172 research outputs found


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    近幎の通信機噚小型化やネットワヌクむンフラストラクチャの倧容量化・䜎料金化により M2MMachine to Machineすなわち機噚間の通信を甚いたアプリケヌションが普及し぀぀あるさらに個々の M2M アプリケヌションを独立に実装しおいたのでは費甚や実装期間が倧きくなっおしたうため共通機胜あるいはデバむスデヌタそのものを共有化する氎平統合型プラットフォヌムの必芁性が認識され぀぀ある本研究ではM2M の曎なる普及を促進するため氎平統合型プラットフォヌムの基本機胜であるデヌタ怜玢機胜の実珟を目指すこずずした倧芏暡デヌタに察する効率的な怜玢にはむンデックスが必芁䞍可欠であるたた扱うデヌタや怜玢ク゚リに応じお適切なむンデックスは異なるそこでM2M アプリケヌションの M2M デヌタ怜玢ク゚リに適したむンデキシング技術を確立するこずを本研究の目的ずした氎平統合型プラットフォヌムの怜玢機胜においおは倧量のデヌタを蓄積しながら倧量の怜玢凊理を実行するため挿入性胜怜玢性胜ずもに高速性ずスケヌル性が求められる各 M2M アプリケヌションは皮類によっお様々な怜玢条件により怜玢を行うが各怜玢条件が甚いられる頻床を正確に予枬するこずはできずたた頻床は動的に倉化するず考えられるためどのような怜玢をどれほど効率的に凊理可胜ずすべきかを事前に決めるこずは困難である埓っお入力デヌタや怜玢芁求の倉化にもある皋床柔軟に察応可胜な負荷远埓性が求められるず考えられる本研究ではたずM2M アプリケヌションの怜玢芁求に぀いお怜蚎・敎理したその結果 5぀の怜玢パタヌンが存圚するこずが刀明し特にデバむスの「 ID 」ず枬定時刻を瀺す「時間」の 2぀の次元属性を指定する怜玢条件を甚いた 2次元怜玢ク゚リが倚く甚いられるこずが分かったしかしながら埓来のむンデキシング技術で察応できない怜玢ク゚リずいう芳点からは本論文䞭では「その他の倚次元怜玢型」ず分類したパタヌンすなわち倚様な M2M デヌタに察する倚様な倚次元怜玢ク゚リが埓来のむンデキシング技術では前述した芁件すなわち高速性スケヌル性負荷远埓性を実珟できない怜玢芁求であるこずが分かった M2M デヌタは「 ID 」や「時間」「堎所」など倚数の次元属性を含み倚次元怜玢ク゚リは耇数の次元に぀いお条件指定した怜玢ク゚リである「その他の倚次元怜玢型」をさらに分類するず倚次元完党䞀臎怜玢ず倚次元範囲怜玢に分けるこずができる倚次元完党䞀臎怜玢ずは「『 2014 幎補』の『X瀟』の『赀い』『カバン』」を怜玢条件ずする怜玢ク゚リのようにモノ・コトに関する耇数の属性情報を指定する怜玢である倚次元範囲怜玢ずは「『関東地方』で『珟圚』の積茉量が『0.5t 以䞋』のトラックのリスト」を怜玢条件ずする怜玢ク゚リのように時空間やセンサデヌタ等耇数次元の倀範囲を指定する怜玢である倚完党䞀臎怜玢倚次元範囲怜玢いずれの怜玢においおも 1次元むンデックスを甚いお䞭間解を取埗し䞭間解に察しお残りの次元に぀いおフィルタリングを行う埓来手法では䞭間解が膚倧になり高速化できないたた倚次元範囲怜玢に぀いおは倚数の倚次元むンデックスを甚いる埓来手法もあるがむンデックスの構築・保持コストが高くスケヌル性に乏しいそこで倚次元完党䞀臎怜玢に察する新しいむンデキシング技術ずしお準候補キヌむンデキシング技術を提案した準候補キヌむンデキシング技術は耇数の属性情報を指定した怜玢条件AND条件に察しおも高速に怜玢結果を返华できるよう AND条件ずそれに該圓する怜玢結果も予めむンデックスに入れおおく手法であるただし AND条件は組合せの数だけ存圚しその数は爆発しおしたうため必芁以䞊に倚くの AND条件をむンデキシングしないで枈むようむンデキシングすべき AND条件の遞択手法を考案した点が本技術の重芁な郚分である評䟡の結果AND条件においおも M2Mデヌタ数に関わらず高速な怜玢が実珟できたたむンデキシングのための通信量や蚘憶量は M2Mデヌタ数に察しお logオヌダずなりスケヌル性があるこずを確認したたた M2Mデヌタの曎新に远埓しおむンデキシングする AND条件を適応的に倉化させおいくアルゎリズムを考案したたた倚次元範囲怜玢に察する新しいむンデキシング技術ずしお UBI-Tree 技術を提案した UBI-Tree 技術は埓来の倚次元範囲怜玢甚むンデキシング技術である R-Tree を拡匵し倚様なデヌタ倚様な範囲条件にも察応可胜ずする手法である評䟡の結果埓来技術に比べ高速な倚次元範囲怜玢が可胜であるこずを確認したさらに倉化する負荷に察応できるよう怜玢ク゚リの履歎に応じおデヌタの分類方法を倉化させおいく Load-Adaptive UBI-Tree技術を提案した評䟡の結果頻繁に甚いられる怜玢ク゚リの凊理効率を向䞊させ平均レスポンスタむムやスルヌプットを向䞊させるこずができるこずを確認したたたUBI-Tree 技術にスケヌル性を持たせるため新しい負荷分散手法ずしお Dynamic-Help Methodを提案した評䟡の結果増加しおいく負荷に察しおスケヌルするこずを確認した以䞊のように本研究では氎平統合型プラットフォヌムの怜玢機胜における倚次元怜玢を効率化する芁玠技術ずしお 2぀の新しいむンデキシング技術を確立するこずができた今埌実甚化しおいくためには他のむンデキシング技術他の機胜を含めた氎平統合型プラットフォヌムずしおのトヌタルな蚭蚈本栌実装実蚌実隓による有効性確認を行っおいく必芁があるず考えられる電気通信倧孊201

