10 research outputs found
Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğunda kalp ritmi ve otonom fonksiyonların 24 saatlik holter ekg ve kalp hızı değişkenliği ile değerlendirilmesi ve metilfenidatın bu fonksiyonlara etkisi
Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) okul çağındaki çocuklarda en sık görülen nörodavranışsal bozukluktur. Hem DEHB’nin, hem de bu hastalığın tedavisinde kullanılan metilfenidatın (MPH) otonom sinir sistemi (OSS) fonksiyonları ve kalp ritmi üzerindeki etkileri tartışmalıdır. Kalp hızı değişkenliği (KHD), OSS fonksiyonları ile ani ölüm ve aritmi riskinin değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabilir. Çalışmamızda, DEHB saptanan çocuklarda EKG, 24 saatlik Holter monitorizasyonu ve KHD parametreleri kullanılarak OSS fonksiyonları ve aritmi riski araştırılmıştır.
Çalışmaya yaşları 6 ile 13 arasında değişen (Ort±Ss=9,46±2,0) DEHB tanılı 28 çocuk (6 kız, 22 erkek) ve aynı yaş grubunda (Ort±Ss=9,57±2,0) 20 sağlıklı çocuk (7 kız, 13 erkek) alındı. Hastaların 11’i Dikkat Eksikliği Baskın tip ve 17’si Bileşik tip olarak değerlendirildi. Tüm olgulara ayrıntılı öykü ve fizik muayeneye ek olarak 12 derivasyonlu yüzey EKG, ekokardiyografi ve 24 saatlik Holter EKG monitorizasyonu uygulandı. DEHB hastalarında aynı değerlendirmeler tedavinin 4 ila 8. haftaları arasında (Ort±Ss=53,4±15,5 gün), hastalar 0,25-1mg/kg dozunda (Ort±Ss=0,62±0,2 mg/kg) MPH kullanırken tekrarlandı. İlaç öncesi ve sonrası fizik muayene, EKG, Holter monitorizasyonu bulguları ile KHD parametrelerinden zaman alanlı SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, rMSSD ve pNN50 ve frekans alanlı LF, HF, LF/HF oranı karşılaştırıldı. İlaç dozu ile tüm parametreler arasında ilişki olup olmadığı çalışıldı.
DEHB’li hastalarda QTc ölçümü kontrol grubuna göre daha uzun bulundu (sırasıyla 421,9±22,3 ms; 410,4±21,6 ms, p=0,039). 24 saatlik Holter kayıtlarından elde edilen KHD parametrelerinden SDNN uyku dilimi (22:00-08:00) değeri DEHB grubunda düşüktü (sırasıyla 108,7±24,1 ms; 126,5±30,3 ms, p=0,039). Hasta ve kontrol gruplarında önemli aritmi saptanmadı.
MPH tedavisi sırasında kalp tepe atımı (KTA) ve diyastolik kan basıncı (DKB) ölçümleri tedavi öncesine göre yüksek bulundu (KTA için MPH öncesi: 89,8±8,6 atım/dk; MPH sonrası: 96,5±12,5 atım/dk; p=0,014; DKB için MPH öncesi: 62,5±9,7 mmHg; MPH sonrası: 66,9±7,6 mmHg, p=0,03). Bileşik tip DEHB hastalarında QT dispersiyonu MPH tedavisi ile anlamlı artış gösterdi (MPH öncesi:
33,0±16,7 ms; MPH sonrası: 41,8±18,3 ms, p=0,038). SDNN uyku dilimi değeri (MPH öncesi: 108,7±24,1 ms; MPH sonrası: 124,6±39,3 ms, p=0,015) ve SDANN değeri (MPH öncesi: 123,4±26,5 ms; MPH sonrası: 140,2±40,3 msn, p=0,016) artmış olarak saptandı. pNN50 değerinin ise gün boyunca ve uyanıklık dilimindeki (08:00-22:00) kayıtlarda MPH kullanımı ile azaldığı gözlendi (MPH öncesi: %19,4±9,8; MPH sonrası: %15.8±8,5, p=0,003). Bu bulgular, özellikle Dikkat Eksikliği Baskın tipte belirgindi. Bir hastada MPH altında 4-5 atımlık ventriküler taşikardi atağı görüldü.
