39 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Pengenalan Keterampilan Berbicara Melalui Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Kancing Gemerincing pada Anak Kelompok B TK Pembina Cawas Semester II Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    This study aims to improve the skills of speaking on group B TK Pembina Cawas academic year 2011/2012 through a cooperative learning model technique rattling buttons. Action research was conducted in two cycles, and each cycle is an improvement based on the results of a reflection of the previous cycle. In each cycle includes the planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results showed that through cooperative learning model clattering studs technique to improve speaking skills on group B TK Pembina Cawas regency academic year 2011/2012. Keywords: conversation skills, cooperative learning, clattering studs

    Real Time Measurement for Spring-Mass System: The Graphical and Mathematical Representations

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    Mathematics is the language of physics. The best way to describe a physical phenomenon is by describing its mathematical representations. In addition, viewing the graphical diagram of the corresponding mathematical expression is crucial to deeply understand the physical events. Therefore, setting simple experiments in real time to (1) observe the phenomena, (2) view the related diagrams, and (3) extract the mathematical representations is required. In this study, the real time and simple experimental set-up (consisting of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 connected to an Arduino Uno board) was designed to perceive the motion of a spring-mass system. The spring force, which is equal to the object’s weight, and displacement or spring elongation data were recorded for the object (with varying mass) attached to the spring. A small external downward force was given to stimulate the simple harmonic motion of the vertical spring-mass system. The displacement as the function of time of the spring-mass motion was recorded. With those measurements, the sinusoidal patterns, representing the simple harmonic motion characteristics, were also observed. The spring constants were 6.35(2) N/m and 6.26(1) N/m for the displacements measured by sensor and ruler, respectively. The periods form the angular frequency of the displacement function and from the spring constant (acquired from sensor data fitting) showed consistent results with very high accuracy. This simple experimental set-up is believed to fulfill the technological-based learning demand

    Identifikasi Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Pck) Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA Fmipa Universitas Negeri Malang Tahun 2016 Melalui Kegiatan Kuliah Praktik Lapangan (Kpl) Berbasis Lesson Study

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    Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) merupakan perpaduan antara pemahaman materi (content knowledge) dan pemahaman cara mendidik (pedagogical knowledge) yang harus dimiliki oleh guru. Untuk menyiapkan kemampuan pedagogik dan profesional mahasiswa calon guru IPA maka prodi IPA FMIPA UM menerapkan KPL (Kuliah Praktik Lapangan) berbasis lesson study. Lesson study merupakan model pembinaan (pelatihan) profesi pendidik melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolaboratif dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan pedagogik mahasiswa calon guru IPA. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah skor hasil observasi kompetensi PCK mahasiswa yang meliputi kemampuan dalam merancang pembelajaran, kemampuan dalam mengelola pembelajaran, kemampuan dalam penguasaan materi, dan kemampuan umum PCK mahasiswa calon guru IPA. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa lembar observasi kompetensi PCK mahasiswa calon guru IPA. Persentase kemampuan mahasiswa calon guru IPA FMIPA UM dalam membuat perencanaan pembelajaran, kemampuan dalam mengelola pembelajaran, penguasaan konten (kemampuan profesional), dan total persentase PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) mahasiswa calon guru,secara berturut-turut adalah 88,78%, 85,66%, 86,90%, dan 87,15%

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar IPA Berpendekatan STEM untuk Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa pada Tema Tekanan

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    Kreativitas merupakan keterampilan yang diperlukan di era 21. Penggunaan pendekatan STEM dalam pembelajaran memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar sehingga siswa mampu mengimplementasikan ilmu yang didapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran IPA dapat ditunjang dengan penggunaan buku ajar, namun buku ajar yang ada saat ini masih memisahkan materi yang ada sehingga pembelajaran belum sesuai dengan era 21 dan guru masih mengajarkan sesuai dasar pendidikannya. Tujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan adalah untuk menghasilkan pengembangan buku ajar berpendekatan STEM untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa pada tema tekanan. Hasil dari pengembangan buku ajar menunjukkan materi pada buku siswa sebesar 94,8%, media buku siswa sebesar 91,3%. Materi buku guru sebesar 90,7% dan media sebesar 91,8%. Buku guru dan buku siswa aspek materi dan media dapat dikategorikan sangat laya

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar IPA Berpendekatan STEM untuk Mengembangkan Kreativitas Siswa pada Tema Tekanan

