20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian BAP dan NAA terhadap Pertumbuhan Krisan (Chrysanthemum morifolium, Ram.) dalam Kultur Jaringan

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of combination benzyl amino purine(BAP) and naphtalene acetid acid (NAA) on tissue culture of Chrysanthemum. Theexperiment was conducted at The Tissue Culture Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty,Stiper Agriculture Institute. The Completely Randomized Design was applied in thisexperiment, consisting of two factors; those were BAP and NAA application. Each factorconsisted of four treatments. Each combination of treatment was carried out with ninereplications. The conclusion from this study were: Application of higher BAP and NAAconcentration increased budding of explant, whereas application of higher NAA thanBAP concentration increased the growth of bud and leaf number, also increased rootingof explant


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    Abstrak: Wana Desa adalah suatu ekosistem hutan buatan yang memuat berbagai jenis tanaman hutan di Sendangadi, Sleman. Di tepi lahan Wana Desa terdapat sebidang lahan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk budidaya tanaman. Kalurahan Sendangadi mempunyai rencana pemanfaatan lahan Wana Desa tersebut dengan kegiatan budidaya anggrek. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah warga sekitar Wana Desa belum mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai anggrek dan budidayanya. Oleh karena itu, PkM di Sendangadi dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan anggrek dan budidayanyameningkatkan hardskill Mitra dalam hal budidaya anggrek. . Dalam pelaksanaannya, Tim PkM bekerjasama dengan Kalurahan Sendangadi sebagai Mitra. Metode yang digunakan dengan penyuluhan dan pelatihan budidaya anggrek pada anggrek Dendrobium dan Phalaenopsis. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah anggota Evaluai outcome dan impact pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan teknik questioner. Kelompok Wanita Tani Dusun Jongke Lor Sendangadi setelah pelatihan berturut-turut 100% dan 95% peserta mengenal beberapa jenis anggrek dan pengetahuan budidaya anggrek. Pemahaman teknik menanam anggrek, setelah pelatihan meningkat menjadi 95%. Setelah pelatihan, 100% peserta mempunyai keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budidaya anggrek kepada anggota/ warga lain. 100% peserta termotivasi untuk mengembangkan budidaya anggrek. Abstract: Wana Desa is an artificial forest ecosystem that contains various types of forest plants. At the edge of the Wana Desa land there is a plot of land that can be used for cultivating plants. Sendangadi Subdistrict has a plan to use the Wana Village land for orchid cultivation activities. The problem that arises is that residents around Wana Village do not yet have knowledge about orchids and their cultivation. In its implementation, the Team collaborates with the Sendangadi Village as a Partner. The method used is orchid cultivation training on Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis orchid. The results obtained are members. Evaluation of the outcome and impact of community service is carried out using a questionnaire technique. The results obtained were that after consecutive training 100% of the members of the Jongke Lor Sendangadi Hamlet Women's Farmers Group were familiar with several types of orchids and knowledge of orchid cultivation. Understanding of orchid planting techniques, after training increased to 95%. After training. After the training, 100% of participants had the desire to introduce orchid cultivation and drip irrigation to other members


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    The study aimed to determine the response of Brazilian spinach plants to the application of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) compost and goat manure with LED and fluorescent artificial light. The research was conducted at KP2 Instiper in Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman from April to June 2022. The research used an experimental method with a split-plot design. The main plot in the form of artificial light consists of 3 types, namely: Control (sunlight), 18 Watt Neon Lights, and 36 Watt LED Lights. The subplots consisted of 3 types of organic fertilizers, namely: Control (without fertilizer), water hyacinth compost, and goat manure compost, so 3 x 3 = 9 treatment combinations were obtained, each with 3 replications. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the combination of various light sources and various organic fertilizers affects the growth of Brazilian spinach (Alternanthera sissoo). The growth and biomass of Brazilian spinach in a combination of sunlight and 36 Watt LED lights with water hyacinth compost and goat manure was better than the growth and biomass of Brazilian spinach in a combination of 18 Watt fluorescent lights with various kinds of organic fertilizers. There is a positive correlation between the crown and root biomass. Sunlight and LED have a light intensity that is more suitable for the growth of Brazilian spinach compared to fluorescent lamps.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon tanaman bayam brazil pada aplikasi kompos eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dan pupuk kandang kambing dengan cahaya buatan LED dan neon. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KP2 Instiper di Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman  pada bulan April sanpai Juni 2022. Penelitian menggunakan metode perobaan dengan rancangan split-plot. Mainplot berupa cahaya buatan terdiri dari tiga macam yaitu: Kontrol (cahaya matahari), Lampu Neon 18 Watt dan Lampu LED 36 Watt.  Subplot berupa macam pupuk organik terdiri dari tiga macam yaitu: Kontrol (tanpa pupuk), kompos eceng gondok, dan kompos kotoran kambing, sehingga diperoleh 3 x 3 = 9 kombinasi perlakuan masing-masing dengan 3 ulangan. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahwa kombinasi aplikasi berbagai sumber cahaya dan berbagai macam pupuk organik mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman bayam brazil (Alternanthera sissoo). Pertumbuhan dan biomassa bayam brazil pada kombinasi cahaya matahari maupun lampu LED 36 Watt dengan kompos eceng gondok maupun pupuk kandang kambing lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan dan biomasssa bayam brazil pada kombinasi lampu neon 18 Watt dengan berbagai macam pupuk organik.  Ada korelasi positif antara biomassa tajuk dan biomassa akar. Cahaya matahari dan LED mempunyai intensitas cahaya yang lebih sesuai untuk pertumbuhan bayam brazil dibandingkan dengan lampu neo