DEHB hastalarında uykuda otonom sinir sistemi fonksiyonları sağlıklı çocuklarınkine göre farklılık gösterirken MPH tedavisinin bu farklılıkları düzeltici yönde etkileri görüldü. MPH’nin etkili olduğu uyanıklık saatlerinde parasempatik aktivitenin baskılandığı sonucuna varıldı. MPH başlamadan önce aritmi riski taşıyan hastaların ayrıntılı incelenmesi ve yakın izlemi önerilir.
ANAHTAR SÖZCÜKLER: Ani Ölüm, Aritmi, Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu, Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği, Metilfenidat, Otonom Sinir Sistemi.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of school-age children. The effects of ADHD and methylphenidate (MPH) – the latter is used in the treatment of ADHD – on autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions and heart rhythm are controversial. Heart rate variability (HRV) can be used to assess the ANS functions and risk of sudden death and arrhythmia. In this study electrocardiogram (ECG), 24-hour-ambulatory Holter monitoring, and HRV are used to investigate ANS functions and risk of arrhythmia in ADHD patients.
The study group included 28 children (6 girls and 22 boys) with ADHD in between the ages of 6-13 (mean±SD=9.46±2.00 years) and 20 healthy children (7 girls and 13 boys) at the same age interval (mean±SD=9.57±2.00 years). 11 patients were evaluated as of pre-dominantly inattentive subtype while 17 were of the combined subtype. In addition to a detailed history and physical examination, 12-lead-surface ECG, echocardiography, and 24-hour-ambulatory Holter monitoring were performed on all subjects. Same evaluations were repeated while the patients were receiving MPH between the dosages of 0.25-1 mg/kg (mean±SD=0.62±0.20 mg/kg) in between the fourth and eighth weeks of the treatment (mean±SD=53.4±15.5 days). Pre and post-treatment physical examination, ECG, and Holter ECG findings, and HRV parameters including time domain (SDNN, SDANN, SDNN-i, r-MSSD, pNN50) and frequency domain (LF, HF, LF/HF) were all compared. The relation between MPH dosage and all the parameters was studied.
In ADHD group QTc duration was measured higher than the control group (421.9±22.3 ms vs. 410.4±21.6 ms, p=0.039 resp.). In ADHD group SDNN sleep segment (10pm-8am) measured out of the 24-hour Holter recordings was lower than the control group (108.7±24.1 ms vs. 126.5±30.3 ms, p=0.039 resp.). None of the patients in each group had significant rhythm abnormalities.
Average heart rate (AHR) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) measurements were higher during MPH treatment than pre-treatment measurements (AHR Pre-MPH: 89.8±8.6 bpm; Post-MPH: 96.5±12.5 bpm, p=0.014; DBP Pre-MPH: 62.5±9.7 mmHg; Post-MPH: 66.9±7.6 mmHg, p=0.03). A significant increase in QTdispersion measurements was found in the combined subtype patients after MPH treatment (Pre-MPH: 33.0±16.7 ms; Post-MPH: 41.8±18.3 ms, p=0.038). During MPH treatment SDNN sleep segment values (Pre-MPH: 108.7±24.1 ms; Post-MPH: 124.6±39.3 ms, p=0.015) and SDANN values (Pre-MPH: 123.4±26.5 ms; Post-MPH: 140.2±40.3 ms, p=0.016) were observed significantly higher than pre-treatment values. A significant decrease was further observed in pNN50 values during all day long and awake segment (8am-10pm) recordings after MPH treatment (Pre-MPH: 19.4±9.8 %; Post-MPH: 15.8±8.5 %, p=0.003 respectively). These findings were notable in particular in the pre-dominantly inattentive subtype patients. A 4-to-5 beat long ventricular tachycardia was found in one patient under MPH treatment.
Autonomic nervous system functions of the ADHD patients in sleeping hours differed from those of the healthy children while the effects of MPH treatment were in an ameliorating trend. It is concluded that parasympathetic activity is suppressed during the awake hours when MPH is most effective. Close examination and follow-up are suggested before starting an MPH treatment on the patients who may be under risk of arrhythmia.
