216 research outputs found

    Orbital order, stacking defects and spin-fluctuations in the pp-electron molecular solid RbO2_2

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    We examine magnon and orbiton behavior in localized O2_2 anti-bonding molecular π∗\pi^* orbitals using an effective Kugel-Khomskii Hamiltonian derived from a two band Hubbard model with hopping parameters taken from {\em ab initio} density functional calculations. The considerable difference between intraband and interband hoppings leads to a strong coupling between the spin wave dispersion and the orbital ground state, providing a straightforward way of experimentally determining the orbital ground state from the measured magnon dispersion. The near degeneracy of different orbital ordered states leads to stacking defects which further modulate spin-fluctuation spectra. Proliferation of orbital domains disrupts long-range magnetic order, thus causing a significant reduction in the observed N\'eel temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    First-Principles Study of Electronic and Vibrational Properties of BaHfN2_2

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    The transition metal nitride BaHfN2_2, which consists of weakly bonded neutral slabs of closed shell ions, has structural and chemical similarities to other layered nitrides which have impressive superconducting Tc_c when electron doped: Ax_xHfNCl, Ax_xZrNCl, Ax_xTiNCl, with Tc=25.5T_c= 25.5, 15.215.2 and 16.516.5 K, respectively for appropriate donor (A) concentrations xx. These similarities suggest the possibility of BaHfN2_2 being another relatively high Tc_c nitride upon doping, with effects of structure and the role of specific transition metal ions yet to be understood. We report first-principles electronic structure calculations for stoichiometric BaHfN2_2 using density functional theory with plane-wave basis sets and separable dual-space Gaussian pseudopotentials. An indirect band gap of 0.8 eV was obtained and the lowest conduction band is primarily of Hf 5dxyd_{xy} character, similar to β\beta-ZrNCl and α\alpha-TiNCl. The two N sites, one in the Hf layer and another one in the Ba layer, were found to have very anisotropic Born effective charges (BEC):deviations from the formal charge (-3) are opposite for the two sites, and opposite for the two orientations (in-plane, out of plane). LO-TO splittings and comparison of BECs and dielectric constant tensors to those of related compounds are discussed, and the effect of electron doping on the zone-center phonons is reported.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The crucial importance of the t2gt_{2g}--ege_g hybridization in transition metal oxides

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    We studied the influence of the trigonal distortion of the regular octahedron along the (111) direction, found in the CoO2\rm CoO_2 layers. Under such a distortion the t2gt_{2g} orbitals split into one a1ga_{1g} and two degenerated eg′e_g^\prime orbitals. We focused on the relative order of these orbitals. Using quantum chemical calculations of embedded clusters at different levels of theory, we analyzed the influence of the different effects not taken into account in the crystalline field theory; that is metal-ligand hybridization, long-range crystalline field, screening effects and orbital relaxation. We found that none of them are responsible for the relative order of the t2gt_{2g} orbitals. In fact, the trigonal distortion allows a mixing of the t2gt_{2g} and ege_g orbitals of the metallic atom. This hybridization is at the origin of the a1ga_{1g}--eg′e_g^\prime relative order and of the incorrect prediction of the crystalline field theory

    First Principles Study of the Electronic and Vibrational Properties of LiNbO2

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    In the layered transition metal oxide LiNbO2_2 the Nb3+^{3+} (4d24d^2) ion is trigonal-prismatically coordinated with O ions, with the resulting crystal field leading to a single band system for low energy properties. A tight-binding representation shows that intraplanar second neighbor hopping t2=100t_2 = 100 meV dominates the first neighbor interaction (t1=64t_1 = 64 meV). The first and third neighbor couplings are strongly modified by oxygen displacements of the symmetric Raman-active vibrational mode, and electron-phonon coupling to this motion may provide the coupling mechanism for superconductivity in Li-deficient samples (where Tc=5T_c = 5 K). We calculate all zone-center phonon modes, identify infrared (IR) and Raman active modes, and report LO-TO splitting of the IR modes. The Born effective charges for the metal ions are found to have considerable anisotropy reflecting the degree to which the ions participate in interlayer coupling and covalent bonding. Insight into the microscopic origin of the valence band density, composed of Nb dz2d_{z^2} states with some mixing of O 2p2p states, is obtained from examining Wannier functions for these bands.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; Updated with reviewer comments; Updated reference

