415 research outputs found

    Perspectivas en Diálogo

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    En su nueva edición de 2021, Perspectivas en Diálogo ofrece a sus lectores un nuevo debate enfocado en la Historia Global como perspectiva de análisis histórico. En este caso, Juan Pablo Scarfi y Eduardo Zimmermann dialogan con Sebastian Conrad sobre su libro What Is Global History

    «Un espíritu nuevo»: la cuestión social y el Derecho en la Argentina (1890-1930)

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    This article examines changes in the conceptual vocabulary of early twentieth century Argentine legal world. Inspired by their perception of the novel «social question», Argentine jurists modified traditional views on individual responsibility, prívate property, contracts, and the extent of the regulatory powers of the state. Transnational circulation of social knowledge and local institutional conditions are seen as crucial elements shaping said conceptual changes. In turn, these are seen as preceding the political movements of the 1930s and 1940s, commonly considered the main factors in the transformation of state-society relations.Este trabajo examina los cambios que tuvieron lugar en el vocabulario conceptual del mundo jurídico en la Argentina de comienzos del siglo veinte. Impulsados por la percepción de la nueva «cuestión social», los juristas argentinos modificaron concepciones tradicionales en torno a la responsabilidad individual, la propiedad privada, los contratos particulares, y las facultades del Estado para regularlos. Se analizan tanto el impacto de la circulación transnacional de conocimiento social como el contexto institucional local que facilitaba dicha circulación, como elementos determinantes de esos cambios, vistos como anteriores a los procesos políticos de los años treinta y cuarenta, que han sido tradicionalmente asociados a la renovación de las relaciones entre estado y sociedad

    Soberania Nacional e Soberanias Provinciais ante a Corte Suprema de Justiça (Argentina, séc. XIX)

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    Once federal judicial institutions were established in 1860’s Argentina, an 1865 decision by the Supreme Court, and the subsequent polemics between jurists about the case, rekindled debates about the relations between national and provincial governments, about centralization and local autonomies, the notion of sovereignty, and about divergent interpretations of federalism. These debates were negotiated in constitutional courses at the country’s law schools, in constitutional law textbooks, and ultimately, in the courts. KEYWORDS: Constitutional Law (Argentina); Sovereignty; Nation; Provinces; Supreme Court (Argentina).Assim que foram instaladas as novas instituições da justiça federal (“Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación” e “juzgados de sección” [juízos de seção] nas províncias) durante a presidência de Bartolomé Mitre, apresentou-se em 1865 um caso judicial que voltaria a colocar em disputa as relações entre a Nação e as províncias, entre as forças da centralização e da descentralização política, entre concepções de soberania nacional e soberanias provinciais, as quais tinham se chocado uma ou outra vez desde a primeira metade do século. Essa disputa alimentava as distintas interpretações que se faziam do regime federal que, aparentemente estabilizado após a reforma constitucional de 1860, continuaria sendo desafiado por revoltas provinciais ao longo dessa década e da seguinte. Uma face importante desse processo de construção institucional teve relação com a discussão conceitual em torno da relação entre a soberania nacional e as soberanias provinciais, e a forma como essa relação seria negociada nas instituições do novo Estado unificado. Essa discussão conceitual se deu, por um lado, nas cátedras de direito e nos tratados de história constitucional e, por outro, como veremos, nos tribunais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito constitucional (Argentina); Soberania; Nação; Província; Corte Suprema de Justiça (Argentina)

    Dependability Models for Designing Disaster Tolerant Cloud Computing Systems

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    Abstract—Hundreds of natural disasters occur in many parts of the world every year, causing billions of dollars in damages. This fact contrasts with the high availability requirement of cloud computing systems, and, to protect such systems from unforeseen catastrophe, a recovery plan requires the utilization of different data centers located far enough apart. However, the time to migrate a VM from a data center to another increases due to distance. This work presents dependability models for evaluating distributed cloud computing systems deployed into multiple data centers considering disaster occurrence. Additionally, we present a case study which evaluates several scenarios with different VM migration times and distances between data centers. Keywords-cloud computing; dependability evaluation; stochastic Petri nets; I

