64 research outputs found

    Water use efficiency of China\u27s terrestrial ecosystems and responses to drought

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    Water use efficiency (WUE) measures the trade-off between carbon gain and water loss of terrestrial ecosystems, and better understanding its dynamics and controlling factors is essential for predicting ecosystem responses to climate change. We assessed the magnitude, spatial patterns, and trends of WUE of China’s terrestrial ecosystems and its responses to drought using a process-based ecosystem model. During the period from 2000 to 2011, the national average annual WUE (net primary productivity (NPP)/evapotranspiration (ET)) of China was 0.79 g C kg−1 H2O. Annual WUE decreased in the southern regions because of the decrease in NPP and the increase in ET and increased in most northern regions mainly because of the increase in NPP. Droughts usually increased annual WUE in Northeast China and central Inner Mongolia but decreased annual WUE in central China. “Turning-points” were observed for southern China where moderate and extreme droughts reduced annual WUE and severe drought slightly increased annual WUE. The cumulative lagged effect of drought on monthly WUE varied by region. Our findings have implications for ecosystem management and climate policy making. WUE is expected to continue to change under future climate change particularly as drought is projected to increase in both frequency and severity

    Recent trends in vegetation greenness in China significantly altered annual evapotranspiration and water yield

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    There has been growing evidence that vegetation greenness has been increasing in many parts of the northern middle and high latitudes including China during the last three to four decades. However, the effects of increasing vegetation greenness particularly afforestation on the hydrological cycle have been controversial. We used a process-based ecosystem model and a satellite-derived leaf area index (LAI) dataset to examine how the changes in vegetation greenness affected annual evapotranspiration (ET) and water yield for China over the period from 2000 to 2014. Significant trends in vegetation greenness were observed in 26.1% of China\u27s land area. We used two model simulations driven with original and detrended LAI, respectively, to assess the effects of vegetation \u27greening\u27 and \u27browning\u27 on terrestrial ET and water yield. On a per-pixel basis, vegetation greening increased annual ET and decreased water yield, while vegetation browning reduced ET and increased water yield. At the large river basin and national scales, the greening trends also had positive effects on annual ET and had negative effects on water yield. Our results showed that the effects of the changes in vegetation greenness on the hydrological cycle varied with spatial scale. Afforestation efforts perhaps should focus on southern China with larger water supply given the water crisis in northern China and the negative effects of vegetation greening on water yield. Future studies on the effects of the greenness changes on the hydrological cycle are needed to account for the feedbacks to the climate

    Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites:TL-LUE Parameterization and Validation

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    Light use efficiency (LUE) models are widely used to simulate gross primary production (GPP). However, the treatment of the plant canopy as a big leaf by these models can introduce large uncertainties in simulated GPP. Recently, a two-leaf light use efficiency (TL-LUE) model was developed to simulate GPP separately for sunlit and shaded leaves and has been shown to outperform the big-leaf MOD17 model at six FLUX sites in China. In this study we investigated the performance of the TL-LUE model for a wider range of biomes. For this we optimized the parameters and tested the TL-LUE model using data from 98 FLUXNET sites which are distributed across the globe. The results showed that the TL-LUE model performed in general better than the MOD17 model in simulating 8 day GPP. Optimized maximum light use efficiency of shaded leaves (Δmsh) was 2.63 to 4.59 times that of sunlit leaves (Δmsu). Generally, the relationships of Δmsh and Δmsu with Δmax were well described by linear equations, indicating the existence of general patterns across biomes. GPP simulated by the TL-LUE model was much less sensitive to biases in the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) input than the MOD17 model. The results of this study suggest that the proposed TL-LUE model has the potential for simulating regional and global GPP of terrestrial ecosystems, and it is more robust with regard to usual biases in input data than existing approaches which neglect the bimodal within-canopy distribution of PAR

    Seasonal, Diurnal and Wind-Direction-Dependent Variations of the Aerodynamic Roughness Length in Two Typical Forest Ecosystems of China

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    Aerodynamic roughness length (zom) is an important parameter for reliably simulating surface fluxes. The parameter varies with wind speed, atmospheric stratification, terrain and other factors; however, variations of this parameter are not properly considered in most models, which may result in uncertainties in simulating surface latent heat and sensible heat flux. There have been few studies of the diurnal and wind-direction dependent variations in zom. This study analyzes the seasonal, diurnal and wind-direction-dependent variations in zom calculated from the profile of meteorological data for two forest systems of China, and explores the mechanism underlying these variations

