54 research outputs found

    Urban Technologies – The New Everydayness: A Reply to Lehtinen

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    This short paper is a reply to Sanna Lehtinen’s article Living with Urban Everyday Technologies whose aim is to introduce the complexity of the problem of everyday technologies in contemporary aesthetics. Thanks to most recent information, computing, and communication technologies, urban technologies have indeed become an indispensable part of human living standards. In connection with Lehtinen’s primary interest in visible technologies with invisible effects, my reply appeals to W. Welsch’s use of the term anaesthetics, which refers to the absence of the ability to feel, as a parallel to this group of technologies. The reply also emphasises that it is necessary to study urban technologies together with a focus on human privacy, social justice, and human wellbeing and that everyday aesthetics has to be ready to reflect on the extremely fast development of these technologies

    Correlation of subjective symptoms of the heterophoria with the size of decompensated heterophoria

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá vyšetřením binokulárního vidění se zaměřením na vyhodnocování dekompenzované heteroforie (latentní šilhání). V teoretické části je stručně shrnuta problematika binokulárního vidění (podmínky jednoduchého binokulárního vidění, fyziologie binokulárního vidění a stručné shrnutí vývoje) a pojmy s ním spojované (úrovně BV, retinální korespondence, fúzní rezervy apod.). Dále je popsána heteroforie, možnosti vyšetření dekompenzované heteroforie za pomoci zakrývacích a disociačních testů. Následně je popsán souhrn postupů řešení heteroforie, tedy zrakový trénink, způsoby negativní korekce (antikorekce) a kompenzace prizmatickými skly. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na subjektivní symptomy, které jsou s heteroforií spojované. Praktická část se zabývá klienty s heteroforií, množstvím subjektivních příznaků, jenž byly na základě dotazníkového zkoumání vyhodnoceny jako pozitivní a posouzením vztahů mezi velikostmi jednotlivých typů dekompenzované heteroforie a množstvím klientem pravidelně pociťovaných subjektivních příznaků.The bachelor thesis deals with the examination of binocular vision with a focus on the evaluation of decompensated heterophoria (latent strabismus). The theoretical part briefly summarizes the topic of binocular vision (conditions of simple binocular vision, physiology of binocular vision and a brief summary of development) and the terms associated with it (BV levels, retinal correspondence, fusion reserves, etc.). The following part covers heterophoria and the options for examination of decompensated heterophoria using cover tests and dissociation tests. Next, there is a description of a summary of procedures for treating heterophoria, such as visual training, ways of negative correction - anti-correction, and prismatic glass composition. Specific emphasis is placed on subjective symptoms associated with heterophoria. The practical part deals with patients with heterophoria, the number of subjective symptoms which, based on the questionnaire evaluation, were determined as positive, and the assessment of the relation between the sizes of particular types of decompensated heterophoria and the number of symptoms felt by patients subjectively

    Příprava magnetických nanostruktur chromitů a jejich charakterizace

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    Předložená Diplomová práce popisuje originální syntézu přípravy magnetických nanočástic oxidu kobaltnato-chromitého (CoCr2O4) dobře dispergovaných v nepolárních rozpouštědlech a popisuje strukturní, morfologické, fononové a magnetické vlastnosti. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na studium spirální struktury v nanočásticích CoCr2O4 připravených různými technikami jako je hydrothermální syntéza a metoda sol-gel . Nanočástice CoCr2O4 s průměrem v intervalu 3.0 - 4.1 nm jsou připraveny hydrotermální metodou. Poprvé byly připraveny nanočástice CoCr2O4 jednokrokovou syntézou bez následného žíhání, které jsou stabilní v nepolárních rozpouštědlech. Struktura připravených nanočástic byla upřesněna Rietveldovou analýzou. Velikost připravených nanočástic byla určena a porovnána pomocí různých charakterizačních metod jako jsou prášková rentgenová difrakce (PXRD), transmisní elektronová mikroskopie (TEM) a maloúhlový rozptyl rentgenového záření (SAXS). Přechod ze superparamagnetického (SPM) stavu do super spin glass-like (SSG) stavu byl studován magnetickými měřeními. Spinová dynamika a síla mezičásticových interakcí byla studována meřením střídavé susceptibility. Nanočástice CoCr2O4 s průměrem 26.9(1) nm byly připraveny metodou sol-gel. Pomocí magnetických měření byl určen přechod ze SPM do ferrimagnetického...The present Diploma thesis provides an original synthesis for the preparation magnetic cobalt chromite nanoparticles (CoCr2O4 NPs) well dispersed in non-polar solvents and extensive structural, morphological, phonon and magnetic characterization. Particular emphasis is on determination of the spiral magnetic structure in CoCr2O4 NPs prepared by various procedures such as hydrothermal synthesis and sol-gel method. CoCr2O4 NPs with diameters in the range of 3.0 - 4.1 nm are prepared by high temperature hydrothermal method. For the first time, the CoCr2O4 NPs are stable in non-polar solvents and they are prepared by one-step synthesis without post treatment. The structure of prepared NPs is refined by Rietveld analysis. Size of prepared NPs is determined and compared using various techniques as powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Magnetic measurements reveal the transition from superparamagnetic (SPM) state to super spin glass - like (SSG) state. From a.c. susceptibility measurements, the spin dynamics studies and strength of inter-particles interaction are investigated. CoCr2O4 NPs with mean diameter of 26.9(1) nm are prepared by sol-gel method. The magnetization measurements reveal the transition from superparamagnetic to...Department of Inorganic ChemistryKatedra anorganické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Robustní optimalizace portfolia

