433 research outputs found

    On the origin of high m magnetospheric waves

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    A survey of Advanced Rio-Imaging Experiment in Scandinavia data reveals evidence for a previously overlooked generation mechanism of high azimuthal wave number magnetospheric waves. Here we present observations of pulsating cosmic noise absorption with azimuthal wave numbers as high as 380, suggestive of precipitation modulation by magnetospheric waves. Dispersion relations of the small-scale precipitation pulsations are indicative of the proposed origin. Previous studies of magnetospheric waves, together with data from the Charge And Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (Magnetospheric Ion Composition Sensor) instrument aboard the Polar spacecraft, provide support for the theory

    Size-controlled quantum dots reveal the impact of intraband transitions on high-order harmonic generation in solids

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    Since the discovery of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solids1,2,3, much effort has been devoted to understand its generation mechanism and both inter- and intraband transitions are known to be essential1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. However, intraband transitions are affected by the electronic structure of a solid, and how they contribute to nonlinear carrier generation and HHG remains an open question. Here we use mid-infrared laser pulses to study HHG in CdSe and CdS quantum dots, where quantum confinement can be used to control the intraband transitions. We find that both HHG intensity per excited volume and generated carrier density increase when the average quantum dot size is increased from about 2 to 3 nm. We show that the reduction in sub-bandgap energy in larger quantum dots enhances intraband transitions, and this—in turn—increases the rate of photocarrier injection by coupling with interband transitions, resulting in enhanced HHG

    Hydroxyethyl cellulose matrix applied to serial crystallography

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) allows structures of proteins to be determined at room temperature with minimal radiation damage. A highly viscous matrix acts as a crystal carrier for serial sample loading at a low flow rate that enables the determination of the structure, while requiring consumption of less than 1 mg of the sample. However, a reliable and versatile carrier matrix for a wide variety of protein samples is still elusive. Here we introduce a hydroxyethyl cellulose-matrix carrier, to determine the structure of three proteins. The de novo structure determination of proteinase K from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) by utilizing the anomalous signal of the praseodymium atom was demonstrated using 3,000 diffraction images. ? 2017 The Author(s).113Ysciescopu

    Deletion mapping of chromosome 16q in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) frequently shows an allelic imbalance (AI) on chromosome 16q. In order to define the commonly affected regions on chromosome 16q, we assessed AI studies in 41 HCCs using a panel of 37 microsatellite markers. Thirty-five cases (85%) showed AI at one or more loci. Among the 35 cases with AI, 21 cases showed multiple AI, suggesting the wide scope of deletion on the long arm of chromosome 16, and the remaining 14 cases showed partial AI. Detailed deletion mapping identified two independent commonly deleted regions on this chromosome arm. These included the D16S3106 locus and D16S498 locus. In conclusion, we have demonstrated frequent AI on 16q in HCCs and identified two loci with frequent AI, which may harbour new tumour suppressor genes.ope

    Optimizing and evaluating protein microcrystallography experiments: strengths and weaknesses of X-rays and electrons

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    Recently, significant technological innovations have enabled the measurement of both X-ray and electron diffraction from protein microcrystals. These new microcrystallography experiments are useful when large crystals cannot be obtained, but also in other cases, such as when large crystals suffer from long-range disorder, or when uniform perturbations need to be applied rapidly to the entire crystal volume. Optimizing the preparation of protein microcrystals for this new class of experiments presents new challenges for crystallographers, who have traditionally sought to grow large, single crystals. To better understand these new challenges, we optimized the production of microcrystalline samples of cyclophilin A (CypA), starting from conditions that produced millimeter scale crystals. Next, we used these microcrystals to determine CypA structures by serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) at two XFEL lightsources, and by microcrystal electron diffraction (microED) in an electron cryomicroscope. Here, I will present our optimization strategy for protein microcrystallization, and compare the results of X-ray and electron microcrystallography experiments with CypA. I will focus on the unique caveats of sample delivery for each method, and compare the resulting structures. The goal will be to provide insight into which microcrystallography experiment is most appropriate for which types of samples, and to share our experience with sample preparation and delivery for each type of experiment