    Combining an ecological model with remote sensing and GIS techniques to monitor soil water content of croplands with a monsoon climate

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    Soil water is an important factor affecting photosynthesis, transpiration, growth, and yield of crops. Accurate information on soil water content (SWC) is crucial for practical agricultural water management at various scales. In this study, remotely sensed parameters (leaf area index, land cover type, and albedo) and spatial data manipulated using the geographic information system (GIS) technique were assimilated into the boreal ecosystem productivity simulator (BEPS) model to monitor SWC dynamics of croplands in Jiangsu Province, China. The monsoon climate here is characterized by large interannual and seasonal variability of rainfall causing periods of high and low SWC. Model validation was conducted by comparing simulated SWC with measurements by a gravimetric method in the years 2005 and 2006 at nine agro-meteorological stations. The model-to-measurement R2 values ranged from 0.40 to 0.82. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency values were in the range from 0.10 to 0.80. Root mean square error (RMSE) values ranged from 0.028 to 0.056m3m-3. Simulated evapotranspiration (ET) was consistent with ET estimated from pan evaporation measurements. The BEPS model successfully tracked the dynamics and extent of the serious soil water deficit that occurred during September-November 2006. These results demonstrate the applicability of combining process-based models with remote sensing and GIS techniques in monitoring SWC of croplands and improving agricultural water management at regional scales in a monsoon climate.Ecosystem model Remote sensing Soil water content Water deficit Geographic information system

    An Algorithm Differentiating Sunlit and Shaded Leaves for Improving Canopy Conductance and Vapotranspiration Estimates

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    Surface conductance (G(s)) is a key parameter in estimating land surface evapotranspiration (ET) and difficult to determine. Here we proposed an approach for determining G(s) according to the stomatal conductance of sunlit and shaded leaves that is estimated from their respective gross primary production (GPP) with the Ball-Berry model. Central to this approach, GPP is separately simulated for sunlit and shaded leaves with a revised two-leaf light use efficiency model. We tested the approach at 17 FLUXNET sites with seven different vegetation types. The revised two-leaf light use efficiency model outperforms its predecessor in estimating GPP at most sites. As to G(s) estimation, although our proposed algorithm has higher Akaike information criterion values than has the model estimating G(s) using vegetation indices, it was able to capture G(s) variations at all sites, while models estimating G(s) using leaf area index and vegetation indices performed poor at some sites. The proposed algorithm also improves ET estimation, indicated by lower Akaike information criterion, higher determination coefficient (R-2), and lower root mean square error of simulated daily ET for both calibration and validation data sets. This study demonstrates the usefulness of differentiating sunlit and shaded leaves in improving canopy conductance and ET estimates

    Geomorphic response of outburst floods: Insight from numerical simulations and observations––The 2018 Baige outburst flood in the upper Yangtze River

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    Outburst floods related to glacial or landslide damming are a major agent of geomorphic change in mountain rivers. Although the evidence between outburst flooding and riverine landscapes has been gradually recognized, the lack of hydraulics to the extent that there has still not been quantified on the relationship of how the amount and spatial distribution of these changes relate quantitatively to the hydraulic conditions and durations of these catastrophic events. This study combined remote and field observations of the 2018 Baige outburst flood with two-dimensional numerical simulation using the diffusive wave equation. By feeding the measured dam-breach hydrograph and comparing three different Manning coefficients in numerical experiments, the simulation results show that when n = 0.055, the time of peak flow was only 0.5 h different from that indicated by measured data in Yebatan, 54 km downstream of the Baige landslide dam. Under high shear stress over several hours at sustained ~20 m water depth, lateral erosion caused by these outburst floods contributed to the adjacent landslide, which was activated in association with intermittent water velocity waves of approximately 17 m/s. Sustained high stream power (>50 kW m2) from the outburst flood eroded slope toes and accelerated slippage of six slopes. Combining simulation and observations, we also developed a physical model related to hillslope instability caused by high hydrodynamic erosion of riverbanks generated by flow waves lasting several hours, which explained the hydrodynamic response of the outburst flood to the canyon geomorphology. Furthermore, we suggest that the pattern of channel widening erosion and deposition is governed by the variation in shear stress and Froude number as the high-energy flood flows from a wide channel into a narrow river valley. Our findings highlight that the hydraulics of high-magnitude outburst floods and sediment transport play crucial roles in reshaping canyon geomorphology.This work was supported by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (STEP) [grant number 2019QZKK0903]; the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [grant number XDB03020102]; the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 42071017]; and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) program [grant number 2021VEA0005].Peer reviewe