    A possibility of influence factors on winter physical damage of grapevines in a snowy vineyard

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    Hokkaido in northern Japan is a typical subpolar region and wine production using traditional cultivars can be done recently. However, there is an issue that the grapevines have short life spans in snowy central Hokkaido. This study investigates the effect of snow itself and its interaction with vineyard slope and grapevine stiffness on physical stress. In comparison of the flatness of the vineyard, the distortion of the basal trunk in the slope zone was greater than in the flat zones in the snowy mid-season. In comparison between cultivars, the distortion of the basal trunk in the flexible 'Kerner' was greater than in rigid 'GewÃŒrztraminer', even in the flat zones. The magnitude of the distortion coincides with the mortality of grapevines. Although the changes in distortion showed a transition in just two winter durations, these results suggested a possibility that the snow cover might be linked to one of the physical damages of grapevines in vineyards in heavy snowy regions

    A New Insight into the Development of Novel Anti-Cancer Drugs that Improve the Expression of Mitochondrial Function-Associated Genes

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    Recent analyses of the whole genome sequencing data enable us to predict cancer incidence for healthy people at present. In addition, metabolome analyses rediscovered that “cancer is a metabolic disease”. Importantly, it has been suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction might precede the metabolic change. In this chapter, we would discuss if “cancer is a transcriptional disease”. Analyzing 5′-upstream non-protein-encoding regions of the human mitochondrial function-associated genes, we speculate that mitochondrial functions could be recovered or improved at a transcriptional level. In the near future, novel chemo-/gene-therapies might be applied to treat cancer patient converting cancerous cells into normal differentiated cells

    SenStick: Comprehensive Sensing Platform with an Ultra Tiny All-In-One Sensor Board for IoT Research