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    V predloženej práci študujeme optimalizáciu portfólia v podmienkach ce- ločíselnosti, ktoré ovplyvňujú optimálnu alokáciu aktív. Zadefinujeme miery rizika a formulujeme "mean-risk" modely. K vytvoreniu robustných modelov zahrňujúcich neurčitosť v pravdepodobnostnom rozdelení použijeme dve metódy: analýza najhor- šieho prípadu a kontaminácia. Neurčitosť v diskrétnom pravdepodobnostnom rozde- lení uvažujeme v hodnotách scenárov a v ich pravdepodobnostiach najprv samostatne a následne v kombinácii. Vytvorené modely sú aplikované na dáta z akciového trhu pomocou optimalizačného softvéru GAMS.In this thesis, a portfolio optimization with integer variables which influ- ence optimal assets allocation, is studied. Measures of risk are defined and the cor- responding mean-risk models are derived. Two methods are used to develop robust models involving uncertainty in probability distribution: the worst-case analyses and contamination. The uncertainty in values of scenarios and in their probabili- ties of the discrete probability distribution is assumed separately followed by their combination. These models are applied to stock market data with using optimization software GAMS.Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Gender differences in perception of the university education quality as applied to entrepreneurial intention

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    The aim of this paper is to examine how university students perceive the selected attributes of university education quality in the context of their possible entrepreneurial activities and to explore the differences between genders in this regard. A total of 977 students from Czech and Slovak universities were surveyed. The Z-test for two population proportions was employed to test the hypotheses. The majority of university students positively perceived the quality of university education in general as well as the quality of education at their faculty. Approximately two thirds of the students in both countries agreed that the acquired knowledge may help them in their future entrepreneurship activities. Czech students perceived the quality of education more positively compared to their Slovak counterparts, despite the fact that they had lower entrepreneurial intention. This research shows there are differences in male and female students’ views. In both countries, female students perceived the quality of education more positively, whereas male students declared a statistically higher interest in entrepreneurial activity as compared to female students. The results of this paper could guide universities and policymakers in designing study programs in entrepreneurship responding better to gender needs so that to increase entrepreneurial participation. © Foundation of International Studies, 2018 and CSR

    Zum Problem des modernen Menschen. Vom Gesichtspunkt des genetischen Zugangs

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    The Problem of Contemporary Man. A Genetic PerspectiveKant’s mature work on the conflict of the faculties includes a theory of the basic establishment of philosophy as an institution embedded in the hierarchical structure of the four faculties in university and touched by the historical conditions of Prussian cultural policy at the end of the 18th century. It involves substantially two intentions: 1st to redefine its ranking within the system of the faculties, changing the position from the lowest to the highest level; 2nd to defend in the name of all faculties the autonomy and the rights of university as a whole unity in relation to the political demands of the Prussian state, because the political autonomy of the university was held to be the precondition for the guaranty of independence of science. In both cases philosophy enters into a struggle with the clerical authority of theology on the one hand and political administration on the other. A central topic of the conflict was the meaning and the role of religion within academic and social life. On the background of these two lines of arguments it will be our tasks in this article 1st to clarify the relation between philosophy and theology concerning moral religion, 2nd to examine the practical relation between the university under the leadership of philosophy and the state as far as the political power should be enlightened about the true principles of government by philosophical reason.    idea of university; conflict of the faculties; philosophy; theology; religion; political power; state The paper aims to summarize the basic characteristics of the term modern man that has been frequently used in many – not only philosophical – works in a complex way. Although the term often appears in the works of many authors, there is no overall agreement on how to define it. The paper focuses on the issue through a synthetizing research of various associations connected with this appealing problem

    In situ magnetorheological SANS setup at Institut Laue-Langevin

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    A magnetorheological sample environment is presented that allows for in situ magnetic field and shear flow during small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements and is now available at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). The setup allows performing simultaneous magnetorheological measurements together with the investigation of structural and magnetic changes on the nanometer length scale underlying the rheological response of ferrofluids. We describe the setup consisting of a commercial rheometer and a custom-made set of Helmholtz coils and show exemplarily data on the field and shear flow alignment of a dispersion of hematite nanospindles in water

    Unraveling Nanostructured Spin Textures in Bulk Magnets

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    One of the key challenges in magnetism remains the determination of the nanoscopic magnetization profile within the volume of thick samples, such as permanent ferromagnets. Thanks to the large penetration depth of neutrons, magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is a powerful technique to characterize bulk samples. The major challenge regarding magnetic SANS is accessing the real-space magnetization vector field from the reciprocal scattering data. In this letter, a fast iterative algorithm is introduced that allows one to extract the underlying two-dimensional magnetic correlation functions from the scattering patterns. This approach is used here to analyze the magnetic microstructure of Nanoperm, a nanocrystalline alloy which is widely used in power electronics due to its extraordinary soft magnetic properties. It can be shown that the computed correlation functions clearly reflect the projection of the three-dimensional magnetization vector field onto the detector plane, which demonstrates that the used methodology can be applied to probe directly spin-textures within bulk samples with nanometer-resolution.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Financial Analysis of Zentiva N.V.

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je posoudit finanční situaci společnosti Zentiva N.V.v letech 2002 - 2006 z pohledu externího uživatele s možnosti využití potencionálním investorem. V první části práce je vysvětlen použitý metodický aparát k analýze. V další části jsou tyto postupy aplikovány se zřetelem na danou společnost a vyhodnoceny. Vybrané ukazatele jsou posuzovány i v rámci odvětví a nejbližší konkurence. V závěru práce jsou komplexně zhodnoceny výsledky analýzy s návrhy na zlepšení a odhadem budoucího vývoje společnosti