123 research outputs found

    Oral Mesotherapy: Might Be Considered as An Adjunctive Technique for the Different Surgical Procedures?

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    The bidirectional relationship between local and systemic pathways makes it difficult to provide a safe intraoral treatment. Nowadays, mesotherapy has become more necessary in dentistry to overcome the huge number of surgical interventions either for therapeutic or for cosmetic purposes. It also limits the need for systemic drugs achieving favorable outcomes with minimal side effects. Further researches are needed to examine the usage of mesotherapy in different oral problems. In dermal mesotherapy, dermatologists used several materials as hyaluronic acid, collagen, hydroxyapatite, carboxymethyl cellulose, and silicone. Such materials exhibit different manners according to their resorption rate: temporary, semipermanent, permanent, and combinations. Furthermore, B-tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite are considered as tissue stimulators by stimulation of collagen formation. Combinations of temporary materials in order to achieve immediate filling effect with tissue stimulator as HA or B-TCP achieve better results

    The role of the National Health insurance scheme in shaping equity of access to healthcare in Ghana

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    In light of recent emphasis on achieving Universal Health Coverage through social health insurance in low income countries, this thesis examined how the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana impacts on equity of access to healthcare in Tamale District of northern Ghana. Using mainly a qualitative approach, the thesis specifically examined whether the NHIS promotes equity in health insurance coverage and whether insured members are able to access healthcare equitably. Against this background, four broad findings were identified. Firstly, even though the NHIS improved insurance coverage in the Tamale District, enrolment was largely inequitable because most socially disadvantaged groups/individuals were less able to insure. This was mainly because such groups were predisposed to developing low willingness and low ability to enrol in the NHIS as a result of their individual and community characteristics as well as NHIS and healthcare system factors. Secondly, the NHIS improved the affordability of healthcare services and reduced the risk of catastrophic healthcare expenditure among insured members, particularly insured low income households. Thirdly, while the NHIS improved the financial resources of healthcare providers and the availability of medicines and medical supplies, it adversely impacted on the general quality of healthcare services mainly because the supply of healthcare resources failed to keep up with a high demand for healthcare services by insured members. Fourthly, the NHIS also improved the use of formal care, particularly among insured low income households due to their greater healthcare needs and previous inability to afford the cost of healthcare services. However, due to long waiting times associated with accessing NHIS healthcare, the improvement in financial access to healthcare by the NHIS failed to eradicate the use of ‘informal’ forms of care (e.g. drugstore, herbal/traditional medicine) among insured members. Based on these findings, this thesis concludes that the NHIS could enhance equity in access to care if there are opportunities created to enable socially disadvantaged groups to enrol in the scheme as well as improve the availability and quality of healthcare services for insured members

    Vitamin C

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    Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most common and essential vitamins. Due to its protective role, the supplementation of vitamin C becomes a must especially during the higher pollution levels. A day after day, scientists and researchers discover new functions for vitamin C. It was and still one of the cheapest treatment modalities that could preserve and protect human beings from infections, toxification, autoimmune diseases and cancer development. The role of vitamin C in providing better esthetics exhibits great importance. Its role as anti-aging agent preserves skin color and texture. Although it is not naturally synthesized in our bodies, our food is entirely rich of it

    The Use of Statistical Quality Control Tools to Access the Quality of Water Produced. A Case Study of Dalung Headworks, Ghana Water Company Limited –N/R

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    Considerable Water can be said to be one of the most important social amenities in the world. Humans, animals and plants alike depend on water for a lot of uses. For such a valuable commodity, it would be necessary to ensure that its production meets quality standards, so as to prevent the spread of water-borne diseases. Addition of various chemicals to remove impurities must also be controlled. There are choices of methods through which quality in many manufacturing processes could be checked. The leading objective of this project was to determine the quality of treated water supplied to urban areas from the Ghana Water Company Limited. The case study was the Dalung Headwork in the northern region, which supplies water to Tamale metropolis and its environs. Methods used to analyze the data were statistical quality control tools by the aid of SPSS, specifically, control charts.Using Range and Mean control charts, it was discovered that all stages of the water production process were statistically out of control, and there were large variations due to avoidable or assignable causes. Keywords: Accessing water quality, statistical quality control methods, Ghana-northern regio

