Journal Arbitrer (Universitas Andalas)
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    187 research outputs found

    Revealing Local Knowledge of Sundanese People of Toponyms in The Western Bandung-North Area

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    This study examines the classification and function of toponyms to reveal the local knowledge of Sundanese people in the western Bandung-North area. This research uses anthropological linguistic theory. The data of this research are lexicon in toponyms based on local knowledge in the western Bandung-North area. The data is sourced from several community components consisting of village elders and ordinary people. The study incorporates four methods for data collection, which are participant observation, participatory conversation observation, interviews, and documentation. These techniques are chosen based on their ability to gather comprehensive, accurate, and reliable data. The results show that there are five classifications of toponyms, namely (1) hydrological-biological characteristics, (2) hydrological-state characteristics, (3) geomorphological-biological characteristics, (4) geomorphological-state characteristics, and (5) state characteristics. This research also shows that the lexicon in toponyms in the western Bandung-North area portrays the closeness of humans to nature, humans to humans, and humans to their God. In addition, Sundanese people in the western Bandung-North area also have local knowledge about ethnoecology, which is recorded in the toponyms in the area. This local knowledge of ethnoecology has benefits as an effort to maintain the terrestrial ecosystem, which is one of the pillars of environmental development in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    How Cognitive Linguistics Affect Indonesian Students’ Understanding on Learning Phrasal Verbs

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    Phrasal verb is one aspect of English that is often avoided by EFL learners, including students in Indonesia. This is usually due to the method of learning phrasal verbs that tends to make it difficult for learners. Hence, this research tries to present how cognitive linguistics affects Indonesian students’ understanding of learning phrasal verbs. This research takes about 50 students of Padang State Polytechnic, Indonesia as the research subject. The students were divided into two groups: those who learned phrasal verbs with the traditional method and those with the cognitive linguistics method. Each group of students was taught by different lecturers who used cognitive linguistics and traditional methods. Then, the students were tested on their understanding of phrasal verbs. This study employed a quasi-experimental causal-comparative research design; this research revealed that learning phrasal verbs with the cognitive linguistics method is able to produce a significant understanding of students’ ability to understand phrasal verbs. The results of the test found that students who learned phrasal verbs with the cognitive linguistics method had a score of 80 in understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs and a score of 76.8 in applying phrasal verbs in English sentences. While the test results of the traditional method group showed less good results. In-depth interviews, and questionnaires from this research show that cognitive linguistics method helps students in understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs although there are weaknesses in applying phrasal verbs into English sentences. The implication of this research finding is that cognitive linguistics method can be an effective approach for teaching phrasal verbs to EFL students

    Literature as Resistance: The Pragmatics of Ecological Advocacy in ‘Oil on Water’ by Helon Habila

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    This paper delves into the linguistic representation of environmental and human degradation in Helon Habila’s “Oil on Water,” a novel that interrogates the socio-ecological impact of oil exploration in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. By employing Critical Discourse Analysis and the Appraisal Framework, the study exposes how language not only reflects but also shapes the perceived reality of ecological destruction and social conflict. The analysis highlights how linguistic strategies in the novel depict the multifaceted relationship between the indigenous communities, the Nigerian government, and multinational oil companies, presenting a landscape marred by exploitation and marginalization. The research identifies the use of vivid descriptive language, metaphor, and narrative perspective to evoke a sensory experience of the Niger Delta’s plight. It illustrates the oil companies and government as neocolonial actors, revealing a complex interplay of power dynamics where the local population is trapped in a cycle of violence and ecological devastation. Habila’s work emerges as a form of literary militancy, advocating for social and ecological justice through a portrayal of the Niger Delta’s disrupted social structures and ravaged ecosystems. Through a close reading of “Oil on Water,” the paper argues that literature serves as a potent tool for environmental advocacy, with the potential to influence public perception and policy. Habila’s narrative technique and linguistic choices function as a call to action, aligning with ecocritical discourses that prioritize environmental sustainability and community autonomy. The study underscores the critical role of language in environmental literature, demonstrating its capacity to engage readers and prompt reflection on the urgent issues of ecological degradation and human suffering

