192 research outputs found


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    Traffic signal control is commonly used at road intersections to minimise vehicular delay. Fixed time control shows good results in conditions where there is a little fluctuation in traffic demand, however in time-varying traffic fixed time control becomes inflexible and inefficient. This may produce traffic congestion and lead to increased delays and air pollution. Demand responsive traffic signal control must be introduced to overcome these problems. However, all the available demand responsive traffic signal control methods such as Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC), Traffic Optimisation Logic (TOL), Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation (MOVA) and Fuzzy Logic Traffic Signal Controllers (FLTSC) have been developed for non-mixed traffic conditions, considering only motor vehicles move in clearly defined lanes, neglecting motorcycles. These demand responsive traffic signal controls are not appropriate for the mixed traffic conditions of developing countries such as Indonesia, where the traffic streams consist of different types of vehicle with a wide variation in their static, dynamic and operating characteristics, and with a particularly high proportion (30% - 70%) of motorcycles. Also there is lack of lane discipline. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of an adaptive traffic signal controller based on fuzzy logic for an isolated four-way intersection with specific reference to mixed traffic in developing countries, including a high proportion of motorcycles. Four proposed controllers have been developed for different schemes. The controllers were designed to be responsive to real time traffic demands. The study identifies two traffic parameters as appropriate as input data for an adaptive traffic signal controller under mixed traffic conditions such as the proposed FLTSC: the average occupancy rate (%) and maximum queue length (metres). The literature study suggest that this data should be collected using advances video image processing. The proposed FLTSC uses maximum queue lengths and average occupancy rates collected during the previous cycle to estimate the number of seconds of green time required by each set of signal groups during the next cycle. The effectiveness of the proposed FLTSC was analysed using the microscopic traffic simulation model VISSIM. Prior to doing so, the VISSIM model was calibrated and validated. From the validation process it was apparent that the VISSIM model could be adapted to simulate mixed traffic conditions by use of the Packet approach. In this approach, motorcycles are modelled as a group of motorcycles. The performance of the proposed FLTSC was contrasted with a Fixed Time Controller (FTC) for different case studies on a simulated four-way intersection. The FTC is represented by the calculation as suggested in the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual. Separate analysis using TRANSYT show that this is a valid assumption to make. The simulation results show that the proposed FLTSC is generally better than the FTC in terms of the average delay of vehicles at an intersection, especially under time-varying traffic. Further analysis was carried out to compare the performance of the proposed FLTSC against a Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC) for different traffic conditions on a simulated four- way intersection, East-West and North-South without turning movements. In order to analyse the performance of VAC, a refined VISSIM model was developed. This used the latest version of the VISSIM software and allowed individual vehicles (and particularly motorcycles) to be modelled in mixed traffic. The phase extension time is one of the most critical parameters to affect the overall performance of VAC (Bullen, 1989). To provide a fair comparison of the performance between the proposed FLTSC and the VAC, an investigation was carried out to find the most appropriate extension time for the VAC that was suitable for mixed traffic. The effect of motorcycles to the performance of the VAC was also investigated. Two schemes were carried out to observe it, namely: Scheme 1 where detector detects all vehicle types (DfT, 2006) and Scheme 2 where detector detects all vehicle types, apart from motorcycles. The simulation results show that the VAC System D (DfT, 2006) using an extension time of 1.2 seconds and the VAC Extension Principle (Kell and Fullerton, 1991) with a detector position of 30 metres and extension time of 3.0 seconds produced better performance than the other extension times tested for both schemes in terms of the average delay of vehicles. This is slightly shorter than current practice in developed countries. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the VACs with scheme 1 is generally worse than with scheme 2. The performance of the VACs with scheme 1 against scheme 2 tended to reduce significantly as the percentage of motorcycles in traffic increased. The study compares the effectiveness of FTC, VAC Extension Principle (VAC-EP), VAC System D (VAC-SD) and proposed FLTSC in various traffic conditions. The simulation results indicate that the average delay of the proposed FLTSC is close to the average delay of the FTC when used in cases with constant traffic flows but sometimes worse. However, in cases of time-varying traffic the proposed FLTSC is superior to the FTC. When comparing the simulation results of the proposed FLTSC, VAC-SD and VAC-EP, again the proposed FLTSC does not improve average delay, when traffic flows constant but produces better results in cases of time-varying traffic


