3,801 research outputs found

    Fe Ka line emission from the Arches cluster region - evidence for ongoing particle bombardment?

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    We present the results of eight years of XMM-Newton observations of the region surrounding the Arches cluster in the Galactic Center. We study the spatial distribution and temporal behaviour of the Fe-Ka line emission with the objective of identifying the likely source of the excitation. We investigate the variability of the 6.4-keV line emission of four clouds through spectral fitting of the EPIC MOS data with the use of a modelled background, which avoids many of the systematics inherent in local background subtraction. We also employ spectral stacking of both EPIC PN and MOS data to search for evidence of an Fe-K edge feature imprinted on the underlying X-ray continuum. The lightcurves of the Fe-Ka line from three bright molecular knots close to the Arches cluster are found to be constant over the 8-year observation window. West of the cluster, however, we found a bright cloud exhibiting the fastest Fe-Ka variability yet seen in a molecular cloud in the Galactic Center region. The time-averaged spectra of the molecular clouds reveal no convincing evidence of the 7.1-keV edge feature. The EW of the 6.4-keV line emitted by the clouds near the cluster is found to be ~1.0 keV. The observed Fe-Ka line flux and the high EW suggest the fluorescence has a photoionization origin, although excitation by cosmic-ray particles is not specifically excluded. For the three clouds nearest to the cluster, an identification of the source of photo-ionizing photons with an earlier outburst of Sgr A* is however at best tentative. The hardness of the nonthermal component associated with the 6.4-keV line emission might be best explained in terms of bombardment by cosmic-ray particles from the Arches cluster itself. The relatively short-timescale variability seen in the 6.4-keV line emission from the cloud to the West of the cluster is most likely the result of illumination by a nearby transient X-ray source.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    X-ray echoes of infrared flaring in Sgr A*

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    Sgr A* exhibits flaring in the infrared several times each day, occasionally accompanied by flaring in X-rays. The infrared flares are believed to arise through synchrotron emission from a transient population of accelerated electrons. The X-ray flaring has been interpreted as self-synchrotron-compton, inverse compton, or synchrotron emission associated with the transient electrons. Here I consider the upscattering of infrared flare photons by relativistic thermal electrons in the accretion flow around Sgr A*. Typical profiles of electron density and temperature in the accretion flow are adopted and the X-ray light curves produced by upscattering of infrared flare photons by the accretion flow are computed. Peak X-ray luminosities between 1e33 and 1e34 erg/s are attained for a 10 mJy near-infrared flare, compatible with observed coincident infrared/X-ray flares from Sgr A*. Even if this process is not responsible for the observed flares it still presents a serious constraint on accretion flow models, which must avoid over-producing X-rays and also predicting observable time lags between flaring in infrared and in X-rays. Future high-resolution infrared instrumentation will be able to place the location of the infrared flare and in coordination with the X-ray would severely constrain the disc geometry and the radial profiles of electron density and temperature in the accretion flow.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in The Galactic Center: A Window on the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies, ASP Conference Series, eds: M. Morris, D. Q. Wang and F. Yua

    Accurate OH maser positions II. the Galactic Center region

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    We present high spatial resolution observations of ground-state OH masers, achieved using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). These observations were conducted towards 171 pointing centres, where OH maser candidates were identified previously in the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) towards the Galactic Center region, between Galactic longitudes of 355355^{\circ} and 55^{\circ} and Galactic latitudes of 2-2^{\circ} and +2+2^{\circ}. We detect maser emission towards 162 target fields and suggest that 6 out of 9 non-detections are due to intrinsic variability. Due to the superior spatial resolution of the follow-up ATCA observations, we have identified 356 OH maser sites in the 162 of the target fields with maser detections. Almost half (161 of 356) of these maser sites have been detected for the first time in these observations. After comparing the positions of these 356 maser sites to the literature, we find that 269 (76\%) sites are associated with evolved stars (two of which are planetary nebulae), 31 (9\%) are associated with star formation, four are associated with supernova remnants and we were unable to determine the origin of the remaining 52 (15\%) sites. Unlike the pilot region (\citealt{Qie2016a}), the infrared colors of evolved star sites with symmetric maser profiles in the 1612 MHz transition do not show obvious differences compared with those of evolved star sites with asymmetric maser profiles.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted by ApJ

    A Constraint on the Organization of the Galactic Center Magnetic Field Using Faraday Rotation

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    We present new 6 and 20 cm Very Large Array (VLA) observations of polarized continuum emission of roughly 0.5 square degrees of the Galactic center (GC) region. The 6 cm observations detect diffuse linearly-polarized emission throughout the region with a brightness of roughly 1 mJy per 15"x10" beam. The Faraday rotation measure (RM) toward this polarized emission has structure on degree size scales and ranges from roughly +330 rad/m2 east of the dynamical center (Sgr A) to -880 rad/m2 west of the dynamical center. This RM structure is also seen toward several nonthermal radio filaments, which implies that they have a similar magnetic field orientation and constrains models for their origin. Modeling shows that the RM and its change with Galactic longitude are best explained by the high electron density and strong magnetic field of the GC region. Considering the emissivity of the GC plasma shows that while the absolute RM values are indirect measures of the GC magnetic field, the RM longitude structure directly traces the magnetic field in the central kiloparsec of the Galaxy. Combining this result with previous work reveals a larger RM structure covering the central ~2 degrees of the Galaxy. This RM structure is similar to that proposed by Novak and coworkers, but is shifted roughly 50 pc west of the dynamical center of the Galaxy. If this RM structure originates in the GC region, it shows that the GC magnetic field is organized on ~300 pc size scales. The pattern is consistent with a predominantly poloidal field geometry, pointing from south to north, that is perturbed by the motion of gas in the Galactic disk.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. emulateapj style, 14 pages, 15 figure

