685 research outputs found

    On a Trigonometric Inequality of Vinogradov

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    AbstractThe sum ƒ(m, n) = ∑m − 1a = 1 (|sin(xan/m)|/sin(xa/m)) arises in bounding incomplete exponential sums. In this article we show that for positive integers m, n with m > 1, ƒ(m, n) < (4m/π2)(log m + Îł + 18 − log(π/2)) + (2/π)(2 − 1/π), where Îł is Eulerâ€Čs constant. This improves earlier bounds for ƒ(m, n)

    Mutual synchronization and clustering in randomly coupled chaotic dynamical networks

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    We introduce and study systems of randomly coupled maps (RCM) where the relevant parameter is the degree of connectivity in the system. Global (almost-) synchronized states are found (equivalent to the synchronization observed in globally coupled maps) until a certain critical threshold for the connectivity is reached. We further show that not only the average connectivity, but also the architecture of the couplings is responsible for the cluster structure observed. We analyse the different phases of the system and use various correlation measures in order to detect ordered non-synchronized states. Finally, it is shown that the system displays a dynamical hierarchical clustering which allows the definition of emerging graphs.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Use of cultivar resistance and crop rotation with Bacillus subtilis for clubroot control in canola

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThis study was conducted to assess additional strategies potentially complimentary to cultivar resistance or biocontrol in control of clubroot. New granular Bacillus subtilis formulations and a seed dressing method were developed to facilitate biofungicide delivery in field trials. The granular formulations were applied in furrow during seeding at 50 kg/ha to a clubroot resistant (CR) and susceptible (CS) canola cultivar, respectively, in three field trials. The seed dressing applied approximately 1×105 to 5×106 cfu/seed doses of the biocontrol agent, and was evaluated on the CS cultivar seeded to different crop-rotation scenarios where the plots had a 1-year, 3-year, or 11-year break from last canola crop. Clubroot disease pressure was high at all trial sites with disease severity indexes (DSI) ranging from 69% to 98% on the CS cultivar. None of the granular formulations reduced clubroot substantially, whereas the CR cultivar showed a high effect, reducing DSI to below 15% and doubling the yield over that of CS cultivar. Plots of varying rotation showed a pattern of clubroot pathogen pressure, with those of 1-year break from canola being the highest. The DSI for all rotational scenarios was high, reaching 100% in short-rotation plots. Biofungicide seed dressing did not reduce DSI, but longer crop rotation often reduced gall size slightly, showed much milder above-ground damage, and increased the yield significantly relative to short rotation in two separate trials. Even a 3-year break from canola was highly beneficial, with the yield doubled as opposed to that with only 1-year break from canola

    Diagnosing the Clumpy Protoplanetary Disk of the UXor Type Young Star GM Cephei

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    UX Orionis stars (UXors) are Herbig Ae/Be or T Tauri stars exhibiting sporadic occultation of stellar light by circumstellar dust. GM\,Cephei is such a UXor in the young (∌4\sim4~Myr) open cluster Trumpler\,37, showing prominent infrared excess, emission-line spectra, and flare activity. Our photometric monitoring (2008--2018) detects (1)~an ∌\sim3.43~day period, likely arising from rotational modulation by surface starspots, (2)~sporadic brightening on time scales of days due to accretion, (3)~irregular minor flux drops due to circumstellar dust extinction, and (4)~major flux drops, each lasting for a couple of months with a recurrence time, though not exactly periodic, of about two years. The star experiences normal reddening by large grains, i.e., redder when dimmer, but exhibits an unusual "blueing" phenomenon in that the star turns blue near brightness minima. The maximum extinction during relatively short (lasting ≀50\leq 50~days) events, is proportional to the duration, a consequence of varying clump sizes. For longer events, the extinction is independent of duration, suggestive of a transverse string distribution of clumps. Polarization monitoring indicates an optical polarization varying ∌3%\sim3\%--8%\%, with the level anticorrelated with the slow brightness change. Temporal variation of the unpolarized and polarized light sets constraints on the size and orbital distance of the circumstellar clumps in the interplay with the young star and scattering envelope. These transiting clumps are edge-on manifestations of the ring- or spiral-like structures found recently in young stars with imaging in infrared of scattered light, or in submillimeter of thermalized dust emission.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Closed-Time Path Integral Formalism and Medium Effects of Non-Equilibrium QCD Matter