    Material-Specific Investigations of Correlated Electron Systems

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    We present the results of numerical studies for selected materials with strongly correlated electrons using a combination of the local-density approximation and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). For the solution of the DMFT equations a continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm was employed. All simulations were performed on the supercomputer HLRB II at the Leibniz Rechenzentrum in Munich. Specifically we have analyzed the pressure induced metal-insulator transitions in Fe2O3 and NiS2, the charge susceptibility of the fluctuating-valence elemental metal Yb, and the spectral properties of a covalent band-insulator model which includes local electronic correlations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching 2009" (Springer

    Electronic Structure Calculation by First Principles for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    Recent trends of ab initio studies and progress in methodologies for electronic structure calculations of strongly correlated electron systems are discussed. The interest for developing efficient methods is motivated by recent discoveries and characterizations of strongly correlated electron materials and by requirements for understanding mechanisms of intriguing phenomena beyond a single-particle picture. A three-stage scheme is developed as renormalized multi-scale solvers (RMS) utilizing the hierarchical electronic structure in the energy space. It provides us with an ab initio downfolding of the global band structure into low-energy effective models followed by low-energy solvers for the models. The RMS method is illustrated with examples of several materials. In particular, we overview cases such as dynamics of semiconductors, transition metals and its compounds including iron-based superconductors and perovskite oxides, as well as organic conductors of kappa-ET type.Comment: 44 pages including 38 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. as an invited review pape

    Criar uma idiocultura para promover o desenvolvimento de crianças com paralisia cerebral

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    This study presents the preliminary results of the adaptation of an educational system called the Fifth Dimension (5D), in which social interaction is a means for generalizing information and a basis for the development of skills beyond the constituent tasks. Originally created by Michael Cole - Laboratory for Comparative Human Cognition at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) - this system was, for the first time, applied to a rehabilitation setting with children with brain injury, at the SARAH Network of Neurorehabilitation Hospitals, in Brazil. Undergraduate college students majoring in psychology and education participate in the program and interact with children who have cerebral palsy, engaging in playful/educational activities of collaborative learning. While interacting with the child, the student is encouraged to put formal theoretical concepts and personal experience into practice. In this article, we describe the changes made to the original program to adapt it to the rehabilitation setting as well as the artefacts that mediate the activity, necessary for the interaction and expression of the child with cerebral palsy. Also discussed and presented are the effects of the activity on the child's development - based on the parents' reports - and the impact on the learning process of the undergraduate students. The program opens alternative pathways for a reflection on, and education of, the child with brain injury, based on the development of individual potential, context and interests.Este estudo apresenta os resultados preliminares da adaptação de um sistema educacional, chamado Quinta Dimensão, no qual a interação social é um meio para a generalização da informação e base para o desenvolvimento de habilidades. Foi criado originalmente por Michael Cole no Laboratório de Cognição Humana Comparada, Universidade da Califórnia, San Diego, e pela primeira vez é aplicado em um contexto de reabilitação com crianças com lesão cerebral na Rede SARAH de Neurorreabilitação, Brasília. Alunos de graduação em psicologia e pedagogia participam do programa e interagem de maneira lúdica e educativa com crianças com paralisia cerebral. Ambos são envolvidos em atividades de aprendizagem colaborativa. Na interação com a criança, os alunos são encorajados a colocar em prática conceitos teóricos formais e, também, vivências individuais. Resultados indicam efeitos positivos sobre o desenvolvimento da criança e aprendizagem do aluno de graduação e mostram caminhos alternativos na educação da criança deficiente. Neste artigo, descrevemos as alterações feitas no programa original para adaptá-lo à reabilitação configurada, assim como os artefatos que medeiam a atividade, necessário para a interação e expressão da criança com paralisia cerebral. Também são discutidos e apresentados os efeitos da atividade sobre o desenvolvimento da criança - com base em relatórios dos pais - e do impacto sobre o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos de graduação. O programa abre caminhos alternativos para uma reflexão sobre e educação da criança com lesão cerebral, com base no desenvolvimento do potencial individual, o contexto e os interesses

    "They brought you back to the fact you're not the same": Sense of self after traumatic brain injury

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    This paper considers contexts following traumatic brain injury, exploring what may be at stake when dominant expectations predict a ‘lost’ or ‘broken’ self. I explore stories co-constructed with one young man and his mother to illustrate their personal and intersubjective understandings of identity, at times conflicting, within family interactions and when encountering normative practices of neurorehabilitation clinicians. The ower relations portrayed confront this man’s narrative attempts to align his present and pre-injury self, including standard assessments delineating change, administered by healthcare professionals. I consider a need for greater attention to interaction-generated disruption to sense of self, wthin contemporary conceptualisations of ‘person-centred care’
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