121 research outputs found

    Natural School Curriculum Study in Order to Prevent Educational Character Education Basic School Level

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    The curriculum and learning are two things that can not be separated. As a plan or program, the curriculum will not be meaningful when it is not implemented in the form of learning. And vice versa, without a clear curriculum as a reference, then learning will not take place effectively (Sanjaya: 2009). What is described in the curriculum should provide clues to the learning process in the classroom; And what happens in the classroom is an input that can be taken into consideration in the improvement of the curriculum. Elementary School Islam (SDI) Surya Buana Malang one of the primary schools in the city of Malang that has a different character from another school Dinas. This study aims to find out and describe what the concept of natural school in SD Surya Buana Malang and how its implementation in realizing the character education of elementary school students. The research method used is qualitative research method. This study used a qualitative approach with an observational case study research design related to the concept of curriculum development of SDI Bilingual School SDI Surya Buana Malang. Data collection techniques are (1) in-depth interview (2) participant observation and (3) documentation study. Data analysis used in this research: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The result of the research shows that Islamic elementary school of SDI Surya Buana Malang apply curriculum of Diknas by applying the concept of the curriculum of natural school "Triple R", and in developing the character of SDI Surya Buana Malang students using liaison book between teacher and parents

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Memengaruhi Penerimaan Pengguna Dalam Menggunakan Sistem Erp Dengan Studi Kasus PT Xyz

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    Perkembangan ekonomi yang semakin cepat menyebabkan persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Apalagi dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih, Perusahaan-Perusahaan tersebut berlomba-lomba dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif dan efisiensi kinerja Perusahaan mereka dibandingkan pesaingnya. Salah satu investasi teknologi informasi yang populer saat ini adalah sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) yaitu paket aplikasi yang menawarkan ”best practice” dalam menjalankan bisnis dengan menggunakan satu basis data yang dapat diakses oleh semua divisi dalam Perusahaan. Terdapat banyak keuntungan yang dapat dirasakan oleh Perusahaan dengan mengimplementasi sistem ERP, seperti mengurangi biaya produksi, meningkatkan integrasi data, dan mengurangi level inventori. Namun, sebagian besar implementasi sistem ERP yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa Perusahaan mengalami kegagalan. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan ini adalah adanya resistensi pengguna terhadap Perubahan. Resistensi dari pengguna ini juga menyebabkan Perusahaan tidak dapat memaksimalkan keuntungan dari implementasi sistem ERP. Oleh karena itu, paper ini akan membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penerimaan pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem ERP. Faktor-faktor penerimaan ini didasarkan pada model penerimaan pengguna yang sudah ada pada penelitian sebelumnya yaitu model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT). An increasingly rapid economic development led to the increasingly stringent business competition. Especially with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, these companies are competing in utilizing technology to enhance competitive advantage and efficiency of their company's performance than its competitors. One of the investment in information technology that is popular today is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, is an application package that offers best practice of doing business by using a single database that is accessible by all divisions within the company. There are many advantages that can be felt by companies to implement ERP systems, such as reducing production costs, improve data integration, and reduce inventory levels. However, most implementations of ERP systems that have been done by some companies to fail. One of the factors that caused this failure is the presence of user resistance to change. Resistance from users has also led the company can not maximize the benefits of ERP system implementation. Therefore, this paper will discuss the factors affecting user acceptance of ERP systems in use. Acceptance factors are based on the user acceptance model that already exists in previous studies that model the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT)

    Studi Pemodelan Perkuatan Pondasi Dangkal pada Tanah Lempung Lunak Menggunakan Kombinasi Geotekstil Woven dan Grid Bambu dengan Bantuan Program PLAXIS

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    Membandingan nilai daya dukung pondasi dangkal pada tanah lempung lunak tanpa diberi perkuatan dan diberi perkuatan dengan variasi jarak perkuatan ke pondasi (d/B) dan lebar perkuatan (l/B) . dari hasil nilai daya dukung, maka akan didapatkan pemodelan dengan perkuatan yang paling optimum (memiliki nilai daya dukung terbesar

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Fuzzy Logic Controller untuk Pengereman Kereta Api di Stasiun dan Simulasinya

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    Sistem pengereman kereta api yang masih manual menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan penumpang karena hentakan yang kuat dan bunyi yang kurang enak didengar telinga ketika terjadi pengereman di stasiun. Hal ini disebabkan karena tidak ada sistem kontrol yang mengatur tentang kecepatan kereta, jarak pengereman dari stasiun dan kekuatan pengereman kereta. Permasalahan pengereman dapat diatasi dengan melakukan pengaturan pada sistem pengereman, salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan sistem kontrol/kendali logika fuzzy atau sering disebut logika fuzzy controller. Dalam penelitian ini, metode logika fuzzy yang digunakan adalah metode Mamdani dengan metode defuzzifikasi centroid. Sedangkan tool yang digunakan adalah Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 untuk membangun aplikasi fuzzy dan Macromedia Flash MX 2004 untuk membuat simulasi pengereman berbasis multimedia. Aplikasi fuzzy logic controller untuk pengereman kereta api di stasiun berhasil dikembangkan dan menghasilkan output berupa bilangan crisp (tegas) sebagai acuan untuk melakukan pengereman kereta api dengan input berupa jarak pengereman dengan stasiun dan kecepatan kereta sebelum dilakukan pengereman. Hasilnya dapat ditampilkan pula dalam bentuk simulasi berbasis multimedia