    Anatomical Studies and Evaluation of Genetic Stability in Plantlets Derived from Somatic Embryos of Arabica Coffee

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    Anatomical characteristics regenerant plantlet of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) were observed to determine the difference of plantlet performance between Sigararutang and Maragogige grown in shooting and rooting medium. Transverse sections of the fresh roots, stems and leaves of three-month-old plantlets from somatic embryos were collected and used for the study. Sigararutang and Maragogipe as the plantlet materials were chosen based on the bean size and the origin. Stomata were microscopically observed on the abaxial leaf paradermal section. A conformity test to compare between plantlet and the parent plant was observed to perform genetic stability. Assessment of genetic stability was measured by using the sequence of trnL (UAA) region. The result showed that all the anatomical roots, stems and leaves of the Maragogipe plantlet have a greater number than Sigararutang (root diameter, cortex thickness, distance of long stele, distance of short stele, endodermis thickness, stem diameter, cortex thickness, maximum stele diameter, minimum stele diameter, epidermis thickness, diameter of stomatal closing, length of stomatal closing, total stomatal density, adaxial epidermis density, midrib thickness, adaxial epidermis thickness, abaxial epidermis thickness, diameter of the vascular bundles, lamina thickness), except of epidermis thickness, diameter of the vascular bundles, diameter of stomatal aperture, diameter of stomatal opening, length of stomatal opening and abaxial epidermis density. Taxonomists may be able to use these anatomic traits as supplementary proof in the determination of Arabica coffee. Molecular analysis showed that there were genetically identical organisms between the plantlet and the parent plant. It was indicated there was no somaclonal variation during somatic embryogenesis in the micropropagation of Arabica coffee

    Effects of Light Quality on Vegetative Growth and Flower Initiation in Phalaenopsis

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    The effects of LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) emitting different colours namely red, blue, red andblue, and white lights on vegetative growth and fl ower initiation of Phalaenopsis have been evaluated.Phalaenopsis“otohine/taisuco fi re bird” seedlings in vitro were subjected to different light qualities for either2 or 4 weeks, and then each seedling was planted in a plastic pot containing sphagnum and grown in thegrowth chamber under similar light quality for 3 months. For fl ower induction, mature Phalaenopsis plantshaving 4 – 6 leaves were grown for 3 months in the growth chamber under different light qualities. The leafspan, chlorophyll, gibberellin and cytokinin content were determined. In addition, the expressions of FT-likegene in the leaf, axillary bud, fl ower bud and stalk were examined.Vegetative growth was enhanced under blue, red-blue or white LEDs compared to that of the control.Gibberellin and cytokinin content increased in the seedlings subjected to white LEDs. Based on the averageof leaf span increment it was suggested that the growth of Phalaenopsis seedlings can be promoted by givingeither blue, red-blue or white LEDs. From the second experiment, it was found that fl ower induction inPhalaenopsis can be obtained in plants that had just fi nished fl owering without the application of LEDs. Theexpression of FT-like gene in the leaf as well as fl ower bud and stalk suggests that this gene is involved infl ower regulation of Phalaenopsis


