5,863 research outputs found

    X-ray observations of the galaxy cluster PKS 0745-191: To the virial radius, and beyond

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    We measure X-ray emission from the outskirts of the cluster of galaxies PKS 0745-191 with Suzaku, determining radial profiles of density, temperature, entropy, gas fraction, and mass. These measurements extend beyond the virial radius for the first time, providing new information about cluster assembly and the diffuse intracluster medium out to ~1.5 r_200, (r_200 ~ 1.7 Mpc ~ 15'). The temperature is found to decrease by roughly 70 per cent from 0.3-1 r_200. We also see a flattening of the entropy profile near the virial radius and consider the implications this has for the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium when deriving mass estimates. We place these observations in the context of simulations and analytical models to develop a better understanding of non-gravitational physics in the outskirts of the cluster.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted to MNRAS; expanded discussion of analysis and uncertainties, results qualitatively unchange

    Evolution of entanglement within classical light states

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    We investigate the evolution of quantum correlations over the lifetime of a multi-photon state. Measurements reveal time-dependent oscillations of the entanglement fidelity for photon pairs created by a single semiconductor quantum dot. The oscillations are attributed to the phase acquired in the intermediate, non-degenerate, exciton-photon state and are consistent with simulations. We conclude that emission of photon pairs by a typical quantum dot with finite polarisation splitting is in fact entangled in a time-evolving state, and not classically correlated as previously regarded

    Improved fidelity of triggered entangled photons from single quantum dots

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    We demonstrate the on-demand emission of polarisation-entangled photon pairs from the biexciton cascade of a single InAs quantum dot embedded in a GaAs/AlAs planar microcavity. Improvements in the sample design blue shifts the wetting layer to reduce the contribution of background light in the measurements. Results presented show that >70% of the detected photon pairs are entangled. The high fidelity of the (|HxxHx>+|VxxVx>)/2^0.5 state that we determine is sufficient to satisfy numerous tests for entanglement. The improved quality of entanglement represents a significant step towards the realisation of a practical quantum dot source compatible with applications in quantum information.Comment: 9 pages. Paper is available free of charge at http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/8/2/029/, see also 'A semiconductor source of triggered entangled photon pairs', R. M. Stevenson et al., Nature 439, 179 (2006

    Neural responses to facial and vocal expressions of fear and disgust

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    Neuropsychological studies report more impaired responses to facial expressions of fear than disgust in people with amygdala lesions, and vice versa in people with Huntington's disease. Experiments using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have confirmed the role of the amygdala in the response to fearful faces and have implicated the anterior insula in the response to facial expressions of disgust. We used fMRI to extend these studies to the perception of fear and disgust from both facial and vocal expressions. Consistent with neuropsychological findings, both types of fearful stimuli activated the amygdala. Facial expressions of disgust activated the anterior insula and the caudate-putamen; vocal expressions of disgust did not significantly activate either of these regions. All four types of stimuli activated the superior temporal gyrus. Our findings therefore (i) support the differential localization of the neural substrates of fear and disgust; (ii) confirm the involvement of the amygdala in the emotion of fear, whether evoked by facial or vocal expressions; (iii) confirm the involvement of the anterior insula and the striatum in reactions to facial expressions of disgust; and (iv) suggest a possible general role for the perception of emotional expressions for the superior temporal gyrus

    Finding qualitative research: an evaluation of search strategies

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    BACKGROUND: Qualitative research makes an important contribution to our understanding of health and healthcare. However, qualitative evidence can be difficult to search for and identify, and the effectiveness of different types of search strategies is unknown. METHODS: Three search strategies for qualitative research in the example area of support for breast-feeding were evaluated using six electronic bibliographic databases. The strategies were based on using thesaurus terms, free-text terms and broad-based terms. These strategies were combined with recognised search terms for support for breast-feeding previously used in a Cochrane review. For each strategy, we evaluated the recall (potentially relevant records found) and precision (actually relevant records found). RESULTS: A total yield of 7420 potentially relevant records was retrieved by the three strategies combined. Of these, 262 were judged relevant. Using one strategy alone would miss relevant records. The broad-based strategy had the highest recall and the thesaurus strategy the highest precision. Precision was generally poor: 96% of records initially identified as potentially relevant were deemed irrelevant. Searching for qualitative research involves trade-offs between recall and precision. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that strategies that attempt to maximise the number of potentially relevant records found are likely to result in a large number of false positives. The findings also suggest that a range of search terms is required to optimise searching for qualitative evidence. This underlines the problems of current methods for indexing qualitative research in bibliographic databases and indicates where improvements need to be made

    Response of face-selective brain regions to trustworthiness and gender of faces

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    Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies have demonstrated a role for the amygdala in processing the perceived trustworthiness of faces, but it remains uncertain whether its responses are linear (with the greatest response to the least trustworthy-looking faces), or quadratic (with increased fMRI signal for the dimension extremes). It is also unclear whether the trustworthiness of the stimuli is crucial or if the same response pattern can be found for faces varying along other dimensions. In addition, the responses to perceived trustworthiness of face-selective regions other than the amygdala are seldom reported. The present study addressed these issues using a novel set of stimuli created through computer image-manipulation both to maximise the presence of naturally occurring cues that underpin trustworthiness judgments and to allow systematic manipulation of these cues. With a block-design fMRI paradigm, we investigated neural responses to computer-manipulated trustworthiness in the amygdala and core face-selective regions in the occipital and temporal lobes. We asked whether the activation pattern is specific for differences in trustworthiness or whether it would also track variation along an orthogonal male–female gender dimension. The main findings were quadratic responses to changes in both trustworthiness and gender in all regions. These results are consistent with the idea that face-responsive brain regions are sensitive to face distinctiveness as well as the social meaning of the face features

