210 research outputs found

    Analisis Efektivitas Keterampilan Guru Bertanya Dasar Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kecamatan Menjalin

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    Analysis of teacher asking basic skills effectiveness in learning Indonesian in Grade III in Menjalin district. This research are for knowing the effectiveness of teacher ability to ask in third class of elementary student in Menjalin regency. Variable used in this study is a single variable, the variable in this research is basic asking skills component by indicator of questions disclosure that clearly and concisely, provision of reference, concentration of the question, the transfer of the turn, giving time to think, spreading questions and giving guidance. Method used in this research is the descriptive method with the survey research form. From the result of Indonesian research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the teachers teaching basic skill effectiveness in Indonesian learning in general can be said to be good with the value of the most dominant component is 10.32 with an average value of 3.44

    Relativitas Khusus dan Mekanika Kuantum Sebagai Sokoguru Fisika Masa Kini= Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics as Pillars of Modem Physics

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    INTISARI Ditelaah dengan pendekatan bare dua cabang fisika yang merupakaa soko guru fisika masa kini yaitu teori relativitas khusus dan mekanika kuantum. Penelaahan relativitis khusus meliputi latar belakang dan implikasi utamanya dalam berbagpi.aspek kinematika relativistik dam berbagai bentuk kaedah alihbentuk besaran- fisis antara dua kerangka inertial. Perumusan dan implikasi asas-asas relativitas Einstein yang didampingi oleh asas korespondensi ditinjau secara mendasar 4ao implementssinya di ruang momentum-tenaga dengan pendekatan bare melalui kaftan dispersi yang bersifat analitik untuk zarah babas secara mudah menghasilkan rumus relativistik untuk momentum dan tenaga serta bentuk invarian Lorentz yang berkaitan. Berdasarkan temuan ini dijabarkan alihbentuk Lorentz untuk perangkat momentum-tenaga. Dijelaskan dan ditekankan tak perlunya pengintroduksian konsep massa relativistik mr dalam konteks kenisbian pengamatanmr tidak mendukung konsep massa sebagai salab sate atribut universal zarah. Dengan pendekatan yang senafas, asas-asas mekanika kuantum dirwnuskan diikuti dengan pearikiran dan penalaran mendasar yang menghasilkan lima asas terpadu serta saling knit-mengait dalam perumusan tersebu4 bersama-sama dengan asas kenol yaitu asas korespondensi, keenam asas tersebut dapat menurunkan berbagai deduksi penting misalnya asas ketakpastian Heisenberg dan syarat kuantum Dirac. Kata-kata kind : relativitas khusus, mekanika kuantum, asas korespondensi ABSTRACT Two fields of physics which have become pillars of modern physics i. e. special relativity and quantum mechanics are reinvestigated. Special relativity is reviewed covering its background and implications in relativistic kinematics and in various transformation rules for physical observables referred to inertial frames. Formulation and implications of Einstein principles of Special Relativity supplemented by the correspondence principles are discussed in depth and their implementation in momentum-energy space are pursued using a new approach based on an analytic free particle dispersion relation which produces in a simple way relativistic formulas for momentum and energy, and the corresponding Lorentz invariance. These relations are then used to derive the Lorentz transformation of energy-momentum. The unnecessity of introducing relativistic mass mrin the context of the relativity of observation is stressed outmrdoes not agree with a mass concept being one of the universal attributes of particles. Using a similar approach, quantum mechanics principles are formulated followed by a deep scrutiny and logic which lead to five integrated and related principles stated in the formulationtogether with the correspondence principle acting as the zeroth principle, they generate various important deductions such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and Dirac quantum condition. Key-words : special relativity, quantum mechanics, correspondence principl

    Mekanika gelombang dalam koordinat kurvelinear= Wave Mechanics in Curvilinear Coordinates

