95 research outputs found


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    YUNITA AMALIA. The Correlation Between Work Environment with Job Performance on The Employees of National Library Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta. Script. Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Department of Economic and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2014. The aim of this research is to find the possibility a positive correlation between work environment with job performance on the employees of National Library Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta. The period of this research was three months since April 2014 until June 2014. This research used survey methods by correlation approach. The population of this research were all employees of National Library. While the society population at affordable were employee of preservation library materials as many as 50 people in accordance with the characteristics of the population. From those population at affordable is taken 44 people for sample. Equation of the simple linear regression give the formula of regression Ŷ = 59,13 + 0,268X. Test analysis conditional test proved the validation on variable Y to variable is normal distributed. It is proved by the calculation that used Liliefors test at significant level (α) = 0,05 that indicates Lcount (0.094) <Ltable (0.133). The correlation coefficient is counted by Product Moment formula by Pearson indicates rxy 0.619. While the results of correlation coefficient significant test indicates tcount = 5,11 and ttable = 1,68. Because the result shows tcount > ttable, the research indicates there is a positive correlation between work environment with job performance on the employees of National Library Republic of Indonesia. The count of determination coefficient test indicates 38,37% the variance of variable Y is determined by variable X


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    Sampah merupakan limbah yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga atau industri sebagai hasil dari kegiatan sehari-hari masyarakat. Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua sebagai Negara penyumbang sampah terbesar setelah china. Jumlah tumpukan sampah di Indonesia meningkat linier dengan pertumbuhan penduduk. Untuk mengendalikan peningkatan produksi sampah maka diperlukan pengelolaan sampah yang efektif. Bank Sampah merupakan program pemerintah yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat untuk dapat memilah sampah rumah tangga yang dihasilkan sekaligus menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengurangi produksi sampah rumah tangga. Untuk itu perlu dibuatkan design aplikasi bank sampah untuk skala nasional yang berbasis web sehingga pengelola, petugas, nasabah atau masyarakat dapat dengan mudah untuk melakukan transaksi penukaran sampah. Dengan adanya kemudahan transaksi maka masyarakat akan berlomba-lomba untuk menjadi nasabah pada bank sampah dan bank sampah deapat dengan mudah menemukan lokasi nasabah. Aplikasi web untuk transaksi bank sampah dapat menjawab kerepotan yang saat ini terjadi pada bank sampah

    Investigation of the impact of nitrate injection to control sourcing problem in oil reservoir : benefit and side effects on steel materials