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    Abstrak: Dusun Gumawang di desa Putat merupakan salah satu desa penghasil kakao di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Namun demikian, produktivitas kakao di Gumawang tergolong rendah, antara 200 kg – 820 kg/ha/tahun. Di sisi lain, terdapat limbah kulit buah kakao (bagian eksocarp, mesocarp dan endocarp) yang melimpah dan belum dikelola dengan baik menuju zero waste. Untuk itu dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada kelompok tani Sidodadi dalam bentuk pelatihan pembuatan vermikompos dengan memanfaatkan kulit buah kakao sebagai pakan cacing tanah. Vermikompos digunakan sebagai pupuk organik yang dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah Latosol. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah agar kelompok tani kakao Sidodadi di Dusun Gumawang memahami manfaat vermikompos, mampu membuat vermikompos dengan bahan kulit buah kakao dan memanfaatkan hasil vermikompos di kebun kakao rakyat. Program pelatihan pembuatan vermikompos ini mampu memberikan dampak pada kelompok tani Sidodadi, 92% petani memahami pengetahuan tentang vermikompos, 92% mempunyai kemampuan membuat vermikompos dengan pakan kulit buah kakao, serta petani memanfaatkan hasil vermikompos sebagai pupuk organik.Abstract: Gumawang in Putat village is one of the cocoa-producing villages in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However, cocoa productivity in Gumawang is relatively low, between 200 kg/ha/year – 820 kg/ha/year. On the other hand, there is still a lot of cocoa pod waste (part of exocarp,mesocarp and endocarp) that has not been managed properly towards zero waste. For this reason, community service to the Sido Dadi farer group was carried out in training of vermicomposting by utilizing cocoa pods waste as food for earthworms. Vermicompost is used as an organic fertilizer that can increase the fertility of Latosol soil. The purpose of this Community Service is for the Sidodadi cocoa farmer group in Gumawang, 92% farmers understand the benefits of vermicomost, 92% farmers to be able to make vermicompost using cocoa pod waste and farmers use the vermicompost as organic fertilizer in the community cocoa small holder plantation. The vermicompost training program was able to have an impact on the Sidodadi farmer group in the form of knowledge about vermicompost using cocoa pods, and farmers using vermicompost as organic fertilizer to improve the soil structure of Latosol plantation

    Effects of Light Quality on Vegetative Growth and Flower Initiation in Phalaenopsis

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    The effects of LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) emitting different colours namely red, blue, red andblue, and white lights on vegetative growth and fl ower initiation of Phalaenopsis have been evaluated.Phalaenopsis“otohine/taisuco fi re bird” seedlings in vitro were subjected to different light qualities for either2 or 4 weeks, and then each seedling was planted in a plastic pot containing sphagnum and grown in thegrowth chamber under similar light quality for 3 months. For fl ower induction, mature Phalaenopsis plantshaving 4 – 6 leaves were grown for 3 months in the growth chamber under different light qualities. The leafspan, chlorophyll, gibberellin and cytokinin content were determined. In addition, the expressions of FT-likegene in the leaf, axillary bud, fl ower bud and stalk were examined.Vegetative growth was enhanced under blue, red-blue or white LEDs compared to that of the control.Gibberellin and cytokinin content increased in the seedlings subjected to white LEDs. Based on the averageof leaf span increment it was suggested that the growth of Phalaenopsis seedlings can be promoted by givingeither blue, red-blue or white LEDs. From the second experiment, it was found that fl ower induction inPhalaenopsis can be obtained in plants that had just fi nished fl owering without the application of LEDs. Theexpression of FT-like gene in the leaf as well as fl ower bud and stalk suggests that this gene is involved infl ower regulation of Phalaenopsis

    Pengaruh aplikasi plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) terhadap cherelle wilt dan kualitas hasil kakao

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    This study aims to reduce cherelle wilt with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) application. The study was conducted in July – December 2021. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design. Factor I PGPR applications consist of 3 kinds namely control, EM4 and PGPR. Factor II varietas consist of 2 kinds namely Sul 01 and MCC 01. The results showed that there was no significant interaction between the application of biofertilizer and cocoa varieties. The number of cherelle wilt in the application of PGPR and EM4 was lower that that the control, on the other hand the number of new pods/plant calculated the beginning until 4 months after application of PGPR and EM4 was higher than the control. The weight of 100 cocoa fermented beans in PGPR application was better than EM4 and control. The content of N and P available in the soil in the application of biofertilizer was higher than the control. The number of cherelle wilt and new pods were the same in the different varieties. The conclusion was the application of PGPR decreased the number of cherelle wilt of cocoa, increased the number of new pod, and increased the weight of 100 cocoa fermented bean. The application of PGPR and EM4 increased the available N dan P content in the soil. The difference of variety did not affect on cherelle wilt, but the quality of cocoa beans in MCC 01 was greater than Sul 01