18 research outputs found

    The effect of interpolation methods in temperature and salinity trends in the Western Mediterranean

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    Temperature and salinity data in the historical record are scarce and unevenly distributed in space and time and the estimation of linear trends is sensitive to different factors. In the case of the Western Mediterranean, previous works have studied the sensitivity of these trends to the use of bathythermograph data, the averaging methods or the way in which gaps in time series are dealt with. In this work, a new factor is analysed: the effect of data interpolation. Temperature and salinity time series are generated averaging existing data over certain geographical areas and also by means of interpolation. Linear trends from both types of time series are compared. There are some differences between both estimations for some layers and geographical areas, while in other cases the results are consistent. Those results which do not depend on the use of interpolated or non-interpolated data, neither are influenced by data analysis methods can be considered as robust ones. Those results influenced by the interpolation process or the factors analysed in previous sensitivity tests are not considered as robust results

    Comparación de distintas estrategias para la predicción de muerte a corto plazo en el paciente anciano infectado

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of a post hoc lactate added to SIRS and qSOFA score to predict 30-day mortality in older non-severely dependent patients attended for infection in the Emergency Department (ED). Methods. We performed an analytical, observational, prospective cohort study including patients of 75 years of age or older, without severe functional dependence, attended for an infectious disease in 69 Spanish ED for 2-day three seasonal periods. Demographic, clinical and analytical data were collected. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality after the index event. Results. We included 739 patients with a mean age of 84.9 (SD 6.0) years; 375 (50.7%) were women. Ninety-one (12.3%) died within 30 days. The AUC was 0.637 (IC 95% 0.587-0.688; p= 2 and 0.698 (IC 95% 0.635- 0.761; p= 2. Comparing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) there was a better accuracy of qSOFA vs SIRS (p=0.041). Both scales improve the prognosis accuracy with lactate inclusion. The AUC was 0.705 (IC95% 0.652-0.758; p<0.001) for SIRS plus lactate and 0.755 (IC95% 0.696-0.814; p<0.001) for qSOFA plus lactate, showing a trend to statistical significance for the second strategy (p=0.0727). Charlson index not added prognosis accuracy to SIRS (p=0.2269) or qSOFA (p=0.2573). Conclusions. Lactate added to SIRS and qSOFA score improve the accuracy of SIRS and qSOFA to predict short-term mortality in older non-severely dependent patients attended for infection. There is not effect in adding Charlson index

    In Situ Spectroscopic Study of CO2 Electroreduction at Copper Electrodes in Acetonitrile

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    Catalysis and Surface Chemistr

    Average nutrient and chlorophyll distributions in the Western Mediterranean: RADMED project

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    Because of its reduced dimensions and its location, surrounded by three continents, the Mediterranean Sea could be especially vulnerable to climate change effects. An increase of the water column stratification could inhibit winter mixing and reduce the frequency and intensity of convection processes which inject nutrients into the photic layer and are responsible for the ventilation of deep waters. In this context, the long-term monitoring of the Mediterranean waters is a basic task. The RADMED project is a monitoring program that covers the waters from the eastern side of the Gibraltar Strait to the Catalan and Balearic Seas. This project was initiated in 2007, merging some previous programs, some of them initiated in 1992. The main objective of this project is to establish average distributions, ranges of variability and long-term trends for physical, and biochemical variables which could be considered as indicative of the environmental state of the sea. The present work analyses nutrient, chlorophyll and oxygen time series from 2007 to 2015 in some cases and from 1992 in other cases. The current analyses show a clear trophic gradient in the RADMED area. Nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations and the intensity of the deep chlorophyll maximum decrease northeastward. The deep chlorophyll maximum depth increases to the northeast. The Balearic and Catalan Seas show a clear seasonal pattern with maximum surface concentrations for nutrients and chlorophyll in winter/spring, associated with winter mixing. On the contrary, the Alboran Sea does not show such a clear seasonal cycle, probably because of the existence of permanent upwelling processes acting along the whole year. The Atlantic Water occupying the upper part of the water column shows a Redfield N:P ratio close to or lower than 16, indicating no phosphorus limitation. Finally, chlorophyll concentrations seem to have increased from 1992 to 2015 in the Alboran Sea, while no longterm changes could be established for the rest of the variables and geographical areas.S

