84 research outputs found

    Analysis of non-banking credit institutions' offer in Latvia

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    Bakalaura darbs paredz nebanku kredītiestāžu piedāvājuma izpēti, kredītportfeļa raksturojumu, kredītu kvalitātes apskatu, kā arī Latvijas iedzīvotāju viedokļa apkopošanu par nebanku kredītu ņemšanas galvenajiem iemesliem. Nebanku kreditēšana nav pārāk sens finanšu sektora pakalpojuma veids, un līdz pat šim laikam nozarē vērojamas noteiktas nepilnības, jo diemžēl arvien pastāv problēmas saistītas ar nebanku kredītdevējiem, kuriem nav licence konkrētās darbības veikšanai. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir pamatojoties uz teorētiskām atziņām un iedzīvotāju aptaujas rezultātiem, izpētīt nebanku kredītiestāžu piedāvājumu Latvijā, atklāt nepilnības un sniegt priekšlikumus nebanku kreditēšanas uzlabošanai. Bakalaura darba mērķa sasniegšanai, autors pētīs nebanku pakalpojumu pieejamību Latvijā, izsniegto nebanku kredītu statistiku, kā arī Latvijas iedzīvotāju rīcības iemeslus nebanku kredītu ņemšanai Latvijā un iespējamo nebanku kredītu attīstību Latvijā. Darbā ir ievads, 3 nodaļas, secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Bakalaura darbs satur 80 lapaspuses, 9 tabulas, 33 attēlus un 3 pielikumus.“Analysis of non-banking credit institutions’ offer in Latvia”. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to study the offer of non-banking credit institutions, describe the credit portfolio and to provide the credit quality overview as well as the summary of opinions expressed by the inhabitants of Latvia regarding the main reasons of non-banking loans. Non-banking loans is relatively new service of financial industry with certain imperfections, especially due to the problems related to the fact that many non-banking credit institutions do not have the due licence to carry out the business. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to explore offer of the non-banking credit institutions in Latvia basing on theoretical conclusions and survey results, discover imperfections and come up with improvement proposals in terms of non-banking loans. To achieve the goal, the author will study the accessibility of non-banking services in Latvia, the issued non-banking loan statistics as well as motives and reasons for the inhabitants of Latvia to choose non-banking loan including the possible development of non-banking credits in Latvia. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions and proposals. Bachelor’s work consists of 80 pages, 9 tables, 33 pictures, 3 annexes

    Talent management : Retaining and managing technical specialists in a technical career

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    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate talent management and how companies should work with talent management in order to retain and manage technical specialists in a technical career. Talent management is found to be important for modern organizations because of the advent of the knowledge economy, new generations entering the workforce and the need for businesses to become more strategic and competitive, which implies new ways of managing human capital. Furthermore, talent management is motivated by the fact that it has been found to lead to higher corporate profits when it is connected to the corporate strategy. The research method in this thesis is qualitative, and based on a case study of an organization in Norway active in the oil and gas industry, where qualitative semi-structured interviews have been performed. Moreover, the findings are compared to a set of industrial companies located in Sweden, which are similar in size to the case company and have similar needs for technical competence. The analysis of the empirical material in conjunction with the literature leads to our suggestions that there is a need for connecting the HRM practices with the corporate strategy, that the career concept needs to be redefined, and that talent management needs to integrate HR practices. Furthermore, communities of practice are suggested as a tool for developing technical specialists and rewarding them in their work. To guide organizations in executing talent management, we propose a model based in the strategy of the firm