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    INTISARI Disajikan cara yang sederhana untuk membentuk wakilan mekanika kuantum di ruang Hilbert dengan menggunakan basis kontinu yang merupakan eigenkeadaan perangkat operator koordinat Cartesan dan kurvelinear ortogonal yang sating berkomutasi. Dengan menggunakan asas-asas mekanika kuantum dan teori wakilan dalam ruang Hilbert mulai dari wakilan dalam koordinat Cartesan, dihasilkan mekanika getombang dalam koordinat Cartesan dan kurvelinear. Wakilan koordinat berbagai operator dinamik balk yang memuat koordinat atau momentum kanonisnya, maupun yang memuat kedua perangkat observabel yang berjodoh kanonis tersebut, diturunkan bentuk eksplisitnya dalam sistem koordinat kurvelinear ortogonal. Hasilnya dibandingkan dengan bentuk baku yang ada disertai pembahasan beberapa permasalahan terkait. Keinvarianan tera persamaan SchrUdinger gayut waktu untuk muatan yang bergerak dalam medan elektromagnet ( E, B) ditinjau dalam sistem koordinat kurvelinear dideduksikan secara sederhana. Kara kanci : Mekanika Kuantum, Mekanika Gelombang, Koordinat Kurvelinear. ABSTRACT A simple method for constructing a representation of quantum mechanics in Hilbert space using a continuous basis produced from eigenstates of a commuting set of Cartesian and orthogonal curvilinear coordinate operators is presented using quantum mechanics principles as well as the representation theory in Hilbert space starting from a representation in a Cartesian coordinates system. This construction generates wave mechanics in curvilinear coordinates. The representation of various dynamical operators containing either coordinates or canonical momenta as well as those containing both set of the canonically conjugate observables, are derived for their explicit forms in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates system. The results are compared with standard forms and some related problems are discussed. The gauge invariance of the time dependent SchrUclinger equation for a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic Field ( E,B ) referred to a curvilinear coordinates system is conveniently deduced. Key words : Quantum Mechanics, Wave Mechanics, Curvilinear Coordinates

    Laser zat warna dengan pemompaan

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    INTISARI Telah dibahas tentang laser zat warna (dye laser) yang dipompa dengan laser nitrogen pulsa tekanan rendah (TE N2). Laser pemompa ini mempunyai energi sebesar 3,2 mJ dengan lebar pulsa 5 ns sehingga daya puncaknya adalah 0,64 MW. Divergensi dari berkas laser pemompa adalah â 13,3 mrad. Dalam eksperimen laser zat warna ini menggunakan kisi (1200 alur/mm) dan tidak dilengkapi dengan pengaturan slit sehingga keluarannya terdiri dari seluruh panjang gelombang dari zat warna yang dipakai. Pada eksperimen ini sebagai zat warna yang dipakai adalah Rhodamine B, Rhodamine 6G, Coumarine 1 dan Pyrene. Intensitas maksimum untuk Rhodamine B terletak pada I = 615 nm, Rhodamine 6G pada = 603 nm, Coumarine 1 pada I = 503 nm dan Pyrene pada A= 520 nm. Kata-kata kunci: Zat warms, laser zat warna, laser nitrogen, tekanan rendah, DAFTAR PUSTAK

    The Combination Effect of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) in Micro Propagation of Castrol Oil Plant (Jatropha Curcas L.)

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    The fossil energy reservation decreases day by day, this situation impacted to the energy crises especially fuel energy which is increasing in the price on over the world. The scientists/researchers are trying to develop the renewable energy (renewable fuel) as the energy alternative, one of these called biodiesel. Taking the benefit from Jatropha curcas\u27 seed as raw material for the fuel is one of the alternative ways to reduce the fuel demand and also can save the countries\u27 foreign exchange. J. curcas\u27 oil is renewable fuel and non edible oil, so that it will not compete with oil consumption, such as palm oil, corn oil, etc. The combination between Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (1- 2 ppm) and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) (0,5 and 1 ppm) for micro propagation of Castrol oil plant (Jatropha curcas L.) was tried to induce the callus formation by using the meristem shoot as the explants. The result showed that the combination of NAA 1.5 ppm and BAP 0,5 ppm gave the best result for the callus formation

    Peran Pembiayaan Mikro Terhadap Laba USAha Bagi Pedagang Di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran pembiayaan mikro terhadap laba bagi pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Teknis analisis menggunakan metode analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Disimpulkan bahwa para pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang, banyak yang tidak meminjam untuk tambahan modal USAhanya yaitu hanya sebanyak 24,2%, adapun alasan tidak melakukan pinjaman yaitu belum mampu menyicil hutang dan sumber dana modal untuk USAha sudah cukup berasal dari modal sendiri. Peran pembiayaan mikro dan KUR bagi pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang memberikan pengaruh kepada pertumbuhan laba yaitu sebesar 0,007 aset setelah pembiayaan. Artinya dengan Rp 0,007 dari aset setelah pembiayaan sudah memberikan Rp 1,- laba kepada USAha. Sayangnya aktivitas pembiayaan masih sangat sedikit pada pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil ini.Para pedagang hanya mengetahui informasi pinjaman modal USAha dari perbankan saja. Sehingga pemberian alternatif institusi keuangan non bank juga perlu disampaikan kepada para pedagang. Bila pembiayaan dari perbankan masih rumit dalam hal prosedur ada alternatif pembiayaan lain selain perbankan yaitu lembaga non perbankan seperti koperasi, modal ventura bahkan dari lembaga keuangan mikro (LKM) kelebihannya adalah prosedur lebih mudah tetapi limit pinjaman lebih kecil. Sehingga calon nasabah dapat memilih berdasarkan karakteristik antara jumlah pinjaman dan prosedur peminjama