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    The successful control of reservoir souring by nitrate injection has been well documented in the literature. Recent interest has centred on how nitrate application can increase the corrosion risk in pipelines and metal equipment. This study was conducted to observe the impact of nitrate reducing bacteria (NRB) and sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) on the extent of corrosion on UNS S31603 and ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel, two commonly used materials in the oil and gas industry. The bacteria used in this experimental study were indigenous bacteria, isolated from the crude oil and production water samples of an oil field off the northwest of Western Australia. The NRB were isolated using nitrate broth, targeting nitrate reducers while SRB were isolated using Starkey media, targeting lactate utilizing bacteria (Desulfotomaculum and Desulfovibrio). In this study, a mixture of corrosive production water which contains a high level of chloride (21000 mg/L) supplemented with 10% (v/v) crude oil was used as the testing solution. The crude oil was taken into account because in the oil field it serves as the carbon source for the bacterial growth and it may also influence the corrosion behaviour of any steel material. However, this study has limited its scope to observe the impact of SRB and NRB using electrochemical techniques in a closed batch culture system without any water/nutrient renewal.The basic experimental design for the two materials investigated, UNS S31603 and the ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel were similar. The experiments were conducted at 50°C in electrochemical cells containing 10% (v/v) crude oil in 700mL production water and purged with filter-sterilized nitrogen to keep the oxygen level as low as possible. Each of the two materials were evaluated under four different conditions: (1) control cell (no bacteria), (2) NRB inoculated cell, (3) SRB inoculated cell, and (4) mixed bacteria (NRB+SRB) inoculated cell. A small amount of 5 mM NaNO3, was added as the growth nutrient for the bacteria. The open circuit potential (Ecorr) of the corrosion coupons, and the redox potential (Eh) of the solution were monitored throughout the experiments. Additionally, the microbial populations were counted by Most Probable Number (MPN) method and direct counting method using a Helber Counting Chamber Z30000. A production water analytical analysis (nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and sulphide) was conducted before and after the experiment.However, the exposure time in the corrosive media and the electrochemical analysis were different for each of the two materials tested. The immersion time for the UNS S31603 was 28 days and at the end of the immersion period, Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) and Cyclic Polarization Scan (CPS) were carried out to determine the uniform and localized corrosion behaviour, respectively. The immersion time for the ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel was 21 days; LPR and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were conducted at an interval of every five days to monitor the biofilm formation, corrosion product formation and corrosion rate changes.The results for both UNS S31603 and ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel demonstrated that: (1) The addition of nitrate, promoted the growth of NRB and suppressed the growth of SRB, hence H2S production can be eliminated; (2) The NRB was able to oxidize the sulphide and also maintain a redox potential of above -100 mV, a level which inhibits the growth of SRB; (3) An increase in Ecorr was observed in the presence and absence of bacteria.The results from the UNS S31603 investigation show that: (1) NRB forms patchy biofilms on the UNS S31603 surfaces that weaken steel passivity and decrease its Critical Pitting Potential (CPP) to a greater extent than SRB after 28 days, (2) On the contrary, the corrosion rate of the UNS S31603 in the SRB inoculated cell is higher than the corrosion rate of the coupons in the NRB inoculated cell. This can be due to the formation of metastable pits as observed in the non-polarized corrosion coupon of the SRB inoculated cell after 28 days. (3) In order to study the effect of immersion time on the NRB and mixed bacteria (NRB+SRB), additional tests were conducted in the same manner for a short period of seven days of exposure. The results show that the CPP for the corrosion coupons in both the NRB inoculated cell and the mixed bacteria inoculated cell is higher than the corrosion coupons in the control cell. Therefore, it is postulated that, in this particular corrosive biochemical environment (high chloride level), the NRB and the mixed bacteria (NRB+SRB), may give beneficial protection to UNS S31603 for a short immersion time, and may give detrimental effects in longer exposure times.The results from ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel investigation show that: (1) the EIS technique can be used to monitor the formation of biofilm and/or corrosion products layers on the steel surface, (2) LPR, EIS and weight loss results show that in the tested corrosive environment, the presence of bacteria give lower rate of corrosion of ASTM-A572-50 carbon steel coupons compared to the corrosion coupons in the control cell. This indicates the corrosion inhibition activity of bacteria in this particular environment. (3) However, in the presence of bacteria, localized corrosion is inevitable as pits may form underneath bacterial biofilm.In general, it is important to examine the corrosion impact of nitrate application on case by case basis because it is a complex mechanism and cannot be simply predicted based on electrochemical techniques alone. Further work is required to understand the biological materials that were produced by NRB, especially in the presence of other bacteria, which in a real situation in an oil reservoir may not only be SRB. Such studies can aid in understanding the fundamentals of the biochemistry of nitrate injection, thus resulting in important information for the process and design of field applications

    Hubungan Sikap Dengan Inisiasi Seks Pranikah Pada Remaja Di Program Studi S1 Farmasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

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    Tujuan studi:Mengetahui hubungan sikap dengan inisiasi seks pranikah pada remaja di Program Studi S1 Farmasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur. Metodologi:Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian seluruh mahasiswa/i Program Studi S1 Farmasi tingkat I, II dan III. Teknik pengambilan sampel&nbsp; stratified random sampling sebanyak 74 mahasiswa/i. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square.&nbsp; Hasil:Sebanyak 54,1 persen remaja mempunyai sikap positif terhadap inisiasi seks pranikah. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan antara sikap dengan inisiasi seks pranikah pada remaja di Program Studi S1 Farmasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur (p-value=0.021) &lt; α 0,005. Manfaat:Mahasiswa/i dapat meningkatkan sikap positif terhadap inisiasi seks pranika


