33 research outputs found

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of Soyinka’s The Beatification of Area Boy

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    This paper is a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Soyinka’s The Beatification of Area Boy. It critically interrogates the pattern of speech of the characters and its relation to how social power abuse and inequality are enacted, reproduced and resisted in the text. The analysis of the text unravels the perennial issues of corruption, poverty and societal imbalance which exemplify socio-political problems in Nigeria. There is also the reflection of the use of discursive features such as a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences to achieve pragmatic functions of social and interpersonal language use like interrogating issues, declaring personal motive and commenting on socio-political issues. These functions reflect communicative interactions in the realm of political, economic and cultural practices of Nigerians in the conversation situations analysed in the texts. Analysis of the text illustrates the view of the deprived people and shows that those who are in power are responsible for the use of language to create power and social inequality. CDA is therefore a useful tool to access salient information in texts and talk in order to checkmate power abuse and social inequality. The paper concludes that Soyinka’s use of language in the text foregrounds social imbalance and disorientation of the people by the ruling class. Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Social Inequality, Ideology, Abuse of Political Power, Power Relation. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/66-04 Publication date:March 31st 202

    A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Methods and Communicative Language Teaching in Relation to Students’ Academic and Communicative Achievement

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    This research is a comparative analysis of Traditional Methods and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and their ability to facilitate students’ academic and communicative achievement at Basic Education level. Students and teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) from secondary schools within the Badagry Local Educational District of Lagos State, Nigeria, were randomly selected and sampled as the population of the study. Remedial treatment was given to the experimental group and later, proficiency test was given to both the experimental and the control groups to measure the ability to carry out specific communicative tasks in ESL. The observation checklist and the diagnostic test (pretest) were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics of mean, standard deviation and t-test. Data analysis revealed that the traditional method being utilised in teaching English language in L2 situations cannot promote adequate communicative competence expected of the learners of ESL at the secondary School level. The linguistic performances of the control group students in the post-tests were low and, this calls for adoption of a functional language teaching model to promote adequate communicative skills in the learners. The performance of the experimental group revealed that CLT promotes free language use and interpersonal communication skills in ESL and thereby enhances communicative competence in the learners. Teachers of ESL need to be equipped with the skills of CLT in order to achieve the goals of linguistic competence in their teaching

    An Evaluation of English-to-Yoruba Translations of Some Concepts by Selected Radio News Bulletins in South-Western Nigeria

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    This study examines translations of selected official names/titles contained in news broadcasts in the Yoruba-speaking part of Nigeria, interrogating their adequacy and appropriateness. Sixty-five concepts/titles extracted from one hundred news bulletins presented by five radio stations across the Yoruba-speaking states of Nigeria are examined. The study is prompted by an intuitive feeling of inaccuracy and inappropriateness of important words in news broadcasts in Yoruba and predicated upon the fact that misinformation can be as pernicious as lack of information. The renderings of the concepts in Yoruba are compared with their original versions in English, revealing translation weaknesses such as semantic narrowing, expansion, wordiness, sometimes even unwitting distortions. It concludes by emphasising the adoption of appropriate translation strategies and a more rigorous engagement with the texts as a way of guarding against unintended distortions and misinformation. Keywords: Yoruba, English, translation, news broadcasts, accuracy, distortion, DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/88-05 Publication date: March 31st 202