    O emprego das forças armadas na garantia da lei e da ordem

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    O caput do Art. 142 da Constituição Federal de 1988 dispõe que as Forças Armadas, constituídas pela Marinha, pelo Exército e pela Aeronáutica, são instituições nacionais permanentes e regulares, organizadas com base na hierarquia e na disciplina, sob autoridade suprema do Presidente da Republica, e destinam-se à defesa da Pátria, à garantia dos poderes constitucionais e, por iniciativa de qualquer destes, da lei e da ordem. Neste sentido, pretende-se demonstrar a evolução histórica da previsão constitucional das Forças Armadas e seu emprego na manutenção da garantia e da ordem, evidenciando que as mesmas estão submetidas mais ao poder político do que ao aspecto isento de ideologias, previsto pelo legislador constituint

    Fluvial-aeolian sedimentary facies, Sossusvlei, Namib Desert

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    Sedimentary facies exert a primary control on sandstone diagenesis and reservoir quality. The Namib Sand Sea with its Sossusvlei playa-lake is often considered as a modern analogue for sandstone reservoirs. Remote sensing in combination with ground observations allowed us to map the facies distribution pattern of associated fluvial and aeolian sediments. Laboratory spectral signature measurements were used to further improve the separability of six major facies: modern aeolian sand, bypass surface, mud pool/mud drapes, heavy mineral lag, aeolian reworked and fossil dune remnant. Using a supervised classification algorithm trained by field observations, a combination of Principal Component Analysis, band ratios, texture and geomorphologic indices has shown the best result. This made it possible to create a map outlining the facies distribution pattern of the Sossusvlei area at a scale of 1:10 000. We propose this as a possible workflow to efficiently map and monitor desert environments and to investigate the interplay of aeolian and fluvial sediments, including their linked implications on diagenesis. This could improve paleoclimate modelling and even allow facies mapping on other planets

    Propofol-racemic ketamine or propofol-levogire ketamine in dogs : effects on electrocardiography and other physiological parameters

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    Estudaram-se os efeitos da infusão contínua da associação propofol e cetamina sobre variáveis fisiológicas e eletrocardiográficas e sua possível analgesia em 12 cadelas. Após indução com propofol, os animais receberam 0,4mg/kg/min de propofol + 0,2mg/kg/min de cetamina racêmica (n = 6, grupo PC) ou 0,4mg/kg/min de propofol + 0,1mg/kg/min de cetamina S+ (n = 6, grupo PCS). Avaliaram-se: teste álgico, freqüência cardíaca (FC), parâmetros eletrocardiográficos, freqüência respiratória (FR), pressão arterial sistólica, média e diastólica (PAS, PAM, PAD), saturação da oxiemoglobina (SpO2) e temperatura retal (TR). Houve elevação da FC sem alterações eletrocardiográficas, com exceção de aumento na amplitude da onda T em um animal de cada grupo. A FR diminuiu, e os valores de SpO2 ficaram abaixo de 90% em alguns momentos nos dois grupos. PAS, PAM e PAD diminuíram, mas não houve diferença entre os protocolos. Não se observou analgesia em sete animais, três cadelas apresentaram analgesia discreta, e apenas duas demonstraram analgesia favorável. Conclui-se que os protocolos são seguros em cadelas, contudo não há analgesia suficiente para procedimento cirúrgico. As alterações eletrocardiográficas foram relacionadas à FC e à amplitude de onda T, sendo esta sugestiva de hipóxia do miocárdio.The effects of propofol and ketamine on physiological parameters, electrocardiography, and analgesia were evaluated in twelve dogs that received propofol-ketamine (0.4mg/kg/min + 0.2mg/kg/min, n=6, PK group) or propofol-S+ketamine (0.4mg/kg/min + 0.1mg/kg/min, n=6, PKS group) after induction of anesthesia with propofol (8.0mg/kg). Assessments of pain; heart rate (HR); electrocardiography (ECG); respiratory rate (RR); systolic, medium, and diastolic arterial pressures (SAP, MAP, DAP); saturation of hemoglobin (SpO2); and rectal temperature (RT) were conducted. There was a rise in HR with no electrocardiographically changes, but an increase in amplitude of T wave in one animal of each group. RR decreased and SpO2 were lower than 90% in two moments of both groups. SAP, MAP, and DAP were reduced during the experimental period, but with no statistical difference between the protocols. There was no analgesia in seven bitches, mild analgesia was observed in three, and satisfactory analgesia in only two animals tested. It was concluded that the protocols are safe for dogs, but there is no analgesia for surgical procedures. The changes in ECG are related to HR and amplitude of T wave, which may be due to myocardial hypoxia