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    The increase in beauty industry waste due to the trend of using beauty products in Indonesia, unfortunately, is not accompanied by public awareness of the environmental impacts caused. The #PakaiSampaiHabis campaign seeks to raise public awareness of the consumption of beauty products through the spread of persuasive messages in the form of visualization on Instagram @lyfewithless. The study aims to determine the effect of visualization of persuasive messages in the #PakaiSampaiHabis campaign on Instagram @lyfewithless on changes in followers' behavior in consuming beauty products. The research uses descriptive quantitative methods. Primary data was obtained from the results of a questionnaire of 100 Instagram followers @lyfewithless and interviews, while secondary data was obtained through literature studies. The data analysis technique uses Simple Linear Regression, Coefficient of Determination, and F Test. The results showed that message visualization in the #PakaiSampaiHabis campaign played a role of 64.6% in influencing changes in followers' behavior in consuming beauty products. Visualization of persuasive messages in the #PakaiSampaiHabis campaign with sound and music indicators is the main factor that attracts followers' attention in receiving and understanding the campaign. Changes in the behavior of followers consuming beauty products are in the contemplation stage in the form of high awareness to be responsible for the use of beauty products.Meningkatnya limbah industri kecantikan akibat tren penggunaan produk kecantikan di Indonesia, sayangnya tidak diiringi dengan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan. Kampanye #PakaiSampaiHabis berupaya menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap konsumsi produk kecantikan melalui penyebaran pesan persuasif dalam bentuk visualisasi di Instagram @lyfewithless. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh visualisasi pesan persuasif dalam kampanye #PakaiSampaiHabis di Instagram @lyfewithless terhadap perubahan perilaku followers mengkonsumsi produk kecantikan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner 100 followers Instagram @lyfewithless dan wawancara, sedangkan data sekundernya diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Regresi Linier Sederhana, Koefisien Determinasi, dan Uji F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan visualisasi pesan dalam kampanye #PakaiSampaiHabis berperan sebesar 64,6% dalam mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku followers mengkonsumsi produk kecantikan. Visualisasi pesan persuasif kampanye #PakaiSampaiHabis dengan indikator suara dan musik menjadi faktor utama yang menarik perhatian followers dalam menerima dan memahami kampanye. Perubahan perilaku followers mengkonsumsi produk kecantikan berada di tahap perenungan berupa kesadaran yang tinggi untuk bertanggung jawab dalam penggunaan produk kecantikan


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    Education is one of the fields that generate heaps of data. Pile of data that can utilized by higher education institutions to improve tertiary performance. One way to process data piles in the education is to use data mining or called education data mining. The quality assessment of educational institutions conducted by the community and the government is strongly influenced by student performance. Students who have poor performance will have a negative impact on educational institutions. Student data is processed to obtain valuable knowledge regarding the classification of student performance. One method of data mining is the C4.5 algorithm which is known to be able to produce good classifications. In this research and optimization method will be used namely optimize selection on the c4.5 algorithm. Based on the research, it is known that the optimization selection optimization method can improve the performance of algorithm c4.5 from 85% to 87%


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    Ketersediaan lingkungan lahan basah dalam pembelajaran larutan asam basa dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan siswa sebaik mungkin untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan efektivitas pendekatan CTL yang memanfaatkan lingkungan lahan basah sebagai sumber belajar untuk keterampilan berpikir kritis bagi siswa di sekolah menengah atas pada bab larutan asam-basa. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan 2 kelas yaitu kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen di SMA Negeri 7 Banjarmasin. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling. Variabel bebas adalah pendekatan pembelajaran, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis. Analisis teknik data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada kelas eksperimen dan kontrol dengan harga thitung> ttabel yaitu 2,716> 1,996. Perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh kontribusi dari pendekatan CTL seperti konstruktivisme, penyelidikan, pertanyaan, pemodelan, komunitas pembelajaran, dan refleksi yang didukung oleh penggunaan sumber belajar dari lingkungan lahan basah selama proses pembelajaran.Keywords:  larutan asam basa, keterampilan berpikir kritis, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL), lingkungan lahan basah