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    Kreativitas merupakan keterampilan yang diperlukan di era 21. Penggunaan pendekatan STEM dalam pembelajaran memfasilitasi siswa dalam belajar sehingga siswa mampu mengimplementasikan ilmu yang didapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran IPA dapat ditunjang dengan penggunaan buku ajar, namun buku ajar yang ada saat ini masih memisahkan materi yang ada sehingga pembelajaran belum sesuai dengan era 21 dan guru masih mengajarkan sesuai dasar pendidikannya. Tujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan adalah untuk menghasilkan pengembangan buku ajar berpendekatan STEM untuk mengembangkan kreativitas siswa pada tema tekanan. Hasil dari pengembangan buku ajar menunjukkan materi pada buku siswa sebesar 94,8%, media buku siswa sebesar 91,3%. Materi buku guru sebesar 90,7% dan media sebesar 91,8%. Buku guru dan buku siswa aspek materi dan media dapat dikategorikan sangat laya


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    Physical spatial factors of watershed such as topography, soil types and land use show a prominent contribution in the distributed water shed modeling. One of the difficulties encountered is the change of topographical information in map form into data that can be read by model program. In the process of analyses, physical spatial factor of water shed is divided into grid system consisting of rectangular cells groups. In each cell, surface run off discharge ,including its direction, is determined based on the depths by applying a one dimension unsteady flow concept whereas direction is determined by using information on four points of the cells. Water depth of the surface run off can be calculated by using both a vertical water movement model and land use area condition. The model has been tested using the available data of Lesti (East Java) watershed. From calibration and verification processes, this so called Hydrological Model of ITN 1 has been successfully applied with very good reliability


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    Abstrak: Revolusi industri 4.0 menyasar pada teknologi terapan dan berdampak langsung kepada masyarakat termasuk golongan yang bergerak pada bidang pendidikan yakni guru dan dosen. Para pendidik dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi dengan metode belajar, model pembelajaran, penilaian serta umpan baliknya terutama di masa pandemi COVID-19. Untuk itu, dilaksanakanlah kegiatan workshop dengan tema pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi mobile (bergerak) dilengkapi teknologi augmented reality dalam pelaksanaan asesmen formatif IPA. Tujuan workshop ini adalah membantu para guru dalam pelaksanaan penilaian (asesmen) berbantuan teknologi yang sedang berkembang saat ini yaitu Augmented Reality terintegrasi dengan teknologi internet dan perangkat bergerak lainnya di masa pandemik. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama yakni tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan penyusunan laporan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan workshop ini dilaksanakan secara daring melalui platform Zoom pada tanggal 16-18 Juni 2020 yang terdiri dari penyampaian materi 1 dan materi 2, diskusi, serta tugas mandiri. Kegiatan pengabdian berjalan baik dan lancar dengan 97,1% peserta menyatakan materi yang dibawakan jelas dan bobot tugas yang proporsional, Selain itu, sebanyak empat orang peserta workshop berhasil mendiseminasikan karyanya melalui sebuah seminar berskala nasional.Abstract: Industrial revolution 4.0 targets applied technology and directly impacts people including the educational community such as teachers and lecturers. The educators are required to keep innovating the learning method, model, and assessment along with its feedback, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic era. Thus, a workshop with the theme of the use of mobile applications equipped with augmented reality in Science formative assessment was conducted. The purpose of this workshop is to assist the teachers in conducting assessments equipped with currently developing technology which is the Augmented Reality integrated with the internet and other mobile applications in the pandemic era. The activity of this community service consists of three main stages including planning, execution, and reporting. The workshop execution was conducted virtually through the Zoom platform on June 16th-18th, 2020 including the presentation of 1st and 2nd material, discussion, and independent structured assignment. The community service went well and smoothly with the material clarity responses reached 97.1% and proportional workload. Besides, four participants have submitted and disseminated their papers through a national-scaled conference

    Analisis Komprehensif pada Implementasi Pembelajaran dengan Model Inkuiri Terbimbing: Aspek Penalaran Ilmiah

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    In this study, students’ scientific reasoning ability was set as the main indicator to measure the learning achievement via guided inquiry. The research was based on mixing two analitycal techniques using quantitative and qualitative data. The pre/post-test scores were used as the quantitative data to evaluate the students’ reasoning abilities. The comprehensive statistical analyses were done to evaluate (1) the difference level of the pre/post-test scores using paired t-test, (2) the increase level of the test score by calculating the N-gain, and (3) the effectivity of the learning model realization on the increased score through the d-effect size analysis. Indeed, those statistical analyses were executed after the pre/post-test scores were normally distributed and in accepted skewness interval. The experimental results, involving 24 junior high school students, showed that the calculated t value was 11.63 higher than that of the score in the t­-table. Meanwhile, the N-gain value and the d­-effect size 0.8 (upper medium level) and 3.56 (very high category), respectively. Thus, the guided inquiry model provided significant effect on the increase in students’ test scores in measuring their scientific reasoning abilities. In addition, the qualitative observation indicated that the learning model was well implemente