    The Semantics Relation of Japanese Aspect -teiru and Negation

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    Verb aspects in the form of -teiru in Japanese is a category that is still common to be discussed as the result of meaning classification that is prompted. This article tries to explore the aspect relations in -teiru form toward negation to see the change of meaning that is produced. This way, the writer recommends the aspects classification of -teiru when it is present with a negation constituent in clause construction. The object of this research is the verb form -teiru in Japanese, the data are taken from Konotoha corpus in collecting the data, the writer used several keywords including -teiru, -teinai, -teita, -teinakatta, -teimasu, -teimasen, -teimashita, and -teimasendeshita. The aspect analysis of -teiru in this research refers to a theory that is explained by Nitta (1995) who classified the Japanese -teiru meaning in four categories, including: ugoki no saichuu ‘continuity of action’, kekkajoutai no jizoku ‘continuity of result state’, kurikaeshiteki jizoku ‘repeated continuity’, and keiken-kiroku ‘experience-note/memory’. Based on the data analysis, it shows that the presence of negation in both past and non-past can generate -teiru form which is later classified into two, they are perfective and imperfective. Those that are categorized as perfective aspect are the presence of negation on aspect meaning of -teiru within category kekkajoutai no jizoku. While the imperfective aspect occurs during the presence of negation within categories ugoki no saichuu, kurikaeshiteki jizoku, and keiken-kiroku

    Understanding of Speech Production in Cleft Lip/Palate: A Review

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    A cleft lip is a disorder caused by the incomplete joining of the lips or palate during fetal development. This condition can result in a variety of physical impairments, speech impairments, and even psychological impairments that can affect a person’s life. Patients with cleft lip usually suffer from dental problems, speech problems, and breathing and hearing problems. This condition can certainly lead to emotional and social problems that require attention from various parties, including surgeons, dentists, speech therapists, and psychologists, essential. Patients with cleft disorders usually have an inability to produce speech sounds due to the insufficient amount of air pressure passing through the oral cavity. The severity of the disorder depends on various factors such as the intensity of the cleft, age at the surgery, and hearing loss. Early support and treatment can greatly improve patients’ quality of life. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive research to address the different issues associated with cleft lip/palate. This involves not only healthcare professionals, such as speech-language pathologists, surgeons, orthodontists, and pediatric dentists, but also communication experts, such as linguists, to develop effective treatments and strategies. This review article discusses the relationship between clefts and speech production, as well as the factors that play a role in improving the quality of life of patients with cleft. The article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of clefts, serving as a reference for dentists, surgeons, linguists, and other professionals who work with cleft patients

    A Schema Theory Analysis of The Game Character Eunie From ‘Xenoblade Chronicles 3’

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    This article examines the activation of a schema based on the game, the realization of the Schema Theory in the game character named Eunie, and the proof of Eunie’s status as the primary character in the game. The study analyzes the factors that trigger the activation of a schema and how it relates to the game’s structure. It explores how the Schema Theory manifests in the game character Eunie, highlighting her role as the central character. The research provides evidence to support the claim that Eunie is, in fact, the main character in the game. The study at hand utilizes the Schema Theory components introduced by J. Piaget to investigate the research on Cognitive Stylistics. In order to characterize the themes that are realized in the game Xenoblade Chronicles 3, the research is carried out utilizing a qualitative descriptive design with case study. The research focuses on a schema that influences how people see their surroundings and the world around them. It suggests that in order for a player to completely understand an idea or a tale from the game, that player’s prior knowledge is necessary. There are seven components in the schema theory that must be outlined: Figure and Ground, Prototypicality, Resonance and Ambience, Metaphor and Framing, Simulation and Projection, Mind-Modeling, and Text-Worlds. The result emphasized the importance of schemas in aiding readers to interpret the game’s world and characters’ accents. This study highlights the significance of Schema Theory in Cognitive Stylistics as a valuable framework for comprehending character development and literary analysis in video games

    Exploring the Perspectives of Middle School Teachers’ Towards Gamification in the EFL Context

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    The current paper looks at investigating middle school teachers’ perspectives towards gamification in the EFL context in Algeria. To this end, the study explores the potential of incorporating digital gamification in EFL teaching with a focus on teachers’ implementation of Gamification in the classroom context. In order to gain a clearer understanding of the phenomenon, the researcher adopted qualitative research using a semi-structured interview. The participants were a total of 11 EFL teachers from various middle schools in Mostaganem – Algeria. The interviewees were selected based on their use of digital technology and game-based teaching methods. The collected data was thematically analyzed using MAXQDA software, employing a descriptive analysis approach. After the analysis, the findings show that teachers frequently incorporate ICT-based and game-based lessons into their teaching practices. Additionally, in accord with their responses, teachers have a clear notion of gamified teaching and learning. However, they lack the necessary expertise to effectively implement gamification. Being a novelty in the arena of language teaching, teachers call for training programs to enable them to effectively incorporate gamification in the EFL classroom. As the study concludes, it provides a clear understanding of the teachers’ standpoint regarding gamification, their openness, and readiness to adopt modern teaching methods. It also offers valuable insights into state-of-the-art teaching methods and paves the way for further considerations in gamified lesson design