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    Ujian Tugas Akhir merupakan salah satu tahap akhir dalam proses perkuliahan untuk menyelesaikan Program Studi S1 Seni Tari jalur kepenarian, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta. Kertas Kerja Ujian Tugas Akhir pemeran tokoh Ratu Ayu Kencanawungu dalam karya tari Pedhut Taman Majapahit bertujuan menjelaskan secara deskriptif tentang proses kreatif dalam mencapai kualitas. Penjelasan deskriptif tersebut meliputi : pertama, latar belakang, gagasan, tujuan dan manfaat, tinjauan sumber yang meliputi kepustakaan dan diskografi. Selain itu dipaparkan juga kerangka konseptual serta metode kekaryaan. Kedua adalah tahap persiapan, pendalaman, dan penggarapan. Dalam penggarapan terdapat dua hal yakni garap isi dan tafsir bentuk sampai pada pencapaian kualitas. Ketiga berisi penjelasan tentang deskripsi karya yang disajikan baik memuat garap isi maupun garap bentuk sesuai dengan interpretasi penyaji. Penjelasan secara deskiptif proses kekaryaan ini juga dilengkapi dengan data pendukung sajian sebagai pertanggungjawaban penyaji atas karya yang disajikan. Data-data pendukung tersebut antara lain karawitan tari serta rias dan busana yang digunakan. Kata Kunci : Karya Seni Kepenarian, Ratu Ayu Kencanawungu, Pedhut Taman Majapahit


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    Kemajuan teknologi mendorong adanya inovasi dalam bidang transportasi, khususnya dalam penyediaan jasa pengangkutan yang efisien dan efektif untuk menenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Di Indonesia, ojek yang merupakan jasa transportasi dengan menggunakan sepeda motor dinilai mampu menjadi transportasi publik alternatif yang dapat mengangkut orang dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dengan cepat dan dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Dengan perkembangan teknologi dan transportasi di era digital seperti saat ini, ojek konvensional kemudian bertransformasi menjadi ojek online, suatu jasa transportasi yang menggunakan aplikasi online sebagai media pemesanannya. Dari sudut pandang hukum pengangkutan, perjanjian pengangkutan yang terbentuk dalam pelaksanaan ojek online merupakan suatu bentuk baru yang dinamakan kontrak online. Konsensus sebagai syarat pembentukan sekaligus salah satu sifat perjanjian pengangkutan terpenuhi dengan adanya penawaran dari aplikasi penyedia layanan ojek online dan adanya penerimaan oleh pengguna aplikasi sebagai penumpang ojek online. Para pihak dalam pelaksanaan ojek online terikat dalam suatu hubungan kontraktual yang berbeda-beda. Pengemudi dan perusahaan aplikasi terikat dalam hubungan kemitraan yang didasarkan pada perjanjian kemitraan. Hubungan kontraktual antara pengemudi dan penumpang membentuk suatu perjanjian pengangkutan, sedangkan perusahaan aplikasi dan penumpang didasarkan pada perjanjian penggunaan aplikasi.The improvement of technology encourages the innovation of transportation sector, especially for the provision of efficient and effective transportation services to fulfill the community needs. In Indonesia, ojek as a two-wheeled transportation service considered as alternative public transportation which can transport a person from one place to another in a fast way and at affordable costs. With the development of technology and transportation in this digital era, conventional motorcycle taxi (in Indonesia: ojek konvensional) transformed into online motorcycle taxi (known as ojek online), a transportation service using an online application as the ordering media. From the scope of transportation law, the transportation agreement formed by the operation of ojek online is a new form of agreement called online contract. Consensus, as a transportation agreement requirement, is fulfilled by an offer from transportation service application and an acceptance from the users as ojek online’s passenger. The parties in the operation of ojek online bound by a different contractual relation. The driver and the application company bound by a partnership agreement. The contractual relation between the driver and passenger formed a transportation agreement, while the application company and passenger based on application usage agreement
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