    Synthesis of new 3-aryl-4,5-dihydropyrazole-1-carbothioamide derivatives. An investigation on their ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase

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    Some differently substituted 3-aryl-4,5-dihydropyrazoles-1-carbothioamides have been synthesised with the aim to investigate their monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity. The chemical structures of the compounds have been characterized by means of their IR. (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR spectroscopic data and elemental analyses. All the active compounds showed a selective activity towards the B isoform of the enzyme, regardless of the substitution on the heterocyclic ring The inhibition of the enzymatic activity was measured on human recombinant MAO isoforms, expressed in baculovirus infected BTI insect cells. Docking experiments were carried out with the aim to rationalize the mechanism of inhibition of the most active and selective compound. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Early development of the retina and pineal complex in the sea lamprey: comparative immunocytochemical study.

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    Item does not contain fulltextLampreys have a complex life cycle, with largely differentiated larval and adult periods. Despite the considerable interest of lampreys for understanding vertebrate evolution, knowledge of the early development of their eye and pineal complex is very scarce. Here, the early immunocytochemical organization of the pineal complex and retina of the sea lamprey was studied by use of antibodies against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), opsin, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Cell differentiation in the retina, pineal organ, and habenula begins in prolarvae, as shown by the appearance of PCNA-negative cells, whereas differentiation of the parapineal vesicle was delayed until the larval period. In medium-sized to large larvae, PCNA-immunoreactive (-ir) cells were numerous in regions of the lateral retina near the differentiated part of the larval retina (central retina). A late-proliferating region was observed in the right habenula. Opsin immunoreactivity appears in the pineal vesicle of early prolarvae and 3 or 4 days later in the retina. In the parapineal organ, opsin immunoreactivity was observed only in large larvae. In the pineal organ, serotonin immunoreactivity was first observed in late prolarvae in photoreceptive (photoneuroendocrine) cells, whereas only a few of these cells appeared in the parapineal organ of large larvae. No serotonin immunoreactivity was observed in the larval retina. GABA immunoreactivity appeared earlier in the retina than in the pineal complex. No GABA-ir perikaryon was observed in the retina of larval lampreys, although a few GABA-ir centrifugal fibers innervate the inner retina in late prolarvae. First GABA-ir ganglion cells occur in the pineal organ of 15-17 mm larvae, and their number increases during the larval period. The only GABA-ir structures observed in the parapineal ganglion of larvae were afferent fibers, which appeared rather late in development. The time sequence of development in these photoreceptive structures is rather different from that observed in teleosts and other vertebrates. This suggests that the unusual development of the three photoreceptive organs in lampreys reflects specialization for their different functions during the larval and adult periods

    Linking physiological processes with mangrove forest structure: phosphorus deficiency limits canopy development, hydraulic conductivity and photosynthetic carbon gain in dwarf Rhizophora mangle

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    Spatial gradients in mangrove tree height in barrier islands of Belize are associated with nutrient deficiency and sustained flooding in the absence of a salinity gradient. While nutrient deficiency is likely to affect many parameters, here we show that addition of phosphorus (P) to dwarf mangroves stimulated increases in diameters of xylem vessels, area of conductive xylem tissue and leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy. These changes in structure were consistent with related changes in function, as addition of P also increased hydraulic conductivity (K-s), stomatal conductance and photosynthetic assimilation rates to the same levels measured in taller trees fringing the seaward margin of the mangrove. Increased xylem vessel size and corresponding enhancements in stern hydraulic conductivity in P fertilized dwarf trees came at the cost of enhanced midday loss of hydraulic conductivity and was associated with decreased assimilation rates in the afternoon. Analysis of trait plasticity identifies hydraulic properties of trees as more plastic than those of leaf structural and physiological characteristics, implying that hydraulic properties are key in controlling growth in mangroves. Alleviation of P deficiency, which released trees from hydraulic limitations, reduced the structural and functional distinctions between dwarf and taller fringing tree forms of Rhizophora mangle