305 research outputs found

    Visible, Near-Infrared, and Mid-Infrared Spectral Characterization of Hawaiian Fumarolic Alteration Near Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Implications for Spectral Discrimination of Alteration Environments on Mars

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    The December 1974 flow in the SW rift zone at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, has been established as a Mars analog due to its physical, chemical, and morphological properties, as well as its interaction with the outgassing plume from the primary Kilauea caldera. We focus on a solfatara site that consists of hydrothermally altered basalt and alteration products deposited in and around a passively degassing volcanic vent situated directly adjacent to the December 1974 flow on its northwest side. Reflectance spectra are acquired in the visible/near-infrared (VNIR) region and emission spectra in the mid-infrared (MIR) range to better understand the spectral properties of hydrothermally altered materials. The VNIR signatures are consistent with silica, Fe-oxides, and sulfates (Ca, Fe). Primarily silica-dominated spectral signatures are observed in the MIR and changes in spectral features between samples appear to be driven by grain size effects in this wavelength range. The nature of the sample coating and the thermal emission signatures exhibit variations that may be correlated with distance from the vent. Chemical analyses indicate that most surfaces are characterized by silica-rich material, Fe-oxides, and sulfates (Ca, Fe). The silica and Fe-oxide-dominated MIR/VNIR spectral signatures exhibited by the hydrothermally altered material in this study are distinct from the sulfate-dominated spectral signatures exhibited by previously studied low-temperature aqueous acid-sulfate weathered basaltic glass. This likely reflects a difference in open vs. closed system weathering, where mobile cations are removed from the altered surfaces in the fumarolic setting. This work provides a unique infrared spectral library that includes martian analog materials that were altered in an active terrestrial solfatara (hydrothermal) setting. Hydrothermal environments are of particular interest as they potentially indicate habitable conditions. Key constraints on the habitability and astrobiological potential of ancient aqueous environments are provided through detection and interpretation of secondary mineral assemblages; thus, spectral detection of fumarolic alteration assemblages observed from this study on Mars would suggest a region that could have hosted a habitable environment

    Precise targeted integration by a chimaeric transposase zinc-finger fusion protein

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    Transposons of the Tc1/mariner family have been used to integrate foreign DNA stably into the genome of a large variety of different cell types and organisms. Integration is at TA dinucleotides located essentially at random throughout the genome, potentially leading to insertional mutagenesis, inappropriate activation of nearby genes, or poor expression of the transgene. Here, we show that fusion of the zinc-finger DNA-binding domain of Zif268 to the C-terminus of ISY100 transposase leads to highly specific integration into TA dinucleotides positioned 6-17 bp to one side of a Zif268 binding site. We show that the specificity of targeting can be changed using Zif268 variants that bind to sequences from the HIV-1 promoter, and demonstrate a bacterial genetic screen that can be used to select for increased levels of targeted transposition. A TA dinucleotide flanked by two Zif268 binding sites was efficiently targeted by our transposase-Zif268 fusion, suggesting the possibility of designer ‘Z-transposases’ that could deliver transgenic cargoes to chosen genomic locations

    Transposable element annotation in non‐model species ‐ the benefits of species‐specific repeat libraries using semi‐automated EDTA and DeepTE de novo pipelines

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    Transposable elements (TEs) are significant genomic components which can be detected either through sequence homology against existing databases or de novo, with the latter potentially reducing the risk of underestimating TE abundance. Here, we describe the semi-automated generation of a de novo TE library using the newly developed EDTA pipeline and DeepTE classifier in a non-model teleost (Corydoras fulleri). Using both genomic and transcriptomic data, we assess this de novo pipeline’s performance across four TE based metrics: (i) abundance, (ii) composition, (iii) fragmentation and (iv) age distributions. We then compare the results to those found when using a curated teleost library (Danio rerio). We identify quantitative differences in these metrics and highlight how TE library choice can have major impacts on TE-based estimates in non-model species

    RNA Interference Is Responsible for Reduction of Transgene Expression after Sleeping Beauty Transposase Mediated Somatic Integration