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    Estudo descritivo e exploratório que desvela a perspectiva de pessoas internadas em um hospital universitário quanto aos elementos e dimensões de cuidar/cuidado. Os dados foram colhidos mediante uma entrevista semi-estruturada, constituída por sete perguntas, que buscavam identificar: atributos e sentimentos de quem cuida e de quem é cuidado, bem como as condições para que o cuidado se realize, as conseqüências do cuidado e o quê as pessoas fazem quando estão sendo cuidadas. As pessoas entrevistadas evidenciaram que o cuidado não se restringe aos procedimentos técnicos, ao conhecimento científico aplicado, as respostas às necessidades do cliente, pressupostas pelos cuidadores, relacionadas aos aspectos biológicos. Requer do cuidador competência clínica e interpessoal. A competência clínica é um constructo que engloba responsabilidade, busca do conhecimento, atenção, dedicação e competência em responder às necessidades de diagnóstico, cuidado, conforto e tratamento adequados, segundo as expectativas do cliente. A competência interpessoal é a soma de habilidades psicossociais, necessárias nas relações de cuidado. As habilidades psicossociais apontadas pelas pessoas deste estudo são: demonstrar vocação, possuir senso de humanidade, expressar afeição, estabelecer relacionamento humano fundamentado na sinceridade, bom humor, paciência, sensibilidade e cortesia. O cuidado representa a união entre dois seres humanos, construída a partir de suas experiências de vida, oportunidade em que acontece trocas, aprendizado e desenvolvimento mútuos, exigindo que ambos revelem o seu ser, e resgatem a humanidade existente em cada um. Ele se dá num contexto sócio-econômico, geográfico e cultural, no qual cuidador e ser-cuidado sofrem influências. Os clientes reconhecem a influência do ambiente e os papéis do ser-cuidado e do cuidador, assim como os atributos essenciais para aqueles que cuidam. Além disso, eles demonstram-se sensíveis às emoções dos cuidadores durante o processo de cuidado. Os enfermeiros necessitam sensibilizar-se para a elucidação dos elementos do cuidar/cuidado, analisando-os em cada contexto e momento histórico, pois eles apontam a direção, o método e a tecnologia para realizá-lo. Para isso, é necessário que a pesquisa em Enfermagem esteja bem articulada com a prática, e envolva todos os atores do cuidado: profissionais, clientes, família e comunidade.This descriptive and exploratory study unveils the inpatients’ perspective and dimensions of care/caring in an university hospital. Data were collected through a semistructured interview, with seven questions used to identify the one-cared and the care giver feelings and attributes, as well as the conditions for be cared, the results and what people do while is being cared. The interviewers found that caring is not only about technical procedures and scientific knowledge in practice. It demands that the caregiver must have clinical and interpersonal competence. Clinical competence is responsibility, the search of knowing, the attention, dedication, and competence to attend the client’s needs of proper diagnoses, care, comfort and treatment, by the clients expectation. Interpersonal competence is the psycho-social ability needed in caring relationship. The interpersonal abilities pointed by the clients in this study are: vocation, having sense of humanity, express affection, establish human relationship grounded in sincerity, good humor, patience, sensitivity and courtesy. Caring means an union between two human beings, built through sharing their life experiences, the revealing of their selves, resulting in mutual developing and learning and in bringing out the humanity inside each one of them. Caring happens in a social-economical, geographic and cultural context, where both caregiver and being-cared are influenced. The clients recognize the environmental influence and the being cared and the caregiver’s role, as well as the essential attributes for those who care. In addition, they show themselves sensitive to the caregiver’s emotions during the caring process. The nurses need to be aware towards the care/caring elements elucidation, analyzing them in each context and historical moment, because they show direction, method and technology to caring implementation. That’s why it is of major importance that the nursing researchers become very articulated with practice, bringing together all actors of caring: nursing professionals, client, family and community

    Pesticides use in cocoa sector in Cameroon: characterization of supply source, nature of actives ingredients, fashion and reasons for their utilization

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    The chemical control is the widely control method applied in Cameroon for pests and diseases by all the cocoa producers without technical suitable assistance by the State as before 1980’S. However, it is known that farmers have less knowledge on the good pesticides use for the control of a specific pest. The objective of this study was to provide insight in current pesticide use in the cocoa sector in Cameroon. A stratified sampling scheme was used. A total of 251 cocoa farmers, 20 post-harvest cocoa traders and 37 chemical retailers were randomly selected and interviewed. The study showed that 35 different chemicals were marketed in Cameroon for use in cocoa: 4 herbicides, 11 fungicides and 20 insecticides. Of 251 farmers consulted, 96.8% said that they use pesticides on their farms while 3.2% did not. Fungicides were used most often by farmers 61.8%) followed by insecticides (38.2%). Eight active ingredients although, officially banned, were still being used on cocoa farms. Over 77% of farmers do not respect the official spray recommendations for chemicals. Moreover, 64% do not respect recommended doses. Two main pesticide-supply-pathways exist in Cameroon: a legal and illegal supply chain, which provides 51% of pesticides to cocoa farmers, resulting in an estimated loss of value added tax for the Cameroonian government of about 550 000 to 2.4 million Euros per year. These results suggest that improved pests and diseases control by the State and raising farmer awareness about pesticide use in cocoa could greatly attribute to more sustainable cocoa economy in Cameroon.Keywords : Cocoa, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, Cameroon