    Concepts of Some Indigenous Pottery Decorative Techniques in Northern Ghana

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    The aim of this paper was to identify some concepts of indigenous pottery within the three northern regions of Ghana. As a result, emphasis was given to the identification of some concepts of indigenous pottery in northern Ghana. The descriptive approach of the qualitative research methodology was used. Interview and observation methods were employed as the data collection processes to ascertain reasons why they engage in pottery decoration and the concepts behind them. The data was subjected to comparative analyses and the indications were that, the people of northern Ghana make interesting forms of decorative techniques which comes with an authentic concepts. The study revealed that, there are eight identified indigenous pottery decorative techniques which included; incision, impression, stainning, blasting, smooking, perfforation, macrame and modeling. With these techniques the researchers realised that there are some basic concepts behind each and every decorative techniques found on the indigenous pottery. These included; convertions of red ferric ironoxide to black ferric ironoxide, reduction of friction, restriction purposes and movement and handling purposes

    New Ways of Protecting the Environment: The Case of Agro-Processors in Ghana

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    Microfinance programmes generally involve granting of small loans to the poor, particularly women, with the aim of increasing their income levels. Results of most microfinance impact evaluations (Al-hassan, 2011 and Egyir, 2008) have revealed that small loan schemes have impacted positively on the lives of micro entrepreneurs (improved incomes, savings, health, education) and have ensured financial sustainability. It is well known that small loan beneficiaries highly depend on the environment to run their microenterprises leading to overutilization and sometimes depletion of natural resources and degrading the environment. Unfortunately, the relationship between microfinance activities and sustainable land management, agricultural development and natural resource protection has received little attention in most impact evaluations suggesting that microcredit impact evaluations over estimate the gains from such schemes. Again, positivists argue that microfinance institutions have played significant role in influencing environmental policy through advocacy and empowerment of rural micro entrepreneurs but the extent to which local people, particularly women entrepreneurs participate in environmental protection has received little empirical evidence. This paper analyses the practices adapted by women agro-processors to protect the environment using the sustainable livelihoods (SL) approach. Key words: Environment, gender, Agro-processing, microfinance The research is funded by African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi, Kenya

    Strategies to Maintain Profitability When Crude Oil Prices Fluctuate

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    Rapid and sustained fluctuations in the crude oil market have remained a threat to the financial performance of national and multinational oil and gas corporations. Such fluctuations can reduce the profitability of national and multinational oil and gas corporations. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive single case study was to explore strategies oil production leaders used to maintain profitability when crude oil prices fluctuate. The participants included 6 senior oil production leaders in a national oil corporation in Ghana who employed successful strategies to maintain profitability. Kraus and Litzenberger’s trade-off theory of capital structure served as the conceptual framework for the study. Data collection methods included semistructured interviews, company documents, direct observation, and a reflective journal. Based on the methodological triangulation and the use of thematic data analysis technique, 3 broad themes emerged: relating to enhancing operational efficiency through organizational restructuring and competitive oil price hedging, business portfolio diversification through effective asset management and innovative technologies, and optimization of capital structure through debt restructuring. Oil production leaders would have to embrace the growth of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to improve the efficiency of business operations and maintain profitability. Oil production leaders might apply these findings to enhance business continuity, avoid bankruptcy, and maintain profitability during oil price downturns. Maintaining profitability would help ensure employees’ job security and flow of income. Sustained income would benefit employees and their families and could have a positive social impact on employees’ local communities

    Comportamiento de una mezcla asfáltica densa en frío adicionada con partículas de policloruro de vinilo (PVC)

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEsta investigación está enfocada a la modificación de una mezcla asfáltica densa en frío MDF 20 la cual se le adicionaran partículas granulares de Policloruro de vinilo PVC y mediante ensayos de Inmersión-compresión, falla por ensayo Marshall y tracción indirecta RTI evaluar su comportamiento en estado seco y húmedo.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO TEORICO 2. PROCEDIMIENTO 3. ENSAYOS DE LABORATORIO 4. ANALISIS Y RESULTADOS 5. CONCLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAEspecializaciónEspecialista en Ingeniería de Pavimento

    O movimento na ontologia de Bergson

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    Orientador: Luiz Damon Santos MoutinhoAutor não autorizou a divulgação do arquivo digitalDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Filosofia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentraçao: História da filosofia moderna e contemporâne