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    It is generally accepted that a fully Vehicle Actuated control (VA) is almost always the most efficient form of traffic signal contr l for an isolated intersection. The successful design of VA control requires the specification of several critical parameters, including detector position and the settings for the timing variables. The major timing variable related to vehicle delay is vehicle extension (Bullen, 1989). This paper describes the examination and evaluation of the erformance of VA control under mixed traffic conditions with particularly high roportion of motorcycles. This includes an investigation of the most appropriate extension time for the VA control that was suitable for mixed traffic. As the proportion of motorcycle in traffic is high, the effect of motorcycles to the performance of the VA control was also investigated. Two schemes were carried out to observe it, namely: sc eme 1 where detector detects all vehicle types (DfT, 2006) and scheme 2 where detec or detects all vehicles types, apart from motorcycles. The simulation program VISSIM was used to examine and analyse the performance of the VA control in term of a rage delay of vehicles at an intersection. The simulation results show that the Vehicle Actuated Controller (VAC) System D using extension time of 1.2 seconds and VAC Extension Principle with detector position of 30 m and extension time of 3.0 se nds produced better performance than the other extension times tested for both schemes. The simulation results indicate that the performance of the VACs with scheme 1 is generally worse than with scheme 2. The performance of the VACs with scheme 1 against 2 tended to reduce significantly as the percentage of motorcycles in traffic increased


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    Traffic simulation model is an effective approach to analyze traffic operations because it can produce output that is rel-atively close to real conditions. Most simulation models based on non-mixed traffic conditions, focusing on four-wheeled vehicles and control systems based on the use of the vehicle lane. These Conditions are not suitable for Indo-nesia where the traffic is heterogeneous (mixed). This research aims to adapt existing commercial models to simulate traffic conditions in Indonesia. In this case is a case study on an intersection in the road in the city of Solo, exactly Ja-lan Sudirman. This study uses VISSIM software Version 3.6 for mixed traffic model which is then validated with data observations in the field. In this study, Vissim used to simulate heterogeneous traffic, irregular and composition of the traffic consists of different types of vehicles (called mixed traffic). The calibration and validation of the model needs to be done so that there is confidence that the model is valid, ie close to the model output observations. From the statistical analysis it can be con-cluded that the model that is made is valid, where the parameters of the model Vissim output performance (travel time and long queues of vehicles) approaching the observation. Keywords: mixed traffic,observation, signal control, validation. Model simulasi lalu lintas merupakan sebuah pendekatan yang efektif untuk menganalisis operasi lalu lintas karena bisa menghasilkan output yang relatif mendekati kondisi nyata. Kebanyakan model simulasi berdasarkan pada kondisi non-mixed traffic, fokus pada lalu lintas dengan kendaraan roda empat dan sistim kontrol berdasarkan penggunaan lajur kendaraan. Kondisi tersebut tidak cocok untuk Indonesia di mana arus lalu lintas bersifat heterogen (campuran). Peneli-tian ini bertujuan untuk mengadaptasikan model komersial yang ada untuk mensimulasikan kondisi lalu lintas di Indo-nesia. Dalam hal ini adalah studi kasus pada sebuah simpang di jalan yang ada di kota Solo, tepatnya Jalan Jenderal Su-dirman. Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat lunak VISSIM Versi 3.6 untuk membuat model mixed traffic yang ke-mudian divalidasi dengan dengan data hasil pengamatan di lapangan. Di dalam penelitian ini, VISSIM digunakan untuk mensimulasi lalu lintas yang heterogen, tidak teratur dan komposisi lalu lintasnya terdiri dari berbagai tipe kendaraan (disebut mixed traffic). Proses kalibrasi dan validasi model perlu dila-kukan agar adanya keyakinan bahwa model yang dibuat itu valid, yaitu hasil keluaran model mendekati hasil observasi. Dari analisa statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa model yang di buat adalah valid, dimana parameter kinerja keluaran VISSIM model (waktu tempuh dan panjang antrian kendaraan) mendekati hasil observasi

