. Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity, a marker of membrane protein integrity, decreased significantly (p < 0:01) in the DM group. Membrane lipid fluidity did not change with fluorescein injection, however, (i) in the DM group erythrocyte membranes became more rigid than in the non-DM (DPH: p < 0:01); (ii) EAI and membrane lipid fluidity became significantly correlated (r = 0:6263, p < 0:05) in non-DM patients at T30. In conclusion, fluorescein administration for angiographic procedures seems to interact with erythrocyte membrane, namely, in diabetic patients, which may interfere with the blood flow in the microcirculation

    Consumo voluntario, digestiblidad in vivo y selectividad en ovinos en función de distintas cantidades de agua agregada en dos especies forrajeras

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    Las gramíneas forrajeras perennes de crecimiento estival son un recurso de gran importancia para la ganadería pampeana. Panicum coloratum es una gramínea perenne de crecimiento estival que a comenzado a difundirse masivamente en la Región Semiárida Pampeana. Combinada con el "pasto llorón" (Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees) en los sistemas de cría, permitiría obtener un aumento en los índices de producción y de carga animal. Los verdeos de invierno son recursos forrajeros muy difundidos en los sistemas de invernada y tambo. Su utilidad responde básicamente a su excelente calidad y productividad, que los hace indispensables en muchas ocasiones, para proveer forraje durante el otoño, invierno y primavera. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir el consumo voluntario y la digestibilidad aparente in vivo de "mijo perenne" (Panicum coloratum) diferido y "triticale" (X Triticosecale) fresco y establecer patrones de comportamiento ingestivo ante diferentes cantidades de agua depositada en el forraje suministrado. Las mediciones se hicieron a galpón, con el empleo de 24 ovinos (Pampinta) machos castrados (PV: 34,96 ± 3,68 kg). En el primer estudio (El) se utilizó Panicum coloratum cv "Verde" diferido y en el segundo (E2) triticale (xTriticosecale) cv "Tehuelche", Los animales experimentales se distribuyen al azar en tres tratamientos: a) Testigo (T): forraje sin agregado de agua (E1:100,7 ± 1,0 g HP/kg MS; E2: 721,4 ± 41,2 g HPlkg MS); b) Intermedio (1): forraje más agregado de agua (E1: 276,6 ± 25,6 g H20/Kg MS; E2:731,3 ± 42,2 g HP/kg MS); e) Saturado (S): forraje con agua a saturación (El: 518,2 ± 39,7 g HP/kg MS; E2: 763,1 ± 36,6 g HP/ kg MS). El forraje fue cortado en forma manual a 5 cm de altura antes de cada uno de los dos suministros diarios (9:00 y 18:00 horas). Para obtener una distribución homogénea del agua en el forraje se utilizó una mochila para pulverizar, con lo que se logró un mojado total del mismo. Cada estudio tuvo siete días de toma de datos, previo período de acostumbramiento de trece días. Los CMS y CMSD (en g kg PV 0.75) fueron: E1; T: 51,52 ± 7,28 y 25,42 ± 3,64; I: 49,55 ± 7,14 y 23,93 ± 3,44; S: 43,79 ± 7,71 y 19,99 ± 6,93; respectivamente E2; T: 73,43 ± 5,00 y 51,78 ± 4,16; I: 81,70 ± 5,72 y 56,38 ± 7,74; S: 65,12 ± 8,25 y 42,36 ± 5,32. La DMS (en %) fue El; T: 49,60 ± 5,38; I: 52,63 ± 4,29; S: 44,68 ± 13,83. E2; T: 69,46 ± 1,93; 1: 69,06 ± 3,96; S: 65,08 ± 1,44. La PB (en %) fue El; Tallo: 1,64 ± 0,17; Lámina: 2,55 ± 0,32; T + L: 1,80 ± 0,10. E2; Tallo: 7,68 ± 2,28; Lámina: 14,30 ± 1,16; T + L: 9,24 ± 2,66. Con estos resultados concluimos que además del efecto de lluvia por sí misma, podría existir un efecto del agua adherida al forraje, siempre que ésta dificulte la selección que dentro del forraje ofrecido puedan realizar los animales. Por otra parte, se sugiere como práctica de manejo utilizar ambos forrajes para que los animales consuman una dieta balanceada.Director: Ing. Agr. Néstor Pedro Stritzler