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    Integrating non-viral vectors based on transposable elements are widely used for genetically engineering mammalian cells in functional genomics and therapeutic gene transfer. For the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposase system it was demonstrated that convergent transcription driven by the SB transposase inverted repeats (IRs) in eukaryotic cells occurs after somatic integration. This could lead to formation of double-stranded RNAs potentially presenting targets for the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery and subsequently resulting into silencing of the transgene. Therefore, we aimed at investigating transgene expression upon transposition under RNA interference knockdown conditions. To establish RNAi knockdown cell lines we took advantage of the P19 protein, which is derived from the tomato bushy stunt virus. P19 binds and inhibits 21 nucleotides long, small-interfering RNAs and was shown to sufficiently suppress RNAi. We found that transgene expression upon SB mediated transposition was enhanced, resulting into a 3.2-fold increased amount of colony forming units (CFU) after transposition. In contrast, if the transgene cassette is insulated from the influence of chromosomal position effects by the chicken-derived cHS4 insulating sequences or when applying the Forg Prince transposon system, that displays only negligible transcriptional activity, similar numbers of CFUs were obtained. In summary, we provide evidence for the first time that after somatic integration transposon derived transgene expression is regulated by the endogenous RNAi machinery. In the future this finding will help to further improve the molecular design of the SB transposase vector system

    Modulating signaling networks by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated transposable element insertion

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    In a recent past, transposable elements (TEs) were referred to as selfish genetic components only capable of copying themselves with the aim of increasing the odds of being inherited. Nonetheless, TEs have been initially proposed as positive control elements acting in synergy with the host. Nowadays, it is well known that TE movement into host genome comprises an important evolutionary mechanism capable of increasing the adaptive fitness. As insights into TE functioning are increasing day to day, the manipulation of transposition has raised an interesting possibility of setting the host functions, although the lack of appropriate genome engineering tools has unpaved it. Fortunately, the emergence of genome editing technologies based on programmable nucleases, and especially the arrival of a multipurpose RNA-guided Cas9 endonuclease system, has made it possible to reconsider this challenge. For such purpose, a particular type of transposons referred to as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) has shown a series of interesting characteristics for designing functional drivers. Here, recent insights into MITE elements and versatile RNA-guided CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering system are given to understand how to deploy the potential of TEs for control of the host transcriptional activity.Fil: Vaschetto, Luis Maria Benjamin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Cátedra de Diversidad Animal I; Argentin

    Genomics and biochemical analyses reveal a metabolon key to β-L-ODAP biosynthesis in Lathyrus sativus

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    Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a rich source of protein cultivated as an insurance crop in Ethiopia, Eritrea, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Its resilience to both drought and flooding makes it a promising crop for ensuring food security in a changing climate. The lack of genetic resources and the crop’s association with the disease neurolathyrism have limited the cultivation of grass pea. Here, we present an annotated, long read-based assembly of the 6.5 Gbp L. sativus genome. Using this genome sequence, we have elucidated the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of the neurotoxin, β-L-oxalyl-2,3-diaminopropionic acid (β-L-ODAP). The final reaction of the pathway depends on an interaction between L. sativus acyl-activating enzyme 3 (LsAAE3) and a BAHD-acyltransferase (LsBOS) that form a metabolon activated by CoA to produce β-L-ODAP. This provides valuable insight into the best approaches for developing varieties which produce substantially less toxi

    Structure-based prediction of insertion-site preferences of transposons into chromosomes

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    Mobile genetic elements with the ability to integrate genetic information into chromosomes can cause disease over short periods of time and shape genomes over eons. These elements can be used for functional genomics, gene transfer and human gene therapy. However, their integration-site preferences, which are critically important for these uses, are poorly understood. We analyzed the insertion sites of several transposons and retroviruses to detect patterns of integration that might be useful for prediction of preferred integration sites. Initially we found that a mathematical description of DNA-deformability, called V(step), could be used to distinguish preferential integration sites for Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposons into a particular 100 bp region of a plasmid [G. Liu, A. M. Geurts, K. Yae, A. R. Srinivassan, S. C. Fahrenkrug, D. A. Largaespada,J. Takeda, K. Horie, W. K. Olson and P. B. Hackett (2005) J. Mol. Biol., 346, 161–173 ]. Based on these findings, we extended our examination of integration of SB transposons into whole plasmids and chromosomal DNA. To accommodate sequences up to 3 Mb for these analyses, we developed an automated method, ProTIS(©), that can generate profiles of predicted integration events. However, a similar approach did not reveal any structural pattern of DNA that could be used to predict favored integration sites for other transposons as well as retroviruses and lentiviruses due to a limitation of available data sets. Nonetheless, ProTIS(©) has the utility for predicting likely SB transposon integration sites in investigator-selected regions of genomes and our general strategy may be useful for other mobile elements once a sufficiently high density of sites in a single region are obtained. ProTIS analysis can be useful for functional genomic, gene transfer and human gene therapy applications using the SB system