25 research outputs found

    Job Stress Among Secondary School Teacher: A Study in District of Perak Tengah, Perak Darul Ridzuan

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    This study examines factors that influence job stress among secondary school teachers in the district of Perak Tengah, Perak Darul Ridzuan. In this cross-sectional study, three independent variables namely colleagues, student misbehavior and workload were tested against job stress. 147 respondents from five schools participated in this study. The research objectives were answered using correlation and regression analysis. The results are also presented using descriptive statistics. The study shows that workload was positively related to the feeling of stress among teachers. However, no relationship was found between colleagues and job stress, and between student misbehavior and job stress. Suggestions are made for further research on ways to reduce stress among secondary school teachers

    Teacher self-esteem, self-efficacy and perception of school context as predictors of professional burnout

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    This study had two major objectives: (1) to examine the relationship between self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate, and teacher burnout in an Iranian sample and (2) to examine to what extend self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate predict burnout among secondary school teachers. Participants of this study were 280 (147 female, 143 male) teachers. They completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Educator’s Survey (MBI-ES, Mashlach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996), the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), the Norwegian Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (NTSES; Skaalvik E., & S. Skaalvik, 2007), and the Teacher’s Perception of the School Context (Skaalvik, 2010). Correlational analyses indicated that self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate were significantly involved in teacher burnout. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that burnout was affected differently from three predictor variables

    Teacher self-esteem, self-efficacy and perception of school context as predictors of professional burnout

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    This study had two major objectives: (1) to examine the relationship between self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate, and teacher burnout in an Iranian sample and (2) to examine to what extend self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate predict burnout among secondary school teachers. Participants of this study were 280 (147 female, 143 male) teachers. They completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Educator’s Survey (MBI-ES, Mashlach, Jackson, & Leiter, 1996), the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), the Norwegian Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (NTSES; Skaalvik E., & S. Skaalvik, 2007), and the Teacher’s Perception of the School Context (Skaalvik, 2010). Correlational analyses indicated that self-efficacy, self-esteem, school climate were significantly involved in teacher burnout. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that burnout was affected differently from three predictor variables

    The effects of a group guidance programme on the self esteem of newly arrived children from the Chinese Mainland to Hong Kong

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    The present study investigated the effects of a school-based group guidance programme on the self-esteem of newly arrived children from the Chinese Mainland to Hong Kong. A sample of 31 subjects (19 male, 12 female) from a primary school was selected for participation in this study. Among the 31 subjects, 16 joined the programme which was designed and implemented according to the Enhancing Adolescents' Self-Esteem: Facilitator's Manual for ten 90 minutes sessions over a 7-week period. The other 15 newly arrived children acted as the comparison group. The self-esteem of the participants was measured by the Self-Description Questionnaire - 1 (SDQ-1) (Marsh et al., 1983) and follow-up interviews were conducted. Results showed that the subjects in the experimental group had significantly higher peer relationship self-esteem than subjects who received no treatment. The subjects also reported that the programme was a valuable social skills learning experience for them.postprin

    Una aproximación integradora al estudio del burnout en los profesores de Universidad

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    The aim of this paper is to use an integrative approach to identify the main correlates and/or predictors at different levels (personal, psychosocial, occupational and outside the workplace) of the burnout dimensions. The sample consists of 813 university professors. Results from statistical analyses show that there are, indeed, both common and specific predictors for the different facets of the syndrome. Specifically, while social support and optimism are selected to confirm all manifestations of burnout, other factors (work hours per week, time in the profession, hardiness, Type A behavioural pattern, life events, daily hassles) do increase the emergence of differential profiles. Lastly, findings are discussed and the main conclusions are presentedEl objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar, desde un acercamiento integrador, cuáles son los principales correlatos y/o predictores de distintos ámbitos (personal, psicosocial, ocupacional y extralaboral) de las dimensiones del burnout. La muestra está formada por 813 profesores de Universidad. Los resultados de los análisis estadísticos realizados permiten constatar la existencia de predictores comunes y específicos para las facetas del síndrome. Concretamente, mientras se confirma que el apoyo social y el optimismo son seleccionados para explicar todas las manifestaciones del burnout, otros factores (horas de trabajo a la semana, tiempo en la profesión, personalidad resistente, patrón de conducta Tipo A, acontecimientos vitales, contrariedades cotidianas) acentúan la existencia de perfiles diferenciales. Finalmente, se discuten los hallazgos y se presentan las principales conclusionesThis study was possible thanks to a grant given to the project «Análisis de los determinantes psicosociales y biológicos en el estrés laboral de los docentes universitarios» (reference PGIDT99PXI21103A; BSO2000-0475) financed by the Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia and by the Ministerio de Educación y CienciaS