    Perinatal transmission of human papilomavirus DNA

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    The purpose was to study the perinatal transmission of human papillomavirus DNA (HPV-DNA) in 63 mother-newborn pairs, besides looking at the epidemiological factors involved in the viral DNA transmission. The following sampling methods were used: (1) in the pregnant woman, when was recruited, in cervix and clinical lesions of the vagina, vulva and perineal region; (2) in the newborn, (a) buccal, axillary and inguinal regions; (b) nasopharyngeal aspirate, and (c) cord blood; (3) in the children, buccal was repeated in the 4th week and 6th and 12th month of life. HPV-DNA was identified using two methodologies: multiplex PCR (PGMY09 and MY11 primers) and nested-PCR (genotypes 6/11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 52 and 58). Perinatal transmission was considered when concordance was found in type-specific HPV between mother/newborn or mother/child. HPV-DNA genital was detected in 49 pregnant women submitted to delivery. Eleven newborns (22.4%, n = 11/49) were HPV-DNA positive. In 8 cases (16.3%, n = 8/49) there was type specific HPV concordance between mother/newborn samples. At the end of the first month of life three children (6.1%, n = 3/49) became HPV-DNA positive, while two remained positive from birth. In 3 cases (100%, n = 3/3) there was type specific HPV concordance between mother/newborn samples. In the 6th month, a child (2%, n = 1/49) had become HPV-DNA positive between the 1st and 6th month of life, and there was type specific HPV concordance of mother/newborn samples. All the HPV-DNA positive children (22.4%, n = 11/49) at birth and at the end first month of life (6.1%, n = 3/49) became HPV-DNA negative at the age of 6 months. The HPV-DNA positive child (2%, n = 1/49) from 1st to the 6th month of life became HPV-DNA negative between the 6th and 12th month of life and one child had anogenital warts. In the twelfth month all (100%, n = 49/49) the children studied were HPV-DNA negative. A positive and significant correlation was observed between perinatal transmission of HPV-DNA and the immunodepression of maternal variables (HIV, p = 0.007). Finally, the study suggests that perinatal transmission of HPV-DNA occurred in 24.5% (n = 12/49) of the cases studied

    Transplacental transmission of Human Papillomavirus

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    This paper aimed at studying the transplacental transmission of HPV and looking at the epidemiological factors involved in maternal viral infection. The following sampling methods were used: (1) in the pregnant woman, (a) genital; (b) peripheral blood; (2) in the newborn, (a) oral cavity, axillary and inguinal regions; (b) nasopharyngeal aspirate, and (c) cord blood; (3) in the placenta. The HPV DNA was identified using two methods: multiplex PCR of human β-globin and of HPV using the PGMY09 and PGMY11 primers; and nested-PCR, which combines degenerated primers of the E6/E7 regions of the HPV virus, that allowed the identification of genotypes 6/11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 42, 52 and 58. Transplacental transmission was considered when type-specific HPV concordance was found between the mother, the placenta and the newborn or the mother and cord blood. The study included 49 HPV DNA-positive pregnant women at delivery. Twelve placentas (24.5%, n = 12/49) had a positive result for HPV DNA. Eleven newborn were HPV DNA positive in samples from the nasopharyngeal or buccal and body or cord blood. In 5 cases (10.2%, n = 5/49) there was HPV type-specific agreement between genital/placenta/newborn samples. In one case (2%, n = 1/49) there was type specific HPV concordance between genital/cord blood and also suggested transplacental transmission. A positive and significant correlation was observed between transplacental transmission of HPV infection and the maternal variables of immunodepression history (HIV, p = 0.011). In conclusion the study suggests placental infection in 23.3% of the cases studied and transplacental transmission in 12.2%. It is suggested that in future HPV DNA be researched in the normal endometrium of women of reproductive age. The possible consequence of fetal exposure to HPV should be observed