653 research outputs found

    Quantum corrections of Abelian Duality Transformations

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    A modification of the Abelian Duality transformations is proposed guaranteeing that a (not necessarily conformally invariant) σ\sigma-model be quantum equivalent (at least up to two loops in perturbation theory) to its dual. This requires a somewhat non standard perturbative treatment of the {\sl dual} σ\sigma-model. Explicit formulae of the modified duality transformation are presented for a special class of block diagonal purely metric σ\sigma-models.Comment: Latex 11 pages; remarks on a free model and references adde

    Senile Cataract and the Absorption Activity of Cytochrome C Oxidase

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    The aim of the study was to determine the activity of cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondrial fractions of cataractogenic epithelial cells of lenses of 60 patients (34 females and 26 males). According to clinical criteria patients were divided into three groups: group 1 – patients with senile cataract, group 2 – active smokers with senile cataract, and group 3 – diabetic patients with cataract as diabetic complication. In the extracted lenses we determined the absorption activity of mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. Biochemical researches using the method of Yonetani and Ray13 were applied. We also applied the statistical Student t-test (p < 0.05) and the variance analysis (R. Fisher) with three parameters and Snedecor F distribution (s = p < 0.001). The activity of cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondrial fraction of lens epithelial cells is twice as low in patients who are active smokers than in the non-smoking patients with senile cataract. We measured a significantly different activity of cytochrome c oxidase between active smokers and the non-smoking patients with senile diabetic cataract (tp < 0.05, sp < 0.001). Cigarette smoke decreases the activity of cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondrial fraction of lens epithelial cells. This enzyme is a terminal oxidase in the synthesis of ATPs. We suggest that smoking decreases the synthesis of energy in the lens of cigarette smokers. This emphasizes the significance of giving up smoking in order to preserve the structure and function of the lens

    An ideal toy model for confining, walking and conformal gauge theories: the O(3) sigma model with theta-term

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    A toy model is proposed for four dimensional non-abelian gauge theories coupled to a large number of fermionic degrees of freedom. As the number of flavors is varied the gauge theory may be confining, walking or conformal. The toy model mimicking this feature is the two dimensional O(3) sigma model with a theta-term. For all theta the model is asymptotically free. For small theta the model is confining in the infra red, for theta = pi the model has a non-trivial infra red fixed point and consequently for theta slightly below pi the coupling walks. The first step in investigating the notoriously difficult systematic effects of the gauge theory in the toy model is to establish non-perturbatively that the theta parameter is actually a relevant coupling. This is done by showing that there exist quantities that are entirely given by the total topological charge and are well defined in the continuum limit and are non-zero, despite the fact that the topological susceptibility is divergent. More precisely it is established that the differences of connected correlation functions of the topological charge (the cumulants) are finite and non-zero and consequently there is only a single divergent parameter in Z(theta) but otherwise it is finite. This divergent constant can be removed by an appropriate counter term rendering the theory completely finite even at theta > 0.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, minor modification, references adde

    Scaling function in AdS/CFT from the O(6) sigma model

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    Asymptotic behavior of the anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators with high spin and twist is governed in planar N=4 SYM theory by the scaling function which coincides at strong coupling with the energy density of a two-dimensional bosonic O(6) sigma model. We calculate this function by combining the two-loop correction to the energy density for the O(n) model with two-loop correction to the mass gap determined by the all-loop Bethe ansatz in N=4 SYM theory. The result is in agreement with the prediction coming from the thermodynamical limit of the quantum string Bethe ansatz equations, but disagrees with the two-loop stringy corrections to the folded spinning string solution.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    PACS photometer calibration block analysis

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    The absolute stability of the PACS bolometer response over the entire mission lifetime without applying any corrections is about 0.5% (standard deviation) or about 8% peak-to-peak. This fantastic stability allows us to calibrate all scientific measurements by a fixed and time-independent response file, without using any information from the PACS internal calibration sources. However, the analysis of calibration block observations revealed clear correlations of the internal source signals with the evaporator temperature and a signal drift during the first half hour after the cooler recycling. These effects are small, but can be seen in repeated measurements of standard stars. From our analysis we established corrections for both effects which push the stability of the PACS bolometer response to about 0.2% (stdev) or 2% in the blue, 3% in the green and 5% in the red channel (peak-to-peak). After both corrections we still see a correlation of the signals with PACS FPU temperatures, possibly caused by parasitic heat influences via the Kevlar wires which connect the bolometers with the PACS Focal Plane Unit. No aging effect or degradation of the photometric system during the mission lifetime has been found.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom

    Dusty Cometary Globules in W5

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    We report the discovery of four dusty cometary tails around low mass stars in two young clusters belonging to the W5 star forming region. Fits to the observed emission profiles from 24 micron observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope give tail lifetimes < 30 Myr, but more likely < 5 Myr. This result suggests that the cometary phase is a short lived phenomenon, occurring after photoevaporation by a nearby O star has removed gas from the outer disk of a young low mass star (see also Balog et al. 2006; Balog et al. 2008).Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication to ApJ Letter

    A Scaling Hypothesis for the Spectral Densities in the O(3) Nonlinear Sigma-Model

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    A scaling hypothesis for the n-particle spectral densities of the O(3) nonlinear sigma-model is described. It states that for large particle numbers the n-particle spectral densities are ``self-similar'' in being basically rescaled copies of a universal shape function. This can be viewed as a 2-dimensional, but non-perturbative analogue of the KNO scaling in QCD. Promoted to a working hypothesis, it allows one to compute the two point functions at ``all'' energy or length scales. In addition, the values of two non-perturbative constants (needed for a parameter-free matching of the perturbative and the non-perturbative regime) are determined exactly.Comment: 9 Pages, Latex, 3 Postscript Figure

    On the free field realization of WBCnWBC_n algebras

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    Defining the WBCnWBC_n algebras as the commutant of certain screening charges a special form for the classical generators is obtained which does not change under quantisation. This enables us to give explicitly the first few generators in a compact form for arbitrary WBCnWBC_n algebras.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, reference added, to appear in Phys. Let.

    Far-infrared photometric observations of the outer planets and satellites with Herschel-PACS

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    We present all Herschel PACS photometer observations of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Callisto, Ganymede, and Titan. All measurements were carefully inspected for quality problems, were reduced in a (semi-)standard way, and were calibrated. The derived flux densities are tied to the standard PACS photometer response calibration, which is based on repeated measurements of five fiducial stars. The overall absolute flux uncertainty is dominated by the estimated 5% model uncertainty of the stellar models in the PACS wavelength range between 60 and 210 micron. A comparison with the corresponding planet and satellite models shows excellent agreement for Uranus, Neptune, and Titan, well within the specified 5%. Callisto is brighter than our model predictions by about 4-8%, Ganymede by about 14-21%. We discuss possible reasons for the model offsets. The measurements of these very bright point-like sources, together with observations of stars and asteroids, show the high reliability of the PACS photometer observations and the linear behavior of the PACS bolometer source fluxes over more than four orders of magnitude (from mJy levels up to more than 1000 Jy). Our results show the great potential of using the observed solar system targets for cross-calibration purposes with other ground-based, airborne, and space-based instruments and projects. At the same time, the PACS results will lead to improved model solutions for future calibration applications.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 11 table