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    We propose a comprehensive sensing platform called SenStick, which is composed of hardware (ultra tiny all-in-one sensor board), software (iOS, Android, and PC), and 3D case data. The platform aims to allow all the researchers to start IoT research, such as activity recognition and context estimation, easily and efficiently. The most important contribution is the hardware that we have designed. Various sensors often used for research are embedded in an ultra tiny board with the size of 50 mm (W) × 10 mm (H) × 5 mm (D) and weight around 3 g including a battery. Concretely, the following sensors are embedded on this board: acceleration, gyro, magnetic, light, UV, temperature, humidity, and pressure. In addition, this board has BLE (Bluetooth low energy) connectivity and capability of a rechargeable battery. By using 110 mAh battery, it can run more than 15 hours. The most different point from other similar boards is that our board has a large flash memory for logging all the data without a smartphone. By using SenStick, all the users can collect various data easily and focus on IoT data analytics. In this paper, we introduce SenStick platform and some case studies. Through the user study, we confirmed the usefulness of our proposed platform

    Insights on the Sun birth environment in the context of star-cluster formation in hub-filament systems

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    Cylindrical molecular filaments are observed to be the main sites of Sun-like star formation, while massive stars form in dense hubs, at the junction of multiple filaments. The role of hub-filament configurations has not been discussed yet in relation to the birth environment of the solar system and to infer the origin of isotopic ratios of Short-Lived Radionuclides (SLR, such as 26^{26}Al) of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions (CAIs) observed in meteorites. In this work, we present simple analytical estimates of the impact of stellar feedback on the young solar system forming along a filament of a hub-filament system. We find that the host filament can shield the young solar system from the stellar feedback, both during the formation and evolution of stars (stellar outflow, wind, and radiation) and at the end of their life (supernovae). We show that the young solar system formed along a dense filament can be enriched with supernova ejecta (e.g., 26^{26}Al) during the formation timescale of CAIs. We also propose that the streamers recently observed around protostars may be channeling the SLR-rich material onto the young solar system. We conclude that considering hub-filament configurations as the birth environment of the Sun is important when deriving theoretical models explaining the observed properties of the solar system.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    RhoD Inhibits RhoC-ROCK-Dependent Cell Contraction via PAK6.

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    RhoA-mediated regulation of myosin-II activity in the actin cortex controls the ability of cells to contract and bleb during a variety of cellular processes, including cell migration and division. Cell contraction and blebbing also frequently occur as part of the cytopathic effect seen during many different viral infections. We now demonstrate that the vaccinia virus protein F11, which localizes to the plasma membrane, is required for ROCK-mediated cell contraction from 2 hr post infection. Curiously, F11-induced cell contraction is dependent on RhoC and not RhoA signaling to ROCK. Moreover, RhoC-driven cell contraction depends on the upstream inhibition of RhoD signaling by F11. This inhibition prevents RhoD from regulating its downstream effector Pak6, alleviating the suppression of RhoC by the kinase. Our observations with vaccinia have now demonstrated that RhoD recruits Pak6 to the plasma membrane to antagonize RhoC signaling during cell contraction and blebbing

    The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex controls Atg7-dependent cell death and heart function

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    Shortening and removal of the polyadenylate [poly(A)] tail of mRNA, a process called deadenylation, is a key step in mRNA decay that is mediated through the CCR4-NOT (carbon catabolite repression 4-negative on TATA-less) complex. In our investigation of the regulation of mRNA deadenylation in the heart, we found that this complex was required to prevent cell death. Conditional deletion of the CCR4-NOT complex components Cnot1 or Cnot3 resulted in the formation of autophagic vacuoles and cardiomyocyte death, leading to lethal heart failure accompanied by long QT intervals. Cnot3 bound to and shortened the poly(A) tail of the mRNA encoding the key autophagy regulator Atg7. In Cnot3-depleted hearts, Atg7 expression was posttranscriptionally increased. Genetic ablation of Atg7, but not Atg5, increased survival and partially restored cardiac function of Cnot1 or Cnot3 knockout mice. We further showed that in Cnot3-depleted hearts, Atg7 interacted with p53 and modulated p53 activity to induce the expression of genes encoding cell death-promoting factors in cardiomyocytes, indicating that defects in deadenylation in the heart aberrantly activated Atg7 and p53 to promote cell death. Thus, mRNA deadenylation mediated by the CCR4-NOT complex is crucial to prevent Atg7-induced cell death and heart failure, suggesting a role for mRNA deadenylation in targeting autophagy genes to maintain normal cardiac homeostasis