    Exploring Translation Strategies of Japanese Manga in Google Translate and Komikcast Translations

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    This paper examines the translations of ‘Golden Kamuy Vol. 1’ from Japanese to Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Indonesia by MT system Google Translate (GT) and online fan-based translating community Komikcast. Given the linguistic and sociocultural differences between the source language (SL) and target language (TL), translating manga demands expertise and a profound understanding of the cultural nuances embedded in the SL, the specific manga genre, and the target audience. This qualitative descriptive study uses Vinay and Darbelnet’s (1958/1995) translation strategies to analyze the translations of ‘Golden Kamuy Vol. 1’ by GT and Komikcast. The study finds that both platforms employ Literal Translation, Borrowing, and Equivalence strategies, with Komikcast additionally using Modulation. GT primarily relies on literary translation, which is consistent with its algorithmic nature and reliance on translation memories. Conversely, Komikcast emphasizes the Equivalence strategy, recognizing the significance of language proficiency and the contextual and cultural insights human translators provide. Findings are discussed in relation to Nida’s equivalence effects, particularly regarding the translated text’s purpose, translators’ knowledge, and cultural differences in SL and TL. This research enhances our understanding of manga translation, as well as the strengths and limitations of machine and human translation, while contributing to the broader discussion on translation studies. While acknowledging the role and potential of machine translation, this research also reinforces the critical role of human translators in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps between Japanese and Indonesian, highlighting the need for translators to possess deep cultural insights and proficiency beyond literal translations for more authentic and contextually accurate renditions

    Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Assessing Learners’ Intercultural Communicative Competence in the EFL Classroom in Algeria

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    This research seeks to highlight the perceptions of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Algeria regarding the assessment of learners’ ICC. In the classroom. Additionally, this research proposes some suggestions on how to teach and assess middle school learners to be interculturally competent. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research design is employed to gain data. The data source of this study was eleven English middle school teachers from different middle schools in Algeria. The study applied an interview utilizing open-ended questions to see their responses about their perceptions and attitudes toward the assessment of their learners. The data collected was thematically analyzed to identify recurring patterns, challenges, and emerging themes related to the assessment of ICC in the EFL classroom. The results show teachers need training on developing communicative tasks for teaching culture that can help them assess their students’ intercultural communicative competence. So, the lack of continuing professional development in pre-service and in-service makes them wander when teaching their learners about the target language and its culture. In addition to this, data show that teachers assess their learners in terms of grammar, pronunciation, general knowledge about the target culture, and vocabulary, but they do not assess their ICC. The implications of this study extended to both pedagogical practices and educational policy in Algeria. By understanding teachers’ perceptions, this research contributes valuable information to the ongoing discourse on fostering intercultural competence in language education. The findings may guide curriculum development, teacher training programs, and assessment practices, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of EFL instruction in Algeria

    Paradigm Shift of Language Revitalization in Indonesia

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    Language revitalization as a linguistic social movement that aims to preserve and promote local languages, is experiencing a paradigm shift in Indonesia. These shifts can be seen from the aspect of language status objects. That is meant here is that the object of language status in language revitalization is not only languages with minority and endangered status. All local languages in Indonesia can be revitalized. Based on these conditions, this study explores the shift in the language revitalization paradigm in Indonesia. This aims to explain the structure of paradigm shift and provide an explanation for understanding language revitalization in its historical development in Indonesia. The study method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques from the results of literature studies. Data analysis refers to Thomas Samuel Kuhn’s structure of the scientific revolution in terms of paradigm shift. As a result, the shift in the language revitalization paradigm in terms of the language status object is based on the heterogeneity of languages in Indonesia. Meanwhile, all languages in Indonesia must and have the right to be preserved in accordance with statutory regulations. This condition makes the government regulate language revitalization regulations that apply to all languages so that all languages in Indonesia receive the same treatment in the context of language preservation efforts


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