    Jet-lag in Sgr A*: What size and timing measurements tell us about the central black hole in the Milky Way

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    The black hole at the Galactic Center, Sgr A*, is the prototype of a galactic nucleus at a very low level of activity. Its radio through submm-wave emission is known to come from a region close to the event horizon, however, the source of the emission is still under debate. A successful theory explaining the emission is based on a relativistic jet model scaled down from powerful quasars. We want to test the predictive power of this established jet model against newly available measurements of wavelength-dependent time lags and the size-wavelength structure in Sgr A*. Using all available closure amplitude VLBI data from different groups, we again derived the intrinsic wavelength-dependent size of Sgr A*. This allowed us to calculate the expected frequency-dependent time lags of radio flares, assuming a range of in- and outflow velocities. Moreover, we calculated the time lags expected in the previously published pressure-driven jet model. The predicted lags are then compared to radio monitoring observations at 22, 43, and 350 GHz. The combination of time lags and size measurements imply a mildly relativistic outflow with bulk outflow speeds of gamma*beta ~ 0.5-2. The newly measured time lags are reproduced well by the jet model without any major fine tuning. The results further strengthen the case for the cm-to-mm wave radio emission in Sgr A* as coming from a mildly relativistic jet-like outflow. The combination of radio time lag and VLBI closure amplitude measurements is a powerful new tool for assessing the flow speed and direction in Sgr A*. Future VLBI and time lag measurements over a range of wavelengths will reveal more information about Sgr A*, such as the existence of a jet nozzle, and measure the detailed velocity structure of a relativistic jet near its launching point for the first time.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    G359.87+0.18: An FR II Radio Galaxy 15 Arcminutes from Sgr A*. Implications for the Scattering Region in the Galactic Center

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    G359.87+0.18 is an enigmatic object located 15' from Sgr A*. It has been variously classified as an extragalactic source, Galactic jet source, and young supernova remnant. We present new observations of G359.87+0.18 between 0.33 and 15 GHz and use these to argue that this source is an Faranoff-Riley II radio galaxy. We are able to place a crude limit on its redshift of z > 0.1. The source has a spectral index \alpha < -1 (S \propto \nu^\alpha), suggestive of a radio galaxy with a redshift z >~ 2. The scattering diameters of Sgr A* and several nearby OH masers (~ 1" at 1 GHz) indicate that a region of enhanced scattering is along the line of sight to the Galactic center. If the region covers the Galactic center uniformly, the implied diameter for a background source is at least 600" at 0.33 GHz, in contrast with the observed 20" diameter of G359.87+0.18. Using the scattering diameter of a nearby OH maser OH 359.762+0.120 and the widths of two, nearby, non-thermal threads, G0.08+0.15 and G359.79+0.17, we show that a uniform scattering region should cover G359.87+0.18. We therefore conclude that the Galactic center scattering region is inhomogeneous on a scale of 5' (~ 10 pc at a distance of 8.5 kpc). This scale is comparable to the size scale of molecular clouds in the Galactic center. The close agreement between these two lengths scales is an indication that the scattering region is linked intimately to the Galactic center molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ, vol. 515, LaTeX2e manuscript using aaspp4 macro, 19 pages, 8 figures in 11 PostScript file

    A Nonthermal Radio Filament Connected to the Galactic Black Hole?

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    Using the Very Large Array, we have investigated a non-thermal radio filament (NTF) recently found very near the Galactic black hole and its radio counterpart, SgrA*. While this NTF -- the Sgr A West Filament (SgrAWF) -- shares many characteristics with the population of NTFs occupying the central few hundred parsecs of the Galaxy, the SgrAWF has the distinction of having an orientation and sky location that suggest an intimate physical connection to SgrA*. We present 3.3 and 5.5 cm images constructed using an innovative methodology that yields a very high dynamic range, providing an unprecedentedly clear picture of the SgrAWF. While the physical association of the SgrAWF with SgrA* is not unambiguous, the images decidedly evoke this interesting possibility. Assuming that the SgrAWF bears a physical relationship to SgrA*, we examine the potential implications. One is that SgrA* is a source of relativistic particles constrained to diffuse along ordered local field lines. The relativistic particles could also be fed into the local field by a collimated outflow from SgrA*, perhaps driven by the Poynting flux accompanying the black hole spin in the presence of a magnetic field threading the event horizon. Second, we consider the possibility that the SgrAWF is the manifestation of a low-mass-density cosmic string that has become anchored to the black hole. The simplest form of these hypotheses would predict that the filament be bi-directional, whereas the SgrAWF is only seen on one side of SgrA*, perhaps because of the dynamics of the local medium.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for ApJ Letter

    Turbulent Origin of the Galactic-Center Magnetic Field: Nonthermal Radio Filaments

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    A great deal of study has been carried out over the last twenty years on the origin of the magnetic activity in the Galactic center. One of the most popular hypotheses assumes milli-Gauss magnetic field with poloidal geometry, pervading the inner few hundred parsecs of the Galactic-center region. However, there is a growing observational evidence for the large-scale distribution of a much weaker field of B \lesssim 10 micro G in this region. Here, we propose that the Galactic-center magnetic field originates from turbulent activity that is known to be extreme in the central hundred parsecs. In this picture the spatial distribution of the magnetic field energy is highly intermittent, and the regions of strong field have filamentary structures. We propose that the observed nonthermal radio filaments appear in (or, possibly, may be identified with) such strongly magnetized regions. At the same time, the large-scale diffuse magnetic field is weak. Both results of our model can explain the magnetic field measurements of the the Galactic-center region. In addition, we discuss the role of ionized outflow from stellar clusters in producing the long magnetized filaments perpendicular to the Galactic plane.Comment: 11 pages, accepted to ApJ Letter