    Accretion onto the Supermassive Black Hole in M87

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    Chandra X-ray observations of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 resolve the thermal state of the hot interstellar medium into the accretion (Bondi) radius of its central 3 10^9 Msun black hole. We measure the X-ray gas temperature and density profiles and calculate the Bondi accretion rate, Mdot_Bondi \sim 0.1 Msun/yr. The X-ray luminosity of the active nucleus of M87 observed with Chandra is L_{x, 0.5-7 \keV} \sim 7 \times 10^{40}erg/s. This value is much less than the predicted nuclear luminosity, L_{Bondi} \sim 5 \times 10^{44} erg/s, for accretion at the Bondi rate with a canonical accretion radiative efficiency of 10%. If the black hole in M87 accretes at this rate it must do so at a much lower radiative efficiency than the canonical value. The multiwavelength spectrum of the nucleus is consistent with that predicted by an advection-dominated flow. However, as is likely, the X-ray nucleus is dominated by jet emission then the properties of flow must be modified, possibly by outflows. We show that the overall energetics of the system are just consistent with the predicted Bondi nuclear power. This suggests that either most of the accretion energy is released in the relativistic jet or that the central engine of M87 undergoes on-off activity cycles. We show that, at present, the energy dumped into the ISM by the jet may reduce the accretion rate onto the black hole by a factor \propto (v_j/c_s)^{-2}, where v_j is the jet velocity and c_s the ISM sound speed, and that this is sufficient to account for the low nuclear luminosity.Comment: emulateapj.sty, revised version, accepted by Ap

    Aortic valve stenotic area calculation from phase contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance: the importance of short echo time

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) can potentially quantify aortic valve area (AVA) in aortic stenosis (AS) using a single-slice phase contrast (PC) acquisition at valve level: AVA = aortic flow/aortic velocity-time integral (VTI). However, CMR has been shown to underestimate aortic flow in turbulent high velocity jets, due to intra-voxel dephasing. This study investigated the effect of decreasing intra-voxel dephasing by reducing the echo time (TE) on AVA estimates in patients with AS.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>15 patients with moderate or severe AS, were studied with three different TEs (2.8 ms/2.0 ms/1.5 ms), in the main pulmonary artery (MPA), left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and 0 cm/1 cm/2.5 cm above the aortic valve (AoV). PC estimates of stroke volume (SV) were compared with CMR left ventricular SV measurements and PC peak velocity, VTI and AVA were compared with Doppler echocardiography. CMR estimates of AVA obtained by direct planimetry from cine acquisitions were also compared with the echoAVA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>With a TE of 2.8 ms, the mean PC SV was similar to the ventricular SV at the MPA, LVOT and AoV<sub>0 cm </sub>(by Bland-Altman analysis bias ± 1.96 SD, 1.3 ± 20.2 mL/-6.8 ± 21.9 mL/6.5 ± 50.7 mL respectively), but was significantly lower at AoV<sub>1 </sub>and AoV<sub>2.5 </sub>(-29.3 ± 31.2 mL/-21.1 ± 35.7 mL). PC peak velocity and VTI underestimated Doppler echo estimates by approximately 10% with only moderate agreement. Shortening the TE from 2.8 to 1.5 msec improved the agreement between ventricular SV and PC SV at AoV<sub>0 cm </sub>(6.5 ± 50.7 mL vs 1.5 ± 37.9 mL respectively) but did not satisfactorily improve the PC SV estimate at AoV<sub>1 cm </sub>and AoV<sub>2.5 cm</sub>. Agreement of CMR AVA with echoAVA was improved at TE 1.5 ms (0.00 ± 0.39 cm<sup>2</sup>) versus TE 2.8 (0.11 ± 0.81 cm<sup>2</sup>). The CMR method which agreed best with echoAVA was direct planimetry (-0.03 cm<sup>2 </sup>± 0.24 cm<sup>2</sup>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Agreement of CMR AVA at the aortic valve level with echo AVA improves with a reduced TE of 1.5 ms. However, flow measurements in the aorta (AoV 1 and 2.5) are underestimated and 95% limits of agreement remain large. Further improvements or novel, more robust techniques are needed in the CMR PC technique in the assessment of AS severity in patients with moderate to severe aortic stenosis.</p

    N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors mediate the phosphorylation and desensitization of muscarinic receptors in cerebellar granule neurons.

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    Changes in synaptic strength mediated by ionotropic glutamate N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptors is generally considered to be the molecular mechanism underlying memory and learning. NMDA receptors themselves are subject to regulation through signaling pathways that are activated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In this study we investigate the ability of NMDA receptors to regulate the signaling of GPCRs by focusing on the G(q/11)-coupled M(3)-muscarinic receptor expressed endogenously in mouse cerebellar granule neurons. We show that NMDA receptor activation results in the phosphorylation and desensitization of M(3)-muscarinic receptors through a mechanism dependent on NMDA-mediated calcium influx and the activity of calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Our study reveals a complex pattern of regulation where GPCRs (M(3)-muscarinic) and NMDA receptors can feedback on each other in a process that is likely to influence the threshold value of signaling networks involved in synaptic plasticity