    Preferences Test of Brown Lady Bug Riptortus Linearis Fabr. (Hemiptera : Alydidae) on Soybeans (Glycine Max L.), Greenbeans (Vigna Radiata L.) and Orok-orok (Crotolaria Pallida Aiton.) in Screenhouse

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    The objective of the research was to know the preferences food of brown lady bug (R. linearis) on the pod of soybeans, greenbeans and orok-orok in Screenhouse. This research was conducted in Pest Laboratory and Screenhouse of the Agriculture Faculty, University of Sumatera Utara (±25 m asl) from March until August 2015. This research was using non-factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments, which are soybeans, greenbeans and orok-orok with 9 replications. The result of this research showed that the pest R.linearis higher attacks on soybeans than greanbeans and orok-orok. The highest result in imago population of R. linearis was showed on soybeans (7.00), then on greenbeans (3.78), and orok-orok (1.22). The highest result in attacked pod percentage of R. linearis was showed on soybeans (81.88%), greenbeans (57.24%), and orok-orok (20.76%)

    Pengaruh Media Annotated Illustrations dan PhET terhadap Prestasi Belajar Fisika Siswa

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    The presence of media in the learning process acts as a tool to prevent communication failures between teachers and students. This study aims to determine the effect of Annotated Illustration and PhET media on physics learning achievement on Dynamic Electricity material. The research method used in this study is a quantitative research method. While the type of research is experimental research. In this study, the PhET media was applied to the experimental class, while the Annotated Illustrations media was applied to the control class. The calculation results obtained = 3.836 and = 2.056 at a significant level of 5% and dk = 1 + 2. Therefore , so that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected or the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, which means that there is a difference in the effect of Annotated Illustrations and PhET on physics learning achievement on Dynamic Electricity material

    Case study as an innovative teaching methodology for environmental engineering learning

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    Este trabajo recoge la experiencia de incorporar el estudio mediante un caso como método docente dentro la asignatura Ingeniería Ambiental (Grado en Ingeniería Química, UAM). Se pretende profundizar en el desarrollo de varias competencias de la asignatura que no se adquieren de manera adecuada con los métodos docentes tradicionales. Dichas competencias incluyen pensamiento crítico, toma y comunicación de decisiones. El caso de estudio está basado en una situación real y resulta más complejo que los problemas resueltos en clase por el profesor. El caso se desarrolla junto a diversas cuestiones que guían a los estudiantes hacia la solución del problema. Los estudiantes resuelven el caso en clase trabajando en pequeños grupos siempre con la ayuda y guía del profesor. Posteriormente, los estudiantes exponen sus principales resultados y conclusiones generando un debate con sus compañeros y con el profesor. La implementación de esta metodología docente ha dado lugar a un aprendizaje más consistente favoreciendo la asimilación de conceptos teóricos complejos, la discusión de ideas y el razonamiento crítico. Además, se ha potenciado la capacidad de transmitir los conocimientos adquiridos por parte de los estudiantesIn this work, the application of a case study has been implemented as a new teaching methodology in the subject of Environmental Engineering (B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at UAM University). The main goals are focused on improving important competences of the subject which are not correctly acquired by the students with the traditional theoretical lessons. These competences include critical thinking, decisions making and communication skills. The case has been inspired in a real situation and it is more complex than the problems usually solved by the professor in regular classes. The proposed case study has been developed together with questions which will guide the students to solve the problem. The students have solved the case in the classroom working in small groups, always with the support of the professor. Afterwards, the students showed their main results and conclusions generating a debate with their colleagues and the professor. The case study approach has proved to improve the assimilation of complex theoretical concepts, to favor the discussion and the ability to communicate the acquired knowledge as well as to develop critical thinkin