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Islam

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    One of the very complex HR problems is the provision of motivation according to the needs of each employee so that ultimately employees feel satisfied in working in a company, both material and non-material motivation and job satisfaction. This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and job satisfaction on Islamic organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). This research is quantitative research based on explanatory research using sampling the saturated sample method by distributing questionnaires to the furniture industry employees of Budi Jaya Jepara. The analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with the help of WARP-PLS 0.3 software. The results of this study indicate that motivation affects job satisfaction. Job satisfaction affects Islamic organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and motivation does not directly affect Islamic organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) because of differences in the salary system and marital status

    Memberdayakan Masyarakat dalam Deteksi Dini Tumbuh Kembang Anak menggunakan Aplikasi Primaku

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    Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition so that children are shorter for their age. It occurs since the baby is in the womb but only appears after the child is 2 years old. On February 2020 data of Baleasri Village, from 57 children under five, there were 15 children whose body weight was thin (-2 and -3 Standard Deviation) and in the stunting category, although every month, mothers of toddlers have weighed their toddlers to the Posyandu. With data that still some toddlers whose growth and development are not optimal, it is necessary to carry out community service, the Community Partnership Program (PKM). Implementation of community empowerment /mothers of toddlers and health cadres is a means to learn about health in the form of face-to-face in groups. The aim is to increase knowledge and skills regarding early detection Children's growth and development using the PrimaKu application so that it is easier and more practical, can be done anytime and anywhere. This training was attended by ± 40 people and facilitated by lecturers/servants from the Midwifery Study Program Magetan, Ministry of Health Surabaya and students. The implementation of the training according to the agreement between the village midwife, mothers of toddlers and health cadres was carried out in the morning at 08.0-12.00 WIB. Frequency of 4 meetings. The results of the training implementation from the first, second, third and fourth meetings showed that the pretest results were 65% good and 35% very good. The post test results obtained 42.5% good and 57.5% very good which means there is an increase in the results. This training is very useful for mothers of toddlers and health cadres. It is recommended that this training activity be continued in different locations for villages in the Ngariboyo District and furthermore. can be scheduled for other villages in different sub-districts in Magetan Regency


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    PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BISOZYME TERHADAP KANDUNGAN MINERAL MAKRO (Ca, P, Mg dan K) RUMPUT GAJAH (Pennisetum purpureum) CV. TAIWAN PADA TANAH ULTISOL Budi Yulianto, dibawah bimbingan Dr. Evitayani, S.Pt., M.Agr. dan Prof. Dr. Ir. Khalil, M.Sc. Bagian Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas Padang, 2018 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan mineral makro (Ca, P, Mg dan K) rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan yang di tanam pada tanah ultisol dengan perlakuan menggunakan Bisozyme. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menanam rumput Gajah di lahan Ultisol yang terbagi dari empat petak (ulangan). Tiap petak terbagi menjadi 4 (empat) sub petak (perlakuan) yang diberi perlakuan (P0) Pupuk kandang + N, P dan K, (P1) Bisozyme, (P2) Bisozyme + Pupuk kandang, (P3) Bisozyme + N, P dan K, (P4) Bisozyme + Pupuk kandang + N, P dan K. Parameter yang diukur adalah kandungan mineral makro Ca, P, Mg dan K. Analisa statistik dihitung dengan metoda Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 (lima) perlakuan dan 3 (tiga) ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda tidak nyata (P > 0,05) terhadap kandungan mineral makro (Ca, P, Mg dan K) rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan. Kandungan mineral rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan (g/kg BK) berkisar Ca : 7,48–9,27, P : 17,23–22,98, Mg : 5,29–6,02, K : 5,90–6,60. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat simpulkan bahwa kandungan mineral makro (Ca, P, Mg dan K) tanaman rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) cv. Taiwan dan tanah dengan perberian Bisozyme saja menghasilkan kandungan dan analisa mineral makro yang baik. Kata Kunci : Bisozyme, Mineral Makro, Rumput Gajah cv. Taiwan, Tanah Ultiso