KEYWORDS: Arrhythmia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autonomic Nervous System, Heart Rate Variability, Methylphenidate, Sudden Dea
The Effects of Synbiotic "Bifidobacterium lactis B94 plus Inulin" Addition on Standard Triple Therapy of Helicobacter pylori Eradication in Children
WOS: 000402922400001PubMed: 28656129Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the synbiotic Bifidobacterium lactis B94 plus inulin addition to the standard triple therapy on Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection eradication rates. Methods. Children aged 6-16 years who had biopsy proven H. pylori infection were randomly classified into two groups. The first group received the standard triple therapy consisting of amoxicillin + clarithromycin + omeprazole. The second group was treated with the standard triple therapy and Bifidobacterium lactis B94 (5 x 10(9) CFU/dose) plus inulin (900mg) for 14 days, concurrently. Eradication was determined by 14 C-urea breath test 4-6 weeks after therapy discontinuation. Results. From a total of 69 H. pylori infected children (F/M = 36/33; mean +/- SD = 11.2 + 3.0 years), eradication was achieved in 20/34 participants in the standard therapy group and 27/35 participants in the synbiotic group. The eradication rates were not significantly different between the standard therapy and the synbiotic groups [intent-totreat, 58.8% and 77.1%, resp., p = 0.16; per-protocol, 64.5% and 81.8%, resp., p = 0.19]. There was no difference between the groups in terms of symptom relief (p = 0.193). The reported side effects were ignorable. Conclusion. Considering the eradication rates, synbiotic addition to therapy showed no superiority over the standard triple therapy conducted alone. This trial is registered with NCT03165253
Evaluation of potential tumor markers that may predict neoadjuvant treatment efficiency in rectal cancer
Objectives: The recurrence of rectal cancer or its resistance to neoadjuvant treatment develops due to the adaptation to hypoxia, apoptosis or autophagy. Survivin, one of the inhibitors of apoptosis; Beclin 1, which is a positive regulator in the autophagy pathway; and hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and carbonic anhydrase-9 (CA9), which are associated with tumor tissue hypoxia, may be related to resistance to treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the potential tumor markers that may help to monitor the response to neoadjuvant treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer (RC)
Pediatric Neutropenic Patients Care In Turkey
Objective: Infection is a common complication in children with malignancies. There is no consistent guidance for environmental infection control and isolation precautions for neutropenic patients (NP). There are differences between centers. The aim of this questionnaire study was to determine these differences in Turkey. Material and Methods: A multicenter-descriptive questionnaire was conducted on 36 centers from different geografical locations of Turkey. Bone marrow transplantation units were excluded. Each center was contacted at least three-times. Questionnaire was answered by two different doctors from each center. Results: Thirty-six centers including 20 (55.5%) University Hospitals, 12 (%33.3) Research Hospitals, three (8.3%) State Hospital and one Private University Hospital participated in this survey. 94.3% of the centers had a bed capacity of 50 beds and over. Twenty-one (58.3%) centers had pediatric infection ward that followed febrile NP. All centers had an infection control committee. 25% (9/36) of the centers always followed pediatric neutropenic fever patients in a single room. 66.6% (24/36) of the centers had toilet in all patients' room. The door features of patients' room included mostly (94.1%, 32/34) manually opened door. Ten (27.7%) centers had hepa filter system, five of them had positive-negative pressure room. Thirteen (38.2%, 13/34) centers prefered hickmann catheter for accessing a patient's central line. Training was given for catheteter care in all centers. Sixteen (44.4%) centers had determined policies about keeping toys in patient rooms. Visitor restrictions were performed in all centers. None of the centers allowed plants or flowers in hospital rooms. There was a neutropenic diet specific for pediatric NP provided in twenty-seven centers (75%). Conclusion: The prevention and control of infection contributes to the improvement of the prognosis of patients with hematological malignancies. Physicians must be aware of the infection risks and take precautions for infectious complications through the neutropenic period and standard protocols should be established and implemented for patients with hematological malignancies.WoSScopu
Pediatric Neutropenic Patients Care in Turkey
Objective: Infection is a common complication in children with malignancies. There is no consistent guidance for environmental infection control and isolation precautions for neutropenic patients (NP). There are differences between centers. The aim of this questionnaire study was to determine these differences in Turkey