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    We apply the closed-time path integral formalism to study the medium effects of non-equilibrium gluon matter. We derive the medium modified resummed gluon propagator to the one loop level in non-equilibrium in the covariant gauge. The gluon propagator we derive can be used to remove the infrared divergences in the secondary parton collisions to study thermalization of minijet parton plasma at RHIC and LHC.Comment: Final version, To appear in Physical Review D, Minor modification, reference adde

    Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the standard model with two Higgs doublets

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    The muon anomalous magnetic moment is investigated in the standard model with two Higgs doublets (S2HDM) motivated from spontaneous CP violation. Thus all the effective Yukawa couplings become complex. As a consequence of the non-zero phase in the couplings, the one loop contribution from the neutral scalar bosons could be positive and negative relying on the CP phases. The interference between one and two loop diagrams can be constructive in a large parameter space of CP-phases. This will result in a significant contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment even in the flavor conserving process with a heavy neutral scalar boson (mh∌m_h \sim 200 GeV) once the effective muon Yukawa coupling is large (âˆŁÎŸÎŒâˆŁâˆŒ50|\xi_\mu|\sim 50). In general, the one loop contributions from lepton flavor changing scalar interactions become more important. In particular, when all contributions are positive in a reasonable parameter space of CP phases, the recently reported 2.6 sigma experiment vs. theory deviation can be easily explained even for a heavy scalar boson with a relative small Yukawa coupling in the S2HDM.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex file, 5 figures, published version Phys. Rev. D 54 (2001) 11501

    Simulation of dimensionality effects in thermal transport

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    The discovery of nanostructures and the development of growth and fabrication techniques of one- and two-dimensional materials provide the possibility to probe experimentally heat transport in low-dimensional systems. Nevertheless measuring the thermal conductivity of these systems is extremely challenging and subject to large uncertainties, thus hindering the chance for a direct comparison between experiments and statistical physics models. Atomistic simulations of realistic nanostructures provide the ideal bridge between abstract models and experiments. After briefly introducing the state of the art of heat transport measurement in nanostructures, and numerical techniques to simulate realistic systems at atomistic level, we review the contribution of lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics simulation to understanding nanoscale thermal transport in systems with reduced dimensionality. We focus on the effect of dimensionality in determining the phononic properties of carbon and semiconducting nanostructures, specifically considering the cases of carbon nanotubes, graphene and of silicon nanowires and ultra-thin membranes, underlying analogies and differences with abstract lattice models.Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures. Review paper, to appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics volume "Thermal transport in low dimensions: from statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer" (S. Lepri ed.

    Search for the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decay D0→Ό+Ό−D^0 \to \mu^+\mu^- with the HERA-B Detector

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    We report on a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay D0→Ό+Ό−D^0 \to \mu^+\mu^- using 50×10650 \times 10^6 events recorded with a dimuon trigger in interactions of 920 GeV protons with nuclei by the HERA-B experiment. We find no evidence for such decays and set a 90% confidence level upper limit on the branching fraction Br(D0→Ό+Ό−)<2.0×10−6Br(D^0 \to \mu^+\mu^-) <2.0 \times 10^{-6}.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures (of which 1 double), paper to be submitted to Physics Letters

    Measurement of the J/Psi Production Cross Section in 920 GeV/c Fixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Interactions

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    The mid-rapidity (dsigma_(pN)/dy at y=0) and total sigma_(pN) production cross sections of J/Psi mesons are measured in proton-nucleus interactions. Data collected by the HERA-B experiment in interactions of 920 GeV/c protons with carbon, titanium and tungsten targets are used for this analysis. The J/Psi mesons are reconstructed by their decay into lepton pairs. The total production cross section obtained is sigma_(pN)(J/Psi) = 663 +- 74 +- 46 nb/nucleon. In addition, our result is compared with previous measurements