    Optimal pheromone trap density for mass trapping cacao mirids

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    The mirids Sahlbergella singularis and Distantiella theobroma are the key insect pests of cacao in Ghana and elsewhere in West Africa. Since 1954, spraying with synthetic insecticides has been the principal means of controlling these pests. In West Africa, environmental concerns, economic stimuli and unreliable access to insecticides have stimulated interest in ecologically more benign mirid control strategies as an alternative to a total reliance on insecticides. Males of both mirid species, and those of the less damaging Bryocoropsis laticollis, respond to the same synthetic sex pheromone blend, so pheromone-based strategies may provide control as well as monitoring opportunities. Pheromone traps were deployed for three months at nine densities between two and 30 traps 0.1 ha-1plot (20-300 traps ha-1) plus an untreated control treatment in a replicated large-scale field experiment on mature mixed Upper Amazon hybrid cacao in Ghana, in order to determine the optimal dispenser density for mass-trapping, lure and kill and/or lure and infect. At the end of the trapping period, mirid populations in the various treatments were assessed by insecticide knockdown on 400 trees and by searches to hand height on 1,200 trees, together with an assessment of mirid damage. In total 781 S. singularis and 235 D. theobroma were captured in the pheromone traps. The optimal dispenser density for S. singularis was 150 traps ha-1. Over 300 traps ha-1 was probably optimal for D. theobroma as a smaller proportion of the population was captured, and numbers caught trap-1 showed no decline with increasing trap density. From insecticide knockdowns, mirid population density was estimated at 4,700-6,080 ha-1, 63% of which were D. theobroma. Too few pods and orthotropic shoots were damaged by mirids to establish the efficacy of pheromone trapping for mirid control

    Les médias en Côte d'Ivoire : la presse écrite et audiovisuelle

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    Yede N'Guessan Félicien. Les médias en Côte d'Ivoire : la presse écrite et audiovisuelle. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 4 n°2, juin 1990. pp. 299-328

    A Linguistic Analysis of The Use of Humour in Adébáyò̩ Fálétí’s Writings

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    This study discussed strategies of humour in Adébáyọ̀ Àkàndé Fálétí’s writings. It interrogates how humour as a universal human interactional phenomenon is used to particularly entertain, checkmate human excesses and chastise societal ills in a mild manner. It is noted that among the living things only human beings laugh and humour excites laughter but it is not every humour that leads to laughter. Therefore, for humour to be effectively appreciated, it must be properly situated in its social context. The theoretical framework for this study is based on Thomas Veatch postulation of humour as a phenomenon made up of congruous and incongruous elements of socially typical and infringement of the prejudiced ethical standard. This framework is adopted to study Faleti’s use of humour to entertain, criticize human actions and chastise societal ills. It was out that humour as a form of lampoon is used euphemistically or ironically not as a means to destroy the society but to improve it. Faleti uses humour as an effective weapon of criticism and a subtle source of laughter to entertain the audience and to curb aberrations in the society. Humour in Faleti’s writings is used in a calm and amusing manner and the end result is laughter, although beneath the laughter is the lampoon of social misdemeanours concealed in the use of light-hearted constructions. Faleti has succeeded in espousing various methods of coping with serious and tense situation through the use of strategies of humour

    Les transporteurs d'oxygène utilisés comme substitut de l'hémoglobine

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    CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    A leaf spring is commonly used for the suspension in vehicles. Leaf spring absorbs vibrations induced during the motion of vehicle. Leaf Springs are long and narrow plates attached to the frame of a trailer that rest above the trailer's axle. There are single leaf springs and multi leaf spring used based on the application required. It also acts as a structure to support vertical loading due to the weight of the vehicle and payload. The Glass fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) composite mono leaf spring reduces weight of the machine element without any reduction of the load carrying capacity. It has high strength-to-weight ratio compared with those of steel. Also multi-leaf steel springs are being replaced by mono leaf FRP spring. The objective of the present work is to design and transmissibility testing of composite mono leaf spring. The load on the leaf spring acts on the cente