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) in Road Organization Application in Supiori Regency of Papua Province

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    Road plays an important life in human life in the present and in the future. Road serves to connect one area to another. Good road condition can support land transportation, development, economy, and government can run smoothly, and vice versa. Many factors result in road damage so that service life of road is not as planned. The objective of research is to compare two roads: Aminweri-Yendoker Street constituting the road in Supiori Regency Biak-Korem-Supiori Street constituting the national road connecting Biak and Supiori Regencies. This research employed Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to assess road damage level and condition and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) to determine the economic cost during the road’s service life. The result of assessment using PCI method showed medium PCI score of 51.6 for Regency road and 69.3 for National road. Using LCCA method, the most efficient road management to achieve the service life of the two roads can be determined


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    This study aims to determine the profile of achievement of students 'science process skills and students' cognitive abilities improvement in physics learning with the help of LKS Inquiry Activity based on CNP learning model. The study design used was a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The subject of this research is students of class X SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta amounting to 32 students. The data were collected by using test instruments in the form of pretest-posttest, LKS Inquiry Activity based on CNP learning model, and student response questionnaire. The profile of students 'science skill achievement can be determined from the scores criteria scores 5. The results obtained after using LKS Inquiry Activity based on CNP learning model that is the achievement profile of students' science process skill in Finding Out Question, Discussion, And Determination And Study Related Theory is included in the good category with a score of 4.00, 4.11 and 3.53, respectively. For the Inquiry Activity skill, it is categorized as excellent with a score of 4.50. Meanwhile, students' cognitive abilities increased with an average score of 4.32 with a good category. Students' responses to LKS Inquiry Activity based on the CNP learning model earned a grade of 3.57 in either category. It indicates that LKS Inquiry Activity based on CNP learning model can know the profile of the achievement of science process skill

    Effect of Thickness on Thermal Conductivity Based on Waste Newspaper Particle Board

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    Waste newspaper by most people still considered as waste that has not been used optimally, and it is the one of processed materials from wood which has lignocellulose. The material has the potential to produce particle board to test the value of thermal conductivity, which it is expected to be used as heat insulator. The process of producing particle board is by mixing 450 grams pureed newspaper with 260 grams PVAC, then print it with size (12x7)cm2 with the thickness of 0.5cm; 1 cm; 1.5 cm; 2 cm; 2.5 cm; 3 cm. The process to make particle board drying is for 5 days and the test of thermal conductivity using a 100 watt heat source, and an infrared thermometer. The result obtained from the value of thermal conductivity from newspaper particle board is when more higher value of particle board thickness then more higher the thermal conductivity value. From these result it can be concluded that the particle board which can be used as heat insulation material is the one that has a thermal conductivity value of 0.066 W/ mC; 0.125 W/ mC; 0.0167 W/ mC with thickness range of 1 cm to 2 cm.©2017 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Effect of Thickness on Thermal Conductivity Based on Waste Newspaper Particle Board

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    Waste newspaper by most people still considered as waste that has not been used optimally, and it is the one of processed materials from wood which has lignocellulose. The material has the potential to produce particle board to test the value of thermal conductivity, which it is expected to be used as heat insulator. The process of producing particle board is by mixing 450 grams pureed newspaper with 260 grams PVAC, then print it with size (12x7)cm2 with the thickness of 0.5cm; 1 cm; 1.5 cm; 2 cm; 2.5 cm; 3 cm. The process to make particle board drying is for 5 days and the test of thermal conductivity using a 100 watt heat source, and an infrared thermometer. The result obtained from the value of thermal conductivity from newspaper particle board is when more higher value of particle board thickness then more higher the thermal conductivity value. From these result it can be concluded that the particle board which can be used as heat insulation material is the one that has a thermal conductivity value of 0.066 W/ mC; 0.125 W/ mC; 0.0167 W/ mC with thickness range of 1 cm to 2 cm.©2017 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved
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