    Spontaneous magnetization of aluminum nanowires deposited on the NaCl(100) surface

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    We investigate electronic structures of Al quantum wires, both unsupported and supported on the (100) NaCl surface, using the density-functional theory. We confirm that unsupported nanowires, constrained to be linear, show magnetization when elongated beyond the equilibrium length. Allowing ions to relax, the wires deform to zig-zag structures with lower magnetization but no dimerization occurs. When an Al wire is deposited on the NaCl surface, a zig-zag geometry emerges again. The magnetization changes moderately from that for the corresponding unsupported wire. We analyse the findings using electron band structures and simple model wires.Comment: submitted to PHys. Rev.

    Electronic resonance states in metallic nanowires during the breaking process simulated with the ultimate jellium model

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    We investigate the elongation and breaking process of metallic nanowires using the ultimate jellium model in self-consistent density-functional calculations of the electron structure. In this model the positive background charge deforms to follow the electron density and the energy minimization determines the shape of the system. However, we restrict the shape of the wires by assuming rotational invariance about the wire axis. First we study the stability of infinite wires and show that the quantum mechanical shell-structure stabilizes the uniform cylindrical geometry at given magic radii. Next, we focus on finite nanowires supported by leads modeled by freezing the shape of a uniform wire outside the constriction volume. We calculate the conductance during the elongation process using the adiabatic approximation and the WKB transmission formula. We also observe the correlated oscillations of the elongation force. In different stages of the elongation process two kinds of electronic structures appear: one with extended states throughout the wire and one with an atom-cluster like unit in the constriction and with well localized states. We discuss the origin of these structures.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Peripheral neuropathy caused by fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) straw intoxication in cattle and experimental reproduction in sheep and goats

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    Trigonella foenum-graecum (fenugreek) is a legume widely used as a food supplement in humans and less frequently in ruminants. Toxicity has been described sporadically in ruminants grazing mature fenugreek plants or stubble; however, the pathological features are unclear. This report describes a natural outbreak of intoxication in cattle fed fenugreek straw and the experimental reproduction using 8 sheep and 8 goats. Affected cattle presented clinical signs approximately 1 month after consuming the straw and 100 of 400 cattle (25%) were affected, of which 60 of 100 (60%) died or were euthanized. Clinical signs were characterized by proprioceptive positioning defects with abnormal postures and weakness of hindlimbs. Forelimbs were also affected in severely affected animals, and cattle became recumbent. Locomotion was characterized by trembling, and some cattle showed high-stepping movements of their forelimbs and knuckled over in their fetlocks. Experimental intoxication induced clinical signs only in sheep and were similar to cattle, although with signs starting in the forelegs. Gross and microscopic lesions were similar in spontaneous and experimental intoxications. Macroscopic changes corresponded with muscular hemorrhages and edema, mainly surrounding the peripheral nerves. Microscopic examination only demonstrated lesions in the distal peripheral nerves, which included edema, hemorrhages, and Wallerian degeneration. Neurofilament immunohistochemistry revealed altered axon labeling and S100 showed a decrease in myelin intensity and loss of its typical compact arrangement around axons. Biochemical and hematological abnormalities included elevated levels of muscle and liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. These findings indicate that fenugreek straw induces peripheral neuropathy in cattle and sheep, but not in goats