    The counselling self-estimate inventory (COSE): Does it work in Chinese counsellors?

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    Counselling self-efficacy is an important construct for research and evaluation in counsellors' competencies and training effectiveness. Larson et al. developed the Counselling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) for counsellors in America and examined its factor structure using exploratory factor analysis. They recommended a five-factor model (microskills, counselling process, difficult client behaviour, cultural competence, and awareness of values) and the use of the COSE for future research. However, little research has investigated the validity of the COSE in the context of counselling Chinese students in schools. In the present study, the factor structure of responses to the Chinese version of the Counselling Self-Estimate Inventory in a sample of 578 Hong Kong secondary school guidance teachers was examined using the EQS approach to confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that while a five-factor model was fairly able to fit the data, the deletion of items related to the awareness of values factor yielded a better fitting model. The discussion of potential uses and limitations of the C-COSE in the context of preparing and supervising school guidance personnel in student counselling is relevant to counselling psychologists and researchers in Hong Kong and other parts of the world.postprin

    Absenteeism, burnout and symptomatology of teacher stress: sex differences

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    Although numerous studies have been carried out confirming the high levels in the symptomatology of stress and depression in the teaching profession, research focusing on the sex differences in these problems has been both scarce and inconclusive. The objective of this study is to analyze the differences with regards to sex in the incidence of absenteeism, work-related stress, symptomatology of depression, level of burnout and psychiatric symptomatology. The sample consists of 71 teachers, 31 men and 40 women, all of them from Secondary Education. The tools used were the Questionnaire of Teacher Burnout (CBP-R), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Symptomatology Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) and a socio-demographic and work-situation questionnaire. Female teachers were expected to report higher level of absenteeism whereas their male counterparts were expected to show higher levels of symptomatology, burnout, particularly in Depersonalization, and similar levels of depressive symptoms are expected in both sexes. Results show sex differences only in Somatization, which mean was significantly higher in women than in men, and in the types of illness that caused sick leaves. In conclusion, this research support the results of other studies that have not found different patterns of stress, burnout and depression between female and male teachers

    Chinese concepts of learning

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    The characteristics of the Chinese learner together with opportunities for educational exchange continue to be of academic and policy interest. Chinese society is now more urban and outward looking than in the past, yet it retains the core of its cultural heritage and is indeed trying to renew it. This article focuses on the effects of these changes on the learning styles of the Chinese at home and in the diaspora. This is important not only for foreign institutions hosting Chinese learners, but in understanding how the Chinese themselves may, through learning, bring about change in their societ

    Why may teachers become cynical at work? Predictors of organizational cynicism among Polish teachers - research report

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    Th e manuscript presents an exploratory study on the possible sources of organizational cynicism among Polish teachers. A sample of 157 teachers participated in the study. Th e results show that important positive predictors of organizational cynicism among teachers are continuance commitment and work-family confl ict, whereas aff ective commitment is a negative predictor


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     Огляд присвячений питанням мікробної екології людини і використанню в медицині засобів для оздоровлення мікробіома. Наведені сучасні дані, що стосуються складу і функціональної активності фізіологічної мікробіоти людини, а також впливу зміненого мікробіома на розвиток патології. Проведений аналіз результатів досліджень ефективності засобів пробіотичного ряду в лікуванні хворих з різною формою патології. Представлена характеристика сучасних засобів пробіотичної терапії. Особлива увага приділена доцільності комплексного використання пробіотиків і ентеросорбентів, серед яких особливий інтерес викликають смектити