    Antecedent Burnout: Emotional Job Demand, Emotional Display Rules, Emotional Dissonance

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    This study examines antecedent burnout. Burnout can affect capability to control emotional job demand and emotional display rules, which can cause emotional dissonance. Emotional dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling because it has to display emotion according to the organization’s expectations, although the subject has a conflict within their perceived feelings. This research sample is 106 of General Crime Reserse Police. The sampling technique in this study uses Partial Least Square. The results of this study are that emotional job demand has significance influence on emotional display rules and that emotional job demand and emotional display rules are influenced by emotional dissonance and emotional dissonance influences burnout. The implication of this study is that managing emotion has an important role in the police department so that they can avoid burnout.     Keywords: emotional job demand, emotional display rules, emotional dissonance and burnou

    The Analysis of Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard at Karangasem Hospital

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    Background and purpose: Karangasem Hospital has adopted balanced scorecard method in preparation of the strategic plan. The performance evaluation has been done based on accountability report only with the three other perspectives have never been analysed before. This study was conducted to assess those four perspectives.Methods: Cross-sectional survey was carried out among 110 inpatients and 95 employees which were selected conveniently. The data were collected by interviews using questionnaire. The data were analyzed with kartesius graph to get each item of patients and employees satisfaction that need to be priority. Secondary data analysis conducted to know the tendency of those four perspectives.Results: Based on the assessment of the four perspectives showed that the overall score is 44.7 %. It is defined as sufficient category. This also can be observed that each perspective of finance, customers and internal business process included in sufficient category. Their scores are 16.65%, 12.5% and 15.62%. Meanwhile, for the learning and growth perspective showed as weak category (0). Kartesius graph analysis showed that two items of patient's satisfaction have to do with procedure and quick service need to be concerned. However, the employees' satisfaction showed that there are five sub items which need to be concerned. They are quick response, management support and working environment.Conclusion: The performance of Karangasem Hospital based on scorecard is in the sufficient category and patients/employee's satisfaction still need to be concerned on certain items

    Peran Mediasi Affective Commitment Pada Hubungan Procedural Justice, Perceived Organizational Support Dengan Employee Engagement

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    Organisasi yang memiliki karyawan yang engagement pada pekerjaan akan dapat meraih keunggulan kompetitif. Keadilan prosedural (procedural justice), persepsi atas dukungan yang diberikan organisasi (perceived organizational support) dan komitmen afektif (affective commitment) dapat sebagai variabel untuk membangun employee engagement.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada karyawan bagian produksi Perusahaan manufaktur di Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh procedural justice dan perceived organizational support terhadap employee engagement dengan affective commitment sebagai variabel mediasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantiatif. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap bagian produksi Perusahaan manufaktur di Surabaya sejumlah 182 sampel dengan menggunakan metode sensus. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis Partial Least Square (PLS)Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa procedural justice dan perceived organizational support berpengaruh secara signifikan employee engagement dan affective commitment sebagai variabel mediasi karyawan bagian produksi Perusahaan manufaktur

    Arahan Pengendalian Konversi Hutan Mangrove Menjadi Lahan Budidaya Di Kawasan Segara Anakan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengatasi permasalahan sedimentasi dan pendangkalan di laguna Segara Anakan dari sudut pandang penggunaan lahan melalui arahan pengendalian konversi hutan mangrove menjadi lahan budidaya di kawasan Segara Anakan. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah dengan analisis program linier untuk mendapatkan solusi optimal masing-masing penggunaan lahan budidaya. Berdasarkan solusi optimal tersebut didapatkan bahwa lahan sawah, kebun/tegalan, ladang/huma, tambak/kolam/empang, permukiman, dan fasilitas umum tidak boleh dikembangkan lagi sehingga pengembangan dan/atau Perubahan lahan menjadi lahan-lahan budidaya tersebut tidak diijinkan. Sedangkan lahan budidaya yang masih dapat dikembangkan di kawasan Segara Anakan adalah lahan untuk penggembalaan ternak namun pengelolaannya diarahkan sesuai dengan teknik konservasi tanah dan air agar tidak meningkatkan kontribusi terhadap erosi dan sedimentasi

    Increase the Attractiveness of Local Fruits to Buying Intention of Hedonic Consumers in Bali

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    In order to improve the competitiveness of local fruits in Bali in particular and Indonesia in general against imported fruits, especially for hedonic consumers, appropriate strategies and policies are needed in the development and strengthening of the market. So the purpose of this research was: 1). To know the influence of labeling to the buying intention of local fruit on hedonic consumers in Bali. 2) To know the influence of brand image to consumer buying intention of local fruit on hedonic consumers in Bali. 3). To know the influence of packaging on the buying intention of local fruit on the hedonic consumer in Bali. This research was conducted on local and imported fruit consumers in Bali. The research location is in fruit shops, supermarkets and traditional markets that sell local and imported fruits in Bali Province. This data is obtained by using a survey method, that is by distributing questionnaires to the respondents
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