    COPD classification models and mortality prediction capacity

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    Our aim was to assess the impact of comorbidities on existing COPD prognosis scores. Patients and methods: A total of 543 patients with COPD (FEV1 < 80% and FEV1/ FVC <70%) were included between January 2003 and January 2004. Patients were stable for at least 6 weeks before inclusion and were followed for 5 years without any intervention by the research team. Comorbidities and causes of death were established from medical reports or information from primary care medical records. The GOLD system and the body mass index, obstruction, dyspnea and exercise (BODE) index were used for COPD classification. Patients were also classified into four clusters depending on the respiratory disease and comorbidities. Cluster analysis was performed by combining multiple correspondence analyses and automatic classification. Receiver operating characteristic curves and the area under the curve (AUC) were calculated for each model, and the DeLong test was used to evaluate differences between AUCs. Improvement in prediction ability was analyzed by the DeLong test, category-free net reclassification improvement and the integrated discrimination index. Results: Among the 543 patients enrolled, 521 (96%) were male, with a mean age of 68 years, mean body mass index 28.3 and mean FEV1% 55%. A total of 167 patients died during the study follow-up. Comorbidities were prevalent in our cohort, with a mean Charlson index of 2.4. The most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. On comparing the BODE index, GOLDABCD, GOLD2017 and cluster analysis for pre-dicting mortality, cluster system was found to be superior compared with GOLD2017 (0.654 vs 0.722, P=0.006), without significant differences between other classification models. When cardiovascular comorbidities and chronic renal failure were added to the existing scores, their prognostic capacity was statistically superior (P<0.001). Conclusion: Comorbidities should be taken into account in COPD management scores due to their prevalence and impact on mortalit

    Energetics of metal slabs and clusters: the rectangle-box model

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    An expansion of energy characteristics of wide thin slab of thickness L in power of 1/L is constructed using the free-electron approximation and the model of a potential well of finite depth. Accuracy of results in each order of the expansion is analyzed. Size dependences of the work function and electronic elastic force for Au and Na slabs are calculated. It is concluded that the work function of low-dimensional metal structure is always smaller that of semi-infinite metal sample. A mechanism for the Coulomb instability of charged metal clusters, different from Rayleigh's one, is discussed. The two-component model of a metallic cluster yields the different critical sizes depending on a kind of charging particles (electrons or ions). For the cuboid clusters, the electronic spectrum quantization is taken into account. The calculated critical sizes of Ag_{N}^{2-} and Au_{N}^{3-} clusters are in a good agreement with experimental data. A qualitative explanation is suggested for the Coulomb explosion of positively charged Na_{\N}^{n+} clusters at 3<n<5.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Effect of cadence selection on peak power and time of power production in elite BMX riders; a laboratory based study.

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    The aims of this study were to analyse the optimal cadence for peak power production and time to peak power in bicycle motocross (BMX) riders. Six male elite BMX riders volunteered for the study. Each rider completed 3 maximal sprints at a cadence of 80, 100, 120 and 140revs·min-1 on a laboratory Schoberer Rad Messtechnik (SRM) cycle ergometer in isokinetic mode. The riders’ mean values for peak power and time of power production in all three tests were recorded. The BMX riders produced peak power (1105±139W) at 100revs·min-1 with lower peak power produced at 80revs:min-1 (1060±69W, (F(2,15)=3.162; p=.266; η2 =0.960), 120revs·min-1 (1077±141W, (F(2,15)=4.348; p=.203; η2 =0.970) and 140revs·min-1 (1046±175W, (F(2,15)=12.350; p=0.077; η2 =0.989). The shortest time to power production was attained at 120revs·min-1 in 2.5±1.07s. Whilst a cadence of 80revs:min-1 (3.5±0.8s, (F(2,15)=2.667; p=.284; η2 =0.800) 100revs:min-1 (3.00±1.13s, (F(2,15)=24.832; p=.039; η2 =0.974) and 140revs:min-1 (3.50±0.88s, (F(2,15)=44.167; p=.006; η2 =0.967)) all recorded a longer time to peak power production. The results indicate that the optimal cadence for producing peak power output and reducing the time to peak power output are attained at comparatively low cadences for sprint cycling events. These findings could potentially inform strength and conditioning training to maximise dynamic force production and enable coaches to select optimal gear ratios